<br />S'~'AT~ ~F 2~Sk's~i~.~-;~Ia A
<br />~ ~s.
<br />t~'v CJ~ISii~kR;AT1Cl-~ c7t tine payraie~~~af t~t~~ dl~bt 3i.r:rttr;Cl~lter~irl,
<br />~ENEi=€C'i1~L T~T~IA?ol~'F_ Cn ()~ ?~i:'i3~ZAS4~~'~, a.^ ~3orr~;r};ec:r
<br />i~~RiR~' ~ti~LE.l~~f~;5~ ?'43F 1~c~rt:~,;~g~ t?t ~C..~3d...,+~.;~t~~~..E]~~~».•-$wt~9'ci.~~A., T_)t'~LL.ARS>
<br />rr~ade tsy .~t~..~...~'a7C`~.~°~.~~t1Y3...... i .....,.,. .. . .... , as .'~~14rt~agors,
<br />tc~ said M«rt€;a€;ee on tl~e fc~Iicawit~~; c~es~rif~ed p~c~pt;rty situate in ti~~ Cc~u~ty ~f .... .......... .............................
<br />dr~d State sif Prlebra~sk.a, tc>-wit:.
<br />~$ ~~r~;r~-twrc~ ~.~~, ,n x~ ~~ mil` ,,~~.~a'~a eta tb~ ~:'#;~' ~A'` ~ ~~1.
<br />~~~ ~ era. ~~~a~a.
<br />t~l~tich was re~ct~tded : ,.......;~ ~:.1,~1,,....., 1~,~i.., in Baak ............ ~f Reai Estate `~+!to~xtgages, at ~a~e ..».:....
<br />csf the recc~rclr of ............. ....,.,......,..,.., ~t~unty and State af' ~ebraslca.
<br />if~i '~Wlf'~'i~t~~S ~VHE~.E~DF, the said ~~rt~agee has ~a:used this Satsfact~sn t~ be executeci-th~s 1.5tha.... day
<br />cif ........1?6pc;,~rnb~x°. »,..., 1»».~~, and its seal af€txed herete~.
<br />~:1~FI~'C~.~., i~'IN.A.~3~%~- " . ~% NFII~.~l,ai~t~,
<br />°'" s
<br />~.. . T~ . ~3c'~.W at)T"i VBce F~re~iden#
<br />A,ttc:~t; ,,..~
<br />Se~:r®t~ry
<br />IJ., A. T~rJ~:.t:k~7tiws~; ~;.s~t~.
<br />~` s~.
<br />Cara t.l~ais .~-~~:~,.........., day ~~i` ..,,..~~?~~ :.. .... ........... ,,, i~~ ~..., f~efure a~rae, a i~~ta.xy ~Pt~t~~ic;, duly
<br />c~atr~~nssir~ned and ~~taaiiiied irr said ~;~~a~raty per;;c~raally ~sppe~ard ,..~':..,.~~...,.~?~~e.~~a ........................ ............... ~~~d
<br />Secretary ~{` %6;~~~T~~AL ~~f~,iC"~~ C'C~. ~:~f~{ i~i3ftA5'R~. aid a~~nc~~edec~ exe~utior~ cat ti~:e fc~rerairag ~rtstruM
<br />i~ieztt ~~nei~~~aiftaf #~%.~~~`~a°pt~rstiQ~r~.
<br />V~i'i'i"~E~Stx~y hard and sear atirlri3rr~in,~tan, i~la~ar~. yt(
<br />~Jn#~ry 6'utaP~ cif' the ~#~t~ of S~elav~rar'e
<br />., P
<br />f`3y ic3nrtreks~,i~apt expires,,..,......,.. ~..~:.~:~•:.~~....., i';~... ia~.~ar~;i~ ;~'. M~~7~.tal
<br />~,.~.,
<br />.m_.,.,
<br />