p ~?'Y +m.,,,.,„ ~ 'iii ~ '~,..&
<br />ir.3n~t~-c~,r.rti, t~''rJ'L'tuNT'?TS. J3tsrrcawer and i~ende:r ccz~=~nR,nt fitnd agree as f~~alic~~~s: ",~~-
<br />-1 Prs~a~ar?ret ~rf JP'ar•enrap~l ana! inteiit. Bcarr~awer sJaalJ rcamptiy }lay wJ°aen dtie the principal caf and interest cen then
<br />intts:iatcdnc~s c'°viciersueci by tlae 1°+lott„ pt'epaymerrt and !seta; charges as prcavrded an the,. J`tcite. ;anti the larrncrptal of and interest
<br />^" s?n ~sia3• J"uF„rc ~'l~,ivaan~~~a SescrirY~d by this L7+~c'd taf 'f"rrrst:
<br />~ ~a JF`rja~sr]s, iFnr T~xess ~rrtd Itas~rarma>tere. ~uhjes:t to applicakaJe law ar to a written waiver ray Lender, 13onower shad pad
<br />to J._e;aicicr r~r r'ra<~ ciay rii~snita#y instalianerit:~ s~f i•sriF~ci~at and interact tare ~ayaJiic; Frncier tiles, Nc~tr~, t.rntiJ tJa~: Pvotc. s~ ~aici in fF.aJl,
<br />,, sr,na There}irP "F'Fartitlia") etiaaal tea one:-taveli-th caf tht; yeasty taxies tanei asse,5~ments ~iYhie:.Ja may attain Jaricarity caves this
<br />I)ee~d rat `i"ri.a~t, and grcuund ;rents an the .t'rrataerty, if any, plF.a:~ erne-tw'eJfttr of yeasty premitrtra instailnaent.s f'ar hazard insurance.,
<br />~itr+ taalc-tr~~c~lfth tsf yeairty premiaam instailments f>'4r natartgage insearance, it ;any, salt as a•easanahiy estim<°ated initially anti frarra
<br />trrra~e tea tsrrae. #~~~ J',ende~r t?F~ the basis`af asst~ssrraents rand hills anti re:asaraahle e`stimatcs thereof.
<br />[-he F~ariat~l'; hail ire hc~Jd in an -inrtittatit~n the deptasits tarp acceautats of which are insured car guaranteed by as Federal tar
<br />state. agencd' ~i,~c#zreiing, I.~nder if Tw.ender is saxch .ira institartiani, t.endcr shat! apply the 1-'aands tea pav said ta?des, tassesstaacnts,
<br />insFrrarace tare.naiFrrras arad grtacind rents,. Lender may neat. rsharge far :sa hatdiatg and applying rhea 1Fttnds, analysing said ac;coaant
<br />ar s,erityira~ avid evc~a~npiliaag said assessntenis anti iaiJls, a.rraless t..t;ntier pays F3orrau^er interest an the rrrncis and ap~licahle taw
<br />pc.r!ralits t~erndr tta mtaiCe such <~ charge. Sarrawer and l.erader taaay tagrr;e ira writing at the time. at exec;tttaan at this
<br />Uecrct a,t Tnist that anterect on the Funds shah tae paid to l3crrrawer, and aaniess larch agrec.traent is naadc or apialcahle law
<br />,~equ,res,: ~sP,ch interest tea be laid. i.;.ender shill net be ree{uirt:d to paay i3orrtswer easy interest tar earnings errs the t~aarads. i_ender
<br />t;halt give; to ~3+carraw"erry without c.hargaw, an annual acc.oFanting of the lw'unds shawirag creditti ante ciehits tea the FFSnds and rise
<br />purpa~atvcs fns wl!aitwh eitict' deF,it to the Fr.tnds wa.s made. "i~he Funds .are pledged as addititanat sceurity for the sums secured
<br />19~ this Jf~e`ecJ cad Trust.
