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~,~~ ~ ~ s ~ $,. <br />and. urfthout demand, shag;-Da rmmsdEateN due and ua ac!e Cv . _.. t x a?f ha!I <br />bear interest at .ne n'aY;#mirm aF?awanie AGa1 rate: prv'.:d9ri- naweYe+. that a! fha <br />option of Banstiafary or Trustee such sumsmay r?e addeC tc the c•rnvipa? balance <br />at any indentednsss secured rsretry and stmt{ "ea !i:e same 'rtersst as such <br />ir;debtedness and shalt be Rayab,e ratable .ear the rsra~n.,y :err thsrFaf <br />iQ: Asslpnmtn! of iEertts. 8sne ciary shall Hare the =ght, power and au3noritg <br />7i^ duringthe cantinuanca ;or this Trus! Deed to co !e ~ ?ha 5.. ss e a d ~roftfs i;? <br />li3i` dhe Prpperty and of any parsonaf prcpsrt acated the eon th ~ •v~th ,1t ?along <br />possession of Ehs property affected he 6y, and T us,..r ahsclutery and <br />uncpntllnonafly assP,gns al') such rants, goes and pre€its to Beneficiary. <br />i3enaflciar;r, howsve:, heraoy ronsents to t. •e'7rusPnr's cotlaatipa and ratenilon c+ <br />such rants;- Issues and pPafiis as they accrue artd bscarne payable sa :'ang as <br />Tfpatbf ks Hof, aY orlon fames. ?n dataait wh'h respect 10 pay+'nant pf :+ny <br />indebtedness secured Heresy-or is inapsrtormance a# any agreement nsreunda:. <br />Upon any such 6efeutt, $aneficiary may at env time, either in person. Dy ager.l. ar by <br />e'recalver tp. beappainisd by a court,. wtmaut n.aYfce and without regard to the <br />ad~uacy of any secwffy fret ens indaatadness heraay seCUrad, (al enter upon and <br />takepossassion attnaflraparty arany par4 thereat, and to its over. Hama>ua far nr <br />otharwfsd dptlec9 such rants, issues and p ofits, rnckuding ftrose past due and <br />unpaid, and apply the Sarno; less costs and expenses Df orer<~ticn and coitAptian. <br />tncludirxgreasvrtabie attorney ?e~es. upon arrr !nds6tsdnass ssrursd iaranv, and In <br />swan order- as $anetlciary may determine; fib} perform sucn acts cf repair cr <br />pfbtaCttan a3 tray be ne4"assary ar prppeP YO con Serve the VatUa U? the Property; !~) <br />laseetnesarita oe any part iharabf for such renlai, Term, and upon such conditions <br />as-ifs judgement may d0ctate. Unbss Truster and t3enancoary agree ctnerwiss .r. <br />wdtfng, any applfcailbr, of rants, issues or profits to any indsbtsdnass sarursd <br />hereby shat) nos extend ar postpone ine drre date of the instanment payments as <br />prOXldad In said pramisaoN nMe Df enangG the amdUn7 ~~? sU,^h in5tahinant9. 7hP. <br />entering upon and tafr?ng passsssian of the Prepbriy, Ytre collection of such rants, <br />issuesantl prattle: and fha applfeaifan tnarsot as afaraaafd, anal! nci waive ar cure, <br />any default or notice afi dataud neraurder, ar t,-eva!tdate any ace done pursuant i4 <br />sucn notice. 