Y~ hI~+ t~t'rtt's t'~ t'ktiC'r~ 3t'1 [ dtT2i'r4:~t.',~'
<br />f<dtrr ti~.jl~;~1 trtr)r'Ii~!xt~?'!p'~ ~r1~t14`l?+f~
<br />~' rxrxi~c~r t>k~e cure- fat fattati°-frtrr'raty
<br />~.tt°trvisrtn~ f' t~aa~ i~t~ranta~
<br />~~ctt~~;ara~ ~c~,.
<br />.. ,~ $.:
<br />T~iTti ~'fs`)C~"f~Cs.~C~, rrrac~e anal e~reetttec~ this 3.~-~t ~gsy ~f ~ecemb~~ ,A.1C~:
<br />t~ ~~ t,~ ~,s,c+ i?s~twt~ert D~v~.d T~7. iit~t~ca.u and ~tasn M. I~txtsshl~a.tt, Husb~:ni,d axtd i~fiif+~
<br />cif tl~e C'cas,rlt:~ {±E Hall , <xrtci .State oaf P~tettr~~ksa; ~rarty atf ths~ ~rtit ~++:~rt, ~-ereirr~fter e.~Illett
<br />the :"~,a~r~I~~~~~;T~: <,,rsd Su~ers~r Mor-taa~e. Tnc.
<br />zt ei`,;~(xir<its`c~n cl~r~rsnt;r~,s~ airrai exas~tiri~ trrtcier the l~tv~ atf N~:b:~aska ,
<br />~rart~ ~~1 the ~.et~c~;na1 ~~rt. hereirt~tftcr srst}~~~ the ~~Ia~rt~~t~ea^.,
<br />'~'~"i N E;~;r+T'~: ";°~Sat tI-€~~ ~~id !1~tagrt~;~~s7r, parr <srrcl irr cttrr ~cier•~rtatra atf I:tre start atf ~'rtr~y ~~~ra '~,r~u~,xt ~'~."STG`
<br />I~u[n~dred anct ~1a/1iJQ~.hs~._.....~~_~..~.~.....___»......._..`fla~Pta,rs 4~ 47, 5OQ» OCD ~, ~t~sid tav t3,e i~3>-,rt-
<br />aye- the r•ec',ei;tst ctf whic:t~ is hexel~t~v <ta~krrct~v~ea~~;ea.I, h~t;~ C:,rrtrrted rtrrd ~att~c~ atrrr~ hy: the:we ~trs~~errts t~~res ~ar~srt. ~iRarTM
<br />~~sirro, ~+ell, d`tctn~vcy ~.rna# I"'c;nfirrrt strrtct ttre i!•'Iarrt~~~a~e. its sua:ee~sctrs ~rrraf ~t~~;igrts, fatr~uer, the fcr~l~~ir:;r~ ci~~;c~rihs!•at
<br />rrr ~+i ~~~t~rte. ^~itttLtted rr the (°altrntt~ a~C Ha],l , ,r,a~ "~t.strs~,
<br />,~f ;~~ehr~tsk~, ter va~it:
<br />Ls"tt F'Otzrts~exa (1~~. Cas°~~. ~~~.ates Subdivision, ~~a~.1. Coun•~y~ T~~~tras~.~.
<br />ark ilae S~;xth E~r~na~ig~~a! ~'~era~~~$n. srtrrrt«sitrirr~ irr ~{i as°r•e:s ~:as~c:ttrs~~r~s~ acs (:pctvern-
<br />rr~et~tt ~tsr~~ey
<br />°~-t) 4~~~~'~t ~~P~[~ .~"(3 ~-~(.)1.i7 t~aa^ ~;rertt%sa=~ ~sE~crv€~ s~e~;~r~t?sMai, ~ritis ~s(~ t}ta; ;s~~I~rrrterr-r~cs;~; thr~raasttfcs hs:~lt~ra~yrs~ dtrra3 irta;ltta~irt
<br />{ti3 laead~ra~, tvlismlFs~rr~ srntl litht:irrg; litstrrr~ea <snsl s:yrsit~srrterrt rt~a~~ cir here<ttter° ~s.ttt:sa:iaa c~ tat atr tr~a:c~ era srorrrres~:t~>rr r~~~th srttf ra,.tt~ e$t~tte
<br />ttrttst the iw~sarir.;;~,t~::.;rtai tai its ~,sr~~.:e~~~,,r•s ~rrtei ~ssyi~;rr~, ~"atrever. °~'he ~~atrtt;a~a±r° reltrc~sa~rtts tat, rtrtai catve~rt~trrt:s with, the s~~atrtprt-
<br />thee., th;t tl~~ "~~c„ FS~rt~~,r his ~,a;at~i € i~ht tet self asrtc~ <:<trs~!e~ sxiial Itrr~.rrri;-~:s; th~st they ~ar~e frs,e. t~r'trrr' ertetrtrrl^~.rwrrt~:e; a:ttra~ ih~~t the.
