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<br />#iI. That the: ;M+~artga~;a~r w~i#l keep the bui#dingr upon rani pra~mses in gacsd repair, and neither ccanamit near permit waste <br />upon said land, raci!r suffer the raid premises to be used far <~ny, unlawfu# purpose. <br />l #„ 'Ftaatif t#ae tarenai~!es, or any part thereof, be ca~ndemned under the power of eminent dcam~sin» car acquired far.. a flub#ic <br />use, the. darraages ,avrrardecl, the proceeds for the taking of» car the cansidercation far such acquisition, tca the extent of the ~~tl# <br />amount cif indebte+dnes upon this mortgage and the Hate which it is given to sec:.3re retaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Mcartgagor tta the`#4f+;~rtgagee, and sha#l be paid forthva~ith tca saki Mortgagee to Eae app#ied by the latter an account caf the next <br />maturing insta#lmertts of saach i~ndebted;ness. <br />l~, The tUlarigagar further agrees that ~;hau#c# this rsaorigage and the note sec:.ured hereby not be eligible for in- <br />surar~~ce under the Nationa# I~tousing .Act within ~ ~~~~~~ frcam the date hereof (written statement of anyafi5cer <br />caf the t)epariment of I~#oaasing and €~rhan Ueveiopment or ;autlaarizc;d agent caf the Secretary c7f H~ausing and 'Clrban <br />t~evela~pment dated subsequent tc~ the ~ ~acan~t~as tithe. frarn the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said <br />note and this m~Qrtgage» toeing deemed cane#urtve proof of Ouch inelgila#ity~, the Mortgagee or ha#der of floe ncite <br />tt,ay, at its captican» d+eclare 4all sums recurred hereby irnmediiate#}~ due and pay<~ble. <br />13. That if the Mortgtagor fails to make any payments of money when the same taecome clue, ar fails tca canfartn to and <br />comp#y with any t!rf the ccsnditianr t>r agreements ccantained in dais mortgage, ar the Hate w#aich it sec:ures» then the entire prin~i- <br />pal sung and-acrrt~aeci interest. sha#l at once became ~#t,te ;and payahle» ;~t the e#eciion of floe Mcartgages~; and this mortgage ntay <br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the who#e crf said nacane}', interest» mont#a#a+ payments, casts, grcattnd .rents, taxes aiad <br />the cast of extending the abstract of title from tlae date c-f this lcaan tca t:#ae time caf canametacing such forecltasut't~ ~;uit, and a sea- <br />sonable attorney's fee, a#1 of which shall be inetuded in the decrae ctf ;(cosec#a~sure; ;anci the contract emhcadied in this rrtt?rtgage <br />and the ^nate secured hereby, sha#'1 in <a#l respects be gcaverned, construed an;d aci_.jardged by the laws of htebrask;a, ~~-#a~rc the' <br />same is made. <br />The covenants herein c<antained Shall hind, and. sloe #aeneftts and advantages sh<a## insure tra, the respective heirs, exeeutars <br />administratorr» succ;essars and assigns of the parties I7ereto. Whenever rased, the singat#ar number shall in.e#ude the p#ura#, tihe <br />plural the singe#ar» and the use of any gender sha#l he a{~p#ic<ahle to 2al# getaders. <br />'t`he foregoing conditions, a#l and. singular, #~eing performed acccarding to their natura# and legal impart, this conveyance <br />shall ht: void and raid premises re#eased ;at the exgaense of the Mortgagor; otherwise tip he and retrtai:n in full ftarce and effect; <br />tAf 4~'T'Ftstl5:a WH~ttF?f)tw, the Mortg;agor(s) ha .~,~ herettntca set ~~~,~~ laand~s) the dayand year ~trst <br />above written, <br />In garesenee ca#`: 77 <br />„+c ~,/ F ,r i <br />1 { y~ <br />l ~ ! ° j, /r Jp f~,~n <br />f ~t~t.. <br />t~ . lax ~..en~ f3 ooh (SF;AI,, l <br />`~CAt.~ l <br /> <br />ss: <br />c~caUl~T~r crl~ ~~~.~.,~. <br />()n this 1~~th clay of t~~C~n1~1C:C , ~.C3. 19 ~,~, laefore the, tuh~ tatacl+~'r~~fta~d s <br />a rtcr~ary` pa~~r~~c: w~a and far said ~'caunty, persona#ly came <br />~ls~yd e ~~~h ~txd ~. lC~.r~.~tac~ b~~aft g l~aub~.tad ~~rad i~ <br />v~ c~ ~,t,t,a:a~ <br />to be the identica# person whose name ~ ~~~ affixed tca the ~abave nd far <br />going instrument as Mortgagor, and Tt~la;Y acknowledged the raid Instrument end the <br />execution thereof to be ~,'.~ ~ va#untary ac.t and deed» fear the ptarpa:ses therein expressed. <br />In testimotly whereof, t have hc.>reunta set any hand and affitxed by ~.a,~r~~~5ea#; ;at ~,nd ~ ~~d ~hr~ <br />on the day and date Iast above written. s <br />`~ , <br />tEltAtl~+~'t:~111r-t>lteas+~~rwirar~N~~- ~ ~' ,+ ~ , <br />FtM~+U-1~9t!V,+~N :.~ s tV'tatary ~'ubZ~ <br />~,. <br />STATI> Ul" Nl~t3~~AL~If:i~! ss <br />f~~led for reccard this day of ~,Ia, l <br />. at ci'ri~,cl~ M.» sand entered in l~umerical Index, atad <br />recard~wd in fic>c~iC caf Mcartgages can <br />I'agc of <br />.egtister a~f I~3eed,~; <br /> <br />