~~#~ R~~l~ l ~~iey A'~~ "~^ ~~~Al~~ ~ * SALFti C'i??tiTRA,E"i' fdf~.
<br />~ '~ , ~E:r
<br />Frror~l~c,T~~, ~~lc PACESETt'ER ~ROD#lGTS, ANC., A NER~A~~fl CORPt1RAT1€~~! =r''~~ ° ~ ~..a ~~ ~ ,
<br />s a. "~
<br />4')#iAIl~lJA; ldE#3t}ttA3ISA t3~B12~' 255Q t?tER~ dlVE., SdatTE ~ a."tip, --------
<br />res~~ ~s~r~ot~airr~w o~nkr~fk s~r~vrc~ cAE_~ a3t~~7~ GRANQ e~~.Ai~1~, 1V~8RA~ICA 6$8(i~ ~ ..._.----__--__
<br />_ ~__ l~Mte C)f Thi Contrftct r _.~ r
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<br />1C)Nf taF 7"NF, til:'i`ERti'~ ' , ~ ,
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<br />~.~ F ~ ~•ele hone 110. ~ ~~
<br />"~~ddress .. ..-:~_ ____._._ City __._ . Stala_ _.;:.__.__ ~i~ _ p ,.
<br />~n [hts 5a~les (.onts•aci th<: Words~~l, tste, and ~tr~ty aefer to the ~3uyer ;end C:a-~Bu4~er (it' any) signing ttris Gentract. 't'he words, ynu and. your, we and
<br />ua., refer to the Seller aa~,d rraay~ als~+mean a hank or other Financial institution it' it buys this ct>ntraet. if it does, l Wiit make my payments tc) it. Under
<br />_ ttte feed rf Tr'ttst ±,•zatt,~ites, ! am alars known ;as the ""Truktor." and you are. referred ti; ~xath as the, "Beneficiary" and as the "Tn~stee. ' I .understand that
<br />if mc~rae than acne "T~ety~r" signs belcra• that each will be reslxinsiblc for alt prcanaises made and fiat paying the obligation(s) in titll; you may sue one or
<br />art~J. This +~ontract ctavt~rs my ur.•hase of rnanufacCured prcxlucts c,f T"he Pacesetter C:car~aoratian. `r'ou have quoted me a C:aih Price sand a "E'c~tal Ssle Price.
<br />the ']"oral 'tale Price is thr_ taeal cost of the products and servicew if t buy an crc,dit.
<br />1 rNtaw ehtxa~; tc~ buy, ar~d you agree. to sell. fcar• the 't'otal Sale Price, set forth below, the pr•tad»cLs and ;en%ices described below. 1 agree. to pay
<br />yyon the amount fina'~r,;c+d in acs:cardance with the payment schedu{e set ~rarth below, together with interest thereon ae the anrnzal percentage rite which is disc~iosed
<br />tre;f~oav. t a6-o agree to a3i of the other terms tan tscath sides of this GontraGt. _
<br />,~
<br />r r
<br />~~~~'~ ..d.l-'f'.....~.s -.~'?~.-.~-'t`"~.""""x'`"_.'c""'~`w"'_«'1"1'.~'^~-. r'=_7_ht`"''M""-'-' ~ ,.. 3 ~.a:.____. _......,i....~_____ _..-. -..a-d- .+s-.L._-. - --- _
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<br />~l~n intel~orl~~~rinr Trinti VI-'ill Bye PaintedOSt~iined finless 5p~ciffc~_gn `i`his__~'ontr~~.t~ T .______~~ ~~_~
<br />a~~.~;Ga~i, i~H~SfvRt~`~1CD"a~_7`he alxat°e de~rit~ed goads and services are to he installed and pi~eer~ ;a{atan the ":~ddres"~" desigz-ated above, c~~nti thN legal dest:ription
<br />°or suGh ".A~ddres~~" rs: <., _J~_ y ,
<br />__ --~ _____..v_ __.~ ~.- _._ ,_- W-- -----------~- _ _. - ---- ~ ~.
<br />,~~IJt1~MARY E3F S~~AL.E°. Base cash price ~; ~'~ ._ _ __._ ~~ ttix .~._ ~±- adtlitictnat ~varc~pt'ylseervice ccst~~rage .~~.a.__...~ ti _~'
<br />-- _,.~..
<br />-Cash cic~wnpayrncnt g _. =- i.1n{~atl laalanee of ~ _ `'
<br />h .
<br />~'catal c.a., rice
<br />p ~..~--,_.-~-___---~.~_.... , _.-------- ----
<br />iTEMIZ~I,TI(aN t~lv TlI!/.AMlJtJNT ~'INANt'~D {)~' $ .___..~' ____ '_.__._ .
<br />_ j ._..~_____._ T R,EC4RbER'S !Ul~t~C~; g~~fsl~ir~>r ~~
<br />~ .° a:~ °` ~_ :'i,ttic~ranl: ~:redited tU t4t5 cantra4E iSatnc ;~~rt~;unt as the "tJnpaii~ Balancc.~"} 'YV(ilTBNC+> TYf'1N~ K)t~ Pf~ih1F1NCr
<br />__~„~.-.-.~;,_~~.__ ~rrttat~ttt paid ctn ~s~t ttalanc~. frorta pric>r.cc~t~tra~t with tts UNSArlSFAC:Ti7R~'
<br />~rnount~si paid to others tan my behal#: ,. ~,_..~..~r _..___:....._ tt~~n~~1'alle~crzml~"~~)~I~~i.+t~'e
<br />~ ~ ;;..~,~°___ ttr 6nsura~.ace company tear C~'rc~dit l,if~. insEaranee ~ ~......~,~~ ...-__'~ tctpublaccs~t`sc~alsfor~lin~;lreeprslingfee^s
<br />~~.,;:..d~;,~:_,~:_. tc>insur<~zscc.cc~mp~rnyt'or.~t:c;idont;.indHa9tlhnsur~rt~e ,'6 ..., '.~....._u,_~~___ tts(Spccif'yj __.....:.~:.._,._..~.:~~_-------.---.._----_--
<br />ANNUAL F~NANGE Arrtie~a~nf: ~"~at~L s~f Tat~1 a~i+~ ~~~~c
<br />PER~ENTACiE, CHARGE Fin~,rtC~d P~ymert~S 'l"he'tc~~al rust cat my purtfaast:
<br />RATE ~h~ dQil'3F arll[)i:nt tll~ T~1~ sxrnourll C?f ti`rrWf~if `the ~Cr71(atrnt 1 Wale.: C>rt> CredaC, tnc'ludtrrK it~y
<br />tl(}'C~n~lSly1'nCr1I t)f
<br />The Ct35t ()~ rrty t'redit 35 Credit will C~~St n3f:. ~arY>videtl tai rrle d1t,£Y13
<br />ra3v behalf` have ~1;2i(1 ~r.~ter ~
<br />havr~ rrtad~ all laaytttents
<br />a yearly rate. . as sr~tae.duled. ~+ ~ ~. ~. --~~ .__ _
<br />~'
<br />.:
<br />
<br />
<br />