This rxrt3r4.~;~i~fe Ix~ac9t tit!( e:nt~aut:l it~rra tt1i~ __ ~.~~1._.;.:.:_~:,.._.._. cl~v ~:~~'.._M_,1~,.~:e'fib..P~~~.._...~_~._.~,_~.__.~.....~__,
<br />Pty ~2,..,_, h?~' <atacl t,ett~een RLR T~ust~-•Cotaam:~x'eial. ~3atit~a:~a1. Bank & Ta:ust Gcr., Trustee
<br />~~
<br />lkr~r~in~t`t~°r r~t'~r•se~.# t~~ <i~ Irr[~r-t=,~z{.~.c7r) z~nci t;~~.rrzl~errr.~~:ai i'~~tt~~srt~i .i3artk ~rtd `l"ritst ~:c~mpaa~:
<br />(hereazafter' referred` t.~ as
<br />rrrsar?~c~gcea, ovht`r maintainv ~ar~ t>ffzctr= ar~wrl ~lai~e of tZUSirres5 ;ai ~.?:~ inTe~st Th•ircL__....~,_ street in Grand ~sl~:nd,
<br />.i"~Ei.l;ll 1.~'~lRrrt~7, ?~C~?I'+i,iSl~'r'c.
<br />'V~'t~r~a~5~,t:tt-t, tS~~t ~+~~r t}~~ c~>r~si~ier;~tis~r~ hr~:irtaf`t~r ~t~;t~d, r~c~~t taf r~vhich ~~ h~re~iy acknowledged, tl•I~ m~rts~~c~r
<br />d~-i:s laerely~ n~c.~rt~~a~e, self, Ararat, ~~;~tn, end cdnve~ ante tae mrrrtgaee, its :~ucce~sc-rs and a:~~igns~ all Qf the fo(-
<br />lc~~~`ra~ dcs~rihc~l ~ar~.g~sc rty ~~it~r~it~~l ar~<d l~eira ~n the C."c~t~nt~ t~f H~.:1~..'
<br />~t~~te rrf 1~{~~~r~15Pt:a.
<br />A ce~t~~.7_n g<•~~t erf tnYa~ South Half' caf the Nax•theast C~nart~r ~Si/Z NEIr'4) and a part
<br />~~ ~~~ ~>e~ut:l~isast. (quarter` (~' l f G) a~ ~ec~tion 'T'wenty-Fcaur (24) , in Townsh~:g~ E:~even
<br />C~_~3 i~tar.tfa, 'Teen ~~.0} ~1est (af the 6th P'.M., Hall ~aurrty', ~Telnras~:a, laving:
<br />raartta t~#' t<he Uraica~a ~sc~flc 12ailroarri ~CamparY~ros Right. of Way., aac~re, partic~ilarly
<br />~e~ct±~laecl a;s: ~3eginniazg at: a point on the 'Noxth R;~.ght of Way Line of the
<br />Uxr.a.a~ ,w~tcif,lc R~~~.1.raad ~~ttrpany, rahieh p~airat i~ F~u;r tTux~dresl Sixty-Six 0466.0)
<br />Teet sl~ra:tthu;e~tt.erly frotr? t~he intersectT.on of ttze East Line caf: the Sauth Half of the
<br />i~ort:he,~.~rt quarter (S~i.~2 .'~3E1,l4~ of 'Sectiara Twenty-Foa~r X24), "Township, Eleven (ll)
<br />~3~artlt~ i~arsgiw sera ~~.C3~ T~Fe~t erf the 6th ~'1~1. and the North ~.ight of Way: Line o the:
<br /> ~'~EC.iT_l.c Rai~Lrcad Craa•npany~, rnaau~in~ thence seauth~.7esterly upa~n and along the
<br />Nc~rt:la :~~'ght of 4~~y j~:lrae o1M the Union P'aci.fc Railrcaad !~oaaapaa~~, Fcaur Hundred ~GQ~.a
<br />l:eet, ~;ie~:fer_t:irag tlier~ce right ~0°Ot~' and running Northwesterly for a distance of
<br />F~aur ~l.axndred 1rigl~t~ ~4~3Q'.(?} feet", deflecting thence right ~U°'f~0'' and gunning'
<br />xaort~ea.~ter~.y pea-alleT, to the. i~arth Right e~f Way' line of the Union Pacific. Ra:la:oad
<br />~c~m~aaa~y., ~'crrxr t~ura~lr+~d ( ~'eet~, deflect3:ng thence. right 90°C~t~' and running
<br />si~uthea,~t:eav~.y f'car a d3.stance cif Faris 1~undred eighty (4~Q.{?} feet to the actual.