<br />if tht' ananarrrt taf the Fonds held lay Lender, together with the 'laattrre marathfy instaJiments at l•rands payahte ,prier tea
<br />i'Frc Tine dates ~>f. taxes, assessmeni:sT instaranee~ prenaia.r.s anti graund rents, shah exceed the arnoaant required tea pay,sard taxes,
<br />asse}~srrae.nt~, iaassararica»'s premiums rand ,~rtatrnti raisers <as the:~° f«rJl dire leach excess shall' he, at l~twrrawer's taptitart, either
<br />lai°canifatly rrrla:Aid to ~tarrtawer car credited t,ca i3c~rrrcru°er sera tr3carxthly irt~„tai#txrc;nts csf F'trr3ds. If tFae amtatant caf the t~unds
<br />hel,,i by L;enci~,r shaif' net he sFrfiicent tta pa}' taxes,. tassessrnerat,4, insurance pretrriF.rtras :and iprorand rents as they ftalt daae,
<br />f3carrower sfaaJl play to l:.endarr any amount Facc:essaryr sea m<.at.e up the do°ficiarncy within ?(3 clays Pram. tlae date r~iatice is aaaaileti
<br />ray i.ender to l~a~rrowi~r requesting faaytraent thereof.
<br />C.;r~arsn #*a4"tayaent in full cai' all su.rxas cectrred ia!~° dais Ji~e.ed cal` "t~razst. !.ender' shralJ prcanaptly refazrad to l;3orrtav~"er tarry t"Grnds
<br />held Tay t.znder. if under gaaragrafah Jii heretaP the i"rrsperty i~: scaJti c>r the i'rcapert5' is atherwise ae:yr~ired by !.ender, Lender
<br />shah apply, eats later than ammedtateiy prier tea the stale eaJ tlae F-Yrraperty caF• it4 acciarisitian tsy i...endGr, any Ferncis held by
<br />t.:ertder tat the tirrae of appticaaton as a crt;dit against the sums secured by this [~eec'i caf 'Trtrst,
<br />~. ApsplJi~etrrtlEoas calf Payments. t~nlc:ss applicaahie J<aw fYravicies cattaerwisa:, all taaymerats receiveai ray i:ra:rtda:r arnder the:
<br />Nate and pizragraphs !anti 2 hers„of shall he applied h}t !.ender farst ira ptr.yment caf amaurrts payatale tc? :i,.cncler ray' B~arrawrt*r
<br />arnder pa~ragra.3pit ~ iaereoi`, then tea interest. t*ayaairle un thas hassle, then tea the }°srinciptal cat the: lslotc, anti then tea interest. and.
<br />princi pal ran ainy Ftrtr.rre ,a-t#var~t°es.
<br />4. Cflrai~;cs,, I~ilerts. Barrawer *;haiJ pray sell ta°,e"s, aassessrrrcrats errs!: c,thc.r charges, fines and iaatpeasiticans :attrit?tatatale ice
<br />the Property atvhich may attain a prissily aver this T~ea;d cat "i'rtast. and lasasehcalti payrtae:nts car groaxnc9 rents, if any, in the
<br />mataner prtsvitlled r,rrcJe,r laa,ragraph ~ hereof car, il' net paid ira ~uctt nataaaner, by i3earrcawer rtaakng payment, when date, directly
<br />to Bhe pray tl!tretat. .Borrower shall pram~ptly iurraish tea i...rncJer aalJ rac?ticeb caf atarotrnts dxrc. trnda:r this paragraph, and i^ the
<br />event Borrttit~ver,~hall rraalce paymt:rat directly, 'i4orrtawer shall lar•amptty ttrrrasta tta Leander ra°ca:ipts evidencing strch paynnents.
<br />itt~rrcaw~r shall! praamp~tly disrrarge stay .lien which rates pr°rtarity caves thas 1)eeti c:at "Trust; tartavidetJ, That F~carrcawe*r skald r7c~t tse~
<br />regrsi.ed tea Eli~tctaarge ar,y such lien sea fang ;a*, i3arr'eawvar shall aaf}ree ira w"'rit:ini; tea rise: laayment sat rhea aabliiaticart 4ec,arred ray
<br />staa;t7 Jiera in a manner ;~atrce~°ptt,hle Tea i..a;nder, Tar shall r€a g,acati faaith cante.st sF:ach Jiera lay, cat' detiend etaiarcement at such lit;n ira.
<br />leg"aJarraca':>r:dings whis,h ~,perate to prevent the entorc~errra;nt c>t the lien ear J'aarfeitFZr°e~ caf ttai [property car gray part theretai.