7rustor also assigns to 86nsfiaiary, as further ,ssaunty Sot fha <br />pertormanca of ine a4Eigaiions secured haraby, a!I praDaid r@nis an,9 all manes <br />which may havabaan or may han4a#ier tzz dapeshed vr'•th said Truster t>`y an}• lasses <br />of the Property, to secure the payment a+ any rent. and ~_rnon casfau!l ':n the <br />pal`fafmanca a# any pf the proyfsipl'.es Hereof, Tril Star aGfaeS to den Var srrCn ren[> <br />and deposits to the Bsneficlary. Dsiiveq rat writtsr. :rs p§ iha SanafYC lary's <br />axeratae of the rign i5 granted Herein, fu any tenant ocCUb}•rriq Sato nramiSas Snell <br />"tee suttlctant to require said tenernt ion pay Sala rant tc :ne Benat)D rv urfli I'..r rrnar <br />nohde. <br />tt. Ltntd Pramlatt. YtYitnin t0 days attar demand, Trusior snail tumish 3c Trustaa <br />a schedule cettlPied to ba true,. satitng 4arth all !aaaas r1f space in fro crust <br />RrgperEy then In attest, tnctud'+ng, !n each rase, tna Hama :.~4 the tenants and <br />aCCUpani9, a deacnpt~lon of fha Spada acaupled by such tenant and oeaupant, fha <br />rental payable far sucn space rand sucn ptnar information 5nd documents with <br />raapeat to sucn leases artd tenanafes as fife Trustee may ratiuast. <br />Witnout Rhe prfot rHritten +;onssni at TrusYas, T7usror shall not, directly ar <br />Inddrec'tty, with respect to any ie~asa at spapa In ine dascribad prantrsas, wnatirar <br />ouch Eatae l$ now of IRaraa#tdr in axfatartCa; iA) au'Cepf at paRnft any pP@paymenS, <br />diacpunt ar advance nattt payable ingraundar, SbP cancel rr '.atnYttata the name, car <br />accept any ctndanatian, termination or surrender tnereaf, cr permit ,Rnv evens to <br />OCCUr Wh7Ch Wapid Onti[k! tna iha BBB Ynaraunder f0 tdiminale DP Cananl t;na Same; (a) <br />emend or modify Ina soma ea Pia 4a radupa the tarrn theragf., the rental payable <br />ttterounder, or !o anangs any renewal prrvisions inara)n carrtained; idi waive any <br />default tneraundar ar o,readn itrareof; {sY give any consent, wa+var pr approval <br />tMreundar ar take shy atnar aaNnn 'fn eonnactiea tnerawnn, ar wnh a iressaa <br />thereunder, which would nave the affect at Impairing iha value of laesar's intarssl <br />thereuhdtt, an iha Property sublidct tnsrato, ar bt impairing tna po3rYtbn car mtarast <br />of ine Truatea ar Banaticiary: ar (f} sail, assign., ptappa, mcrigaga ar otnarw=sa <br />diapgar! af, or onaumasr, die tnienast to any sucn lease r r any canto, lssvea ar Drpflts <br />ftauing br arising tneraundar. <br />t~2, Condtmnakitm. it titta to any parE at ttxel PJpparty sna(I tea ¢aksn !n pondomnatWn <br />proceaiings, by ripM of aminenrl domain or sirnftar agUan, dr soar? tw said under <br />1M6ak afi dondemnahnr., all awards, damages and proceeds era Hereby assigned <br />and ahafb ha paid to H+9nafiaiary who tinati app'y such awards, damages and <br />prOCeeda to t#sa earns sertured by end Trust Liaad, wtih the excess, ti any, paid to iha <br />Tnrator. Truator will promptly. artd with due dilfgsnae, repair, altar and restore the <br />remaihmp Paet of ine Trust Prap?arky to !YS tatmar candltign suD5Yaniia4y fie Rna <br />extant that me satrta may Coe ta&sfbie and sq as toaanstituYO a