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~~'. ~'o~r~d-~areraa~ticen. tri tt~r~ cw'eiat. t;he t~r~~:pe rty, d?r gray ~ear4~; t~.}~at~rwryf, ti'~atld k~i~ 4,a1~t~-~ l:i~yr c: -~r7arterrE: ~t~zatrair-4 Lini, P~1r~rt,~sx#s.,e <br />is emp€~r~ver+~d t~ca a°~c~}lle~et~ ar~d rea~+~ivet al}~ ccarrspt?rrr~at~irazi urhi+:~9i [~i~ay ~ta~- ~aai~# 1'car arry ~rrtiz~~xty d,aiCerr cir F€;rr t~arr-a~rs to f-r~o}aeXty <br />riot ta~~eaa, aryd~ ~k~'trrrt~?zige~~ sha~it af-p}y wua~}i r°crz~peynsat;iebr~~~, rat; its ~nfrCiora, i~oiS~}ae~rte~ a rt~cl-a~r,k,iorx raC t ire ia'-deatatec4rYeres rsecure~d <br />herelay sir to re~~+~ir eerae'3 rrestc>rta 1Mc~ trrexp~cr9:y ,acz ~iarta.~~e„d. <br />~. ~'e~'~ns+r~n,ance by 1~nrtgagee: xt+teart~grigczc rosy, 9~ut Shat} ~hrrve! rACS c7bli~atinn, tcs rtcy arrv ac°t v~hicli the Minrtga~nr <br />}ias ag~~eed }SUt fai}s to das, read ~nrtgagee eraay alsca der any ak,t it rleerias r-ece~ssary to protect tiers tiers iterenf. Mdirtgsgnr <br />agrrees trb repay, u(xc~n r3e;rnand, arry ;~urrls sc:- c=xpcrided tay t.hia t1'inrt;r~atle'e for th£ above purposes, s-rad ariy sums sv ra~pended <br />0~y the ,Mrartgt~gee~ s~hali t-e addr~d tcx the irtcte?k>tedt~.cass wer..ztred Etiere}~y acid larc~nrxra auiaject tta the }secs hereof. 1Vle~rtgagee <br />shrill xse~t incur a~ni~l persor:,at~ 1ia.bility k~ecax,re~ of anyt}iirag it. array dry c?r omit to dex hereuaader. <br />!~, ~l~)efa~it~~ ~4:~ilm~r~e~rit crf it.earts. '~T`imE? i~ ol" t.}tc~ ~sserrrcr• fac~renf, and upon Mortgagor's default ir- any r~cavenant <br />or agrewrr'rent cif this idieartl,age, irrc,irscliiag e~ove~nar-d;s tra pay wticzn dixea ths~ surxrs secured lay this ~terrt~;age, the 1VStartgagee shat} <br />untitled, at it.+~ :~e~le c~pt,ic~n acid r~th~-rrt raes#;~ice, tcs der}are? ~,}} surits s~~ceare d by this t4To~gage .t.o lac immediate}~~ clue and <br />pa-yakrieA and xnay e^iarr-meraca t`ore~clcasuxe~ e~f ibis h'„e }xyY guc#isit~I ~rrc~rcer}ings; and, ~:rrnvic}ed furd.~-er9 ttxnt upon such <br />clef~aulfi ttie Tt~oxt~~al~ee, u~r_ a receiver rtppoint~d 'try a a:raurt, ritay at its option and vuitliou_t re~razd to Che ade+~uae~y of the <br />security, errtec trlrot- acid take pc>~e~sion of t-tie? i'ra~pcjrty and c~crllect the renta~, issues and larc>fiaws there=from acrd apply them <br />first t[r the? cusG c>f cue}tdectiorr and trperatit>ka cif t&ae? i'rc-perty azid 4:hern rrpcyn ttrey iraeiehtedness secured lay this Mortgagee; <br />mid rents, issues axtcf pxc-fits wing a~igiaed to t;he ?~'l~cyrtgagee as f"i.ts-tt,er se+~u~rity fox tlae pavrnent of d;he ?ndebt~:dniss <br />secured irert+b~cr. <br />LE1. 'T`ransfer eyf T'rceperty. }f all e~,r aeaav p:~rt c~sf tine i~rc~.isert:;y is strict car LrArisf'er-red ~rithout the express written c_an- <br />serrt cat.' the l~lt~rt~;agee, ll'laa~~a~ee may ;~t its :sole czpticari, dertarf~ rail sums secured tsy ti2i5 ~Inrtgage to be irrimediately due <br />at'id payr~kateR, <br />LI. Fer,~t+~x~+~ .Advances. IJpcar- z~i~~uest ~sf Mcar4:~agtar, Mesr}:gagee rraav rrxake adlditinnal and future advances to <br />~+Iortgag€ar. Su+e-h ,adwarrces, xvith ilatc~rest ttAex~eon, ~,ha#} tae secarred by this l~iortgage dvhen evidenced try prnmisst~ry trotes <br />stating that said neates are secured heretay. At ncx ?.inae shat the }~rincitaal amount of the indebtedrieas sc~c~rre*d by phis " <br />Mcart~age, next