<br />;!~Ratrt~~sti,~}r ~~ill v~;,rr atnt. ~na~ t~etentid the s<s.nra~ ~st;dairrst the IKswf~ss~ e(,tsrns <rf rr[~ ~tersitr~f~» whatrrr~atever; dtrrai the Rtrcd Nlatr`t~4tt~ctr 4tsure-
<br />1?~v re~irrctutsFres ~si~ ri~;i,ts a~f hc:rmeaks~as3, <srtd ~a(I rrr~rti~a rr,~hts, esths~r Est 1<tw atr~ in eytr~t~, rsn~ ~tll tttfriu:r a~atrttirrertt irtters~~»tw aaf tt~e
<br />ht1.a:~rt~{r,~c~r in ~rnc! tt? the ~stta~v~ema~4s~:rittecl Itrertti~a:ta, the irrtertt.atn 1~eira~ tat c°atrt~a:~~ Ater°ekty ~:rrr ~sktstt3ute. title, irr ~e,e sirrt~tlth, irr~ltta~-
<br />ink ~sdi rights stf' hirsrt,~~tt~tai, ~,rna3 a:rther rights 4~rrd iratcr°s:~;€ts ass eifatresa~a~,
<br />E'Rt)V[t)~:;t:1 Ai:1~J~,Y';S, Gsrre~ t6rese y~r°est~rtts Gsre exe:aaste~f ~:srtai a~eiivereti tt~iatrr the: €attata~irt,~;a;atrrafitiatrrs, tat ~~it'
<br />7"he atrt~~rt~~atr ~tt~rs;aYs ts- tsrty tat the ~ft~rt~~~ee, crr atrais;r-, the €~rincittaf strrtt a~4' l~o~'~~ w5evon ~~ho'us~.~:r.~ ~"i~ro
<br />~iurr.s~rc~cl arzs~ Nt~1~.OCl~hs-.,.....,.~,......P..,........ 4)ati4~tr~; i.'fk ?, SQCJ » QQ },
<br />c~is,l~ i,itertsr 4rat!;rr a~at+~ ~,t. that rite att Twe~.v~ ~.~,~. C~zxe-H~3 ter a;enitrrrt x-.50 f1<<~
<br />& ~ 3 er• ~~trrsrllt sari
<br />the aar,I~aiti I~,si~,s7+.e s,rrrfi! t~9atid. 't`he srsisi ~,rir~s~.i~t~t1 array interest ~;lr~il 1'se ttsty~akt{e rtt th~~ srisMe ctt` ~,,:~~,~:off` 1`~o,~'~g`~tc~, Irtc:„
<br />~~ ~r~,t'td Isla.zact, N~b~°aska it • xr ~ rc,~ ~rxre 3<rce .ts the atls~swr att
<br />t.ha~ rrattsr;ixtKt~ ale~i~rt;ata: is, ~{~ritistt;, iri rrratnthly irrsi~xllltterrts art ~~-~'~' ~~tai"t~d~swd ~i~ c~'n~ / t~~t~:~ ~„..~.a.-~®,...~-
<br />.~.~_~,.re.~,....,~.~.....~~..,.,~. !"~<r0~~ars t$ ~Ofs, ~5 }, ea~lttztts"rc;irt~;crr°r the tir~t s~aa+ a.~~
<br />~`~~b~;u,ary , I'~ ~~ , ~srrd atrr the Fir:~,t aiay ate e~aa~h rrrayrsth ther~aCter° tsrati~ ttte ~~rirsa;,i~r,tt :srra~ ira-
<br />tcrc;*t ~,scs frrJli~.~ t~~sic1, except t~it~r1 the final ttayr~e~it~ ~k' ~rr~rrra;i~:ti ~rrrat srott.rar~t, i~ rra~tt sctt~rter ~ttial, shall he ~stse ~srt~sr~
<br />[~a;~<;ttils cuss tl•-eIis,t <iay c ~'an~~ry. ~Ql , ;;Ial ~ts:swirr,.firt~taa t~~e tet~i°rrs r~~~I~a a:ertai~~ ~~~arsxri,~~•
<br />wt>ry s7~~,tk ~,f ev~;r, ~iKttehert;with exec~trte+~ try the ~;<~rid C~1atrta~atr°.