ccmptata and usable <br />vntt. <br />t3. fuaan Adrrnwt. ltpan raauerat nt Truster, 8eneficraty, at 8drnafrctary's apt#pn, <br />prior Ya rdcanvayanca at ine Prop..arty ea fha Truster, may make baturrr anvancas to <br />the TtvaYOr. Such future advaraoes, with .ntsrasf t^eraan, stroll Ra secured by tors <br />Trust Gtaed when ev#dandW ny pronus~sory notes slating that said notes era <br />s~ecurer1 hereby; prov;dsKf that at nv t;ma span t^s we<:uvaa pronatpai, future <br />pdrMGea, Hat lnalatligl aanla advaiaCed l3 ,3rfjtact fha aaCU rely, eAxGaad ana <br />hundred percent (t009'ei at fine orsytnar pnnclpai amounts aacurad narirby. <br />YuF. RtnNMF#t Cumulri4wi. Aii esrnarSras providr>d In Ihls i;•ust i7aad arm distinct and <br />aumWaiWe to any atnkir right o: remedy under ibis Trust Dwarf ar attr'rrded by raw ar <br />equity, and may tra exarat~sad cgncurrantly, indepandanitry or suoa9ss(valy. <br />Y5. AagitnUoaki, Rtma'bfta; $tir1. Upon da4auh bIr Trusior rn fha paynrant afi any <br />fndebtadneaa aauwrd iaerieoy sir in the rrsrfurmerua u -1iy ayyraarrent t:a <br />Beneilcfary may declare an sumaf saaurad naraoy fmmsdfataty due end payable by <br />tltlirery to 7rostee at writden tl[kciarattan of dafaaR. Toe Trustee anon have iha <br />power at sale a€ the Property and f# 73anatfclary desires ine Property 4o ba sold, it <br />ah4tt dfapasit wkkh Truateathis Trust Dead and aitpramissary Holes and documents <br />evidenclnpexpendltvrea saaurad naraoy, end snai4 daffiest is 'Truslsa, a wrr«tan <br />notice atdafauit and atect8an io cauaaYhe Prapa2y Fa he said, and zha 'Trustaa in <br />rum thattprepara a simFdac nigtica m Yha form requtrad oy taw, whim ehall Da duty <br />tlbd far record by Trustaa. <br /><al Atterthe lapse aM sucn tlmii a4 may ba requtrad by law faildwing ine rspatd- <br />anortoS sold na[iceaf da#sult, and ngisas of 4afauit and natiae afi seta Having <br />bean givanaa raqutrad by taw, T: ustae, wiknout datnana qn Ttustvr, sirail east <br />fha tna tlaYa and.. afi ine time and ptaaa designakad in said nc«lCa at <br />sake, akpubilc audtRVn to fha ntghast bidder, fha purchase prtra payable in <br />tawtd# (none, 'fthek#nitad,62atas at fha iltns of sale. Tha parssn aandudting <br />iha satart;ay, ''::r rzny cause he dearrrs expadlarrt, pastpona ine seta fsam time <br />to time vnkd It ana.ltbeCOmpteiad ono, in every .sudh dose, not)pa of poaiparrs- <br />mamairai~, b~ R'~~ran oY buistac dacVarattan inaraat qy sucn paasr. at : ±.r7 t:roe <br />and nsoe leer ~ppatntad iqr fha aaiaS proyzdad, if the sale is pastpanad for <br />'onflar Char. r) d,ay beyond t@e day dasdgraatati to fha nattca a# soda, naYlce <br />_r tare' e,ra'~ S K-ran In ine in ma manner as tna tlripina: nSrtiCa a4 aaia. <br />`R~s15e 'ahu s c,::uie _~.C daftyer Yu +ny purtio6rasar nfs t7sad G'anNaying !ne <br />F"rcGar . , „r ~ an or warranty; express, or impttaa. Tna <br />recta a ,~-oa cad, ; ,ia Shall bscranctuadvaptooY at tnr> <br />ntutness n -„ . =.^y ., .. ,.,, g q.,..