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~~+ <br />ii? "} 4s.;f 11'~<, d~k~t tir~ir,i~t r i41 deep the baiiidins eapc>n said ptt~ta~ise,~; in }.~>caci r~.tar~ir, ~tnci neither ctamsnit etc~t• permit waste <br />ta~?cr[t ~;aiil~ i<a3a~€. ~~;~s~ ~iit}"~r~ 4t,~ 4 ~Ea art°n~ki~es tt~ha~ ttse~d fcer <ara~ aaa~t~wfkal iatar~~i>t;~e. <br />1 i 1~k~;tt if' tl~ar~ l.,s.e~~sa~~,e~. ;,r <<n~< dirt the~rec~f„ &at ccandemn,:.a~ t:art~;ler tine htawer caf eminent dc~mraitt, tar acquired fc~r a pubtic <br />~.~e. the ~',arr ,,~:e~ <<,~<<rcle.i~. i}tie. prc~cet:~cl~ i"~r the t~ai~itt~; caf, <+r the consideratican fr+r sa,ch ai:gt:tisitic~n, ica the extent. caf' the fuli <br />~' ,s~rr,t,t~«t c,d~ ii~cdrh~teainc ~, a;t?i~C? this 3nr,s-t~;a~r~~ s~i~tt therDr~.~te wh~ichit i*;-~iwn~tc~ sectsre~remainin~unpairi, <are tteri~hyassi~ned byttte <br />~,'lta~~t~.d~"t,r ti7 r.f,e :'~tr~ri-ragec.:;nct ~,t.xat~ t~~ paid fcae~thwith t~s sairl}1rftart,dee tca tse ~appiie~ihy thefatter tan acceaunt caf`fhe next <br />ST'}8ti3[}i74r, ISitit%i61k57.t'S1t5 t)1 :~srlt'i! i37itl'~te.yfil~'~'+, <br />~~. ~'t-+e n,~a~rr,~<«iyr lisr-ther ss;re~e~; rta~t ,i~acta~l.d dais mcarta~e and the ante secured hereby n«t be etigibte fcir n- <br /><ince iss'~ctcr ttaz !'~,atit~~~ty i-f~~i~~,tnk~ ,~~:t within aa~'ty i~ay~ fa°tam the date heretsf €written statement caf any caf~teer <br />;~f t}te f~ep~artrt=cart ,>}' i}isaasist,~t ,antf i~frban [~e~reltapment car rautheari~eci went caf the Secretary of Hcausir~~; and Urt~an <br />t)r:~~:~lcatarn~rat cla[ccl ~,iai~si•qu~;nt tca ttte ;;t~' d~y~ tuna: from the date c,f this mcarta~e, declininf tca insure sari <br />r~cate :~.saaE t}3i~; rsacrrttrr~~<;, ii~aeiaa deeuted c+nciat±iiv~ pros}f caf such ineligibility). the iVtnrt~aga:e car }tc~ald+~r caf the Write <br />rnr~;~ , .t its ~?l5iiiast, ~ie~,~are calf sctrns ;~ectarred ttawreby irran~ecliatelµv claae rand payal.~ie. <br />14. ~ hraa if [ia~~r ?trfcort~,<t~a.~r fr-i}'s tai rn~tk~ any payments caf' mcar~ey w=hen the saute heccrmc due, car fttiis tta ca~nfcarm tc~t and <br />t:canal°~ip ,uith <an~- c?i!' tht~ a~<anditic>n;~ cxr ~reernents cc~nt,tiitted ita t:tti~ trtc~rt~~~e. <3r ttre nt~te sa-laich ii ~;eciare;s, then the entire princi- <br />f~`ai ~;ia~aa aaac3 ~~c:criaet`, i.nt+ere5t shah rtt «nce becaame dtae and payable, at the eiec:tiean caf the i~tcart~aee; and this. mcartgafe may <br />tiaer~ut+c~n hi* fiar~c~kas~~d atntne:diatcl~~ fc~r the ~~nc~~le ~f stticf rrtt~ney, int+::rest, ma~nthter ~ayn~ents., ~xc>!t~nd ruts. taxes and <br />b~ Ci,st aaf e~ tt:rclin~ ttz4 abstrract ~7f `title ft•~m the-late caf this-lean tra the time taf