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i93. '~T`~s, E tl~se ~!-4c~«~t~~st;r>~~ will k%~tw tl3e hi~iddins~~~ E~afr~~as ~~~itii i~rerxai~~;.~ irttacydre~~ar, «sr~d nefthercr~nsrrri~trt~rr errnitwaste <br />tst~i~n ~;«sicl land, nr~r ststi~+~r rts~: ~;;sict prd rr~asc~s tr, h~~~ t~tsert f~~r ;,t~~r itrsi«swfatf ~ssr~rs ~: <br />) 1. 'F'ts~st i1' t,`re ~ressti~cti, ~~~~ sissy tzart ih~r~°af, k~~~; ~~~~r~~9en~irr;.',4 urtsl~r tlt~° pc~tG~~~~w~~~' c~tntt~rt;t c~r~a~ir~ir~', ir~:c~N~~r~tf~c~s'ra t~ishl~c; <br />tsse, tl~sr: c)rerrs<t!;e;<; «ta~~ar~r~e~fi, ttse l~rr~ce,ect~ f'<~r 1~se t;_s)S'inks <_}f'. eyr th~~ t:i~rssict~r~ti<~is f~°rr ~~~,h'r-s~~trii~iti«ts~,ts~ th~~xt~nt'i~i t~E~e full' <br />.~n~c~rt~nt of inch htedne s tshars th~~ i~~sc+s~t~6s~e arse tt~a~ r~i;te ~~~hic°h pis is ls»rf~rs t« t~~>c°a~rf~ rer~,~i,irrir~~; un~a~id, ~r~h~rey ~s~ia;ne~.l f~~~ tl:e <br />;~~'[sarttta~<?r t,;~ the iL~csrt~~s~eE:, r~nci ohs)) hi~~ ~~ziri fz~~s°thwirts ia~ ~~;icl !~-t(kt'i,~fx~,~c°E~tt~ ~~ ;Yp~lied fad t:h~ )rstter ~n~cc~a~rst a~f' th<: ~sexr <br />ln~t~arirsg icsstQ9)4n~~e>ats of ~;is~;h ip~cl~htedn~~~.~. <br />l~'. ~f"he ~~~rsrtfsfz~~~~r fssrtt2e=r ~i~rc*c~~; sh«it Sh~~~tjirl this o~~~t~rt~;at«t~ ;~v~r~~ ~th~r~~~~tc ~;Frctat~~~~ ~~~~h~ nr~t ~he' R~(i~?i~r]e E~Aai~ in_ <br />~tsran~.i: ssndc^r tht 3~fati~a.)nal f~t<xssin} ~~ct w~~dt)sio~ zii:~„~:.y ct.~~~~~ i",~f:rn~~ f~~r~ atstE° t~~:rts;;+~ ¢~'~~~gter~ ~C<bic~~n~rSt ~~f arrv ~~ti~ic~c~r <br />irf the 1)ep4srtsr-ctyt ~?f i-~la~rssirs~ anai tls~h~+sr t'~e~~elt~g~rnes~t.trr zit~tfse~t~iz~~l a~;es~r ;:~sf tffs~: `heerc~t:u°t- ~~l' ~l-fiika~ssss~; anei trhsn <br />~:l.Xiw T t1e~ ~~"~ <br />l)e~~c'la~7pment il~s~tec# sksk7sec)rsent t~s the. ~ ~ ~ ~ tirs~c fs~z7zn tlse El:~«i° ~~f ttsi~M rrfcya~t~ss~>e, ~t~~lirar~~~Y tcti insasr~ 5~sid <br />nf~C~e and t9sis rna~rtt;~~t}~e~, t~eiss~; ~ie4ns~.d cc~rsc:las~;i~rf• hr<~raf, taf s~acf~s i~rcdif;ihidit,y~?. ii:e ~.~r~~r~lt„«,~;~v~ ~;~r I~a<~hl~~r ~;f thc~~ nd~tG <br />m«~y, :~t itti «hts7es, ttr:l~sre ;sl~l ~;unts se-c:i_~rr~~t3 h~~retsy irssrsscali;~t~~y cink:~ and {~ta~~~i~a~e,. <br />} i. "t')s«~t if tR~se )V1~art~«s~rsr fail.ti i~~ a~~;skr: san!~, l~s~~syrnersts. a~f rntsne~ when.tPte ~an~e he~~c?is~se {Iue. c'arf~il~ trr ~b~rsF~~rrrs td~ «irs~1 <br />c:~~nsply wit~t «~rsy tsf ifsC~ 4~~>niiiii«~ns isr «sf:rGenses~ts ctanrtsirrc~l its tftis n~rt~a~efi <'~r' t~~'rtr:~t~: ba~hicla wt sC*eixt'~'s..f~sr~e~ thG es~rire f~rw,nc~i- <br />foal sans arul «3cc~°LSed itsterest shall st t~~ncka 1?c~c7n~ae s~:cse sn~ ~~~~~yak~l~; at the elt:cti~~~r+ c~rf it;e ~~fryrtf!~~e~ ~!.nri t~ias, rrws'tls,~e ntasy <br />iherer;g~nn l~at~ foreel~3sed irnrs7edi<~iely° fc~r ilae wht~~~1e c)fs~i~l ntc~a~~~+, i~1t~r'~±~tistv~4~fi~1~~ ~r~~yin~rstx. ~p~t, t,resun~l r~rsts. t~,.