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the stems sec:ure~l h;~ ti^~is ~~eed ~~f "T`rosst ':hail ~c~retino.i~: ~trs~k~~1} tlpt~c~ ~oss:h q~ayrric;rat :;enci c:dr~ Pay ~iorrta~er, this tad Cel° <br />'~ Z'"rust ar:si tine a>b#i~~ttic~rss sect.:roof he;retsv yh~tii rtrnairl ira full fc,re`i ;,nc~ cztfrart ;:cs i3 s~ca ;tec tl~r~stirrrt l~md csccur`reti. <br />~[t. ~#,±~~~nsnrteeat sat TBerttst r~,~Zpurla~teuerrt ~tF'~~eei~~r, ~.,o~snal~x' ir* ~'aa~€a!~ses~lan, ~'~s ;t+:lditisyr~ai 5ec;strdty herc:tsrder. ~3c~rrc~~ue~t• <br />l~eri„by ~tssip~ros t~a~ L..~nd,er tl~~ rents c,f' the 1'resperRy, l7rcav~tir,d tl~;at #:t~arrc~wer :yhsil, frric-r i~~ ;~crralc:ra~tior: ur~tfear frtrti~raph i## <br />her<~sxf or aban~d~:>a~r~~z,r<t ~~ the #'rcr~erty, i~avP ti-~~ ~-i~ht tc~ ~;c~l(ec;t and r~t<xin ~ttc;h r~nt~~ ;~s ttie^~ h~e<~rra~ c3tnv anti pav:~lr{~. <br />Upon ,.tcr,el+~rtttsota yMitder p;.~ragrmph ifs Ptcr~~:s~f ::~r ztkad9~~dcaram.eeet c~i t#sr, f'r~pr~rty, ;f.r:ncier, in ~Serscrn, l:~y ;rpnrot sir #~y <br />tudicially ap.~~irrted re~cs*i~er, sR~all be c~ntitle:s3 is crreer s~pcas7, trcP~~~; }~a~ssessicsrt cif anci rttanas~c. tlae S"rcaisrrty ared tcti ~ctlle~ct the <br />rents of-tha ~rc,perty iiacfuditt~r tl~c~se past dut•;. All 3~vnts cEalectcsa by t_~,tttler gar t#t4 receiver ~;#~stl# hc: azr~~liec~ fiat ter ~myrnent <br />oaf that cast:: cat rnar-agernertt cif the t~~r~iserty :~nai c:alie~ctina~ oaf ants, irtc;ludita,~, but r~4at limited tsa, roc°e4v+~r's Fc~cs, prrrrriurt~s <br />are receiver's h~rrids and reasonahle atturxsey's fetal, ~:red thin tc? the ~c3tn~ secured #±y this 1-.7ecd cat' ~ retxt. l._ender and the <br />receiver sh;~ll bye li~ohlt~ :pct acccatrtt only fvr th~sc rent..5 actttmi3~~ c~:ceivt:cf. <br />2x. Future ,~ldvpre~~. Upnn e~c ozest elf }3sarrnwer, l..cnii~;r. ;~t #_ertdcr's c~~tic?t~, tarr~r tot tul! rcccsrtivey:ot~cc o! the k'rraperty <br />by ~~'t-t~stee tea l~at"rnwer, t7eay rtamke ~utasre ~'~dvance:~s t+.a li,°art;awer. :such #{t~tsarc; Advances, with iryterest ther~nn, ~tmmll ~ <br />secured by this Decd oti 'I~rust when evidk*nct^d #ay ~r~rnisscarw r;.;ate~s stating said notes mr~ s~cur~d ht~re~ay. ~,t ten titvt~ ~h'ali <br />the ryrittcipml arrtc,~unt cai' the indebtedrsess secured Pay this f t~tad cat 'i"; ust, rsnt 9reclttdinp so~reas advare~~# ~n a~~ rd~rec~ ht!rewith <br />to lirateet the security ~~+t this, i3eec~ n€ "l"east, exceed the ~~ri~inui ;txrtc~+_~stt ~~t tl~t: 'rate plus t,t~ ~ ~ ~ <br />2~. ~ecorrvtry~t~+r+s. i.lpon paymeett c)f ali sums sccrireci t?r~ dais Deed ~f' `?'roast, 1_cr~der ,hsall request „t'rustee tea rectes~vey <br />the T~ropdertW ;ond shml# surrender this >~ced c,t 'T'rut:t artd :x!! r~~~tcs ~,~ idertcitt~ ir~efe;6tedness Secures! tsY tfri5 l,~ecrJ iaY °I`ru~t <br />to Trustee. Trustee s#~Mail reconvt:y the 1'rsaperty withtaut warranty atzsi urithc~uo ~,l~targe tea the ~+encsn ::~r ;xersryns is;trafiy <br />entitlr:d thereto„ iueh ~;ercon or #aer.cans shall day ail ccsstc sat res:t~rdatit~n, ,f any. <br />23. sub~t3tutr Tn~tee. i..etsrler, att Lt~nder's caputars, shay frtsrr~ tsrnr t~~ tirrte remt~rre """'rR~xtr~e send .