~~. ~~ d
<br />_:_ _ _
<br />,,,,, ~ ~
<br />~~ l~ 4 y T°t'zaaf, i~herras, ,Zn ar>; aciian iaz the .L>istrict Csaurt of the
<br />~, '',
<br />~l E?'lTE?~'Itth .............Tizcticiat J.~isirict of ttie Staf~e of .ebrwrkxz, vraifl4in and,far tthe t~vun.ty af.. .__..__~I? ~.~....___.W_.._...__..._.._.._.-__-..._.., wherein
<br />i ~% ~ ~
<br />1 ~ Hame_.Feder~~1 Sa~,~~n~s , ~.n_~__ ~aans..As~+a~caeata an of (Trand is lanci,~tebra~ka _ tainti ___. and , ~
<br />W~.1liarcr Ri,~~„~ and Lynette Rzg;~~, ~t a1
<br />~,
<br />!~; Janua~ 5' F~:xat._._...__._.Terrrz, A. Z>: 29...~~, of sairdc;aurt„xl~me _I;~da~~l _.S,avin~:s_Sa I.,aan Assaciat~.~an
<br />i at t1ze ........... ...... _..-:..__._. _.
<br />. td~.~.lam P.-i. s and I, n~tte Ra ~ a=t a~_._ ._ .,._._. _ ....... _« `G
<br />,, ; did atitutira ~ decree fznding that there xs due fram ................... ........~ _.....,.,.__..._.Y _.._._,. ...,_...,.~.... -.._.._.. .. ...... ~;
<br />'+I ~,...I~am~:. ~~d~ra1_,S,ava~~gs _and. Loan _A.ssc~,ezat:x,on._..~'~ Grand- T~_land . ._.,...,....,_..___......._....._. the-srxrn ~~
<br />,..
<br />~; ~ ,~..~.~n~teen...'E'hcau«~~~nd tln~ ~tundre~l Fa~rty ?'~Izna ~nct ~~/ t~0 (~ ~ ~,1~+~ 2'~) ......_.. riottr~rs, !,
<br />_,. -~__a.__......._ . ......... .. ..................._ ..,....._----
<br />i'' ~
<br />' ' ~~,
<br />,. a~
<br />i
<br />';
<br />I i .,_._.: .... .. ... .............................._._..............._........._.. .......__._ . . _ s ~~
<br />~.
<br />i ? ~ and ca:rsts of srxzt tamed at ...................... ...................._.___- ___ .__..... ......- -..... . __.._._ _.... ,_ . _ .._...._.dallars, and, whr:reas, zt was then. and there
<br />~~ , i
<br />f ~ ftzrthcr ordered in ~ tn~il~ia.m_....T~t~i. s a~td ._. . , ,
<br />ttur said axrtian that in default. rf the ~aayrrzent c>f ttae Burn sa faurzd rlxxe Zay tize said,.__.. .. ..~.~~... __
<br />t7rCCT __..._.. 4 {
<br />~ LXnet~e..Ii..~. ~__....._et-_ al. Ct~a~l~s ~ 1"~~.~rba~~ks !y ''
<br />I
<br />Iii al. I '
<br />Sherit')`af said County qf_._..____ ................................. .........._. ......_. _.........__....., sixauZd cause tize Zands and ierxemerxts hereixrafter desnribed to ~e ie j
<br />azdtaertised and saZci! accardang to Zaw to ~rrzy tize san2e, and, :uixereas, default, irarring ireen rrzade tixerea;rx, ti:e sairl ........................_....._..-..............__ ~ ;~
<br />................ ~~~ ~~ eS ~-~ ~ ~ aa-~~ ~ _., .`iixeri,{f' of said county, rznder and by uirtue of tiie said decree and
<br />! ' iI}'+' ( the order rr sale to irxrn du1 directed, diet ryn llxr_.._.._._.._ 6 t~ --_da , a ~eceml~ Cox ...........................~~. Z~. ~9_ `~.`_ t,
<br />a ( f Y ._....._ __.. _. __ ~ f.