-:rdtaty, maY purchase a{ ft la <br />saR•. <br />4 r,rr t is:.s ~. -r:"su., r .~ .. .., .. ..H 7ruataa sitat'r app;Y Yha <br />ur_ua,~is sit ., is an worse.: at axaraising ine <br />s ;.~ _ ~r.,t . ' -. ,,.~ ~rtat inr Trustsx's Fees <br />' N n~'~ raala Jrlta. arid. titan Ya <br />I.._.~ ~i .H p,i4,. ~ _ °5 i - Trugr,ry, pr <br />_.. , . .. ,acv =&=,':r,etient <br />0 .,.rC...l ,. o, ...y-'r , N._ ~;r_ V _ ... .. :': Srdar ,;Yai$d <br />...-.. ~, . „ . , .« .. ,.- .:.: opusar ~ , ,-i w,'~'.i -„ ~-: sale ardni <br />Yd DuYtes anc' Obitgatlons et T:2jste6 ...sand :'ar'.,atrons a± Trvstse <br />sn, + be ddiar _ ..cnc?`r t, ayr:r. 5.... S,p 5 O...,e ' "JSt Deed and T?uSte2 <br />aha.r at E r!a . ^: r , - ;2r?C. - ._nCe Ct c,,1an GutieS and OhngatOns as are <br />spacrfica+)v s far,. . n an.-, r:~ ^n„it2Q cauAnants cr aaiigatians =half be <br />imposed octet si ., ;Di D rv:ist;+ s i'tst DasC ah2a rac)uire Trusfea to <br />expend e.r ris, t`=a own f CS..,..;'Ph •x ise ;n 2ny ftnanctal cangailon to the <br />Frs;ormanca a- y .r is tl,n,"w_ here nder, or innina exercise Ot any a' Its right Gr <br />powers, if r. shah have grc.lyds •pr ba!te~~ing that the rapayrnent of surn funds pr <br />adrsQ--rata Inden'n3 v sgalns s ~ h . ^,k cr ftao;uty !s not reasonably assural to it;;c) <br />Trustee may cnsu.. r.lt6 ,.oa,_e. et ,.is awn choosing and the advice of such <br />counsel shad ba #u(' and damplet.a autPCrizatton and protea*,ian to the respect of <br />any action fakaa dr Su"grad ay i±?^-sraunder in good ta!;.n and reliance thereon; (dj <br />Tnestee shat) na[ oa fiatrie !~,* any action taken byhim in goad faith and <br />ba)taved oy n.m to be autharixed ar within fhs disdreClon ar ;fights of powers <br />conferred open ft ay thi^. Trust Csed. <br />?.?. Addittonai.<raeuriky knsirumants. Trusior. at Its expanse, vent execute and dalWer <br />to fns Tnlsrss, Prom[r*.fy ,:ton „emend, suctz security inatrumants as may bs <br />requ"read oy 7rrstsn. an farm and substance satlstactary to Trustee; pavsrtnganyat <br />the Properly ccnusyad oy rtxs -rust DRad, which sadurlty Instruments snakf ire <br />additiana! ssaurtfY tar Trus.tor`s taitntu' Rsrfw,manca oS ail of tna4erms,covanants <br />and pondittons of this Trust ilsed. the pram7ssory notes amcuredhereby,. and arty <br />oYhsr sscurSty tnstraamens sxaavtad in connsptian wttn Shis tranaaatign. Such <br />Enstnlmanis siren 8s recorded or tiled, an6 ra,rsaordad ana ratnad, at Trustor'a <br />expanse. <br />tB. dAlaceilanaoua. <br />(a} ? n the avbnt any rna yr rnara at tna prvvislons cantalnad to this Trust Uegd of <br />the prpmissary note x any gknar saaurlty insirumaeL glean to aannectlgrr wtYh <br />this iransactlDn shaft tar any reaeor ba Held io ba invatld; Rtegat nr <br />unsnfarvaabla 9n any rasPact, such Invandify, 4flegallty, ar unanforo&abltkty <br />Shall, afi rho optEan vt Earle#talsry. Hat at4act any other pravlslon at tMS Truer <br />Ossd, but fins Trus*. Cead shall ba drnatruad as it such