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tlaat~ta~~t t:~ovrt~;ra~rs~ rya°rc~w~~er ~tar~ lLc~~r ~cav~n~aat ~nc~ ;~~rr~~ ,as follcaws: <br />~. l~'~aite~ti# csf l4"rlncltp~! aa~c# #n#ere's#. l~r„~rrraaw+er shall larcanalaily laay when riue the, princip«al ref and interest can. the <br />ixtr~rabt,exar?ss ~,^videraced by the Neste, fsrepriyrxieaat artcl Irate ctartres ra.s prravir:led in i.tae Naate„ geed khe larincipal ref grad interest <br />ran stay ~"ratraa~c~ ~ldvarteaws :re+cttred try this li~rart~a~,e, <br />~...' ~. ~'nrrrr4s !Fnr ~'~aes grad lCn~auasaaraece. tabjec.t tea applir~ataCe Iriw car tra a wriiiers w~aiv+~r t3y '.t..esader, 1~3rarrrawcr shall pay <br />tea ;f.,etactcr raga iitar~ day ttacanttily installmeaats ref pritar>ipaal grad iaaterrrst gate laayabls~ tandtar flee Naate„ until the Nate is paid its full, <br />a-surn t'raew•e~iea "Futtdaa'°) eq'iartl i:aa cant.-twelfth ref ttror'~ y~erarly taxes; «anr'1 :a.ssessra'ar.'snt~s '<~°taich rrtray attain l~aricarity saver this <br />?Vt~~,~xC~a~e+ as•ac! ~;rraunc~ raters ran te`l~rraperty, if ra.ray, rarae-twelfth rat" yearly prexniuna instaa:llxraents fret ha~artl iaa5trrazacex <br />pltas tans-t~elt~pta cat yearly ~sreaaaiurra isastallraaent;s tr~rr raaeartt;ae iaasa.srrance~, it" tarty, all ra.s r°easranataly estita"aatecl initi;ally asac3 frrasxa <br />tinge €ca tune lay lrtde:r can flee kaa~ais eFi" rts~esss°nranis ;erect hills .:anr~ r•erasrararatale gists°sa~ates thereat'. <br />`The Funds shall he held ire Matti irastit:tttsran the cteprasits sax «rr;c°ratant:s cat' which axe insured tar ~uarantc:ert lay <a F~deraal of <br />stsaie «ar°~nr:y ~ixar::lttdira~ l:r~nder if l..encter is n institutiraaa). l..r.radcr shalt rtplaly the t~tands tea lacy :~r~aid traare's, assessments, <br />instsrrstace lareniaAUms and rratttad raters, l...esrder warty nr,at ctara.rg;e t"r:ar :era hra~r°iin~ aaaci «ala~lyn the ~atnds, «an~lyxin s«tid ac~cr.•atrtit, <br />car :rexifyn grad ctaraalrilin~ srasrl assessnaeaats rand faille„ t.snless 1..,a;ttder fsrays larrcawer interest cast the ~°a.tncis rand applicalale levy <br />rrrtits lender tra taaae stash a claraa°c:,. lrarrr:awer «aaad l..c.tar:ler s°nay ta~rr„*c: ire cart°itn~; «st the tirrse +raf r;xecutiain .rat' this <br />Mcartgage fleet interact ran the Ft:ttads shrill tae praiel tra l3earrrawer, and taraless such ra.~reerrtent is rraasle tar aplalieat~le law <br />re'rlutres sueh interest ire tae laaart, 1,r;rader shall rarer lie ra.° faired tea as l~rart'rawer rasa aratr°,rest ar etarnarr ,ran t <br />" *cl f y y ` .. ; he Furads. lender <br />shall ,ewe to ~carrawr, wath+~trt c..hrtr~e, an raaataraai aac;c~aaaan~tAra~ rat thr~ ~hunr,ls whcaw~at cxerltts rtt~art rlehtts tea the Funds tatadthe <br />pttr~pc~se far whir~h eac;la rletsii: ire the l~tands wits aaartrtti.. 