,~r ~~ ~~
<br />~.~
<br />~~'~-?~~Er~S¢ ~~i~~;° ~.ee +~n~s~B~~,-, a sfr~~?~ ~ers€~r~. as ~r~ust~r~ on F~karuar~r ~,
<br />~~~~`. cxtad~; ~rxec~.~t~r~ ~n~ c3~'itrer~+,~ o ~~~o a;~As `~'st.1e insurance ~,prptarat.iar~, as ~"rustee a
<br />de~c~ a€ ~~~~f.~<~~ cc~~v~r~ir~t~ ~i?~ +-~6~c~v~~n,~ de~~r?~~d P~'!C~t~~rt}J~ tea-wit:
<br />~ h~ ~,~~ahex~s~, one-FIa-~~ '~~`~'~ ~~ ~~ vur ~~~, in ~it~ck C'~ne Hundred ~f"hfrt~r-
<br />"i-i~ra~~ <~~.~e, ire ~r~~c~n Pacific ~2a~i~ay ~mpar~y~'s sec©nd Additit~n to the City ~~
<br />,srt~4'l.~f~ ~ siarad, f~fiaff +~ount, Nebra~ica.
<br />~'~'~~2~';~5 st~ici deed ~f trust was fvera as securit~r for the pa~rt~ent of a certain
<br />n~t~~ Facie canE i;.h~- sacs sate b}~ f~c~faert fee Canr~c~ily, a singte perss~n ~ tr~° 5ug~erir~r Morte~age,
<br />~n~. , the E~,enef~t~iar ~~ saki feed of trusty and awrhich deed of true. arras rect~rded ®n Marsh
<br />1 , ~i982 3n tf~ae C~~ffce ~f the Register of i~+~+~ds, Nalf t~c~unty, Nebraska, as ir~strurn~ent i~~a.
<br />V~~F~Mi~F2i~,AF the f~enef~c~ai interest rn such ~~~d C?'i= trust ~ra5 th+areaft~r a~~a~t,~Cl@1~ tC?
<br />E~arrc~ fi+rBCart~g~~c,~:e ~cr~any bye enc6csrseent anci ~feliver~ a~f the aforesaid note and wri~tter~
<br />s~.i~rre~tt here~rf recc~ra~ed N~aroh "€ in the Office of the Pegister oaf C~eecisr F•iall
<br />~~st~r~tYx i'~e'bir~asa, as #r-stru~ent Nor. 2_iJQ11~}; and
<br />~VrNIER~,~15, c~r~ i~e~:ernber ~, '~9c , Raf~ert ir+l. i~iei<e arras substituted as ~"rustee in
<br />the piece s~f' i'_arrr~rer's Titfe insurance ~crrpcrrati+~n; and
<br />6~Cf~ii~f~,AS~ a breacf~ of the rbiic~ati~r~ 1`r~r wi°~ich the trust iar~aperty was conveyed
<br />security has ~ccurrec~, tt~-wit: Robert ~.ee ~:or~noiiy has arrhoify failed, ne~iected and
<br />rc~fa.i~ec~ pay t'he principal ar~d interest dues fair the ra~onths oaf flay 1~~ through iec,emf~er
<br />'i°~~', irrclu~oive, a~n said Heats, t€~ the £~eneficiar
<br />~"°Hi~Ft~;~C~RE, nc~ti~e is her+~by given that the ur-dersigned ~"ruste~ at thc~ rYepuest
<br />s~f the. ~entg~°`rceary, anc~ in caar~e~quenc+~ cif sait~ ~fefauit, has eiec~ted t:o sell, or cause ter be
<br />~aC11t~i, the ai3C~V~'. C~esCribed real ~sts3te ~{'~ sat:isfe~ saie~ ~8ib144~t'~t#~fi"i.
<br />-ated this day cif fecember, "i,
<br />y .~......._..
<br />j.
<br />i
<br />#c~k~eo~t ilef~e~ ~"ruste
<br />~ ~ ~"c~antiner~tal uii~~ir~g
<br />~; r~ahar Nebr~asl~a 6~A~
<br />ss.
<br />~ ~i~fc~r°e ~~, a N~atarr~ ~"~tialic fa.aol cor~amissio~°~ed anc~ c~p.salif~~ci in and ter said cnaa~'ot~
<br />and ~taL+~, i~er~~r~~~i@~~ c:a~~e r~~iert ir+{. i~i~€~~:, ~i"`ra.~sta~ i~er.~~,tvr~ tea ~ to be, t.i~t~,i~~enti~;al
<br />FJ6'C°~C?n 6~-Ji'1C1 49iJPyat?!d~ '~`r'sa~ fnrz~m-tr~tiAr°orz ct'~~.~'Y~~~rYls~Y"~~` ~t3"°'kr"~ :~1"'Str91'f~,a~P~snr~o-e.a~~ 4°lw,~, .~.d~~..•,W.s~E,.R~. ~~Ge.,~.wew.-.~F' ~sv. Y+•.,n.
<br />,,,,_ J,., .. Ae e...wo „~. ,...... ,.m, ~~ ....«,,. .,.~,~., a. e<r~..a A.t IG ,7e!~"#.M 4J &k0.,T(t 4.#i«".F Ca.t? Rw RJ Pr
<br />his ~c~iun~:ar~~ ac#w, t~na~ ~er~ as ~.uch "~r~.~~x:~~.
<br />~ ~'~itnes ray hand a,nd t~+a~rial seal n this ~w.~...~~ ~.:3°~, c~~' l~ee~f~er, ~ ~'~i~~,
<br />~.,~
<br />C?. t~t~1y! ~
<br />