<br />I~tw~F~trci ~rmsut~at~cc. Harrower shali° keep the. irrrpt'ta~erraerat:~ iaaw e:?iistFng car hcrcatter a:rcc:ted Cara the i'rcaperty insured
<br />against !case hy, i'iire, hazards included withita the terrra .`e;,tc:rarii~,l e:'cvc°r:r}e~". ~tne:i sue}Y catlae~r l~aa~~arais tra !..ender naay rte}tar•e
<br />anct in such anncaunts .and for sttcta pericads as l~enda~r riaa}, rc+..it;ori::; pr<~avicir:.d, that. i-,errder sh=ail ntat rt*,ataaire that the. araaaa.rrat al'
<br />Mich a;,nverage ext+ed that arrrvunt caf ccaveraft reya.rirad to ptr~' tht; stsnaa ~;r°crurred to}~ tJzis i:.)eed taf "i"rust..
<br />"i'he inset°at°rce carrier iart>~ridin~t r?ac: itastrrtarrc:e °+laall tae c~htase.za l,v J~caa°rta~'t.r° sr.tiaject tea alslarcavPrl !ay l...r~.nde:r; 17r,ca4ridecl,
<br />tl~aat such appir<aivaJ shall neat. tae aata,:ea~,rlrrtahly wthhc~td. till prer:F'aiut'ras ran instaraance palicies ~hatl he paid ira the n7ataner
<br />pactrvideci tttttf rrr° lpar,trgrapta 2 hereof ar, it twat paid Tar sut;ta rraar.na~aer, by l~a~ra°tawer rratakirag fstagrnaerat, wiaen arts, tiirt:etly tea the
<br />it7lcttraitlee caarrier.
<br />All Tres+.ar;ai7cc< pvtiera*s and retaeavtrls thereca# steal! kae rra dejr•rra tai:cc:fatatate, tsa i.er~rcit~r and shrlt inc~Jtxdt~ to sianctttrd r~naartgtr~;t~
<br />e:°latrse in f~atr€rr arf and ira Earns acc~.e~tatat:atc; lira i.ezadc:t-. l:~e~'nder ~;laall laaavc the;. rigtat tc~a healer the pcalicies Barad renewtals ttas~retaf,
<br />and lt3or°rcawer shah rtarraptiy turtaish tta i.ender' all t'errewaJ raestrcer~::crtci arld r~ece:pts ca(' paicJ prerniattaasA in tlar event of lass..
<br />~tart`ower sl7uil give pt'orrtpt taatit;a: tv the ittstrraraae carrrier <arae:l l..c;rade:r. lexraciur m<ay rn<alce larcarMaf caf lass iJ t'acat made faranaptiy
<br />by Borrower,
<br />mess ,i~.nder araci Porrawer e~tdaer~wise trgr°te; ira ~-rrt.irrg„ ansarr°«arac:e tar'esast;c;ds siaaail e aalaplied tea re:staratiara or r'a°1`aair cal'
<br />the property clartxarag+~d, prtavirled such resttar~asxisara csr a`ep;arra~ e°~c~aatararie"arJly t'is m~idate". area tlac: ac:ctarity caf this i;~aweci cai' 'J"rasst is
<br />sass!; ther~h~ iraaJasire,d. if such restor~aticata czar repair is racist erocY,r,<azaaictFlly t`e~~a~s't~Je car iJ' thak ~;ec;trrity caf this iyeed cat 'I,rF,rst tacaJti
<br />be itAa~a!aired thte rrtsurancc: pracc:"d~ :~}arlJ tae appliett leis tl,~~ ~t4rrt5 ;~c;:::Frr°~d h~' ;lair t)c;a:d t'rf "t"rr.rst, with the cxcc,rYs, if aray; paaid
<br />tta Bprraw~:t°'. ifi rite p`rnper-2y is talaari~J3,rac+.? by ~rarre>r~er, s~,~ :t ii~.~ra~aaa+c:r i ,i1:~ ~t, i4:statarad tea t..enclc:r° avithin :its day's frcarra rtes
