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~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ASI~~?~T°~ ~~' ~°IG:R'~'t~AG~ - ~'cir arati+~n <br />~o~ <br />TCtJ1~GV' A~.~~ M,~~7 BX TI~ES~ PR:;~SEN7~'S, That Su~aex°iar M r~rtc~ac~e r ~.n ~ » ~ cc-rpcaa~atir~n ~ <br />the r~~x~t{~ of the first past, i,n ccans~.detatican cif the {xn cif [=ortY Thc~uSand thy^ee <br />hta~dr~cci f~-~~.y,, +~t1d7,,~3t~/~y~.00-s-----~-g_~-~~y~ry~^~ca7~,~l~ajr~{1.arra~~~yl~~y~y,a*~n)~yyyc~~/~y~.hpe,,,Un~~ect {5yt~ates cad <br />-;~tE~1%. c3~ ~Ci 14. yrg lAanU ~Jaa~.d ~~ 13A~C"+~Y 1."A:.~14C'A~3.4.a' \.ldl"LL`aG'31`!]. ~C a tRr A:7tJ~ J R?~yY'/~~~~Q~~ <br />:~ow~~ 50'~Q4,~ a ~~axpe~~~.tican~ the ~'tY oaf the seccand wart, at or ka~:L=c~r~ ~.~~~ <br /> ah,,~ dt~~a~^vy of tiaese ~r+senta, rece%~t whearecaf is herby acrsawledgeu~ <br />has c~an~ted, bargained c~1d assi~ned~ transferred, and set Ca'V'er, arid, by these <br />~res~n~ s ~ daa grant, laargain, s1~. o as<~ign , tr s.nsfc~r , transf~arred, snd set caner, <br />~nt~ t47e said party of the seend ~a~~t, its s~x~:cese~ars and, assic,~ns, _a <br />:~tvn~r~krtx~a A~" 1~1R.''1~A+GF', k~e~rin date th ~~ Nove~~r ~. ~ ~:corc~ee~ <br />~~~~n~nt. ~ ,~~""~ -~ ~~ F , c~~ t~~e t~crtage Recard~ c~~ l~ia71 Cbunt~r <br />~T~hr.~:~Sc~ ~.nd made by Mir.h~e'I ~'~g~rt ar- Jr~l ~"grt, ~itasba~~ and Wife <br />~.ra ~pe:~ic~r ~cartgage, :~r and a~.~, its 'i'~`it~, ~:itle end ir,tc~ret to the pre..rrai.'ses <br />therein r~eserxhea~~ as fa~~,lraws, tca-v~it <br />~.Ot ~~hY"~'~' ~~}~ XC:~~?t `~`wF~t~1'"~,~ ~~1~ ~111C~t"+~d '1Xt,~"-f'V 4~,~ `~~~"~ <br />thereof, Schel'~ Subdivis~i~n, t~fll C;aunt,y, Nbr~sW~ <br />'~agether with the n®~ therein described, arxd the rnaney due car tea became due <br />thereun~c~~sr, inclu3ing interest. ther~cark, T(~ ~°~ A~ ~'+~ ~~~~,D thr: same untca the <br />said pa..r~tp cif the second part,. its uccessc~rs and assigns forcver~ su~~ect carry <br />to the p;~ovisieans ref said iNU;~NfiLktE C~~' MaR'~'~AG therein c4ntainedr <br />a~n{d the party oaf the first part dcaes hereby s°-dca~ ccanstitute and s.point <br />the said party ref the seccand part ~ its true and lawfu.~ attorney ~ irrevacab~.e ~ <br />in its ~;am-e, or ~-therwise, but at their ovrn pro~e~r costs and charges, tc~ have, <br />use, ar~,d take all. lawful. ways and mans for the r+~covery ~ the said arc~ney <br />and. ,i<nte~est, and, in case" of ~aaay~nt, tc~ discha.rge the same as the party of <br />the first p~.rt ml.ght, or cou~.d do, .~ these ,presents ~re~re nQt 1li~ld!er <br />N' 1niITN'SS T+~HE~.FC3~, eric~r Mcartgage, inc. corg~oratican of the 'date of <br />Nebraska has caused this ,ssl,gr~~ent ~o~ tatc~,~;,~~; tv ~:~ executed by its ~"~+esid+ent <br />and attested Pty ~.~ ~.ce president find its c:or~+carate deal to be hereua~to a.~fixed <br />the 7th day o I~ecembe~ in the yeaar 19 . <br />.~'°` <br />~ ...-, ~ ~ <br />~ ernes ~. ~ + ~ President <br />~.~, <br />Attest: ~•~. <br />bans~aster, 4'ice~ ~residerat <br />s'tat:e of Nebraska ~ <br />ss. <br />t3aunty of Till <br />c?n this 7th day of ~3ecember # ~~ ~ beware a~ae, a Ncatary <br />Rzbl.icr duly ccam~%,ssioned and qualifaedin and fear said ~:oaanty and ;mate, Persona2~.y <br />came thie atac~~=e na,~ne~d. game s ~» Reed , Pres ident ~ and R,. Lancaster, ~I ice President, <br />of the 9isperior Mcartgac~+~, Ica.c. wiaca are pees®nally knowaa to me tca be the <br />idersta.c:al parseans ~rhase narr~s are a: fixes to the a,~.m~e assic~nt oaf vrtgage <br />.~:;s fih~:~ ~res~dent and ~'i.ce President oaf seed Cartaora~on~ and they ackn<rl~ec~_ . <br />the 3.nstrau~rent t~+ be their vc~aluntary act and deed, and the vo3.t~ntary act. deed... <br />of the said ~:org~xaton <br />[~'.~:Tt3~~s ray ii~z~d and c~fficia~. seal., in ~~rand ~~lar~d, ire said ~aza.ty. t~~e <br />date ~-f:o:resaid. <br />~iEMA~, c"~T1~t"°~~rr <br />l~NE ~. ~it~EtF~i.'~ ~~ <br />~3ca'tMar~ ~~blxc <br />try ~s~ax~es9 .~~.~~s~:: ~ ~ ~ ~~~ <br />_._ -- ~. <br />