,„ ,. ~
<br />~~
<br />~.
<br />'t`his ~art~~~t~~~ ts~~cte 4~rzt~ ~:r~ter~:d rota l~~i _- `~`~~~~---__-- ~"~:3y Q:~f~ _._ Ur~c~~~tttks~x ....--- -_ __...__ ~_~__,
<br />19._.~~~_~. ~y .~r~.d b~etr~e~;rs ~'o~~~ ~d. K~~c~er- ~~r-e~ t~~~~';_~ ~~~1r FC:7°c:'r3~~x'~ hush,~~s~a~ ar:k~ wvife`a.
<br />=1oai~t t~na~r~~tw.s ~:~.t,:YY r~a_r~ks~~; ~~~~ s>a:r~~vc~r.:;~k~.};~
<br />~taereinr-ft~r refe~rr~ei# to gas t~sart~a~crY~3 ~rsd ~t74r~srY~r~°i~l "~daties~sal "E~~~rDk ~r~s~d ~s'r~t:-st t:"c~sz~s~ts~r~~,
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />~~4 W~::~~ ~~~,.._..__.y._.._____ strGe:t in C~ras~d lstand,
<br />me3rtga~;ee), ~uha mais~ta~ins an ~7f'fic:e arrct ~1ace caf ba~sis~~;s.~ pit .,.,~.,.,~..~ __.__._.._~._.._~....
<br />I=dell ~rsursty, 1~e~~r~ss4ca.
<br />'~lriTNE'»F;T~, t.~sat. fear the eartsicleratir~+s~ lsr~reirlafter stated, t'e~.cifst cif wl~icls ~~ lYer~:hy a~.~.f~c~vvi~;dged, thy; rtac~rtgagc~r
<br />doses ht;reby rasort~~;~ge, dell, grargt, r~ signs, a.nd br~rs~re~r r,B~to the a~•aortg4~gee, i~4~s s~~iGCCSS~~rs arsd assi~us, aft csf the foi-
<br />lodving described E~rt~~ert~' sittaat.eet arscl being ia~ the ~'~?unty of E~~cx1:;.
<br />State ai Nebrac~ ~s.
<br />Lc~t< `L~reni.;~--Qn~ (~ l) . Ca~ait.~ t, H+~a,gh,~. 5+~~^~ntM:li {'~•~h) 'ube~a.~ra..:-~~.~am, t,~.1:i.
<br />it
<br />tc~gethtir evith all t.;~e terscments astd a~faurtenances thereto k~eicar-~in, all the rents, issues anti ~sr-ofit~ thereo#', and alt
<br />~asenl~.ms, rights, rssyalties, mirser4rl; oil anc~ has rights arad profits, water, water ri}~ts} ay~d mater stoek, arld irreiuclizt,~
<br />dil hes~tirt~, plura~hiri~, refrigr:ratic~rt, lihtirag egt~pmerxt artd aiX fixttares cif every des~:riptiott t~elc-t~girt to the
<br />rrtc~rtg;~gar rkav~ kar hereaft~t <~ttak:lied thereto r~r cued in corrraee.tic~ with the pcerrtises ?tereirt cies~.t°iF~ed and its addition
<br />theretF~ the 9'c7ifowing deseribe~l ~aroperties ~hieh are grad shall be deertxeci to be fi.~tres artd ~~ part cif" tlse realty, and
<br />`are ~. tsartiria~ ~sf ttz~e security £~rr the :i~~detatedn~ss herett~ stated. (tf rrorae s~t.ate "nor-e") r~n~
<br />~ cs have arsd =ca l~t~lcl thti> saute;t~rttt~ thy. ~'tortg.a~e~, as ~seretra ~rovt~te:
<br />~. .._.._ aatpt,r is 1:~ex;r~ilier ePrrAr't a»~l r~ricccycassrY ~~f .n;V liar tl-e.= rieri°sr tr'~ ca~it ~~rui nr^itn+cxpxx c~ari wernn~.rttr, fhat t~e
<br />S~1Tle k5 fret ,'raET,I ~[~~ L.r1GlICT-t)Fikr1C~5 ~XCC~Jt t55 ~,ICrk:111d~1d"}~'~ r~°~:.9t~;C1; ,~S1G~ EZ"1dC 'V~a~'~~'c~~~l~' Ct)'4'~'N"L~rit~ ~C3 4b'~lrr~rlt ~rX~f.~
<br />deftncl the title saf~3rc:said ther~;ta i~.rlc~ cti'er`~ tsars ti~erec7i` agailtst tltE' cl~zrtts s~f l1 !~ersorss hoYr~scke'~er.
<br />This ialstrtsrncrst is ~i~~en rc, secElr~ the p~iyrri~~nt z~f ~ ~~q°az~aissa,t-y d~c?te ~3ateci ~~t c-~n~~~ _1 ~, ~18W~.~:_.~~,.,~_.~...~.