<br />darts riatic.e is ,rt~aiieci Tay Lerada~r tea €~carrcrY~r Fha:t the. irasr.rrta:race carrier tafirrrs 6a sas.ttle to t~J;airra far iaa:ttrrarrct: hetael~its„ i:..ender
<br />i~ raatlavrixtrct ;',«t caJle:,t ~asad artaiaJy tirrs assurance paµoceedr~ at i,.enderr`s aptian eittacr tra resttrratiaaa car reptair c>f the;. t'~rapasrty
<br />4:F1 it,8 IJIC; nM.€REk `Y °~4:6~ilrG~U t,av i.216;k #,e CG I;aA 4:it 3 r. l£9t:,
<br />L,!nlc;5s l:~;rrde~r ,,a?d ~carra~r;~°er e+iha~ra~i~,c aagre+e in ~vtitsia,g, Grny ^;aat:h ta;pplrcatiean cal:` prcac;eeds tea print;ipal shalt net eatterad
<br />csr ~aeztt7carac tisr^ i.JFZC elute caf' the sac=ratllly :s~,a.aleiat; ri,•lc~rra~tl to ira pa,rtagraphs 1 .acrd ? ert;af tar change, the tamotant «J~
<br />sa:ac:h nsttsl#nac.nrs. tt r,brad~r ;pttragrttl',;a ; ~ JZ+~rt~czt the il?"rcala,Yr3t' is trc~eluired ray i..entia;r, tail rigtaI„ title arxd ii'att°rest cat ~3arraavver
<br />in grad tf~ <arzy irasasr~aaa+.:e pe.-iicies ar3d it~r <„scJ i<, ilae~. prc.F::ccc1~, ttaerc;csf resulting i~t°taraa dataaag~. to ties. i'rape:sty pritar tea the :stale.
<br />rar accJuisitiaas wJa,all taa,s~Y tr) i.~niit' tea t}ass c~>`tas;Fa ~,,J rase sraarr~ :yccurc,:cf ray this heed at 'I"rust iraarnediatel,y prier tea such sale tar
<br />acquisiticatt.
<br />&. ~'sr~tirvatit,ia tared "ti'fainte.,ra;,nc€ c-f ~~rc,+prcaty; l.ca~icarlcls, ~;r-intfUr~YSiniP~rsi-sl 1't~atniinaed Unit Jf:Aevei~r~ienttr. ll~art°tav~!er
<br />sh~,lJ ke~€st`s the h'rc~facrt~~ r, }?iro4aii ref,:alt .Irs,<J °,ratsJk rliit ~;rsr,arr:~31 a~,;a:~t~ .-r- i,~r1~P,st ii~i;t?,air~rtac~~nt a.,r~ c~t°t+~~ri~ar'aticaracaC thcA F'~er'ciJ~r~rt~r
<br />ry,aad shall ccaraztal4' with the J?rrr~ isic}n,~ c~! ~ir,!r l«~asa; if t}tip t~ews,l <?i' l rtr~~ iti t?r? s, fc~aseJatalct. Iii ttai~ mecca c°, #" "I'ri.ast is tan tai Fznir iaa is
<br />car'rcScarninia.rraa asr~ rr Y ia,at3-ed t.rait de.~°e;le~j}arF~st'rar, l~c~rrr,we;r ~3,z,J( ~rf<arrta <,il c;[ l#orr'eis ~^t''s cahli~,~artcbrws ttn~der the d;:'~{.Ja,~<,titan
<br />ear c sveraarts r~rc;oiirs~; err gesvarraira~ tltti ~r,rtcicartaiz~arFrri, .~r t',itieaaFt~d arnit d~s~~~lc7lSrP~i~:rat, the fiy~iaw~ rand t'tlgasdass;r?ia~ Y,f the
<br />c~aradarraini,.Fna ryr talarunc;tl serail cfe;veltapraxcrat~ ;,sad <,:r,rasBir'~ar.rar da~,urnetats. _ff :} ,:4xracit,naini63rn car lalattr,rci ;twit clc.e'~.lc?,sra-,+vra
<br />i rrder 15 CaiL'ti:F,rlieil ~'?~~ ticarrc)ws:r .iP"3Ci 1.'L"Ci?F(la:lJ t~b~;k;2tlk.i' ~itl7 i}14'i l~eeci eaf ~1rFia. l8e' E:i>s!a„[l,iPEtt, antii ~i~rr:S.'11a1;",P?(±a il~ srlrts rlCirr"t
<br />shaedi he irrt:ear~a<isatecg aratck and ~l',aalE arascsaci a,ad *.tslal'tleraae its tlae i:c,~`~.ratant±;' ~at~rt~ a~:;rc~e;iv,c-nt~!k al thi:t f~r.'e<.l =+~ ~ lra,st awns ii' t}ae ridtar~
<br />were, s least ta~;~rcwot~.
