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'Tl~i4 fr;i~m i;~ rra~ed ia~r cscaranecs- <br />tacan ~~ratlt rracat+t~ae~ ansured <br />~' caatdea• the c~rae- to four-f~a~ati3 <br />prouisioxtt c;f t:he ivatirttt~l <br />Ica u ~ira~ :~r.ct, <br />.. ~ ~~• <br />'~ktf:~ lv6E~tlt'f'G~;C~>':. 4acfr^^ arYd cs~rcazt'cd rhi~'- ~ ~;~`~ day c~~ ~~~embex ~ .r~:I). <br />fu 82 . hysrnd f~,erwec•st Paul 3. Wilson ahd Pamela K. ~J'lsoaz, Hus;~aztd and TJi~'~- <br />c,1' tFs~:. t'ratmty of I1aJ.l ,~and,~stat~e ~-fNebrasa, party ~~ tbe~ir~tpart, ft+~rinafter c.tifeu <br />(he ;~~iarP~~t~cyr. ur~aci <br />~uperjar Mrarlfga, ~nc« <br />;;r ~i~rt~crratinn c,rk9aniz~°d and ~xititi~nunci~rtfie fawscaf Ne'bras'~r: <br />~art~~ c;f tf~c ~cccrntf ra;.rrt. t~er~ir~~tftr;rct;lf~~t;ci the I'atr~a~ee, <br />l%v i'I'~ F.`~;~+f;"~N: 'F i~=;t the ~aicd ~t<Tr?~;a~car. fcaa• ,anci in ~c~rntidertatic~n ~f t;h~ aearn ~~ Thirty s~'v~n t tau s~tnc~ z~'.rae l~ua:~~lred <br />and Nc~ / ~. C3t)t hs__,w___„ ~__ ~~.~.________ ______-___f~t.aflars ('S 37 , ~C1fl, C-0 F, faaid ~.ay t.~cs ~r'lc)f~- <br />~a~~~~a. tht. n-ert:sht c,f ~~.~t~:c~h ;~ irec-eht~ sscttnta~+F~ed~~d,~has (.:3r,ant~*d rtnd ,~~ctld acrd h~ ~he~epre~ents dcae~~ ~;rt~rat ~~sr- <br />~~.:;frr. 5eff. ~"crr~r ;°v ~sncl E ~cmfirna Canto fhe fi~lear#~aw~ce. its ~cas:~e!4<trs; antf <a~~i~ns. !'Dreyer. tfae fctflcaevtn~-ii~.~ca-i~~~ <br />.real t~t<ite, ti3#cr~:stcal in i:1~~ c,,:a:a;~rtty tt~ Hal ~ ,and ~irat~ <br />cif i~<`~rdSKft, td.'e ~~ 1C: <br />Lc~t ~~~< ~'~~ Fanner View Subclivsx~xa, Hall CQUnty, fSebras:. <br />~?f t~t~ °~i t't~irt~ipet! 1fc.ridTart, eurattainiral; irtatl ~r~re~ ~ac~.~rdinf; tca (:,r.>wet"st~. <br />n'i~°r;t ~~.ur~~e~~~; <br />1..~:) !!;'~ti'f- .jf'~fl~ "l'C) NC.)1.,13 t~at° pretrai:~~~i rtf~cava des~rit:aec3, with raft tftc:. ;rtrpnrtenan4e~ ti•tet~ea~attca t~efon~tat~ sand trc9ucrt~* <br />;'~~atin~z. ~~tttnifa6tt~ artd tihtin~ fixt.ttrea arad eclcsitarttestt rtcaw car hc~reraf`tc:r tatt:ached tca car ta.~ed ira cctatneetican with ~aic~ r~~cf e~~aat <br />`t;rntc. t?ze ;~1c~rt4sttlJe~ . atTCf tat itw staeces~rsr~ attd aasiF;n~. forever. "l"he f'vlcartpta~ctr a•epce~,ent~ tca, <and c,°<?vc.Tagtrtt~; ~Ft, tb~ h~aarta- <br />~~:~ , tfrat tt~e ~1c:rt~r:gcr t~,t~ crctd ri~xht tca ~;efl ~araci c:~can~~ey ~4aicf ltretati~e~; that the;~r rare free frc~rra enccaaathrtattce: rand that, tlacs <br />~;ic,~rtF,ra~.Y.c;s ia.