iiaclrtcling sums advsc~aaeed t:cs pre~te~ct t,kre security cif ti:~ hitx~rtg~ge, exc~t~ed the original I~ote~. - <br />1 t~tse~ella~.neaorx-- i'rovisic-rrs. <br />{a) A,ny fc-rt~beztranc€~ in eaxi~rcisirr~ gray i•igrat c}r rcrrr.edy st'i~-tt -~.r~t lac ~ vi~ai~er the;~rcUf, <br />(b} qa.l rerr-edies provided hereon are c-listirirt rand e°usrx~ulative ts~ aryy ceY~her right affrardcrd bar lam cat equity„ <br />ar~ad raxay tae; ti~ercisee~~~sax-aut~rent}y, ~zsreleperadcaratiy ~~sr successively. <br />~c~ 't lie e,°c~zreriaaat4 azad atxt~c~nae~rets r~orat:ainecd trc~reira starall lairaa~, std the rights inure tea, ttte resp~e:'w°e <br />ssrre~cessrar~ acrd at~igris saS't,he ~tort~agz~r ~atad tlae ?i~icra~t~;a~tTcr, <br />td) A.ll cc7vcrirrtits aratl ag~rc~erneeaGs ol° t.}ac :~1o~rd.g~tgerr tiro ,~raii~it~ tu-d ssaveral. <br />(e} 'I"he ~heddings cif the. para~apias dal &his 1~tc~rt~Kge axe Fir ecsravcry~e~rce o-ai~~ and, te~~l tint b~ Wised t~ti~nter~ <br />pret cYr de;~t"itre t.tit~ l~rra~jisic~riw t-ere~~id~. <br />1~0 l~.etetese. I;pori pRyerl+~rtt 6,i' Ali :~urras secured try this lVlrtgage„ Vicartgagp sh-all clise~h~~ this iVlurtgage sand <br />shad exec~rxte:~ anr3 d,_3}i~°er a satisfa~rtesi~y rk~te~ascA {.hc~te~#cer, <br />[~ 'U1r1'~l'I`~l~;~i~ eaFiNflald,l~;(~1~', :",~->r~tgai;car }sacs cxe:cuted t,tii5 tv'it-arti~~ige uri tl~e~__;~~'~a"~' a~` , 1~'~.'~..,,..' <br />,. , <br />,~ ~.. , <br />rc._...__..: f~~-~,.._..~...,, ..:__.,~ ,.may. _:: _ ._ ,~::._.:_~ _:~.._:.~.~..~..~.~.~.,,~..~.~,......_._.,.~. <br />,, <br />~, vrs~wer: <br />. , <br />z,~y ~:~~; C . ~~t.t?pia <br />,. <br />--~.,.~__-___~~ _ _ ._.._ r~~~._........_...~...~..._...._. <br />--~--__ <br /><~i l ~z?c~ Fiu~~- ,, ~aarr~w~r <br />Stale of tVeEa~raska,~ ___.__._.___>___.f'~cfarrzti___._~__.__ ._ .___._._ __.._-_. --_ _.____..t;r~iaraty ~s: <br />Sri t.}~~is _.___._.>~~th____ day e.~t __..._.____~)~~,~t~:.~_~-_W.___.__._, 2~.$u__. !>eforc~ roe, tyre aans~~r~sign-~ a ~+otgr~y Paaibll+~ <br />tiutyc'cr~trussicine°cl arici eluatified for laic} ~°ncrraty, prrscsna-itty cameb_.~_i~~~.~~._(~r~~~~ug~' ~~rzd ~r.i~rie I~u e, <br />_ iiu ~~,~~t~c3 anc~ w i §"c3 +,o me; lkrrr3w n tee be the <br />identical pers~sra(s~ wha~;r3 riame~:s~ arc :~uliscriix?d to the f`;rr-~tc3rag instrunasbiat anti actiranwte>dgecl the executinra i;hereaf <br />trr t>e ____4r. _~ ~zE'. 3_ ~ .__..__.. ____ va~l~irtt:erv' a.t a,-~i deed. <br />WitneT~ zriy hand axa<l r?Diarist seal at ~._.__. Fla ~._,? ~?~~.~~.,~s.~s~,~~.~..-.._~.._._____.___._____._.__.______.._irr said cciur~ty, the <br />date gel are?saatl . <br />~~ <br />_ <br />'- My (ie~rrrttaiSSion ,,,r,,,.,,.~.,,,,~,,,,r,,..,.....y.~~...~~•(.~ ' ~ ._ .. . <br />~c ~ 314 /R'IRA~A:F > l :;al ~ ~ r S Y ~ F`.. ._ ~ ~" <br />~,.~; 014M~,1.1i. A1fU~El _____ ~..___~,..~..~.~.~..~_._..,_._-__ __.{, ~~_ ,~~c~cs• ~rar,c , _ <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />.._....:~..._.A.„.~....:.._.__-, ._„ ,....~~_~_~_. ,...._.__.. ~~Aar~ci, ;~4*~~tew "i't~iss I~Yne kre~~r+~erF ti'cnr Gaander az~3 k~ec~rcl.~xY --___`.~__-_---._4_~_~_~._.~____ , ~ ,ti, <br />~~ ~ ~ <br />~`,~^ ~~' a ~3 <br />t ,. t i ~'R <br />i~ "^, , <br />~o ,~ ~ _ _,._ ~';~, <br />,_ ~ , <br />_ ~~ ~~~,~ <br />, ti~ a . ~., <br />'~ ~,. <br />.~~ N, ~ t t <br />* 4 C <br />.,. , <br />t. <br />~r..~ Rem: .~~'S 4~. i~ ;~~'. *:F <br />.,b,. <br />