'l'he &~uncts rare faledecl as rtrtcliiiasa«a,l security fr>r the sums sectzrtd <br />fay this Mcart~tt~ae. <br />If :the atrnratant ref the l~`unds .held fay I..ranrtr~x, tra~iether° a~.=itla the future saaranthly inst:allaattents cif °'tattrts l'ayalale pricer tea <br />the due dates tat taares, assesstaaents, irasttrranrWe larc:aaaiutrra sncl ~;xcar.atart rerat«.,, sts<tll eaccrrert thr; a.naaunt rer~ttired tra pay said tra.xes, <br />assessments,rnsurance laremittrxts geed trcatand a°ents ras they t'rali rt.ue» stsr:h cr.~rcess Khali be, at 1~arrcawer";~ ralatirasa» either <br />~ranaptty re.laaid to orrcawer tar credited t.ra t3carrrawer seta rtaranthty anstallrraents rat E°~unds, if the aa`nratsnt cif the Fondle <br />heid h'y luende>r shall slut lac stat~'icient tta laay taxes„ assessments, nstaratar:e prertait.atras rtrrd f;ratand rcrais as they t'rall due» <br />f3tarrawer shall lacy tea lender any anaraunt necr:,ssary ire snrtlSrw' talc the rlt~ticir;racy within. ~~; day:y traana the mate tacatice is xraailed <br />fay lM;ender tea C3arrc-wer regttestin p«aynar~aat therecaf. <br />1LTpun la«ayraaesat in ftall cif tall cars secured fay dais Cvlras°ti;a~c;, l.enrlex shall. larrasaalaily s•raftand tra 13arrcawer «asay Ftatsds <br />held fay t,r;nder, if tender paragraph 1 herctai' the larrapcriy s ticald car nc~# l'rtalaerty is catherwise aacrltrirerl lay l..encler, lender <br />shalt apply,, sea rater than itaacdiately prier tra tht~. s«alc; rat' fret, larapc,rty+ tax its «acr~tsisitican fay l.:erader. any Futads held by <br />Lertdr?r at the name eaf rtpplicatiat7 its :a credit rtyairtst flee susa`ts secuxer:l ta)r this i~trariat. <br />~1~~-leai#io>rr z-F P~yamen#.s« l,.~nless splalica.tale law larravirtes cailaer~~°a:~ra, <aC# lattyrtta~aats cr;c:e:ivr*r~ b'w 1..ea~s~ler tattcter the <br />Nate and para;i'aphs 1 rand ~ taerecat shrstl tae rtpplar,d i°ay l.etacler first eta ta,ay't~te,a-at r:+C ;at~aacattnts laayratalc=: tea l..etacfer fay l3taxrrawer <br />trnrler paraagrpht ~ ttcrecaf, then is ia`xteresi faayatale the Nrair:„ these tea the fariaacip.rl ref ilea Nraie„ atarl ttaert tra interest gird <br />principal ran any' future tl.dvanct:s. <br />~» Cht~r~leas; I~liea~s. l3rarrcawrwr stiatl laray «all t.a?ra:s~ ~r~„rssa°sar;rats «aaarl rrihex c•«tttye^r, tines «taad iraaprasitiraras to <br />the l'ralacrt}~ which m~~y attain ra pri«rity raves' this i~~car°i~,al;c.aaact lr~asr;Caralr:i paynaents tar l;rtatatad rerais, if raray, in t'he raaanner <br />pr~vid+etl under l,aara~raph ~ herecat: tar„ if nrai i., star;'la rat<ann+~s°, fay llrar-xrawer xtartki'xs~ payta~rexai. wlaera due, directly` tea tree <br />payee therea#. 