<br />~~
<br />,, at the_.~..aWe~`w ~.a~:f~r.~..- . .. ~r~~ of tine (aunty (."vtzrt ~~au~e ire, lhe_ ._.... ._ ._....47>.~~ .............af, .~T'.C`_c'~TZC~_..~~ ~~.IYC~
<br />' in said (:arznty af .................... I3 ~~-~- _... ._..... _ .... ..., having, fzrs6 girren due c Ze~crgl rzotdce r~¢'tiae time and place of said srzZe i
<br />by ixul~Zicatir~n vncc> im, ea~cir, rr+reix: for-jvtzr surrecgir+r~ r«c•ei,>s in t}i~c_~*?:~r?~_.,~-~ ~ and ~~~-~`.j ................ rz rr.r~r.r~sX~a~c~r Z~~rirztert crud in cien.erczl a
<br />' _Ha11_..__.... _ t-lame Federal
<br />' circulcrlian in said t;aunty rrf....__.. _._.__._. _.. _...... .........._...._....._._, sett swirl prenxa;ses cat prza5~lic rzrzatian to ......... ......... .......... ,'
<br />' ,' ~ ...__Savi-n~s_ ,anc3 La~~n A~saczata.an crf C:~_rand ~~Yl.anr~ar the crxrn a,{.-_~.r~ct~«~n.--~l~vus~xzd,--Five-.I~~.~d,... ~,',
<br />i ~ red 1~.Ln@t~j7._._' 7LX. ~ . ~~ f ~.~~ (~ ~.~ g .79 ~) J~ ... _._ daltars, ruixicix srzrAe was a Zerwxrrord at floe :~~Il-._ .. ~-~ t..__ _. t'errrz o laid raurl,
<br />~ A...D., 19.., exaxrrtt`ned rind canfirrrred cxnd tJze said.._..._.._ ___~~:~~~':~-.~'~_. ~~_..~'.~??-~'~>.<~~~.`~' ...____.rzs sucia ~'~heri„Q`, s.rrrtered
<br />' fa cantney the said pea*rnises in,j"ee sirnpte to floe sa.id.~'~~YIIC', , ~! F~C~c?~'i~ - ~r ~V3TI~;S ~.T1r~ I.O7T1 /1SwaC1~3t1.aI1
<br />,~~ ~'L~~P~`~'~~~~$ .tr ihr: sau.1. _........-........ _.t~~l~tl..~~':~. ~~' .._.._~'c~.12:~3d1C~~t.S . ., ~Sixert,Q` of tJxe f'crunty of
<br />..................~~a~~~- _.._..rzs rxfaresaad, in rurzsuierotivrr rf tize: premises arxd by zrirtue ref tiae prrue~rs t,esterl irx nze 7y larzr rzndtire
<br />decree crf said court, da laerelry C;ivr>, taranl rzrxd Canvey to the said. ~ [ c? ~~ .:~. ~' cl ~= r ~i 1;- `? ~~ V 711 ~.;s_..an ct... La an 111.E ~, a ~ 1,~. t, ~ a l~, _ t~ , ,
<br />' Cxand ~~~ as~d ,
<br />i ......... ............ . ... ...... ....... ............ ..... .....-..,......_.' _. ~ . , .+ .._i. ~ ... _ $_heirs rxrxd assi4irzs, tixe ,Zrrerrxzses sv as rzfaresuid sold, to wit:
<br />>1 ', Tai T~ ~,eve'ei (I ~.} ~. c>ck ~'iv>V. (5) , i.rt ;
<br />~ 1~aeh1 er ~' 1 ace zn the City a ~ Grand ~
<br />__ ... _... _.. __.._.. , ~ i~ ~ 'E._. ..
<br />6 €~lancl ~ia1:t Ca~,~nty ~~~~~hrr~ska~ ',
<br />..
<br />....
