., ~
<br />Ei;: d~~ th° event s;~i4~ ro'perty is sold: at a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant to the power of ~ ale~le~~iiiahc~y~~e
<br />l~
<br />gratat.°d, azad tote proceeds are not sufficient t:o pay the ttxtal indebtedries:~ secured by this instrum+ertt ~inct rx~c~et~c-
<br />ed ~~~, sa.id }fir+annissc~rt~~ Hate, the mortgagee will be entitled t:o a deficiency jud~etrtertt for the amcazant cif the
<br />de~~~iertes~ w~t~~nuF ,ne~;ur€~ to Y~~nratsem~nt~
<br />itw In tl~e event. the inc~r~'gagar fait, to day any f"ederal state, car l~acal tax ;assesme~t inc~rrte tax or rather tax lien,
<br />charge, tee ~~sr ocher Qxpen,~e charged against: the property the axiortgagec is hereby,authdrized at its ~aptic~n ttz t?ay
<br />the sarrae_ ,~a~y s~~~ms so paid l,y the rnt~rtgagee `shall tae added tc~; and beeome a part of the principal arnci~.ant cif the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by-said .note, subject. to the same terms and conditions. I-f the rn~rtgagor shall pay anal
<br />discharge t.l~e indebtedness' evidenced by said pron~aissory note, and `shall pay s~ich 'ruins. and shall discharge all
<br />,taxes and liens and the costs¢ fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and exectttirag this mortgage, theta this
<br />mortgage shalll ~~e cancelled and surrendered.
<br />~3 The covenants herein contained shall bind and the benefits and advantages :shall inure to the respe~;tive successors
<br />end assigns o1F the la~arties hereto. Whenever used the singular number ;hall include the plural, the pinrai the
<br />singular,, and t;he use of any gender shall include ail' genders.
<br />!9~. l~ca waiver of any covenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall. at any time thereafter be held to be ;~
<br />wager of the terms h~erec~f or of the note secured hereb};, ,
<br />14. A judicial decree, order, or judgement holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or uracnforce-
<br />able chalk not i~rx any way impair or prec:htde the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions ~~f this
<br />instrument:.
<br />l 1. Any written notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be t~ddre.,~sed
<br />to the mortgagor at _. 4258 Arizona Avenue, Grand Island, Nebrasl~.a
<br />„~„_, ~„_,,, and any written notice to be issued to 688(~g2 ~ee snail
<br />be addressed ~to the artortgagee at, P.O. Bow 2QCt6, 424 West 3rd, Grand Island,
<br />lr~ W-~'N~s~ WHf~R~t7~F, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of
<br />tiktis instrument as oaf the d.ay and year aforsaid,
<br />+ ~7ol~an Tnt. Kreger
<br />.... Merle AnneKreger
<br />f~xe~cute~l and delivered in resence of the folkowing witnesses:
<br />..,... ~~,''...."~...,...d...~,.,..a.....
<br />. ~~ . . . ... . ....... ..... . , {Add Appropriate Acknr~wledgement)
<br />b~T~ Tf=. 4)t~ 'tif1;~.f~F:~ ~ktA ~ R f r e a E~YYra,l/fDr~ti Nn#~Y~r UYSi11ir~ n~r~rrrsatlir aYron~*ar~e~
<br />~r--- __+~_~} a ~>s ~... .r.» .,.,,.» ,~ ... ~ A,Y............,, ,.„r,r.,..R.., _._,__
<br />ss. ,.~, .7'ohr~ W. Kreger & Merle ,Anne Kreger ._.... ._.~.._~._, .... .
<br />C~01Ji~l.l..~, fJF _Y~_Hd1.~''~.....~
<br />ks:ncawn cc> me to lase identical person or persans who signed the foregoing instrument and acknsawledged> the e?cectatiara
<br />therec~l tc~ be _.~~.,__:~'tiei.r._.,M.. voluntary act and deed,
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seel on _.... oeS_~ 1~, l9 .~~?.~.._.
<br />~,
<br />/'
<br />...,..,~...~..~..p....Y.._.~.,~,,, ..rv
<br />~EMEMt {V~t71YR1-~ &Ymre ,~i M~lrirks ,. ~W..w
<br />,..~ ,~° _. .P .c...: ,rte. ~'
<br />_My Ga~~aa~~. Faap. J4pr, .22, AA~3° I'Jotary l'ukic
<br />'~~ky ~'carnia~aissioaa t`xpires ~.~ _ ~ '%'.. ~ ~ .~ rr, l'~ .~.~..~.~~
<br />-;
<br />~~"k'AT~, [)1" ~lE:l3lt1-`iKA "` ~ Hefore me a qualified Notary l?ublicy personally appeared a~,~M_,N _..~:rv ~~:.,.....:.
<br />ss. ..__.~..~..~,~.,~ ..~._._...-.......__.. __.~.~.~. ..w_...
<br />.~_ ~,
<br />(~tJUC3{"6`'Y (7l' __ .__._:..:~..___~,~~_. F'resi~3ettt of .,y.~:..~.......~._.._..._..,~...._._......_.~...,~._....~_~w~..,
<br />sa curt+c>rat-ufa, krtciwti t+::> ara~: to hs~ t}le l'res~dea~E ai`td ideitkie:~tl perscan whra signed the tr?zr~gc~ir~k' t~~:str~izni~nA,~bi~ad
<br />tt=:knowledgc:~B tl~e ex~c;a~t4~ra therecaf tc~ t;e his vc~luntar~ act grad deed a_s suc,h raffcet° ~trtd th.c ~~'~c~ltaxatas~y~ ~~c r ~tr~ci ~t~~ed ~~f
<br />~,aicl cc~a'p<~aa~;~Ci~;rr~ ~tnd tt-aI its ~:carhtarate seal was affixed. tlae:rct~Y by it:; a~fha>rity
<br />Witaaess zaty, hcaa~ad arrd ?°~olar~l deal cara __~ _.. __._ _~.._.._____.,~..~..~.~:~_..., l _.;..~,_._..~.~
<br />~~' at~or~ l:>t~ltlic
<br />,fly (.: ~~~3i~aYaa~ai,~;~ss~ 1~.k~.l~is~c~, , tai ...........
<br />