<br />to?~kri:ther a~itli x:211.. tl,~ t~rrertrr°tat.s arael alr~rtrrtenaraces tta~retr> l~elcanr't, gall flee I•erats, a:~~tdc:*=ti <~Ird ~+Y~caf`it~ tl~erc~c~f, ~ncP ~a(1
<br />~~~s~ta~e~nts, ri~;tats, rc~yaltics, rt~iraer~:l, coil arad has ri~lar~ and prc~t`ats, eater, water' rilats, grad water st:ocl:m and iracltrdrag
<br />ali 6;a~~ati1"a~, a;Ptrrr7l~silr~, r~tsi~rr~rz~;3r~l~t, ?if=h[in,~ eclttitaaent t~ticP ~,~1 fixtaar~~ a~f evc~r;~ rle~criptia'~ra ~ae'lcr~gi~t tc? tl•te
<br />rra~rt°t~;;:~¢~,~al rrs`,~~ ar lrc~rc~~1t'tt~r :~tari~e[.f tPa:•TF~`tt> ~~r tasei~ its ccptlrYC`[:11~~aa with t:tae frr~tr:ises l~r~~ri~ra dcsc°I.ll~~,d arrcl lta atldtzeara
<br />ttre:r~s~ti-s tPy~: i;~3lcr~i~;ai.~ ~•src,(~~Itl~s e~,~hir~la ~at~c~ atacl x1711 lr~e d~~eed tc7 la+:~ fixtttre.:~ ~ricl ra part cal flee rcalty~ a.rad
<br />rrt:; P~~3rt;trla ~~t tt2[° ~~:cE.atit.~,~ 4`:~r tPtt:~ i~~;l~t~tetlness-Ttereirt stattcl. lIt" ttoa~e, sttatc~ ~artc~rae"')
<br />~-~4 lY~a~~; 6:~ncl tzar ~rc~Ic4 tat =~~rra+~ *,xrrtra t}7e'vi<jri~d~~~'„ as ~yt'ein ~rr~a~ided:
<br />"TPa~ rrra>t„t~;art;c~r i~; P<~~,4~ildly ;~i~~etii ar1~P t,~•~~~>~~5a;;d c~6~ ;:rrlc3 his the ritl~t tc~ sell and cvaavc~~r ~al~l fsrc~erty~ that €lat~
<br />strr~~t i~ ~`r~[~ P'ri7ta~ APP ~~r;;utrrt}r~arrc~s +.~:ctj`~~ .s.~ }r~re~ir7;.31r"r~~e rc,c~ited; ;Irru tll;.it f'~'l+artgagc~t~ ~~~~~c:rry~nt.s tt~ w~"axrartt ~.'racl
<br />f:~i~~C'rti~ t~1E' tr~~c; c;ti7iGSe~1tP t(li_'rC'ta.~ S1lSt:P t~';.f-~' tl~ztt ?~1t'F4'.Lf ~t:?ctlflfit ~}I i:PiiaMTrti t~f~ ill ~f'4'rsL~~aS t++e~`13:31a°1lSl7t'1'f"I'',
<br />r
<br />-I'he~, ~rl~ttl,tt'ta~rat i~: ;~i~c:r~ tc~ ~.>r~~tai~: iPtt• ~~a~~taa~tat ~~f' 1 S~I•~p~x-1;~t~~•~,- r1~~1~: ~' ~-Dec`i=tattre~ ~..a~.~.19~3
<br />. .. ___ __ .,, .....,., ._..~w..w
<br />iat t}ac~ P~rist;i~:al ~;i~l~rr e~f' ~ ~U ~?flf?, ~f~ ti~:,r-~~~! I~~~ Ric_hard ~~abe_ .: .. .,. _.. m~. _..