~ppatitrt ~s sticct<sKCer <br />trusree tm aray "]"rs.tatee <t17~-~riar~teci hcrettttdca' h~1 are as~strtnteent re4oreii;d in the s;c~uzyty in gv~tac#a thin wed n~ ~"nrst rs reccardec~. <br />Withss:at car~ve~rmnce of the k~ts?peri~a, the sucCPSSOr trustee '~hal# ,u~:ceed tea ati the title, ~r,++wrr anti ciutus r.urtferrtd i~pcan <br />the "~'rustee heriAin and ihy applic;ahle la,w, <br />24. itequtst ffrsr ?~fntires. 13t~rr~r~'cr requests that c~cagt+cs oaf ttse ttsatcc s?t. „efault mtAti tt~9tt!ce eat sttle tae sent tea l~~rrrawer's <br />address wvhirh is the F'rs~faerty Address. <br />25. hta bang .ae t~i.~ [)end r>P 'r~'U~~G i~ hwald i>y t:i~+~ tNVabraek~ tkt'SSt~~gar t~tai~4~EC10 ~'ut=e#~ tu.~ F.rfndazr n:,t~~, rat i;~ste+.~rtt'~cz <br />or,t:.~a~t, c9ect~re ~a13 ~,un~ r~ecurr.d try t"ttls t'M~sr3 a:•f 'i`XUUt t~ 4srp flaadira2r.Py ,~".~!a ~~d ;,ety,~~il~ st` i~zsnsre: r,~n,i[*> ~,z am1~- <br />cR~r~s~anc,~ m f:3v~t ire ~~rs ra~i~S~cet~~,glr4 ~~~^ i~ aid a~f ~"z"Ll~t, ~ncl~nt#tng, y'1t2ha~t ~it~tLa.tir.~n, ~~:~yc-~~r,c, .-s;,c~sr.A~~ ~.~ t,aa <br />Hart;7~~q~r'~ hffi~7at•i,t aa~e~ ttt~G~~,fic~±klr~ +~x~1tPtst~ tai +~r:crar~i` x~t ~:~>ta~~aaact.ic:n arks ~t+ti~ ,.~,s~s~ ~.rt r:a~t. <br />~N ~i~~#~~x~s wi~,>~al~~~, ~arrcav~~c his ~xt.~cu~ed ~ha hued c~~ ~I~rtMts~. <br />. ~ ,.. <br />sm~~~ ~1~ taF:~~.E'dA~~j <br />'t~U'l~Y ~F 1~~~.~. <br />°The ;f.`e;~9C~~yC?' 8~~+t~l ~ Ckttctt~f~~d~~eei :~+wx°',~" ~::'.';a.~ ,'~~.°t~ ,~ . :~~k~' .~' <br />t'~ (~~ 9t' q y,+~~ y ` t <br />w +"+t.~.~~.. 1r^~~i^ `*^~~ .s « g ~L. !~ • 'rw ~ +1,t .. ~~~; X' . ~° iY t~ ~ ,~ > ,« 4 •. ';, ~ 1'Mt:] ~> f - i "~ {~: C ~~ (} 1~ 3. y k 1 :,~:.> ~ i;~ ~. f~'~ .~ v4 +;' ~,: ~`' • ! ~,,r`'~ r ~w' Ay X « ; ,~ ! ;ray, :i i.:' <br />Wx~eiRrs~ tto~ latJ,n+~ ~i~d r~S1t~;1a~,1 :spa. ~it~. t :ra+:. ,~ ~r<~, ~'~'>s` ~,~ ~c , . <br />tl k r ~ } <br /> ~~id '~C.sUI1'L'~' a 'w@ C~~@ltt~9 c'l~C7~@°P~~ICk. <br />~~'~~~ ~~ <br />~1F. ,,Y~~ ~ ~,~~ ~,-,.~' <br />x <br />iMlr Cowls 1~1~,~ ~R ~ ~~ ,~~ ~.., _ ,~~ _~-_ ~:~: ~+'~.~.w~ *. ~.c ~ <br />~ ~ ~ +^ ' <br />s, <br />~Y "° zeurttu~.c~m~ sxg~iare~ - <br />,, <br />~~'~ , :..~: . v ~,, ~ ~~ <br />., <br />'~ <br />~~ <br />w+T1 v.~rWi iV9A iNhM4Vb~va.., .,. ixiVArL+ <br />~,~°~~~1~"L~.' <br />'~~~~ ~islC~~t:~`,~.~t',!2?C'~a.o^y %.~~ ':Cdffi~Y` ~~' 4'.il~ `i0i:,$3 v~Y` e^Ct+e'S ~E?'C^~i%"v~i:2 ~'V t:~?2~ r'~'~?;:'1 ~;a. f"e~~~: <br />~~l.l.~l ~~3~`~ .`]~" ~1C?~:~'~r 'L~3~~~.~i+~a. iv:~.f<tl c?~.3 ~'T.!'1E86 L:3<AL3~.?2:~~12~~5 ~~~liT'~G ~'~ _4,;,~2~.~. ~1E'~~ '1 «a-a~i <br />#'3,t9;'4d'~> ~r3~2T ~.:2iTw :s.rl $'~.A1~.. `!f?k:~ ~~~ ;2c3L~L~V w: 1.4~~:~~aY ~'.~ i`:c3t"sCE.'~ S33.C1 .s(1~~ ~~ ~.t~~ ??".r'3~~5::3.~ <br />'.~'~.~i ~r~ 'CS;tt;3i:r ~r?~7.~.~~: arm ~+~~3`'C~I'l>t~ .'}.~Y'4,'*~]r". ui'1~ trC ~'~G:rJ2.~,'c"~~, tv"3t~fl~ill =,4~Yr.'an4~", csi.i ~S`c~ <br />tY~l"~a~.~ ~PC,1r ~2~:.~~ .a j' T'Giid il`~~L~X" f~~,3 :a~a~t?, r1~ ,,.,-Lt.~~ ~fJ ,-;;~ <br />'~t.t'i, ~ '~iF`~'~4,:i1 ~p C3~*":"sCiII~ ~cy..;.r..i.~' L'3i:i.w.i~t.~ <br />