<br />EASEI~~N' AI~I) RIGHT ~?~'` WAY'
<br />~~~~ ~+~i ~+`~ $'~ THE~~. PRESENTS, t~la"t ~1~~i~iTEL~ H e 'JTU~L 3Y2d
<br />?~dADE~v'~ ~~ . ST~IfLL, husband and wifew, hereinafter referred tc~ as
<br />~ Grantors,- for and in consideration of the sum of ONE I~C~IeLAR
<br />($ I . OQ } ~~."~7I? OTHER VALUABIiE C:QNSII>E~'.AT3t)~T ~aa.d ~~ Grantees, her~-
<br />a.n;~fter c~~;s~z.ibed, the rece~~t of which. is hereby acknowledged.,
<br />dC3 h+~'reb;~ g.I,'~7'E.'r grant and convey unto DAVID E e HARRIS and JEAN
<br />HU]~FTZiE H~~RRZS, husband and wa.fe, hereinafter referred to as
<br />Gr;~.nte+es,- a. ~-er~etual easement and. right of way over, ac~r~ss
<br />un<~er, through and upon the folloc~ra.ng-described real est~.te,
<br />ta...wit
<br />The South Sim Feet { S-6' } csf dots Seven (7
<br />and[ Eight {g~, in Block Faur (4~, in Boggs
<br />and' Hill"s Addition to the City of Grand:
<br />Island, Hall County, ~3ebraskae
<br />Said easement is for the ~ur~rose of wing, rewiring and
<br />reolacr~<~ aI.T. utilities located under said real estate which
<br />service 1~~.he ~ibove-described ~rc~r~ert~r .
<br />TC) ~~'kVE AND TC HOLD the same unto the said. Grantees, their
<br />he:i.rs, .s~xc~ces~sors and, assigns as a~axaurtenant to the land and every
<br />oa.~rt theareof , forever, and the Granters hereby dedicate their
<br />re~~pective interests in said real estate to the use: of the
<br />Grantees„ thetas heirs, successors and assa.gns . "his easement
<br />sha~.I ruz~ with the land described as the Northerly Cane Hundred
<br />~'orarteen ~~"eet; ('~~-I 14 ` ~ €~f ~c~ts Seven { 7 ~ anc~ Eight ~ ) , a,n BI.QCk
<br />Four (~,- in Beggs and xi~l~s Addition to the Cit~r of Grand
<br />Is.~and, ~~~ll County, ~tebraSka e
<br />~';,/`~ s
<br />'~~~~ ~:h~s .; da~' Cif ,~~i_ ~~~'. ,~ ~.,~t ~~ r` , ~.~'~ ,
<br />t ,t
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<br />r7 ~~ ~1. l.`.l fi...7,~ L'M J..i ~ T!4,l"S.t~ .Rl.'Z. ,~ y± ~!
<br />i,.4l~I4J 3.Y 1.3 4./dC Sl~~/.it
<br />~' ~------- .~:.~~... ~- ~. ~ be fo r ~' me , the
<br />urac~~crs:a.~;rxE4c~, a Notary P~ab~ic d1A1.~~ ~~c~m~isioned and guaJ.ified for
<br />a.n said {"~f~uritF~, ~~e;r~c~r~al a.y ~'Mr~m~ salter H . Stull. and Nadene ~
<br />~tu1l., r~~a:~bar~~~ r~r~d wig', tc~ rr~~ ~ersona'Lly knows to be the
<br />ic~ent ic~a~. ~~ez'SwyYt whose names are affixed to the above Easement
<br />f~nc? ~i<~k~t r.~f ~~ta~' and acknowledged the execution thereof to be
<br />th.ea,r j~~~lE~nt~~sr~v act: and deele
<br />I
<br />Gxtl'I';'~~:.5~~ m~ hand and. ncataria~. seal. the d~~y ~rxd yea.:s~ ~.ast
<br />at~~.rve w.ri.~~~.e~r~
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