<br />~ _..... ,
<br />~,
<br />.. ,~ ,
<br />~ .~
<br />i ~._...__. . ......... __ ... __.... _. ........ ............ ... _.
<br />- - - _ _ _ .,v.~. _.
<br />~,
<br />4' _. ..._..... ._ _ _
<br />~„
<br />...... . ... ............. ............ .................. ......._......._ .., ..... _..........zv"th ti appurlerr ,,.
<br />` 0 ~~e ~I'l~ r~ Q~~ ~~C ~~e zxrztathes~trt_...irrn~o..~'offer.~~....~avings....~x~.La~:n '.
<br />!,,
<br />,.....,.. »..,. .... ......... .,.....,...._..._ ..... _......, ... _.........._ .._...... ...._..a....... ~
<br />~`' `' ~ ~ ~``~ ~ ~` ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~' ~" ~'~~` ~ ia~eirs arut ass inns, arxd to them and fixate zz se ancf beiaavf j'vrc>ver,
<br />~~ s~~!•t1~Qltp ~CC~O~, ~ ixrxve, as suctz ~~lzeriff, heretznta c>t rray iraracd tirrs .......... .. .~~. ,..._ ..._....... .._......._d~xy of
<br />,„
<br />'..
<br />_~
<br />I;zccruted arzd' dr,Zirrered irz the prerence of ~~ .N ,~
<br />,~izeri,~" of ..._.. ....._._ _~.~4 ~_._ ............ .._. «_d':urazn.ty. Nebrastza. j !.
<br />R.L. l~~~i. ].1:~.~rrt~
<br />>1~'~~w Dpi' ,1V,F~",~.a~~.~.~l~.r~:, .~~. ?~it~1 Dc~~c~~~~
<br />. ~ . . ~.,
<br />~.........«~.~, ~,~ d ~ ~' ~ ~ .z. ~ 7 ~ ,-r era y
<br />_ IIiTNUrM~^~r~~ ~t.~++u-ira.~ ar~...~3,~.., t~~'arx~ ~rrae, tize r~rzder,vz~r~ed,.~n„ ..._ ~,,.,,.,.. ..: ~~
<br />~A;1... lAtifl.ttil~tt~ irx rxrart„~C+r a+uad txxrxrzt~+, ,Z,~rrsaruatty cxr~~r+r.4u~ed ti4,c ,~aaict..... ., ...._ ..... . .. ... . . .. ..... .... _, .....,, ,,....,.. c
<br />_,... ll~t~l~~. ~~,1~8 G17rr~ 1 +rw-; J ~_. ~'~~ i 1~ ~, tt1l ~: ~.~~„ . t,tia
<br />„...,,......... ....«. __.,... .. ..„ F~- ... .....-.. ._.. ._. . _P._...., _.._... .,_.,.. ....:.-. ,n L;,~' dx l~,l fi rr 2dlLi*`,
<br />~~ ~ r~xl' in"-#'!ra)i Sill'~~ !,'li(bYY'lI lu vt~ 11ir~' 6~1 r6i lCixl J~a;Ct4UY1 rIJPi(i~ $rr~ru;~tit d1Et ,~'lYy~lJ~r~)b+F A+`k.Slt`ry,ItiEf#Sl ~t,2 y'rt.Yd.~-6~r, al iYS}~
<br />i~! ~tr~rt~rra;(r;ii;Z~d tiu~ srxrrac Zaa i~a~ 1€i.~ r~u~txrrttl!',f~ rtfa rxr~'tdc:~«l, czq 9[dc:~X ,rlr~ra,~~~, jtt~' tfee ta~~>, ear,~l ~,d1r~,n~rtd
<br />~~,~f~ »resrz ~~t~a,w~x. ,.
<br />~~Y1~~~4~ nxy i~,~t~At ca~ael r.t~%zruzl ~r~~pttar~,~rz~g' r~rarl ,~r~sar ~a~,t~; r~,~r-,ti€tera.
<br />,,
<br />r
<br />