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?. CFcarrdea~araaticaa~, ira fire eveFni; the T~•rztar~xty ~ nr aaa;i~ isarf, tka+~rc~~~~, sti511f be tal~eaa Ray erriinerit deyrns:in, tile. ldrlort~ag~ <br />is c~rnpcawert~d to ecrlfect aarad receive all ce~rrapensatian baFaicfr a°n,ay fre isaid 1'crr any ~rrap~erty i;iiken eir i=e~r dart-a~'a>s tv p~`op~rt~ <br />nc~t taken, aracT JVicrrtgag~ec~ stialf apiafy saaci; ccam~evasaticari, ~3t if~~ crtstic4n, eitfaer tca ~ redrat;tirara e~t'the irieletitedress apcrared <br />. ~7ere't'eti~ trr to r~~pei~~ and ;~est~re tfie ~Srcagserty sc~ darraaged. <br />t3. 1g,erf~nrrrpaaracc~ liy 1Vlortgag~ee. Tt'ic~rt~rigee rrray, 6aat sfaa~ll have r-cr e>taligatie~ai, to dea any act ~birJh tt~e d~'lo~t~agor <br />Taos agreed Twat 1'`aefs try dc~, and t~fcartgsg~c~ ma~~ aisc~ duo faray fact it deerxas n~cassary t.o gsrgtect ilia lien herrae~f. Mcsrtgagcrr <br />€tgree~s try a~etaay, axlaeara efc~mand, ar~y 5fiirrr5 so expenc'ded &ry the M[rrrtgc;gee fvr t,faca above faiar~cs>se~, and any scams :~o e~pendecl <br />by file JOffaartgag~ee stiafl J7e aelsled t€a the indel~teeir;ess secured herefry acid ber~crme~ scib~ect t;ca the fieai fx~r~crf. Nir~rtgagee <br />shall ncat incur any ~ersrrnal liability beeaaase crf r~nythirag it. may dca nx +atnit to r3ca faerc~uridc>r. <br />9, i)efrata;it; ~.s,~~ignraxent ni' dents. Tiixae 4s eak' the esserace fverecxf, and aapr~n tl~cartgagtrr's default ira any c~trvenant <br />car a.g~reernent ~f ~„hies Mortgage, iri~rls~dinl; ec~FranantW trs }day when date the sums se~cur~ed Icy ibis Yvl~r,tgage, the Nlartgagee ah:all <br />be entitled, rat, ills scale c~pticrn and withsrtit ri+atiee, to der~lare alt struts sre~lared fry foals IYIartgage.tcr be imraaediately date and <br />payable and may c:cmrraevace fcareria=.;ua°e X71' thus 1'~c:+rtgsage icy ja.rdiciaf ~re~r~eedings; and, larr~uided further, float rapcan star;la <br />defalalt the l~artgagee, crr a receiver aplaczirated by a repurt~ nla!~ at its c~irticrrr grad withryut regard tc~ the aadecTraacy crf f;fae <br />secur~zty, eRtcr yip+an ~ancl take pe~ssessian rrt the T°r'n~perty azxd cca~l)Ceca thi rents, i~su+es anal ~rc-~rts tirere~'orn and $P~IY thea~- <br />first to the c:rrst a~f ccall~~ctic~n and niseratican cal tkie ~rer~ex~y aril them ;a}rc+n the iiidAhtedn.ess secrired kry ttais Mcartgagee; <br />said rents, issaaes ,and prc>i•Ats beiarg ~as,~;igraed te> than ?vioxt~a{~ee ~s faarther <,crcucity itar tl:e grayrraerit of the iridelatedriess <br />sscanrrjd hexelry, <br />1t3. `i°rarasi.'er of Prcaperty, JEir.atl c-r any Bart of file Ji'rc~perty is a+~1d ot~ trartsf+arred ~thnut floe express written con- <br />sent caf ttae ?~cartgagee, ll+tartzagee nxy at its se~le optiQn,,decla~`e all sutris,secaxreel Jb~ this 1V)Cprtgage ter lse irairzbediately dace <br />arad TarayaF~le. <br />~I.. ~'aatlure ~dvr-races. Upe>n rerli~est cal 'Me~rt~a~cror, Meirt~a~ee nrr~y rriak~e additional `aiid faiturcx advarar;es to <br />~lortgagcrr. ,~aa~cta 4advtrric:r~s, with ir~ir~test" theireon, shall b+e sec;aared tai this ~t~rtgage. varliw~n evidenced-isy larrsrriissary vacates <br />stating that. s~ti<i ;aotcs are secureri tr+~rpitay. At