~~~s tisnd <br />tht: cc~si a~t~ ~xt~ntiisig th~~ ~si-~str:~~t ~.rf tit)c. fresrn the dst~z~ft.his P~~,art t,the-iins;e tsf~ct~~r»rrserscin~ ~;tjcr; fr~re<,lt~ sisi~ Mssit, ~sn~~ ~s rear <br />~d~r~ahle attcarn~~y'~~ fer:, tall s~i whi~.kd~;tsa6i ~~~ ~nc~~ti~~ed in^~t~s;e s~iawa:ree of ~fr~z~~~~.:l~ssssreh ta~~r~ rase 3.or~trssct crnt7~rSical in this r~t~srt~~ge <br />and the nt>te hecasreci Jaer~t~~F, shntl ira 2!1 resf-ects !~e tr~rerss~:~I, c~srystxar;c# ;,~rr~d «kd~s.s;~t~„es? l,~y the 1«sti~: csf ~Jehra~k<:, ~.~-)sere itse <br />sarrie is made <br />'T'he cor~r~ri~s~ts; Fter~ein.i;~rst.«~nec~ 4tttwtl h~r~tai. «and the ~s€stae~rts ~r~~<tst1~«rrat,:aes; ;~h;~I1 in~A:rr~s~ t:e~, the r-~~~r*swtirr~ haYr~s, exe::cttr>rs. <br />adnar~istratcsrs; sarcce~sc~rs and assifns aaf the taa~ties hereto. 'whenever assee3, the sinar~ar nasrrst~er shalt irx~lttde the f~~.srai. the:- <br />~lia~sral the singtat~r; and the use csf aaay ender sh*rtt hc~ stpt?tlcakrle ec~ att enctes•s. <br />~''lre fc~reg~ain~ e.n~~ditiuns, atl tend sinaaltrr» lyein t~erfc+r•sned aec~ratin~.taa ttreir natasral and teal :impart, this c.c~nveyar~ce <br />shalt t>e-vt~id and said rertaises r°eleased tat the expense tsf the ~'lt~rta,~car, s.stherw~se try he fsnd rear«rin in farlt farce rand effect: <br />1N V4'1"l,tti(1~:~~ W~r~~~~f)~", the C~Ta~rt~a~car(s,l ht~~ h~r~s~asratt`s set. '~~'~~" }azrrtd(~) the ~~«t;~ <arrc! ~°«tr ~r~t <br />trk~~ve written. <br />fn presetrc.e ~~fe <br />y" <br />..~._.. I ~ A l.. ~ <br />.. ~ ~ _~,~ <br />~F ~.. , <br />~ AI~ <br />i ,. <br />~ ~r~I., <br />~.., <br />«~r> ~ar.rw3~ <br />i <br />s~r~-°r~;,t~l~ ra~~~,~~,~~~, <br />~~: <br />i <br />t)tt this nth clad ~f I7~~~rtrTae~' , A.C9. 1~~t2 , beft~re sne, <br />Not~~~~ Pub}'.:a: in tancl fnr° said C~sasnty, t?erssarrall~ eartat* <br />~~~szl ~:. ~~~nk: a.nd Wa~.da ~rrkar ~Cub,nc~ ~~a a, <br />pt;rs~an~lty tai nre l~ncawn <br />xc~ he the adentccaI ta~rs~~ns whose narne;~ ~.,~~ «~flixed to the alcove and f~re- <br />~ois~g instrurrresrtt as l~gr°t,ta~csr, and ~f~~y ~~.~,.~ tacltnowted~ed the ~*aid it-strarrrterstcnd the <br />exec titian thereof to be ~the~.r voltlnfiar°y rsct aaad deed, for the paarposes thsdrein exps~essed. <br />to te~timr.~nr~~ rvhe~rec>f, l have herearrxt~s set any hand and trftixcd by s~~'~~x~l s; at at C3~.d ~~1,.~nd,r ~br,l~~ <br />a4~ the d«sy tsrrd ~f,rte fast aht~we ~,a~ritt+~t1. .'~. <br />.~ « <br />l7~VR I~C'iA0}w~ J l~.rn"~ ~'`..{~ ~t..t ~V 'J~~_. ~~. rw. <br />~~ilerf far reec~t~~i t3~is da,',~ ~~ ~.~`~. '~~! x <br />Est .~`ctfsc;k i'~.» and entes~d irs Ivesrrs~ric:af ~nt~~x, «atx~C~ <br />re_car~ie~i in F3c~c~ls ~sf '~tork~a~;es, tin <br /> sr~r ~sf yetis <br />