~ifl ~b ~frra;rt ;asad tief`end the sraraae rrair:~t the laawf'tal cl,;.aims caf tafl ~aer"kcant whctraa~crt:ver• .and the :raid ~lctrt<sgi ~r #tere•~ <br />(~y rs:linctur ft~~, s:!,ff ri%ht~ o'` ltonne~teract, rand;att-tatrzrtiraf r~Zltt~, ezither itt fzaw cyr ira cc~uity; rased saff catfttr c:ctntin~c~nt ~;.'tfte <br />jftc~rtta~ar ix; 4~nd tc} nc~ aatactve_desc;ribed pcenti~c:~, the intic;ntican l~eintct ~.caaa~^ev laeref~y #tra rrh~tiafcatc, title, irr f~*e Mitaa~sle, incitaal~ <br />irl~>, rrlf ris~Frta~ c}t lisrr7rest~.:ad, 4asad cttttes° rights nand istt;erestt; yaw rafcare~aid. <br />t'}t(:1~'f F.}f~:#_; ~~i.,'~'.~,n,~'~a. sand thew~e Faresentt; trre exec:sateci rased clelive:retf upcast the fctltcaw•in~ t:onditictns, tca avit: <br />'t'he ?~1c rt,t>at;crr :i~:r~:c,s ice pay ter ttae 4~rta~e~, car €arcter, th+e prisacip:a3 ;~r:jrn c~~ '~'ha.~`ty ~~vex't thtataazac3 't't:~a.+t~- ~,t,~c~~d <br />~rAd ~~rcr~'~ ~~;~'~ 4ts~,.-~~~_.a..,.M......._,...~.~.__..._,~.,.~,~.,s,~,.,._~.,.,,.~, t::a:~~t4~ars (~ ~7, ~L}0» t~l~ <br />~.vitfl izrterc.~si kr;;rr; ;gaze :Et ti,~: raie e;i` '.C"~.v~......,.,~..r.........,.....«.«r< pt~r c,c~r~tttatrz (` ~.2. 0 L~; ~ pei trneat-tta tats <br />tGa~ ~rnt)zicf Faiasrce uniil p<ricf. 'f fee rs~iiti prirac:ipaf std interest ah~if f"re patyaltts; Ott the ot~iee caf `,atzpar` ~.c~~, Nt.v~~~~~;e, Za'~t^ . <br />ire t~;raaad T. s;i_aa:d , ~Te:. , c7r at sa:sela rather pf<rcc: a~ ..#ts~ h<afde~r caf <br />thc: n+;:rt<: rnsry c:fey,isra<itt~ ia7 writiraF>. irr n)crnt~ilV irtsta~~sstestt~ctf '~hre ht.tnrlred ez~hty ti3xae anc]. $4/1QC1th~--~.. <br />,..,.~.~__.,._...._ _ [~c>lfar:~ (~ 38'~~ 84 ~, ~cattazraeracira~; caaa t fae~ fiat r4ay caf <br />..,I',~..___....~__.. ., t983 ,rand on the ~rtt d;zy taf eaAeh satctnth thereafter until the prrrrLSpt~ atad in~ <br />terra .arc: !"t.91fy t~afd, {:.x,cr^tjd that tYtc ~n,at taaynaeni cif` principal rind rtt~re~t, of raaat w~caraer prod, ~haaft t>e vitae afftd <br />t>trv sf~,fe Farr the: iir5t c' ry crf tiifl acc;urdin~t tca the term caf st ~rsrtainprcasr-is- <br />~.aaua r 2~t71:~ <br />cnr i r:,'ti. }{ d ..'