1n3carrrawer ;hall prruarx°-lattt= t`ura,ii.}3 a,a t.,r:nrle.t' :ell aaraiar:r.s rat axrscatarai,°+ rftarx. tanclcr this per«al;r€alrtt, anti ir# the everai <br />l3arrcawc~r =~tsalll snake payxne:sai rlirtr,°tl!,=, l~rar°xr>,~cc shaail lar`ranal:aily iarrsaawla ace l.r;+ari~r xr°r:eipts to°idtrteits,~ sasclt laayraaettts. <br />l3taa^ruw°~~r shall crtal:tlv r~isc:h«tt°v: «ara~y~ lic:ta c~rtai~°la as Ijriraraaw, ia'ua.~r dais Nlrrri~Ma.,~°. ;+,'rarrir#r~ci, tlar~t 13rar`rcar;r shall sat>i 9ae <br />requited tra clis'claarte t'an;' ~aaelt Best era Ican~ ;a~ 1:3r:arsca'es- Sla«tll .-at+~'t iaa i+.aiiorta= '.' aia~; payxnesti rat ttta: caC°alilaticas~a sr;r:ttt'ed fay <br />starch Bean isa a anaratasaGr ;LrcL~lat;tblr: tea l..tnder, tar slarail ist fraca<I ~r~aiatc*~t;la 12~ 13 t~ , css° rlefenrl txafcarrttrraent rat srar:la lien ire, <br />le~at lat~raae~°dita~;s w'hi~cir ralaeratr; tr:a laxr:vrvaai the. ~sttrarcr<s'aaeaai ra4 ~hra Caraaa raa° #eattL~iitaa°r~ rst ilea l'a°czlar~rty sax as'ay l>atrt tereca#~. <br />~• Hit~ard ~tnsurance. t3ratrra~vc:a ash«alt ira:txp the isa'l~sa<a,,.°aaac+~is naar~ r°.w;isisrtt raa` hr^s`a:atttr r~sr:c;ir«cl cart flee l'rraprhsty instarttd <br />:t~,aitast loss by fire„ h«aaaxclr isaa;lrarlerl ~~ithan flee ir;r-raa "+:~ir:,arluri r:a.a~rtr.a~e"'. «tnrl saai;tr caila~:r hrt:~rards ras l.eeadrA.r saarayF t°c~rltairr <br />atacl in sur:t•a arna~rrntMs rartcl rtes- sua:h pe.a°rrar'l:s >a, l.esarlcx iaa«ay' r~r;usxc, laarisirlr~at. thrat l,.r.aar9~ x ,i~.alC sat°+' rrTra=aixt that fret, <tatar.+saaat rat` <br />such caver'ar: e,'xr;cerl that atttr.auni ref crag,=rr°a#;. s°rrrluaxce3 ire la«ay~ tCat sranati sr'rrtas't;cl tta ;?a^, :~li>sti,.,r:c~. <br />l'"he rrasua~atacr r:arriet` larc~avicltt tht insutraa:ac:a: shall let r°hcar;ra tayr d3raxruw~r;s ssata~tc~ t,~ «rtat°+x,at'al hy` l,„ l~arravided. <br />thai sue; la aplaarca~val shall racai be taiateasraxaahly wiihtae.tat. .1.11 iarr:staitasaa; rata isarusrssar;r prtilicits tilaall tae paid in the raaatataer <br />prravided tarader ~para~raptt ? herera# as°, if rsc+t pain is3 srs.~#a a;asaxi,;r, lay t'i<tis.x >=.~er naakira~ prayrrtet, av=tar~aa dot, rirectly t.ra the <br />iaastarnce rwatrie;x, <br />All anstarsaraia;e pcalicies anrf tenewal:~ cta»:r~-, j; wtaali t>e: a~+ r45sraa :ar:ctlatzataYr:. ~,;a l.t;ssrtr~x ccaat shall isalsadr: <a staxtrtard nrcartc;:i~e <br />cla+use its ftrvca;x ref geed', in f`ra-°raa xtcccl-i«alale tc> l c~ia~3ta. I ~r~t~.