ray. p p
<br />din Addi~~.~n ~a ~ ~ err ~ r~~d Islam, '`ye`~ras
<br />...,,.
<br />~'he ~ar~ders~:~ned, ~c~-antn~~tt ~r~terr~.e~, Ins. ~ a ~braska
<br />cc-r~a-rkat~.~n, t~erer~a~ter ~a.Ied the Sa~bdivder, as c~wn~r ~ a ~ra~t
<br />~f l_a~nrcl ccamgrs•~.n~ ~ Pa~`~ cif ~~~~k ~`lne f , c~ntne~a~. ~~rt~ens ~ an
<br />~Ac~d~C.on ~~ the Cz:ty of ~ra~d island., h~braka, ~~re art~.rul.arly
<br />described as fc~Ilc~c~s
<br />B~~gi.x~n~.n~ a~ the 5e~~zthxw~~st rr~r cif '~~~~ ~~
<br />~'~lock dine ~csmz.ra~nta Gaz-c~cx~s ~~~~~~mc~ S 9'
<br />~r;~rr ~ tassne b~s~r:~n? al~m~ ~b sc~~~r~r ~~..n
<br />said Lc~t Swan ~` ~ c~is~nc~ n~nc~~~.~t~r~~ °?
<br />feet; ~b~n~:e g ~ ?~ ~.°' ~: l~n ~b~j s~cs~~,~~•.~r'v
<br />c~
<br />and n~.r~~--~c~ur ~ur~~~~ ~~ °.~~.. ~~ ~f ~:~ ~~~ ~~ !~
<br />4.Z$ 47°° ~ alcn~ ~~s~~ s~t:~ea~=~r~~r ~:~~ ~~ s~°i.d ~.c~t
<br />Steven ~ 3 a d~.stan~ ~ ~~n~-~.~ ~~~ ~ ~~~1;-r~~--_ ~;~.
<br />~i~undxedt~xs ~ . ~~ ~~et ~~ ~~n ~~ ~.~.ar~=~~~r~ era
<br />,.~. the so~ttbwete~~.~~ is ?due, ,~~ ~;~~~ ~ ~~~~~:~ ~c~uC~t-
<br />~~asterly al~n ~~ s~ub~ese~-~~= ~ ~~} ~z ~e de
<br />._
<br />f~ry~`l1+QQ~,~e.~ E e 1rr:.y,~z2 _~_, ~ r~~.~rd ~. ~.;~~~Y.e~~~~.~~.. .. ~~r~. F ;,'~^~.R ~~+~ ~. s~-~
<br />VrA~Jy yg~}w '?C.Oi A.x ~y y~~tP}~.1 +ip~yfx y~.r ':'T fi }~~. }4.~. k~ ~_~~. kd&iG ii :.. ~ i~:l '~~, .6, y~y ~. ~. ~y-~'+°.°s. ~t#F i,1 .L }-ry iy~i y
<br />i/ J. L .~7 "[J' ~ ti.. ~ L.. &, 4 8 1 ~.~ Y.14J i. ~d ~..k 4.. a. i. wC's ~~ J.. ~` ~ e. ~ ~j ; .. .. ._' v ~ t. k II. C.~ k i.- tm..ia ~.. ~ L. GA t L 41. .~'.
<br />arf ane 3~undr~c~ ~~r~.~'~-~~.~ rz ~: ~v~a ~~..:rr:~,:~~ .~..~.
<br />Feet ~ thence ` ~ ~" a ~~ ~~~:~-~- ~;s can ~u~~~r~~
<br />~~i£~y-~ix and ~:~.r~.~.~--~ ~~~~ ~~:~r~~~~~~~ 1~.:~~ ~ ~~~
<br />~~~aur and. ~zxv-~.k h~:;;~iE~F.~~. {6'. ~:~~~~ c~ t
<br />place ~ b~e~.nr~i.r~, ~~~~~' ,:~~:~~~.~r:~::~ ~.~. ~r;~,
<br />a-r less,
<br />d+esixr~~s tc~ have subdi~ri.ded as ~ s~sbd~ v. s ~n the abi~ve--desc~-i bei
<br />t-,~ a t+ t~ n ~ '! y n r~ 5L'~'2 r„ h i c ~ .'~,'+~ ~ t- cs ~ , ~ ; ~ r~ ?` h ~ r~, r~ r n r~r r ~ s,- 1 ; ~, a- ~ ,. ~` ~ t ; r.~
<br />C~'.~ ~r£ Grand Is~.anci, br~Ca, ~€d ~a~r~~r u~,m tc~ r~ ~~tY
<br />C,~un~',1 a£ such. C~.ty cr ,~~~~~~~ prv~.ded ~~ l~,w an accurate
<br />ma}~ ~-r-d ~~~ of such pr~pcased sutad~is~.c~n, +~ ~ .nd~an ~ ~.'I'
<br />$L(~C~~ 9, CC-~'~INE~iTAL GAF"<:~1~~1S, des~~,r~atzm~ c~xp~~.c~~l~r th+ 1<r~ct a ~
<br />~:~iid c~RUt and part%ctalarly descr~.b.ra;~ thy: ~..c~t:s and ~s+s~+nts be~.can_
<br />,#.n~ t:c~ such subdx.~rs.r~r~, with I.nts d+sigri,~ecl by ~~~:Tl~tYr a~~d ~~
<br />me~~~<~ 1by c~~.m~r--sf.~ns, and prr~p~rses tc~ ~~~u~e t~kic~ ~laC c~~ such uta~
<br />+di~~.~-~~ whe~~ ~'~:~~~.~ ~,~~tav~xc~ by the ~e,~anal. ~'lannr~g +~r~~4;~,f~n
<br />a-nd t;~-e ~,%ty Council. tc~ b~ ackr~c~wld'~;e~~ by Huh ~aw~-~r, cert~ "~~:
<br />~,~,
<br />~~ ~~~~~;ur,~cv n~ ~~ur~~~y ~!~~ ~ r.~x~~~~~t+rc~i ~~ F~~~rr~c~~~:3x~, end tea cnrtC:~i,
<br />~ ~~:'~~~ ~r'~z ~. ~.t3~'~ ~ ~~C'. (~cl`.-'+4!PTI6„"d~~ ty ) ~.' 4.1 :ti t`' eliit.~ ~"F E'"~I!`~' ~ C'~ ~]d.i~)~ 6 +;`
<br />