~ ~ `'
<br />~~ ~~~
<br />k? .;net t3ee ~~+., tt,~,,:~r ~x,'e ,teep' the buildings-tr~on said premi esin good repair, and neither eommitnor-permitwaste
<br />ttpnn paid !.end, ~„r st tf r ~h~ ,t„~' premts s t, ~ ;mod fer ri= *~n??wful rt?rnas.e,
<br />' , Peat , c e p ~ r ttsf :;. ar any parz thereof, be condemned' under the po,ver of eminent domain, ar acquired fora puhlac
<br />rr~a. the a_tr;eac ~, aa~.,. _lea; the proceeds far the taking of,. or the cansideratian far srsch acquisition, to theextent cif the~ftiii'
<br />art, unn~ :~f ,a- c hredR=~~ span this mortgage and~the nine which it is giwenta secure rem<uningunpa~id, arehereby assi~rred f+Y the:..
<br />~!urtga~or t,~ the ~9or tc,ak¢e, and sFiall be pagd forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter an accatrnt of dhe-next
<br />,nrturns fmtalir*xenrs,~4' ~ueh indebtedness-:
<br />;' "T"he ~t<vrgagor~ further agxees that should thismortgage and the note secured herefiy nett be eligible form-
<br />suran.'e rzntier the 'dari<~nalltousingAct within ,~i~~~, ~~a~s from thed2te'hereof (kwrxtien statement of any o#ficer
<br />~,i th 1~~F,~rrr,t,ent tTr Hottsing and ivlrl,an f)evelolament ar authorized agent of the :secretary atf Housing and Urkaan
<br />T?e~clanment dated ~;,bsequeztt ra the Si~rty days, time from the date of this mortgage, decliningtoinstzre said
<br />note z+nd rbi~~ mc~rt~age, Peeing- deemed- canckasive prcraf of such ineiigiktitity). the Martgage~ or balder c,f the note
<br />ma, +~ t~t•ption,declare;~ltsumssecurra"d'hereP,yimr'nediate'kydueandpayable.
<br />1~. That ,fthe Mort~agnr failsto ntakc~ttny pavements o#' money when the saute becamedue; or fails to conform toirnd
<br />comply rvrth any ;tf the conditions ar agreements contained in this mortgage, or the mote which it secures, ihenthe entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable, at the election of the ~44ortgagee; and this mortgage inay
<br />thereupon lie foreclosed mmediatePy far the whole ctf said money, interest.. monthly payments, costs; fn•ound rents, taxes and
<br />the cost ctf extendt'ng the abstract of title. from the date of this loan to the time of ccammencing such foreclosure suit, and a-rea-
<br />sotsable~attnrney's'fee, ail of which shall heincltrded in the decree of rfc>reci<tsure. and the cantractembodiedIn this mactgage
<br />and the note secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of t~tebraska, where the
<br />same is made.
<br />The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the ktenetits and advantages shaall insure t1a, the respective heirs, executors,
<br />administxators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Wherever used, the singular number shall include. Che plural, the
<br />itiural the singular, and the use ctf any gender shaft Pte applicable to .#11 genders.
<br />The foregoing eottditions. alt and singular, being performed according to their natural and legal. import, this conveyance
<br />shall be void anal. said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain infati farce and effect.
<br />1`N WIThfESS ~~{l-l1ER~OF, the Mortgagorts) ha v~ here~unza set their hand(s) the day and year first
<br />altttve written.
<br />to presence af;
<br />Terry L. Brooks
<br />(S C:.~ I_ 1
<br />jSF.AL1
<br />Sharon K. 12ogers
<br />( SEAL )
<br />Si:AI_
<br />cr o Uat.s to
<br />s~:
<br />C'f~l':d"I'Y C)F .Hall
<br />tln this 5211. dry «f January , A.l). 19gS ,before me,
<br />a Notary Pu hl is in and for s:zid C'<>unry, personally came
<br />Terry L. Brooks, a single person, and Sharon if. Rogers, a single person,
<br />personally to me known
<br />t4a Pte theldentical persons whose name s are atfixed to the above;xnd fore-
<br />going instrtrmertt .rs Mortgagor, send they have acknowledged the said instrument and the
<br />execution thereait to he tFaeir voluntary act and deed. for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />In tcstiman~: whereof, i have hereunto srt my hand and atiixed by notari,~eaf at Grand 2sland, NE
<br />an the day and dale last above 4vritten. ~' ~{~L.~ J ~ ,~+~
<br />NI!rG. Ex~i. lana~9, Fg86 -/ :~'atary Public
<br />.........~.w~.~„
<br />ST:1T£(JE;siEBl2ASKr'~ ss
<br />died `or r~cor:i this day of A.i). l4
<br />:~t o'clock M., and e~nteredin Numerical index, and
<br />' ~ l;<;o:: of Is$ori~a~es. +an
<br />kale ,.. 'f
<br />i
<br />Register,uf T~~e,1~~
<br />