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th~e~frn~s ;~~~srctt.t h;~°ikh~s ~e~~ c~#~ `Fruit ~~al~ ~E~~ntrnss~ unsFr;~fr~~. ~.~pe~rt scr~.h pa~~r~at~rat anct cetrc. byt3csrrc~r~:er, this I3~cdc~t' <br />Trr,si :c+~c.f nc~: ~~hir~atc~n~ cecr.rreci herc;Fsy ~hatt ct~mcrJn ira Fcsi} fc,rcc ,snd cfF'~rt a4 it nc~ aec:elcratrc~n had oc~:ttrr~:ei. <br />2t7. :1.~;sit;rsraaertt of iitents; g,ppointtr~ent of`; lender in PoSSes~ion. <~~ :ctlc.irtic}n~tl tiertsrity hereunder. 3'3~~rrce~xcr <br />hcrck~~ Rcssir,n~ tc+ i cr'trtt°r the rcrrt~ of the F'ropcrty, prts~•iclrcF that E3a~rrc,we:r shalt, prir~r tc} acccicraticen under p.,r.}1;E~l,h i ti <br />hcrcc?t nr :~h:,r~cint~t~,+_nt cat the t~r~perty ha~+re thc: r3~ht tt} acY33cct zarad rctairt 4c,eh rct~tw ,r~ rho:}~ hecsrsrt~c efu~ :z+~.t f~a~:stsiL <br />i~c~,~ ~c-ta,icr<~tic„~ „€~cier ~ara~raph tl~ hr`rcc~f cr ah:3~cfc,ntncrtt of the: E'r~~perty, l.en,;t+er, ssg pcrs«n. r~ agent ~1r t~} <br />}tr~iciafiy .rpFri?antrcf rc,_e,«cr- s~atl be ~ntittcti tt~ c.t~t~r trp~s-,, tale p~r~sCSSietFt `c.~F as~c.~ rnanagC the Prc~pcrty ,anti t,, ce7tl~ci [he <br />rents c,r the 1='rs,~sc•r2y „~ei,,din~ tf~~ase past cltss~, ttl rci~ts ct~t9icctcci by Lrn+der urthe. a-cs;ci~er shalt k~c~`a3~Prlsc~l fir~;t r~; ~a~,~ac:nt <br />or tttc cc,5tti cat n?an~r3;et~ient cart the F"rc~perty ~nc~ cc?ilectitrn cst rents, rnclss~iing, Kitt not iirnited tn. rec+civcr''s ices, ~rencitrs~~~ <br />:;,: recci~cr'~ bc;ttci5 an€± r~:a~on<~bte attorney's fLes, anc3 then tc~ tt3c sarrt~s secured by this I?cect of Trust.' E e°n~icr .c,~~i the <br />re~.civc~r shr,ii hr +,~,bt~;~ tc7 acc~t,ng c~nty fear thc~ss rentsactttatty~ reccivc~}, <br />Z1, 1GSt,~r~~..~d~~~at-ce:~.~ Cf~t~F~n requestof ;'3t,rrr,wcr, t_cnd~c;r, at i;enc'Fersopttan, prtcirtc~ #utt reco~nve,~~.cnc~: ,~f the prc~ptr!~° <br />hti ~~rustcrr tc~ E3c>rrcwv,~r.~ay mak:c~ F'tsttre ,~d•v~s~tt~cs tct B~rrr-wer. ittchFtttttFe Advaiaccs~~vih intcr~st tt~crcc,rt. ahcsli ;1c <br /><;e~~+.,rcci h~, this t3ccct t~f •I~tctct ~,vhett cvidetaced try prnnrtissc3r~'<nr~ta~s 4tattn~ that s~it3 t~totes are ~+~rttrec9 hcr~;by. ~~t nc, t,ti~c shall <br />the prine~;:;,I at~nc>vs~t caF the indettitrctrtess sectsrcJ tay thi*, F3ce~t cat` I`rc,at, not inciudsrs~ sums ad'uattccd ~n acc„r~i~tnc.c hescvatth <br />to tarc~tect rkae ~,~c,:raty caf Yt~is l~e~# of`Trtrst, exs:e~d the c,rt~an<-t aes^ncxttnt ~~~ the Neste pftrs L3S, ~ 55, 0©~ . QQ <br />22. I~ecc>slr~ e6~atmce. IrJpcan paytnettt caf Rtlt sums scsrrcd' by this ;Deec# of Tri:ist, 1! ender shad rc:gt+eyr i r,,,tc.c tcY rep,+rzvc~ <br />nc~ i'rr,pcrty ;end strait stsrrensder this ~9eed' of Trr~st asntt ~ai9`ncat~'S a"vidrwn~in~'trX~3abtcdrte5s secetreci tw ihiti t~ecct cyf -t~rr,a <br />t~; t`r,,•tec° ~~rt,stcc: shatti'ecor~v~y the 3~rrs~erty u+itt'-out wrrsrrartty aril"witttaut ~htr~e to-tttc persc,u i}r i7ers,,n~, 1ct,.cil~ <br />errtitied tht~rclc; Sczctr pcrsran car persons shall pay all etasts of a•ec:arctattc~rt: if ttsay, <br />23, ~'!l9iJSt6fkltC Trustee. [.crtder, at t.entier's option, n~iay fTCtm titre to ttr11C rem~tv4 Tet'rstcc; ~tnct ~tppc~int .r ticoccc,tic~r <br />ar,i,srcc tc~ ,~~,~~ ir,„stc~~ appc~inted`h,aretrnderby an irtstrt~ment rs;4or~tieti is~t'the county in'w'hi~hrhiw ~c«:d cat 7`rc,st ; recurcte~i <br />'W`athctt3t ~:r~na~r,;w-nce at tti~ 1Pr~perty, the st.te~es~,ca> trctstce ~,hait sesccc~ci to alt the title, pr~wer an~i ciutics ~c~anfc,-red r,Frc,,; <br />the `~6"ru~tee hc:r,crrt and by appticabte taw. <br />24. 1'~~egiurr~t frsr Naticts. $t~rro~+er requests that ceo-pies csf' the ncztice rsf `dcFautt atnti nt}tee of sic be sent to ~csrrc;~a es':, <br />address which is the l'ropet-ty Address. <br />Itot '4~+'t'r;~tf~tfg~ ~'tt~ttrt~t>, ~~rrrtw+er has cxccut~ct this I)c~ct ~t Trust. <br />c _.___.. <br />~,,~' ~I~t 32` Sbtl °-taorrower <br />~ciY`f'.11 :`'~. ~u3~~.SOT1 -~arrAw~r <br />S~-;a°r~ Q~ N3~>~txRStc;n... ......Ha1I. , .. , ... , . , .. , ~csunty ss; <br />t7n thi5~ . , ..~~~~... , , ...~~ raf ..F?~cember . t~# ~.~.. tactesrtr c, the ttncicrsitnzwci, ;:t ?°~catary Ptai'~tic: <br />duty comn~isw~anud <tnd gtttttifiec3 s~tic# cc~startty, c.rscatttiiy ~:;stta~ . L~r~'.y..~.. ~:nd..I~~.~~€~.~.,..~~x'1tw~p~.,.... . <br />Htxsbax~d .arz~d, ~~"~~.~ ... . .............. .... , ..... ..... .. , ............. , tea tnc kttrtwn to kac the <br />itie~sttic~l pe~rct~n~~ whtsse nt~me~~ trc- suE~scrit`scd ttt thr: I't;src~ctittt; ittstrutttettt ;zttd ;~el<ttrawit,d~c~I .the Lxs~r:tttic~tt <br />ths:rtv+~f to bes .. t*hL~,~,~ ....... , ~°calurtt~ary <~ct <snd deed.. <br />itra~s~s my i`t:~inci and rttstEtritzl seal Ott . ..... , ,x~~:ns~, ~,~,I~tac~. , . ... . .... . .... ... ixt sair~ c:t:~uttt~~, tha.~ <br />~i~~tc atc~rs~iri.. <br />~~ <br />~ C~Crtrraissir~tl cx~~ires: 11 ~ 19 / $S ~t~ ~;d~ ... t, <br />~~ ~ ~'t~`~'y. ~.r, ~<7~~ tRlot Put3t;c . . . <br />r'rr"~w ,, +~ <br />~.,,.. K~ i~~ 1. F.t~}~ i•~(.."4?C~i1~' Ew~'t~NC I~. <br />,~.~ Tttt~s`T~,E;:: <br />Tha' o.tcSt;rai~n~ed is ChtW holccr cat the: rtc~tr: sr racatc;~ ~c°~ttrc~c try ttti;; t~e~ct cat "t'rust ~~xiit rtc>tc x>r r°tc~tc4. tcat;etht~r <br />w,th rtil ~~tht~r tttcttwbC~.s~nr.~~ ~ecttrc:c~ t,y this eeci caf ~t resat„ ttcsvc tacct~t p.ti+~ in toil. ~'ttu s:tre hcyrt~t~y c~irce°tet.i tea c:~tttc«:i <br />ss~s~ state rar rs~t>t+c*+ attu !.tail ~~t:c! rat "~rs~sst, A~hrcit utrs ct€;1,verecf isereity, arrst t<.~ t•s~ccatav~;y, w~ithc>tst ea'ktrr~~tnt~°. ,.ail thew <br />~t,latc. no'~r ~telt3 ~Sy ytttt ustder this T7t:.c~i <:rf '-trust Iii sisr: t~a°rscart c:'r ~S~rscsr~s deati~ c~r~titiect thLrt:tc~. <br />U~at~: ......,....,... ............. ... .,,,......,.......... ...... ........ <br />,~+,~ <br />~~ ,~,~~, <br />~' ~-~-.: <br />..+.++."""".". '"°+ '».°-' ~'.:, j3~4, t" t~#'Ef}rM t'h}i.`,i C€P~ ~.!G"h&t.~l4f~ t'U2 4..~rt~.8t ~(Y fj 1^§t!~:Grs',f rtrl ~.,„~«~,.. b.....-....W..m....~.~. ,,.~.m..~............ <br />C7 <br />~ ~. ~ j wf' <br />_~~~, i ~ ,~ ., , <br />~: ,.~~.~ <br />...i <br />,...- <br />