_t ~i..:... 1'...~...:t~:.,,..,,..,t,.t::r~ j ira°a s«%l.~a"i s~s&ir~ya~ur. <br />`t°h~ ~9«rt~;atcar it <rruc r rtc~rc; #r,tlly !ra nrcatect thy; ~etk"urity a~f,thisl~t~trt~ae~ arees; <br />!. "f'hat hie ~~itt ~::~v tha; indrhtr:daw:;~. a>s f~>rrr:itmhc~~tarep~rc~rvitfed; 1~'rivii~~~ is rc°~e;r ei~ tc~ p«ay the. cf~bt ita whc;f~~ car iat aai <br /><;rzrr~rsnt t:ctcral tc~~ s;ne. car rr~+c,re r7atarathfy taAryrnerrty urr lkt+~~;pr~n~itrt>I tf~raE are r~e~t clue cart tFDentat~:, c~[i thetkt'Mt ti;;y~ i~f ,tt~y rrt~rath <br />trr~csr tca trtEzturit±~: 1':°k?vid~cf. 1~<tnc~ vc,°y, "1`t;rtt rWrittc^ra ttati~~e ca.l ern ir~tc~n[poat tct ex+~rci;~c ~t~r~lr:privilc i~i'~aera €ctf~°drst thirty ~~t)j <br />iia~'s taric~r tc> ~ur~pal°rneart. <br />:'. "t'hta°. tc~~,teth~r with, .zn<~ it-r eta, the nrortihfy pacyrrr~rris c,f ttnc! irata~~citit p,xV.rF,fet rtrtcl+~r the t~:"rrra~ s7f 1tt~ <br />tit;te ~r,~tarr,,i 1'rk~l,'~"F~y, thr R~3carit,*,z~rg;nr Fviff E~~ay t:y 1lrti~s "+~c>rtt;rit;<cr, care t'h~ fir~a,t c1~ay i~t" a°;reh rxa«nthuaatif ihc' ~ai~l ncrt i~ ~Gtlly p<u~.l,the <br />(',a~ .~4rrr+siesat tss~r'l~i~~rwr+ctak tr'r tr,r~crrrctt~ tfre facrlclctr hcstrs~;f~ witty F+.xracl~; tea Fray t'trct trc•~:a tirttrt~?i~(~fc' its5tsr~anc:4 rtrc;> tutu rf° tl~tis <br />s;r~trrrtrrcart .rrrai tfrr~ ,~cst.~ sectaat'c~ f'ra'rc.f~~+ arts tst~urc~cf, gar" <r rr;u;rtitlV cfsat~,+~ r'trt ;`tc~t~ {~t ct rrtra~tkru~,~ra fia~~r~r~rtr~tcc~° tr~c'~ <br />r?ut.Prxt,--i i1~ tir~~y ;:rrc- F;c°1t1 tar iftt; ;~ikc ret~a}~3~ aai 4lrri~twitr~.} srrir.(t ~rF4tras f ttsv+zfnlsrsrs°rst., ;a~; 1ct11rrda~s: <br />~~ ~sric.t sc;! it.atf~, ;cti y;rr~:f ;restf: +±1 svc.:rr ~.f;ita~ ~,ncY ti:~,y trr±~irllsir~'rrt aria rtrstrrc-c1 ,z± ;.rae tz'irt~srr~dil s~,aEel>,°r ttai,r Eyccr., <br />Vrh7lbrr~: sit t:fit: i~{tY(;CIFrf 11+;crtirar~!, i~C:! :d1I iCTitillrad '~i,rifS4;IS"ff9 i(? ~vt 1:t,ERlridf~flk' !ti 1ft(' t;~1Sit.~;5 r~4 ~~,~Pt` 11~:!ltd-t~l z,Ali" <br />t-9~ r. .,tt:Y9s ~ ~j 6.c-.7 r~:.4"u"E Kuts3r-4~ t~iafV 3~s~ ~a ~~sr €.iofir' „ur~r>4y c5 ~~-xta:-lU d~itiFrj ~ ~~~`#.~ft ~' ~.~~' ~ t~'~1Ei lR ~~;`v'l'~.r~ <br />1 <br />