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~~„~ ~ ~ . <br />,o..» ~aT~~~~N'1: "t'Cf RE~.3~A~E (~,~ ~f~~E:~'AC~E~ S~C?~. ~~7~».{~Q6." <br />F'~rst to as~~~~z-~:a7i.Y~ the ~r~it~t t tseinn-zn~, ~t~.xt a the sc~tz~.tzea~t eot°zii~x -mot; <br />west had f o:E r..lze nr~r~heast <Z~zxtex {4~z<?~~tr~ t.henc xza~~rz;~n z~c~°ac~:hex~l~' ~z.l~-+r7}; the <br />east Iirz~_ ~~t s~~ici Wept h37f at' the z~+~xthe.~st gtz~.r~e ~~~~~, ~. d~str~nc~c~ cif c~n~~: <br />thausanct lire =-a~.rrdr.ed tmw~~n~y--z~.,n.e ~;~~d fc~~r ~en~~s ~1,„~~~} ~t~t ~~ ~i ~~~~.nt ~rz ~tzt~ <br />scsuther~.~ r.~i~~,ht-cat-wav i.r~e cat t~~.l;z~aa;r 1~0. ~, thence rurznirz nc~rthw.tir..E~.rl.y ~:~lcaz~~; <br />sa~.d A~~ht--~~i~-~~.7a~r line a dis~~~ce cif th~ec~ hundred :~ev~.te~~, az~~ :eYpc~nt-y-l~ci,~~r t~zan- <br />dredt"ns ~~',~ 7.7~~) feet t~ the ~:c~~za~. ~S~~rzt c~.t 1'ae,~;a.nrz~i.~~~; he~c~.e ~or~t.irzri:i ~~~;: r.~or-t:h~°- <br />ti~ester-l.~ ~1.~az~~ tt~e ias~ descx-~:bed ~::a~uxse, a d:~s~~nc,~~ rat' t.:wc, ta~.zr~+~r~{yci ~~<~ry~~~ever~ <br />a.nd t=~.fty-F'it~,Es 1-ar.~rrdredth;;. {'x.51} feet. ~hnr.e :tuz~~~n~; szath.c~~3~ ~ax~l.~.+~:~. ~.r~ t~~ <br />east. :t i~ne ~~:~ :>a~d west. ?ralt ~f the. nartheas cl~z:rter (~`'NE~~) a d~.t~nc~: +~~' <br />hundred fY.ft~P-f-our ~~nd ~~l~ve hundredths ~`~S~*. 1.1:) i~eet» thezxce de#:3crln~ left' <br />~Jt~~'~7Cr ° {end ri:~nniri~ eaate~ly~ a ~f t:wca trundxed th.~,xt'-seven r3rat~ ~a~e tez~zths <br />(~'3~.1~ f€~et: thc~:zc.~ detl.+~ct.i,n~ left ~tJ~~Dfl" a~zd rr~~xan~ north~:x3.y ~3ar~.ll.e1. to the <br /> line ~:t :~ai.~i ~t half c~~, the rzesr..theast quaxt:er ('W~~~~~ a, dtstaAgce cat ~.};trt <br />tzundx-ed e~g;:-st~-ttrxe~* axzd xr,i.n+~ huxzdxed~~s ~d$3.t19) feet to the ~ca:l:nt a1_ he~~zrn:tt= <br />and 5 µ6~~` a:cxes" ~z~are cox ~e~s. <br />~e~~nnx.r.~ at the :~a~atheast cxne~ zat sa:~Ld u~e:st halt ~.~.t the ~~, thenc: xtizxr~irA~ <br />nort:her.t~ at.c~rcg ~h~_ east 1:in c>t sa.d ~aTl~ a, c33.staz~c.e ct 85'!.6 feet: t.heazc~e de-» <br />tLec 0. in `~t~{~~}tJ" :left and xuz~rzl~ raet~rl.y ~z ~l~..stazzce ~~: ~~4 ~ teed ~ ttzerzce det:tct~.h <br />...Left- ~0 ~l0'' K~r~d xunn scauth+~rly ~~. dista~c~ of ~.2~.1? feet: thence d~~ec.ttzxg r~.,t <br />9t~`~~;C~' and r_tzrzrs~a ~~uthexl.y ~aaxa.l.:I.el t~ the east cat s~:~:d ~'~~ a di:tarzce cs: <br />7,i.6~ tt~et ti:c~ a p~irrt an the scszzth tine. rat sa~.~l W"1~~~:, a dlstan~ce,<c~t ~~'+1. tees ~:z^; the <br />~c~iz~t of b~l'~nni~t end e;z~t.a~.rca.xz x.99 s~cxes zn~axe ~r :ices, <br />~~m~risin~ ,~~~rt gat crest half: the nczrthest ~uxter (W'~~~~~) c~ 8ect~.~rrz 'fwa ~~~ <br />'~c~~sh~,p t~3.~~~rn ~~.~.~ rzc~xth x~e 'T'erz ~l:tl) crest nt thr~ nth P.M. a~.l C~ourzty, ~t~eh~as~ <br />~,..,.., .F, <br />