`t'his form is ust.d i:n connec-
<br />~(ry'''~y~ ~p^''++ ~~'''w+ taon tiwit,h mortgages insurrzd
<br />~VR~IT~VC~ Lander the one- to four-frtmily
<br />, ~ j~ # t..3 Pu~~.a ~~ i~ prr~visions of tide National '
<br />,Housing ~~ct.
<br />T1r13S M:ftI2'f"fACr~. made;3nd executed thrs 5th ciay oaf ,January ,a:t3.
<br />19- g~ , tty-and hetweera Terry L. Srcroks, a single person,. and Sharron K. Ragers, a single perscsn,
<br />ctif the County of Hail .rand Sistte of Nehr;tska, party of the first part, #tereinaf teP caned
<br />iheh~artgagr~r.rnd Superiar Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a curfrsaraiiannrpan~~ized and e^sisdng under the iaws a7f Nebraska ,
<br />party df the secutt~.d p.trt. here in;tfter caiPeci the h9t~rt~*zt~ee,
<br />A'3'C'NESa+~'i`Ti: 7"brat thz isid hfi~~rtga~~r, for and in cc,nsideration of the sum +7f Twenty Five 'Thousand ft ive liurtdred
<br />and No/lC}C3ths ______-----..____ _____ ___ tk,llars t'i; 25, 5{?0, QO 1, patd hythe;4+tc~rt-
<br />t.:,t~:. .he rc't`eii>t of which is hcrerit~~ actina~akle~dged. has Granted .and Said and by these presents dctc~; Grant. Tiar•
<br />t;:iitt, tiei(, t`,,ri~c~, ;rntil C"t,nfirm unt« the 'ti{r~rtga~ec, its +~uccetisctr ;and ;,ssigrts, forever, the fc~li«wing,descritred
<br />rc;iii,i:;to,<itua[i•~lintheC°ettlntt°a,f Ha~l1 ,andStaie
<br />cif "vcFrr;~~k't, i~~ tc jt,"
<br />an F,ddition
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<br />Lot !Otte f~undred Twertt:
<br />Six {I2fa)
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