no titrie shall the irxiripaf arnesun~ of the indebtedness .;eeured by tJ;lis <br />Ma~rtgagey riot iraclrading suiansadvazrced to 13rotect,tJrie se+riarity of this 1~11ortg~ge, exceed the cari~ilaal dote. <br />~ 2. i~€isr~eJ'latieauta Prraic-ns <br />(:~~ any fcrretaertrance ir. ex+ercising;ny right cir retned~ shall not tae a wairrer ttie~eof. <br />{ip) r'~it rerriedies prcavided herein are distinct and,curriultttive t+a any rattier right afforded by law car c1r~uity, <br />and rxaay. ia~ exercised worl+currentl~r, independently car siiccessivety. <br />(~j Zfie c~cr~eraants_ acid a~reeinc~nt~ contained ha~:rein sYlall bind, and the rights incise-to, the respective <br />staacc;isors and assii~zis of kie I~~rtgag~r and the iVJiortgag. <br />td) < ill ca~venants and: a~reem~nts of file Ntcartgagc~r are joint and several: <br />,' fe)! The irc~adings cal the pax~~raphs cal tills il~orta~e, are for convenience or~Ty and shall a~ot be:cised to linter- <br />pre~t arc dE~ale file rov:~ic~ris herecri°. <br />I3. ~.el~aa~. t~por~ p~yint r>f' alT riari saaraad b~ Mils ~'iaartiige, tartga~+~ s~iJ diai~~~r~a t,~lis NTort~a~ and <br />shall ex.eeute ~~nd deT~id~. et ~atisfactn.~, ~eiee tire~reft~r. ~ ,,°`".,,~',~ <br />rN Ve~i"f'I`Jb~S~ ~~4'T~~I~,~C~l~, C~rt~~rr h,ax~c~tr~i~t~ia ci~t~ soli the~,~, ci a~`~ ':.~•.~,„: , ~g --q~ . <br />~~ <br />'' <br />,.~ ~, <br />~. ,~,, . <br />~~ <br />,~. <br />,• <br />~ i~~ ~" ~.,.z' ~~k'.kST~..)~.ts~'.~1 ~„ w, ki~a;.rowr~r <br />1 ,. <br />,• , <br />.~._. ~.._.._ ~.~._ ........ti.._,.., <br />. --_.._-~.a_. v.~--- ~ ~-~-- <br />? _...~.. _ i~axxc~r~r~x <br />~{a~ 1 , , <br />~txit:a nF T~Tai~r~ck.a; __.._.- ~ _- -.;~-..__._._,._,_.. ~~__ a..,__~"spiaztt.w` ss, <br />C)n dais __~"7Ntra ~- .day ~f __.r~'c`E:~~t'dlx~ .......:...~ 7:9 __~~ b~~ra~~ 17n;eq tt~a~ ran~ibrsagn+ecJL, a, l~+~t.~aa~~ ~=;abli~ <br />dufa+ ccrrrarriis:;ia~rar;d aard cftaaiified Yc~r ssrid cararrty, personally e;atxae _ ~' " ~_:~aa..._,~~~?~?~~...;~ 'y~~'at.';a1~1_ ~~~__.___._ __ <br />~~trra~7u~~~a_,..__I-~~a~~~_~s~~c~_tat~d ~~a ~'c~ <br />~.~a~...~.,_.._._.. ~~...,_._~____~___.__...,.._,.w.___r_.__.____,____._______._._,_._-____.__~_._._._ ._.__.__, try zia~e T~nra~vxa d;o ira~ thf; <br />identical persU,!~{;~~ who;~e narne4s~ aloe subac~>«Fred to tkac fc~r,~~;oirrg instrurilerit avid ac:~ncr~~ledg~:~d the e~xecaaGiorF th~vc~# <br />tra kae .._~'~:._.~j~~__~~~':f'._____....._. vc~luratary riot avail dared. <br />Wii:rieF~s my taand Arad notarial sear at__._.__.....~zl.i~.11~..~~..a.~Ll:1.t3._._._ ~..__...~.,~..~_~._~__._.~__-___..__.__.__ __ iri sfaici e~ranty, Lire <br />data af'aresa~id . <br />S~N~fi~4 ~l~S=&~x ~~RS~t~ ~+' ~la~sgtakA- <br />~~ ~`CJiYirtli~i!i[71'! i~,}Lprgt?f~ ~ ~ r ; r <br />,~ ~ ~~~::. hN~ use. ~~ ~"4€xr~l ~~Y 3~+1 _~ ____.___ ~.,,~.:? ..._,__.~._..~.__µ°~.~ r_.~~__._.~.~.~~'~`,':'~ - _~ _--_ _.---_ <br />~ _?'~~t~a.s~ r'aib~ic ~„ <br />5 . <br />y ~' ~; <br />_..._....._.f.~.'.._4 ~.._.._,~ . 2,_~v~~~_......_. ~~;a:NHef ~4~ flaw `d`~t~ ?o3ras~ flt~.~rwesi ~~'ax a,~;aca~c acad at.ti:cczrd+exy _._.._._._ ___..,w-..,.t~~._,_._.... _ . _ _ _._._ .. __. '~ ~. <br />ef...,. <br />~~ ~ e ~.~ <br />y~ ~ ~ ': <br />~' J <br />