atl~er connected> there;~rith, rewires the re~ai=al cr dis~laeereent a'i
<br />tie €awrx`ar fence, tote Grantee agrees to replace or repair such at its discretion,
<br />and restore tt~e surface of said easeiaent area as soon as practical to Iike
<br />conditions as the.y'existed'immediately prior thereto.
<br />3II electric utility tines, cables, terminals, transformers,-surface markers,
<br />and other appurtenances placed in, upon, above,. along, across, underneath, any'
<br />thro~:gh such easement' shall remain the property of the Grantee, and-Tray be
<br />removed ar replaced at any time.
<br />The; Grantar,,for itself, its 1-aers, successors, and. assigns, ~erebv 'covenants
<br />i
<br />that the rights and pr~:ileges t;erein granted shall run: with t-he title to su:~•~:
<br />tract of land,. .and: shall be binding upon. the Grantor, its heirs, successors,, and
<br />assigns. .
<br />Dated ~~" ~ ''~
<br />LlQ ~S1;Irl'1.~'Y, Iiv:C.. ,
<br />a :~ehras~a carparatan.
<br />Granrar.
<br />:~
<br />! ° ' ~ t
<br />I3y : ~ ~
<br />i'~tteSt
<br />} SS
<br />COTI~ ~"~vi h h.,LL }
<br />`Ta thin, .,~,{ day of _ ~-. __.:_ ?;__ ___ _ _,_, 19~Z, befar~ m~, the under-:
<br />sig„t d, a Notsry Public in and f~;r said County and.. State, personally appeared
<br />,~ -
<br />_,_-~_ ~u~~ ~ '~__ ...~.~,-:yap=~.r~~~~ of SQSSESTMfA`v, ZNC. , a. `.ebras(ca corparatsan ,
<br />tci me krotdrr p2r~,~,.~ l ~; to be such per:scsn Lahti signed the foregoing easemci~t, and`
<br />„rho ucicnc~ ec,;~~' the execution t~sereof to be h~.s ~alzsntary act and deed -an
<br />:ts- said ,-crpor~tion, €or Che purpose then-en expressed.
<br />ti`I"Ttix SS Liv band" .~i*id ?4 . ca" 'the date above written.
<br />'; { ~ ,,, ~
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