ihvafid, Illegal, or <br />anrntoraoabte provision trod Haver bean aanYatnad herein or iharatn. <br />{6r Tnis i •ust t3Aad Shau ire ronetruad aacording tb Goa laws of the Btate qt <br />*'.saras+ca. <br />t, .t Tns Trust Deed venal! :Wore to and bind fha traVrs, lepateas, devisees, <br />arSmtn!straigrs, sxacuYVrs. sucasssors and assigns of t"fs Rartfae hereto, <br />{d) "tuator s'nalt pay as tas:as levied upon tnds Trust 6aed ar fha debt saaurad <br />traraby, together witn any ether taxes. er assassmanta which may !aa fevled <br />against iha 'rYUStas yr t3anatiaiary or fha fagot hbidar at sold promissory note <br />i)n adr;4L'nt Of the inaeptadr'iesa evkiancad Ynaretly. <br />?e~ 'NMransvter u5ad frsrsin, PhEq s;ngutar nvrribsr Snell include fha pfura§, iha <br />sin„sitar, tyre use afi any 4;andar shell 4s applicatle to all genders, and the term <br />"&ensticiary" shall rnriude arty payee a# the lndabtednbas hsteoy aeourad ar <br />@ny transtor tnersaf, whstnsr by opsrarbn of law or athsrwisa. <br />ri3. 5uacaaaor Trustaa, e3anst,clary inay fsam time tq time substitute a succassar or <br />suagassgrs Eo any Trdetaa Hamad hsratn ar act'ing hereunder to execute tnla Trust <br />(lead. 1ipot sudh appcintrn ant serf witnaut convayanae td ine suacaasar Truatae, <br />ine la[IBP 4nan luf V6atrid Wrtn ~an t11le, pourers. and dutfe5 CG^.tafradUpgn any <br />Trustaa nsraia t>amsd rcr aptfny haraunder. 'Teen such appointment and <br />substrtutian shall ha made by wz Rtan instrumen4 by 8anatictary, aontatntnA <br />rsfaranra to tuts Trust f)sacl and its piade at record, wnicn when racordei) to fha <br />af4ice of tna Yiegistar aY Uaads pt tna county or r:aunYias #n wnich said property is <br />situated Shan raa ac!ndiusivra proof a1 proper appointment at fha succesaar Trvsiaa. <br />Tna tare~going power of substtlutian and the pracequre tnara4ara snail noL kae <br />axciuatva at the Dower end praCadura prnvitled far oy law tar the auballtvklon afi a <br />Truslaa pr Tnislads In trte alaCre 04 Cho Trustaa. <br />23. Farbeartnce by Banaffcfary ar TnitYet NtoY t Wahrtt. Any tarabaarance by <br />flenehctary a;r Trustaa 9n axsrctaing any rfgnt or remedy nereutadar, ar aiharwiaa <br />attardad by appupabta law, Shaft Hat ba s waiver of ar preclude fns axarcla8 of any <br />right or rafnady hereunder. iikewlaa, fha 'waiver oy 6enafiafary or Trustee afi any <br />dafauEi p4 Yrusinr under this Trust Geed snail cal be deemed td t;e a wa)rar of any <br />atna(nr afmll~A(dalaulta aubeaqufrnlip GCCURinQ, <br />2t. Tnrakor disk Rtktnead. Extansian a! iha time tar paynrant ar madltication ar <br />amartdzatmn oY fha sums secured ay tnta Trust Deed granted oy Benaflcfary to any <br />suaceasor In mtarast of Truster snail not operate to refaese, in any manne6 fha <br />!IaoilHy afi fha arlgifrai Tnrsmf or ~ •uatar s auLCasao! (rr intdras2, Benahciary snarl <br />np4 tea raGu;r@d lrs carnmerrca [arocaadings against sucn sucaa5spr ar refuse to <br />n~xterrd r,lrns lru {raymartl u . *urwism rn be~t7ly amoriizadon of tna sums saaurad by <br />Snis Trust C,)aa dr arvo;: n 'er.y demand mods CY'tns ortgdnei Trusior arxi Trusfor's <br />str6;Caaar2r5 irr fntarayt. <br />22. v7afaui4, {f theta stxa6 c@ a uai suit rrr,dar fibre Ceau afi Trust or under anp prior <br />mortgage, fha 6ena8r„lacy may cure sucn ds#auiY, and ins amounts advanced by, <br />and other costa ar=.d t;xparrses a4 fha banafiaiary Ire Curing sudh datautt, w)ih <br />lntaru9# at ins <iefau}C rate cantarnrsd in fha Nots saaurad hasedy from tna time oh <br />she atlvancas ar #'rayrtvents ,na74 a¢+add~d tv the ln<iebtadness saaurad by this Trust <br />p0ad and may Sae cvlfectcsd harbuns7err aI any time after Cho time pt sucn advanpea <br />.- ,. ......_ _,.., ......, '' _,._...__ , _ qr! botchy <br />Y3. t?ptton is Pamoldta. ~tpran fha ocdurarrt;a of any default hereunder, 3anaticlary <br />snail nave fine vptNm in taraaiass this Trust wail an fha manner provided oy taw}afi <br />iha inrsansura at morigagaa an reef property. <br />?a. Trusiar'r Rignkr, Absent Clafavlt, rJntil any detavtt fn [na payment of <br />:ndaotsdnass Yrareby secure it Stntl} ttaa oraaal'r rf any covenant herein contained, <br />ine Trustor, file su,;,cassars and assigns, sna8 possess and enjoy 2hs property, anq <br />rar"a:va 7?".a rsnYS anti prbt9YS th~refram, tiPan payment afi aft sums sacvsad by tnls <br />TrusE Daed. £saneticlary shall raGUasi Trusee Ya recpnvay [hs property and sns!V <br />,sir; ender finis ;rue, Deed and elk notr..s avidanctng ;ndstatadnsss. secured by t?file <br />Treat Dead to Trustee. ": rJ„tse s'naii I'rrapnYay the oreparfy whhaut warranty and <br />vrlihouY crrargs to fha Fe`sans lags#ly snkltlad iharata. Ffia Graniea 7rx any <br />rau+n vayaf^as may br= aaearidsc as "fhb person rx persons antfiled tharatb," and <br />iha rraalYals tharerrr of arty sea?tars of facts shelf be ponclusivs ptoa3 04 [ne <br />€rutr)tullrses theta .. ;>w^h person exr parsetta shalt pay all tiasKS of aaoardfag, i4 any. <br />wS. Aocatarakion lr kna Erart of Tranafar_!n fog aaant iha title fa sadd teat ssYate is <br />iranstarrsd,+~ d~rrtractav P .ra r ,s'anbd tram fha ur:darsignedtar any reason or <br />Fly anp rnaY"ra@C whatsaavsr. raa .:.trs ysrmo;paf sum and aparuad m3sresY Snell a£ <br />r-,nca bscarna 7 e artd pay a a rte alac.ttan of She 6enaflc?sty, Paitura to ercarcisa <br />to#s aptiar, gaGause v# t:a.,sre3, ., t; its as above slalsd to one lnstancs shall not <br />cons¢ibries a walcsr of if a i:pnt to eearcfsa Yha lama in tna avernt ak say subsequent <br />tCan5far. <br />$.B. This daad'Jt itrEat is ju:Y:or t° oFdk§ dated .,....__..._ ._.._.._..,_ 4.. .____v_...__._~.. <br />axeCUYa3 t>u T[::IItgf' 'r^ .... .. _.___ .___. .._. _. _._ ..,._ . _.,..____.._ Trceaiea; <br />saw:rrr+ng 8;;rstisipai riate Oar __.__~ ,_,._._. ~__.- ~_.__~ .-_~. <br />tlallara w,ru htar. t~a- .,; earth - e. Jaada atrdsdanYif#ap as €a$awst <br /><,uu n-... ~ -. :1aas.?sass rtagaitgg a <br />