c~rmmencin~ such fcareclcasure suit;and a rea~~- <br />~;onalale attcsrn~v'~ fs.e:; ail caf which sh~i1 ~+e ini~tu~ed in the ceiuree ct~ ft?r•ec:lc~sa.tre; .tr~cf the contract eirt~rc~di~sf in this mc~rt~*age <br />ratacf the s3~7te ,ec;tarecl het'a~hy, ~ha}i in rail} respei`t be ~eava..rned, ircanstraaed attd adjudged tDy the ia~ws c7f Nebraska., where the <br />;~an3~ is mrade <br />'1'he ca~w'enant;~ herein c:oa~ttainecl shah bitad, and the igenefits rand advantages shad insure tca, the respeetiva:-heirs, executors, <br />rtdirainistratrsrs, i4ttceesscrrs rand assigns caf the },artier heretca. l~lhenever usec~i, the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plural the ~nfuii~r, and the aase caf any gender shah be applicatxie ta,a alt genders. <br />'Che fdregcaing caanditicans, ali sand, ttieing perfnrmecf ;acccarding tc> their saatural ;~nct iegai imfaort, this ccxnt~eyat~ce <br />sh~:il be vcaid rand 4t~icf premises released at. the expense c>f the Mcarttagaar; «therwise to be and remain in foil farce rand ef~cct. <br />li'®i '~ITf'~if:,'S.S t~4~'NF;12Ff)F, the l~'l~rtgr~gctrs) h:~av~ f}ereaantc~ set t~l.'e~.r taand€s) the: day and year first <br />~ab~ave written. <br />In presence caf. <br />~ -~ l M~ f t '~ f { <br />I~AV Ili ~~ . Kt7T <br />j SIMr'~i._ <br />~t,TS~N M. KtIT~CI^TKAU <br />:~ F: ~, f.., j <br />^+$ <br />€)n this s1.s~ day i.'f I~~cembe~ r~.l:). li) 8~, hefure rne, <br />a ~~~r~~ P,ul~i~ ~.c in and fear said ~C:'itt.anty, perscanaity c~anle <br />1~~;~iri~d ~ Kutcl~aka~x and ~~an f"~ ~ Ku~.scl~kau, I-Iu~ba.nd and 6~lifa <br />faers4araafiy tca sne Icnc~wn <br />tca::be the aerttic:ral taerscam' whr.>se a~~'drtae~ '~~ <sflixed tc~ t}ae at~c~ve ansl'fc?rc.- <br />f:oittg instrument as ?~taartg~gcaa-, and ~~~Y ~v~ rackncawiecigecf the said instrument and fire <br />e~at~titticar~ ti5rere~~f tcz be ~.h~i~ vc~iuattary ac.t rand eiec;d, icar the taurp<a~c.s therein r;xpres~+eci. <br />in te~tir'rtt~ri ~ wlac'rec>f. I ht€ve hereuntca yet. my t~aand and affixed by ncatar.i.a . ea t brand :~slarad, t~eb;`~ ski <br />can the d;~° ~ssarl mate i,.i~;t raht_sve ~ritte~n. <br />.w.^ rrrr~rrrrr• ~ ,,,~~ ... <br />.~ <br />~'M''~i~M'M"~I~# - ~, ~ ~- <br />„~.... <br />mia~~ <br />A1~ ~',r~~~~,~r~ irs€p. .. t, I984 ~, a'~c~daa"y ~ttl.~dit° <br />f~,. <br />"+~'~:~~ ~'. ~..~i- ~'}",t.~~~r~t~-I'~,~. Ski r...Mo,„ <br />}Tilr_ai }i3e rect~rci tlai;, dray caf ~k.l). l~ <br />;;=.t t.~'clac~k !~9'., rand entarrecl in !'~tarneris:rtt Index, aracl <br />riei+ructi ter €3es~~;s caf fiv9cart~~a~s>.s, «aa <br />l~:~ge t>~~` <br />Itegistcr aaf' t~awetl <br />;. <br />~,~, <br />': <br />~~ <br />