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<br />matersat,~, and sm~~ro~ements i:z true and correct: that same x~,ere done rind er¢ortnerd and f~arnised by the xenersgner:i
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<br />' Frar ~. t°r~..~«n rr.~ r~ai~ ~ ~.~~.~.n~z, ~~:u~and ~~.t~c~ ~~.~'€~ ~~E~he oz~n-erf ~a~ci presr~ises~
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<br />a dote of thf last iterrr ~.crczs......~it~~'c~r... °...19k~ , ....,._ .........._... ......................... .........,........ ,,...,...,......, ,,....... '
<br />x-t giant ~urt;d~ear ~~rtatex that ,staid laba~- zerras e~o~°m+~d ors, and ~teri~uls ~rere f urraisli~d f oar, d'eli~ere^t~ ,~t, Vin' u~ee~ tits p
<br />~ said r~ui:~clisty tir ru~mse on rznd l~etze+een the dates secs,ecl.
<br />_ I`hc:t the ~~ac e.r rha+~ged therefor are f~xir aru~'' ra~asona~~de, and that there is nozv dine, opt scx~d account the sus-n cif
<br />L='~ ~r~ ~~~©~.~~az~~~a s1`ka.~ dd:~~ ~3.a.~.~~t..~ ~"~.~ ~~ C~~ /~,~~t.~i
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<br />~~ ~~5 ..................tog~ther ~t,^itlx interest thereon cct-flee degcal . ate,
<br />sr~ir~ r~t'r: ~~znt, to xc~at "~~he s~cm of '" . ., r
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