°~ ~ii:t~ to«are filar: i<;}:; trA ~-~r~iri !''?r l~c~taa:na> «asas:t xa:xac~a+«al~ il.jez~~;, <br />axatl ~orrcauuer ;halt prarraptly fcsx;nista iv lvr:aad~;a~ sAd r+_rtG`.<as :3~aiaL'', ;:iic; :,"-; .~:~~caf~~t5 ~':~ ;~~,rarl pr+_saaisarxa~;. lxa thc° c;vcsat r~s I,.~S-;. <br />I3+arrcawet snail ~itie ps•rarsapt nraiiee tea the irasuraa3Lt r:;arrir~i .+=a..i l r;sLCi~r. I.,ett~,L.~ „a:s, .ai;~A.c, iR+~~~ ,-d Ira~ss at neat raa=arlt larr~rtai~«iy' <br />lay ~arrcawer`. <br />Unless I...a'nrler aaa;ct Ir3atrrava°cr raihr:rw°irr: ragrec iaa xatsn, iaasuxaaaL:a: 1>xc'i~sct^r sh«al1 tar:, atalaliert tra rrwstc7r«tticas3 rlr relstrr ref <br />the prcapetty r~«;ett, pr+:aviriert ~ur:ta tar~traratira3a ras• rr~taaia" is tr:caaaratata~;~};c , ~.:~stalc aaaacl i?at, ~;ecus~itw cat' this aa~art~aa~r: a <br />nQt thereby` isuap.aircd. If such ra:>«:aratirasa car repair is egret ec:raatranrit~rali}» '=~.,•i~±~ tar it' the sr°r:us°ity cif ihis ~trartg«a,a~e ~~°rxtalel <br />lee irnfa~ireti, t.h~; ir3auleraxar;e prac+~r tie ~tara.ll be applic,rl tea fret; susses sc.r:rsrerl lay' , iai~ '~traa~i~a~r;„ `4c iih thr: exr;r;s;;, if <aaay=, paid <br />tca.:t3cart°raw+Ms`. tt the P'rrapert~` is a~ta<<aadurav;c3 ray= l~rarrcawer, tax it l3r~arrraaa°r;r t;ails tra ~;,.,p~~a,~i fire l..ertrtrr wittain :>t) rl;~yFs tx~5a~a the: <br />slats nc+t.itr~ is raaailer fay l.estder tv I3~arrrawrrr tlarat the insuranr:c :,.rrir'~ ~at3~ers tra ~c:x;~^ .z r:t;aatat tFr~r is~asurancr; tat;rar:tii:~, l~enrlr;x <br />is atsthtaxi~eet try r:raller~.t and ripply the iststsranr;e. priaeeeds <:rt l..a.iari,:r • captican r;iilaa r ice resirarratiun tar rr;pir ref the t'rcapetty <br />tar raa she sutaaa°~ secuxet; ray= this Mcart~agt;. <br />Lliales~lesa',a3er ;:earl $ratrrawa:r rattaerwise atxart ire 'wxiiira~;, «rray str+~la appticraiiran ra: tarr~c:r~eds trr l?xanr:if;, ': -l r3i txtc.tacl <br />tar Ca.~stprataa: ;Ina a<ic34 ;.irate cif th+~ raararathly' installnxR:sats ra;terxed tra ire taaratraptts t axar3 ~ ttr:xecat: tar 4haxse. iz4, ~saacari;at cat <br />sestih ieastas3saae,a~«a. ,l uxadr ~aaraar~apta 1 hr~xeca#: the l'rr>pv.rty° is raciluixr;r3 Cray' Leander, ail right, title and iratea~,; cat 13arri~~.~~3 <br />in ~3rari «c~ ;rs,.y= itasurratace pc+licies snit in rttaci tra flee t~axcayc.ecis thr;rr:caf re;~ultira~ frrasaa clasaaa~e tra tl~ae l~rral:aea•td prirar to tl~~° -.:'~ <br />tar .ae.iuzsirturz shall. lagers tea Lenr3er tra flee c.~tr:ni rat thr: *;urrs;; sr:crarr;rl Cxy this "~'trartga~r;. iaaasaaediatety° pricer iL~ atach sate c§x <br />ra~.~Ctaisiticara. <br />sy. 4"as°ea~r~°a#~v€a ,aud 1+~au;yAeayaaic"~ rah rert?~°, d..