<br />"l'he 1~1r~rtt~st~atr ir~t rraier rrrc>re I`ttlly tar ltratt+~s~t the ~sre~rrritw rtf this Matrtrrc:, t:3r•r~c-~:
<br />'I hest is~~ +~ill [st;y ttr;:: srtic.t~Efie~trt~~s, tts Irereirrhefatra~ ~tra:>victes3, ~riyclt°~c ~~ re±;ervswa,1 tat I"ta~€ the slt~l~t irr wt~~-~le, air ire ~,;•r
<br /><r7~„ssx,r ~gas~si tc, (~rt~' ;~~r rrst~r~. a€,~~rir'Isly ~x~~rrta*rrts ctn t.h+~,.~+r`irra:6~a~! thta~~r~ „sent citt~ aarr Che, rtctte,~~a'trt t~°rr: ;;fgt cia% ,~t° s, r;~- ,i~,c~s~€h:
<br />">rli i t~~ tsa~ditlr'iCy: I'rc~~•i~Cect. ]r`Rsu ~ ~~c'~t', } ~l~t ~vT~tt~ti £rt5~f~z.~' t1~c1r4 It~t~1'itlckrl Ie) a;~+:rG;!"~~'. ylrA;•kr~Klvl~i~"~;La t~ ~1v<_ ~~ sE I.~,#~; Et?1i~f~~ ;~~9I
<br />~I;+v~, jxric~r tt~ jtr~t~a'vr~~s~;~~t,
<br />„~~tY;i~. r61~~1.~i1:1" lb'Eil`'r, 1l tii.P Itl 1ir.~(t)rrUll ttf, thC_` FT~i~r3r~ilW/` ~'siiti~(i3t',tltw t)if~ ~5#rTiC.j3;:E~ '~ll1R~ IYEICrr:`ti$ t);2~';>Y1iC' ! ii~,~;:E" ~IIC Yt~;r"i"i`11 Z;i t:~l~
<br />nerix ,~°c~spt~f~c1 tr€~r~ t^,~; , ; ire ~"is~s~C~,,~~«s~ ~il~ ;~ad~ ra, rlrsr ~t~~rtt~ .ag..c~e. ~~s~, Ptit;• fir+-r ~~;ti~,~ rxt ~~a,.~i~ rQ~~,sas#~sa~=lr~l tirae~ ,~s~i9 rz~bt~a i~ alCy ;7.fi~i, stt'~
<br />~i1/ ~41l~~~,~bit t,t~ti)CR't14 ~(7 ~fp{~Al4t~ik' tldk." I,cklatCt i96,'hl.`6)$ 1Jd9ti1 `1SrYdi~h iii ¢)~{y ~~)i~' Sri?ll~~ 3i4sJk~'~',~~,',~ i~;"iR~fc#1i 4:C 1tt;,`i~li~~?a1 l~ ~El
<br />r;',i:f l; 1'i-4S"ii ~dC(tl t!s!: YSf)tf' `id;+ i,1)~'(I 43~;r1;:13~` ~dSl'' 0t74it12t:a!„ t?i <% i)1~'Fitt~li~" ~ ~S~h~ 't r f'~~ $i; ft. ia7 (.{ 2ilvlllt,tbq~" fJ',1;~ ;::f1i e ~i;jJ';??,•
<br />~ ~ .~
<br />'llfitllf! it it'! `v ~t~°' fi't'{~.~ t~v fe',r,' ~sc,;.s;pa'Pdi;'~ pit 1~4,ti1'~;'i " ii~~t,l ~?7'I),,; ~°.~".:.yr ~i:Fledt~., l~~ ,~i9b'.>~2r~,
<br />g ~
<br />drj ~i iii,.; '.~~ti [t7]'1~,~ ;~'. `~~i,il i~ll5.l,' alt ~.:~5:'~d ~dsl t~U; ~9i~if. ?(1,~;~ 1C}belriiik.. rlr ,lt ~t'. ;.,,.31 c't,. ..~ ,. tl' 3t`S,3t ~al~,'~,! ~i;L-fi 3'' i":i ~.. t~*
<br />. -~r<~~?~. ?! tlio._ .'ti,4fl.i£14S~ tIx)'t:*;',~4p~ .~~~.f, ~Sii_ iii, SEti3kii '~~ti~ii'~5:63.. ~ .'~.tEFtl.ii,}1~' 4.t1 ~,a:' i~.%}.l,t6. .. ,, kip., ~t4Tc ic.~ i'€i~'
<br />.. .. ~ - v~ ~l,-p .~~rti'v .,4 •t ,,is'o '. ~~S ~+~iv i,; n FS._i t~':?~-y4
<br />