<br />~. ~n 'tk~~e e~~ent rc~~~erty, car any rt thereat, ~h;l ~ ~ t~~Mcer~ ~~~ r~minent
<br />~Som~.ar~ ~~ I'crrtc~gee ~ em~oere~ tt~ collect receive ~~'1 comntior~ whi
<br />T~~~y ~i;~ ~c~it~ 'f'or ~"!~ rvpert,~ tl~e~t or for ei~rrt~c~ t~ ~~rc~p~~rty n~kt tr~"1~, end M~JY`tf~gee,
<br />~ha]~ ~~~1~" ~~~~~h cornpen~tiar~~ ~ ~~ ~a~atiar~y ether too ~ redaction cat the indebtec~rte~~
<br />~ec~arcd-_hereh~r or tca repair r~rtcl retard the ~rt~perty o dar~~c~ed~
<br />~, N~Ur~r~~{~er~ tn~~~d k~t~t shill have na ahligation, to c~a n~+ act ~vhich the Mart~~ar
<br />hay ac~reec~ but: f~~9 ~ s ~o do, a,n Matq~g~e m:y al ~a da an, a~~t ~ deems >r~ece~sar~y ~~
<br />~ar~~.e~c~ tt~~ ~ ~I erg 1~7~~eaf. ~artal~gar ar~e~ to ra~r~ capan demand„ any' sum; s~~ e~cpended
<br />b~ the Mt~r~,c~ac~~e for the ~bave p~arpa~es, a~td a.~~r ~rm~ expended by the Martgagee
<br />~ha1 i ~~ a~de~~ to ~Gf~e i ndek~tedr~es~ ~ec~ared n~re~,y rid became ~rabj~ct tca ~:he l i ~n
<br />her~c~~~. ~artt~~gra hail nat incrar aay ~aersarra 'liabi~i k~aca~rse of ~aythng it
<br />ma,y dQ ar om~~u to da here~ar~drM
<br />~~ 7ime ~~ the essence h~reaf, end opc~t~ Mart~ag~r' de~`ult in any cdvenar~
<br />ar. ~~reem~nt ~~' thi Mortgage, i ncl u~ii nc~ cavenar~ts Y Thera due the _ scams ~~ci.lrad
<br />. by, ~l~,i~ Ma~r~g~~ge~ the Martgagae shill entitled, a~t its soli optan end without
<br />nati ce, to c~ef~l are all sums secured ~y the s Mortgage to ~ irredi atel, dui acrd
<br />payaGl a and n~~~y commera~e orecl osure of the s ~lortgac~e judo of ail proceedi nq
<br />ands }~rovi~icd further, that upon such def~calt the Mortgagee, or ~ receivea
<br />~ppoi rated ~~y ~~ cor,~rt, ma,y at ~ s option and without regard to the deg;~aacy off' the
<br />~~curi~~, entaar upon and take possession off' the Property end collect ~ rents
<br />iss;uos and ,;aa^~7f~ts ~h~r°efram anc~ apply them first to the cpst of collection and
<br />c~p~ra.,t~ on ~a~ ~~~~ ~ropert,y and thin ~cpon the i ridebtedness secured „~ thi ~ ~~~artgag+~
<br />~' ~ sa.i d . rents , i ;sues and prof i being ass i greed ~ the Martgage~ as Gunther securi ~,
<br />. ` ~+~a^~ the ,pa,~mea~~ of tyre i ndebte~ir~ess seeur~d hereby.
<br />:~ . ~~ : , i f :all or ar~y part of the property ~ sold or transferred without the ,. expres s
<br />written cor~serrt of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor mar at ~ is sol option, declare ~ ~ sums::
<br />secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payabla
<br />8. ~1ny forebearance ~n exercising any right or remedy shah not be waiver 'hereof.
<br />~. ~~1 remedies provided ~terein are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />afforded by law ar equity, and may be exercised corrourrently, independently ar
<br />successiuely.
<br />l(3 the covenants and agreements contained herein shall bind, and a~11 rights
<br />inure to, treerespeetive successors and assigns of the Mortgagor and the t~artc~agee.
<br />~.~. X11 covenants and agreements of the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee are joint
<br />and severa~n
<br />l ~~or~ payment o all sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discharge
<br />this Mortgage and shall execute and deliver a satisfactory release therefor,
<br />l W~l"N~~~ W~~R, Mortgagor has executed this Mortgage ~~~ the ~~'~' ~ riay
<br />l~.~d...,~.~.,....,.M...........~..M.._,.....,...> ~ " ... ~ ~ ....,, _.....,,,,~ ,,.,
<br />w~ f.1~.''Iifi t `.~ 1.k a ~9Nd[~+~.)ii£.''F' """~,`„~___:w._...... .........__..~...
<br />{~ ""' ~ ~ ~~' ~ v
<br />_ ~Cb~~~jt7t"teY"
<br />~.~
<br />Sri '~~S`E 5 ~ _ .~ ,...~, ~,~1e6~~~Y' ~ ~ ,~-efare rrae the. undersi greed ~, d ot~t"J°
<br />f';a~~~c dts~,~ ~:~rr~rr~~ssior~er~ and ~~ified far said ~t~~a>rdty~ personally cage S~enrai,s ~.~.. ac~or~er
<br />~r~~ ,~~r~~~ ~. ',~1~caoi~~r~.. pus%~~rs~i ~~~~;~ ;rife t~s e n o~~r to ~; the identical
<br />~._..~.._ ~_..___~. ~...~_.~.._,~..,._~_._ _.~..._..._._..__.~~...~,~.....~.M..~....~......,~,~...~....~..,
<br />;~~r~>o~s ~~hoa~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ar~~ ~~~~cy'=~~a~i to the faregeirag instrua;~~:r~t arai a~.~.~~~s~aic=ci~~ the;
<br />~~~c:a~~~~rti ~~7a:.ir~~;~ ~.4~ ~~ %i~~i~~, valur~tary act and d~~~ip
<br />' H r ~ q i ./
<br />,s~ t =~'s'::F~~` S~ ~/~ri ~` t'f &'f~tk~ 4S~,r3"~ .,, w _ F ,,t ~ i ~'~ ~-i:~.__. ,
<br />~~
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