<br />ins the ~rinc;ipal s~srrs of ~ 22a~ OUt3 (3f~_._._._~.___._:__._._J.____...__.., ~;j,gn+~'Gi h ~,w,,,„ ~'~~11 T~.__I~~e~,~~~,_~_._._a ..~.~.__,~..~~~._~
<br />.
<br />ir! Liehalf t7~ _,__.._. ~~~3_`~_.._~.~:~.~~~,~:'~~i~r. ~7"Y~«
<br />alscs, ~~s suds raa~te ar ncstes rrtay $'rrsaus tirr~se tcs tis~se lac rtac~tlrfied, renewed; ox etendecd ~n r~°rtirs~~.
<br />In the event the; title t~ said real estate i5 transferred, car ~:~>rstracteu ~+~ be xrar~sferrea, frc~rn t.#~~e ns~ici~rsi~ncci f~~i~ ~€so~-
<br />CeaS~3';Ci C~Sr ~~' dJit~' rneti.i~£l 9N1121tti;~~'Vt~.r, tht ~i~tic`t; ~~rifei:i~:~~i~ *rWrit ~~r9u ia4Gsi.~~:~1 iTlii:lC~f ~ila'si pit isii~'~ i~tLi;-~`slr is ii~:4iklu'
<br />paya~sle Ott tht~; ~;lectican of the hoicler' hcre~Yf, l~ailsar'e tcs er:~^rczse tlsis ~afrtic~xt hecausc: ~~f trai~~f~ - cs#° t~ 1e~ sib Fst~c,~~: s~~~stect
<br />iu ot~~ iztstanr,e s~~all rse~t cc~rtstitt~te ~~ ~aie~er of the sight to e~ercas~- ahc sarx~le i~~ the c~~'Yrt ~~sf arsy, ~t~t~s*::c~~szer~Yt tcasss#~~€:r.~
<br />J . The rr~tsrt~,a~c~;~ ccsversarsts ar:.d ~sgrees as ~~tsll~vls:
<br />a:. '~"a pa•crrr-ptl~, pa~~ the incicbxc~~ttess eti~~r3ex~serc€ by sais'J ~Srr~nais~~;~rv lY~~st~<~ ~.kt ~h~.: t;~~rs~~~:; ~_~szzt iY°z the sr,<kkYas~°r _
<br />t.~Yereirs t~rr~~~r°ided.
<br />P
<br />. h. "~"r~ t;gay elk t~3x,c:~o, assc,~~,rs's~:z~tk, ~iat~:r' r,;~,t~y, arks ~'~tt:s. t' f~esb~t:rtrls~rst~kD .~~ ~'kksxa~ti;o,~,~l ~°~i,: X3.4"~,. z~~=~~,, t~:
<br />irr~f~~sit54:ru~, for ~arhi~;`l~ prs~~~i;~ios? ll~~~ r7c>t t~rs:ets rs~t4t~cr~ 1Ye€'~tYb~^a'4~t~s~, ~~s~t~1 ~~~~ii ~t~c~~~ifst.l~~ _$.:,~~~~~ r i,~t~ ~~3 ti4:i~as' xb:;~:i;~~~~ , '
<br />~:her~ei•tat~ t~3 t''~~~Ptc= ~y~~tid axsa~~tt.~a,a~,ct~,
<br />E. ,.~(# 'y9.i~~` '~Eki~1 t.';llik~Sk~~~ i.Yifk,~ if"s„'+ it:4 kYY:kj' k?~ it;t.'.dk1"t'f'.~ i31 ~~'s£` ("'Pr~t,~i:k:1t.%i2 ;.PZ.,~ sli:'s,3;;i~ ~ti~~i}~t:' i? `,'s1~.E j%~ % 1'tc`ri'~
<br />f~k~ia~lY&~Y11iy; 1,;~Hio ~~l`i '"}~ i;~da.V 61Cti71'ilk.~l' ?."i'Y`i~1kd3~:~+vk~ 'E')~` pT1t' li'3b:TT~g?aEY;?t':L' p{lf~ Iai," wiYY~1„ `.if~t'S 4)k =~hiii .?S a,€~! iDr" ki~~ tt2t:~t ~ ~.a:'P:,g2+. ~~.,
<br />~ I ~
<br />Sf:i€'~!~ ~$Ti;tk~E'di, ttP" ;ls ,')!,-~. ti._' tti' ]l=t'•-iS~}s.,i S7, ~n'n.", .r p%„ ~d i~r ..:°ffR~,`' .i, ._ 'u " `k ., 4 _'d._ lilt
<br />i~'r t~~'G` '~~, ~ +~1 :~1' 'c.t ii ill,}? ~~ `%
<br />4i tr:t,Z3E,i,' '~~~.~.,~ ~'~Fa Rkit;`i i i
<br />