<br />_. -.-. _ -.- ,.... _.. - _._ _. .wb~ ,,~.., , ..~ ~. _„~. ~w
<br />ire ~elaalP ~-rf' - 1~T:.R.. Tr~aat ~'_._'~e''anmerc foal, I~~t:..t.~aaaT P~~.nk EC 'Trust (Mcr, , Trustee
<br />~~~(?, ~~ f,i,gCP'r lrat~$~:` (>r t1C5t~~ 'iti~'u" ~CC3t3t t2rRrk' R7 tllXd4.` PY~ rr1C?dIt3~C1, ri_'nt~i3~k,'{.~ Clr' t"~~~4t~~e'C~ in :~"'Ttr{a~;.
<br />try *l~e. ~~~etat ~1~ie ti4ltr tc~ ~~aici Ir:szl trstat~: is t~-~rt,~le:ts~wit, car s;~rr2tr,.rt't~~P tip h~~,,i'a~rl-r~[l: w`rcr~ai tttty ~s.t~t:ft:;r•~i~~t~!.~ci 1`czr s~rag~
<br />"
<br />ri~twt'~ra fit' orb' ar1~r' tisc~tllt~~i 'Jv'6"t~it:~()E'Y~:T, tl.1f'; [.'i"III( ~~I'I.rlt;a~?r3d 4i1n"r :1tiC1 l4a:l:~Y.IC'~~ itt4.t:,"(~'it .~~r%'al1 iil C3Slc`i.` ~'>~,;G~1I"TY~.' ill.l~ at.tttil
<br />~f3~'~~PT' c3~ tPi~",:, i'li:"C"~li)C~ ~7~ ~l"l~". (1JlC~<:~ Plf'!`K;:~)~, ~'~i~ikt'~' lt? ~,:~~.1"t:€'>~:' t~';r~}"! P~t`i;si1."fit 53~ Ii'~iNYSt{`S' t3I lltt~' 3ti i~:![:?pit` '~l.r?(~'t;~
<br />ar i')T~i: 3C1`rti4l~:€~ L~ai~i}P r2i3i at~l3~tr$Gltt'_ si ~Rckl`s'~~Y 47P [i'1€° tip"11 tti'w?iti'C~.i+;:t;° £sY1~ ~±,iiCl3E', 5.12 +fp~ ±'~t'-i1~: !:?i ;3'w4' ;ti~IP^;,t'i~4at3tf. Ti'~li;ti~~'f.
<br />~: ~.~~~P't~ ~~'9i~fl~'1i~,-'s"~5t 6:?:}S~'4°I~;irxt~. ~fr~.t ii~?rt;tiM rC°a I`:~n~ty~:`~;
<br />r't; ~47 gr":'r;:f3Y3#"i~~_`;' rY~~' i~~i'. Y~~d:r~,'€~~!w€.~T1S`ti:; £:'ti~C;P4`.<'1!."t"f:~ ?+`r' !<<,lfE~ y~i::R1"Syl.'3^~LAf. rlf:"'l k:' ~:iT 1~T~' ?1!~RG;` :'h!1'df ;f! ii3t` 5~alti~3!"'I.
<br />:~ ~ t~ ""^~a:`, ;#~ C,A ., ,E~y¢~a~,T1 t'6sa'~ ° '.kx,1~ s . +~~~2!`" ° v1i;t~ f!t 3yt f ^ ~~ . r iYf:r2^" I a~ J
<br />~° a ur ~,~ a21i~F4idG1(`23_f r ~Y'a3#-5 ~,.,° i:t"^;,
<br />F~,. .~~ i 3i 3"~ !~ 9 ~ u 5 1 1 5 ~ I
<br />Y °fiY<^ 7.;A4h -7;1§ 1~14df ~°~6`t.`,1E iYs~lS~. '.PY"tt 1 v,,.:;"+r~.,'" l~,~V$ ~~1~~ S`'Tt')41rj~'~!"~' C~,a[~t:~r jSi.r ,'sP S7EF~x`` i . ,.. ~S'':~
<br />~? q`:}.''~~ an ,~a~i ~,~~•c'.:~" rl>YeL t_ .. 1'3:aY ;Y';' U i~}Y. ;l`^ ~a}t } s it t
<br />r,t,:, q •ii i1(. .?T"'. t 11fiti wt. _ t~ ltl".`3
<br />•f!: -,'3;+~a ".i' :, rI 7{~ ;E .t .Y:r;' ,,x?~"~d- ` .E:> + r ,i^ :}'~;^11' ~ {~ ,i3 •" ,.r3 ` .~ ".
<br />~° ~ t; ,'' ~} ~ rat{ ~ =t
<br />„ , . ,~
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<br />