<br />1114RTGAGE
<br />'ibis 4ortgage is entered into between ~=~ d. ~~~UCH ~.nd <1+1t'1RTHA ?:,5. FIEI~`tBI3GIi
<br />Husl7and anrt i4rfe (herein:"Mortgagor'"} and
<br />T'HE Uti'EFr.L,~N1~ ~~'xIONr'sl~ ~'Vi£ C3F GRAjID ISISN[~ G7"and Islasld Veb3`~.Ska (heren`iiriortgagee,.).
<br />Viorta;a~;or is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of ~ 48, 8?0.52 , evideraeed by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated Jant~a~3 _ 1983 _ ("erein "Note"} providing fox payments of principal-:and interest; with the balance of the
<br />indebtedness, if ::lot sooner paid, due and payable on =T~Ua-z'Y 2, I9c~4:
<br />To secure LBe pay nZent of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the.payment of ail ether sums. ',vith merest.
<br />advanced by ~7ortgagee to protect the security ofahis Mortgage, and the perfifrmance~of the eovenantsanda~reements of
<br />the 14ortgagor <:ontained hz~rein. Nfortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee- the following described
<br />property locaied in , Ffall Caunty, Nebraska;_
<br />Lot .'Fen (l0) . ~n .:dock (2) in Normant3y Estates,
<br />an Addition to the City of G~ a.nd Island.,, ~a.l.l
<br />County, Nebra;.ska.
<br />?laV~?
<br />5a~itli Half o~ Lot FS aced all o~ Lat 9, in ~3lock ~
<br />of First t~rtstc: homes ~3ddtion to the City of
<br />trrand Island, ~iebraska.
<br />_ Ta~ti3er witYt alkbuildings, impravenxents; fixtures, streets,alieys,pa~sageways, easement ishts, pnv~leges and
<br />appe2rtenancwslocated thereeanvrnanywisepertainingthereto, and the rents issues atidprof~t;re~ersionsandremaindera
<br />checaof; including,, but nbt~3imited ~to, seating and~_cooling eguign~ent and such::-personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvements ,~o as to constitute a fixture; all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />t,o k~e x pa:t of tlae real. estate secured by the lien of thes Mortgage and all of the foregoing being:referred tc~ herein as tse
<br />.:`.Property''.
<br />h2ortgagor further convenants and: agrees.:. with l4lortgagee, as: foiiawa:
<br />i 1: PaSm~aent. To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Nate.
<br />2. Title.. Mortgetgar is the owner of the Property, has the right. aced authority to rrsartgage the Property; an+.
<br />warrants that the lien created. hereby is a first and prior lien on the Property, except'as may otherwise beset forth herein-
<br />~~ 'I`he 'rngeirty is sublect to a .eJtortgage wherein .___ ..... ... .. . .. ..___--~_:.__.______._~__.~_ _-
<br />is lice i'viort~;ageer, recd°ded at >3ook•;.~~ ~ > Page ___ .-_-_ -_- oi' the Mortgage Records of _. _~+~ounty,
<br />Nebraska. ~ aict~ ;vortgage is a lien.pris>r to the lien created hereby.