<br />~. ~-Yit~'Ct~t)!l dJJd ~F~E1(~i!"'~ ~?CCrli`1tV~~ tf l~Car'r~rYt,c`t ~?IfE`:, iti~ r'Si°r~tsr't7Fk .13G. 5; 0:3+,'i`~];,ir3~4 air7~lt ~~rC'!~r'.r`li~r3t5 ..ti~,.lt~inf'i~ r?( "~.~"2t~a
<br />t.~~ed fal ~~t°r'ai4At, f3! rt crrry aic.t,iare i?{ ~7rxab..ed;dtbra~; r~ l:l~i'a'irait;tZt~~;-Cl inilEt4;~"d t"aiil3:k'tx;iJe~' 'Akit~l~tti i.t:cadet"?:~ hPl.{:e'it'tit 1r,i .h~ ~~r(',tat'I't~'.
<br />arad.luciirrt;, ~alri, i7£at lrtarited t4's, 4~EkaPr'Y€.''rit e}iaa~iYsi,r-, itl"y+,Pl`r't;nC;r, ta,(tii t'_f-jt~I'ta;i~lC.e'ti. tlF ~ar@t!r'rw>,C.rSa#MaAt'~k tat' iarik{:4aJii3ripF'. d':)~.tir'lS9xt;.dd
<br />ha.~:aY;rr#A t Ca$ d}~t;a',~41e"r'St, Y.b'd#„4's !_t',6a~~~'t~. <tt .~~`r-r~,ae i ': a.SJ,tGi3,1. L#~?l.-,ra i;itt;,~f, t;z l~t1i'ta>!~=~;:!'~ fax e- i,7:.~i~i(~ saac~ls ~~->~:)8;',al,eit~'C'y ~ll~f3l,l,~.Y~ ;,r~;t;~(1
<br />~,4.rd~aS Far7d tii ~,', l: 5i.t ,~:t~6 ;ay i.',taf:Y~) 41~ @S rle. i.:e.':ti!tikrF y' E, ~Y ~`, r'(/t4:Ci ~..4'. SaGiinT 'i }FA`s r; lFi'1i, ','r?ti ar,ltJlaa L', ~?~l5`t t'aa°af }i9 i~9ItS`Cl t'i7, 7i ,e srt":°.3'316:'li i. 4=~
<br />1"a;~c'~~Sft<~l•)it it£'fk)i'k')E.4" ",~~ tie°~;ti ,4f2!~ rrirr':' Ltd-ieSSa te'a'k tP`r()#?tYit~ l#? ;3l;ak;:: ;'t'ip%itP~, l± k..i'tftJr•.i. f.C"d.3i9if1,.1 f?ia.`i,~<a~:;,t' .°~,.,~~;iitt: :.?'-, :^
<br />tm~I~~t~$.1flx;Yi7 +lt 9'Ia~ktoara~; Clsa: Jt'l+d r4 1t;{~'trrGtJ ~?',' ttbr:S t)t;C:i} <7a lr4r;5k, Jtc?r€±+tLe.:r tier:ti's ;z,a`r dElt:` ~'t°t1td6Ci11P afi't.d,,flle";:~ ,st i•,.t#tdt,llt: :•,lr~,ad
<br />;F'$St,rl'sktra{„s'.` Era i.°~~L%~t Y.AE7V.J~' ~i4+lt~17 frr'ra(° ~4'., a}1~' I'L.4~lI~tC.7'Fie:'.i'ti. otlt' 4k1~.~7 SY'S<YlC';.96iit` ii"i!'SaSS::S if.": lfS :)n:s~t?4a4,k'fi+~e° 6b'tik'f #ei)f1o7~tit; _tfl~~
<br />Y
<br />t"~ ~;[3~2 t"S~Y~] ~~'~~, ~y~°ii;C:ilt~;t4t ~r' ~:!}7th}te,4Fe§~ Eiegs ti~~~Yt'rikiait' ;.}a.Yti ~~:;~ ?'~+s; :ai;s~..ct,i ,;' :,~i I;tt,lF;°.r}~s: i!,tit.i3PiF'rt'~~ yy~'..:r~Y?iP4r,; ,!e FA•,
<br />4l lra.~G~G'4 ~',%it'r3,r~3';4~'A~'a ~ 4<4rt:;}0,
<br />,t~, ~'{pG' i065Y~S~F1 it~-Yi~r 1J 1.'w~9;;Yt 4a;ri i'+~'i s.Crft~4:'fy P~,.t7 S1t a: a'. gC ~:? ifiYt^, l:? i':1 LbP,Y ,':d ~5}F ,', 4"..t. l'a ~.S:L€'I t,;S di'!~"d-S'.~.. t; '~;~1:Z t :-; i'~.4~,12 Y~.• 1 .j li.°. i.?:)~ -.