~~tm~a8als; t:'caaaclc-aaairsitnas '#a«axrrsaer# C~nit ~+eg•e~laaaae:tits. 1-lrars°rau~rx <br />sl,~ali keep .ass i"rrrprrty fire ra.~rl rr}~~it «atad staalt neat catxtrxsii ~:,:wt. gar pcrraxit irxtprtirtrrctat car r.leteriraraticaaa tai" flee l'rrapt,rty <br />«aiai:i siaaki =;:rarr~~a;.~' j~it~a the°itii;=:;s gat ;axay' tevast: i Haas 'ta:aa:~:a~~: i~ east ya Ir:rrsc:iirzltl. It ttris ?+vlaaxi.a~?r; is r~ra :, ,~su~ at ra <br />.'i3a1a,~Car31ifi3Edsii ~S' .a ~;a:.:ii2aii;~ ~?eis: ti{;'.t'lw?~?I~~Crlt, t~4.)rrti~L~'rr":" ~'t1V.~l l~i:x'il)f6a8, ialt f3~ r7:;i7'.t'r:r.5 r:ft31[~xaid4ata~s ili1C38~`Y" ii"t t' Ei~~~:t';:se~~?tl <br />ego ~.=.aetraa«a;s csc;t;ifa~; c-r ~c9a~rr~i<,~ z#:~ ~.rasaeir?snitaiuna ar plataned aaasit rtr~s+alcap.;,~:~. the tmy-taws rss~ re~rai~:si<:~~s~~. :,, tr4 <br />~"§:,,+31ti~t~Fa3.d~a3',ar12 ti?i ~~i,iL1;3C::3 iiil3t ~lC'•; ~t?~),{G1a2„ ilxar~ ~-~."i~fl;iht-3at Llras:.tata~c:#'dt~. ~t «a ,:~a.~~ti»araaaraautaa €~X" &:~sar'aed casart ; . ~ ~.r'13 .aTL~nt <br />l'i~.t~;~ i~ :..":t;t:U'',Ci;s~ }?ti' ~~iaC~t4't'L_I ;.:#1 S;:i:""=I ?art tL.71»,ti.ixc.i ?'-1th t}11S 1r,1rt~,caSP,r', f~i': :La'•'r:t~;ta3t+~ r$~~+t.l ;3T~'Gttt+Gtl~S c';tt °.3~~`1T xFr~rr <br />~s~kti~ ~h i4?a~1}f`~aq„;°aissi 3Slti` <1S;t.. '<<a:iil tCr'si:;iia.~ ~; .: ~,,k~~;i+_"f:tr,:flut th4 d:i"t"*^~'.t2~,inih .iaa; si~l"c:4`•~~arttti ~.a~ tl'34~ '~°€C°~"f'iA,~aar: rag a$ tt1t; i"~4id;%a" <br />G."w.,,~~ )'~'~(t#~.4:rEE?i~ e.~',f ~i."~5~~~~ ~'s€'~r~f"3xi, 3i ~{~?S la~t~,r;^S i,~,:~;_ S, :.-, "S~i7 ~Lt~ '~a-:"t .:is~i`; ~;re'a ~, tt'4.'~s i.~* ;.3t3t;diSi~"a~, as ~taR4 <br />z~~it~t~;~3~'w. <?i~ ;~ Etta! .t4:C.r:);1 i ~':~r,.a.C."-~C,:tit' ~. ...-t1, .. .°.:if ls_,~~~3ti~^ _, ._._... ~ a-et~.S;`I :'.a.;z, _ ~_i'ii' S''~~[?,,,t~-t~,*, <br />;1F~i1sS~3t':~", x',t3? ?.a,+ ~,('-;,.2.+;~ it`. <.li.x.akt fit>t"i1,14i}, t s _~ _;+ ,~,~ .. .. ~ a ~ " <br />a+ ,fs+ - - - .~ <br />`,'?rrar~.r ~i~,?S ~~" ti j',a;;r 4~V. j,. ~ ~~~L'i7 ~ _,l.: S:' ~ f.°itl...s =. l~~t....a, (di,tt: ,.., t'u .. i~:.+i. 1 i .,-.. ~`. i.: '}~.i~x '.. •~- -- ii. ?-,L. a"i: 4`,ai.-ta <br />':7,f.It1'i ~s.H']S: rei'r.t,' ~.,4 _ .. ~?7s".'t ak : .. i~~c~t."~'>~~q,_ ;.+ { , -~.. 'E,.~. .,`.~ .. „'i ,,. -_ . °~i..~..~ _ i...., ta...,?i <br />ak;~.`,r .:s#,~'., ~C~i~1: io;., !i tt.. ~sl.t~ r.-~ac~ k -''yr9'° .;f_.. t CSj ` {:3 ,.. ~, .. ii _.~1; ?! .ti.. Cj'~.i ..~ ,..t~ ~ _: ,....c .~,. .. ... <br />.. ~~..~i~i~: . .i 9: 'Fi ~+~'} ~-~< Fs~.. .?ek.. '~; 4.:~~.i ..~ ~~-~ .. ~.. ~t ';r G,a..i .- ., .. ..1 aaii'~ ,t. ;,t <br />3'~'.1....i.,a<.. k '.i~~ ',3 "st i° .,:_1 .4~«' ... 'i7s: _, a[IS.(.ie4t.-fS -?Sri. ... ..a~~ ... _., ...w~,. ...,, q.,~ ~~ _. V'+;1'. -. ~ _ <br />~,. s ~ - . <br />~ ~ ~: <br />' .. a <br />