<br />C•1;ht~; peaorliensor.encumbrances: ___,._.__ __...__------___~.___~_,..________.,~__._~~~._.^...~_~_~-
<br />~3_ `i'?ses, Assessrreent;. ''_'n pay T.vhen IIu~' 3! ..xe;. peciai a55eSStnrnts and sll otrEr rharg ~ a„~iest. ,he P:voeriy
<br />arsd, upon s:~rittera demac~d b}~ ,Siortga~ee ~.., au~d to ti;F pa~~:ne.its *,re;uiren u;edr,•r to `;ore secured i r rc~: , su~~h a,rrec:a:it. as
<br />may be saft:eiecat to enable tLe ~Iorigagee to p ty, saeh take::, 2ss~ ,~crents ur ocher c._~ urge, : ~ ti.e-~: bs•c°o:ne due-
<br />. tr~sierance. "Po keep f,lze incr~roveeeue.Cs no:v or ^eerF flee ;o~ ated o,~ t~ce ;~~a, estate dE.:,abed t.~retn insured
<br />;against: damage by Lire xnd such o,i~er Hazards ~., :viol gegee may rc~u3ire, :°~ aa~;>unis and ~+~i :;,:onr~ani~~~ar~r},CQibie t, the
<br />;M1o.t6agee, and tivtth Iws payable << ;.he !r?oit~agee. lip <:a;~.: c! l~~s u: ~:e~ ~.aele pe:icies ne ~'tort~a„Ee ;_ acethorize Ca
<br />adlnst, ar`.lect aetid ~~on3prc,-nsc~, iii 7~~ uiseretictn, as ;.la.ns tl.ereti,-cde: ~~ ,, sole optioc., ~_utFu>ri,edtoeiLherappl Lie
<br />proceeds, tc the resto.ation of the drop<_rt}~ nr utiore the :n~lec~'~dieerss se~cur:-dhc:retry, but Pay:n~..{s izc rounder shall eJn-
<br />tintee unci', the suers ~ccured hereby are paid in fu[i.
<br />5_ i. t~]~crow 1~or Tares and. lei`urance. Nottivetestandh;g anythc,, iceai.ained ]n paragraphs '3 and ~°: l~ereoi to the
<br />con'.rarn, RSortgagor siiaii pay to Che ,,°v,ort~agee at the time of plying the mont3 ~c 'n,ta?iments of principa, an~r :niarrest,
<br />[3eie-tssrei t•cn of t.=ee y rSy 'vaxcs, assassrnen~ts, hazard insurance peerniurns. and kre~und ;<-~nt° fiC any? ~i•t~ieh ~,~av sit<;iz a
<br />priority over tl.is '~iorlsgage, ati as raasonabip estar:eatcd from ,irne Eo time by the .9ortgag~ ~. ~1"tz a.i~uw-:i; s ~ paid s}.ail ba
<br />he7c ny one Pai,~rtµagee wi?hout interest and applied tc lire payment of ;he-itean; is .espirc to ~r;hicft sue!: a,r~~ounts ware
<br />deposited. "Phe .,ur_ts paid to Sortgagee Ftereander are pledged as adcietioFia; secarit,~ for r_hi inde~crdnes securedby this
<br />Priorf.gage. tvtorf.g.~gor sha{{ pas. to Mortgagee the arroun=_ of acv e~.ei r_ience he ~enrer. a:e actual ;axes, a55PS°imer7ie •n,t€rae~ce
<br />premiums and t;rouc*d routs acrd the d~=posits hereunder v.~lthin J ?ttys alter deniac'ed is msde~upoet i~lorE,gagor -c-questing
<br />p~tyncen! thereref..
<br />f;. itepa.ir, :~l2~itetexeanee and C!se. "<'o prompti} r~~Tlasr, :~~,ioro-r ur rrt>;~ild any buildings.srr imprcyvc~ments now ~>r
<br />beiez~t(X,r isn the PropE,ri~r; c:o ket~P tlte~ Property i3~i hood a:onditu;r~ acrd repetr. withoutrv~le, audfret> froth her=ehanic's or'`
<br />trtJ'tCrtic^~1g !4t7t E•?,Qre4p,it' St:ilGrdiRBt~'~ l.q the lief i7creOt;;Nrt %U .dK~:.:auktt~F OC p~rrnSL any n0i3aiiCS' tU 8ltlSt, n~tTrf.C)dinlFn-
<br />-~sh or ienga.~er Gl~er v~}uc~ «C ;.~r I~'sugx~rig i>~~ ark act 4r ~srnissiuri [.~a .act; and Le, c•pt~~g;y w4t•h iktt rnzluirernxlts cif. {aw ~•itli
<br />