<br />~p.,,,,, at'i~it~'iaa'^~it1'):".~irfi ~~~ L~C3r"t4.f'aki;.r xk'e;l3rf'iJ t'7`y ttSa£i k~4°t"t~ 4,tt t,'Y,3!_ ~_'Fl~i~?n`,. ~:~£3i'Y.7Jr6t ;Sf9:~ ~_k`ilret'r ~dk?lS*_° i<~'i i}f~ar,•I E::efiiS [?i ~~.~.'-;t11~:tti, ~!Et ~'F
<br />::l.3'kfC>;,fS3t'i+:. t~IF,lI rye; "~7at;r`P[Yl2J'-,', i3~}C~81 17StEt4:f;. '~rtisttl i.-t".?}~8~i }!.'. ~t~+C'rrJ~fl'3.'.i iE'?'s:.7f,;\~.i('.f~,` #"'+?S'eli4'fii i~"YC~3~C:.tr,,. ,°.'ds} :v]~?ii. ~"°+'.!! !itit.`i`.~4i ,?.i "~''.;.
<br />i~FA,iw 6,3~~EP,~?,tr`±d4~aa",E#:~f9~ ~t rl,t, rsk$~ ;~FP_~;y}}Je tkF%rl'f, tlta C' rr? a,aaa~ ;;~r'.'.'ri19'~t;tP7=~ s.t l)ritr.i~`.):ii t.,S+~~r=' tP;t' ~''~ia,~a~ ~it;ie:~y E;rd`a'.tk+.31F ~:si Jr-",;',•1:~;5
<br />i';a% '~sab: k; *.k15'~ .pia?1#e7 t'1r$; ,_Yaatr:&I'~ tt.' <t 14~.;,ltt:?i fi4J.L iN~ Ik. F~~'?Ft. i4 ts.;,,< sC. B'i .3,Ylac +.k;7". .,N4~ ~kt`r' .1 ~,r Y'w 9' ~ _ .
<br />N
<br />~~wv~,G~f~t~"i45 iF~ki~sr. ,k}~~5~i~,i+'t},~. , ~idr, ~Y'a:hii"E~ ,r~t,t;3,+ilEtr Is, ,~~,' ~~ t}'E Bpi t,`~..~4~.t' ~-ute+it' ,, p, t.tr ~~' Y. ~ ~fk'9q, P" ~~ti-,.`
<br />r i Y'a `t at, is
<br />~Ft?>~' t~,,;ta€;'r°t It&;i"kt;~x~6~+"„~x<
<br />'~!~:, 46~~!3"~~'1,'fi~i~« ~~:`~~i.~l'! ~Ci~.d"~ r'}~~~$~r .„ S't a,> ~''i' 1 4~' ~ r ~e,. € „'€' .~ ': r", ,A , ~ ;i td,k :,;'t ~~ :~~ ~k`i-t >Nii'e~'~•. 7'9?FS ;i~'i.
<br />°~~~St ~ ~fa;`p~~~t ~'f~*WiY ~,.'~'~~ 1.W4~+g 4,,1'iAry, ?s:;?i,c ;%a 4" , !~s ,,Filly .pjS l r..;+ .. i'_ ,~. ,. t,°il ~,w i4.-e. , t+:,i~ iid+ ~ ';'f f `+:`d'.t„'ej 1;? i ~'t~;".;
<br />