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t"'"" ~" <br />$avr ~C`tavrran~~rs. l~tarrcaer «artat ~:Lntler rcr~=era«;ozat arac:! «at;rta. s:as ftallc~aws: <br />~» F~yrrr!~trt` oa:f JP'rinc~~~tl ~ndf ~nterr,;~tt. carrtawer slate!! }arcarrtptl)= p«ay ~~,=ht;aa floc flee principal caf «arad intc:rt»st c~rz tkae <br />»ss e~,~id,eaac~eti fs!y the IV'tate, pr~•egaayrraetxi ta.rtti I«ate tahrar~es as prtavitled ira t!`re. Naate, «ar~tl the prirat;ipal caf grad intca"est <br />ca#a arty IF'rattar~> ~rfvara~es secaared ~y fl-is 11~fdrt«t~e. <br />?. IF"z9aatat~; for '"9f"aate~ mnd Iln~tMr~ance. ~ub}t*ct tta c-pgalicaFalc iaw tar tca a, writien waiver by I:.trader, l3carrta•wver r;h«ill gaay <br />#e,~ l..ertadcr ore the diy nZC+rrthly #rastalients rsf garirac~ip~at and ia•rterest ,art: p«zyahke rrndtr the Nnte, tu'til t'ht Nate is pzaici in fr.rll, <br />a zazam I'taereiaa "~^unds"} ecgtaPal tta rsrt~*-'twe~kth czf tkae yc~A.arf~r ta:~;e~, .rtac.I ,xs~cs~rt~ant~ whir~tt ra'axay <~ttaiaa }aricarity eavc>r this <br />?~4c~,rtQ;zs~c; ,rnd rRazrrad rents can t:hc l"rnperty, if «any, pleas one-twrslfth czf ye«arl}~ gareaa~tiaarxa irastalkments fcar h«azard insarrar~aceq <br />pgras ~rre~twelfth a~f early prcamiurra installments .!'car n•atarts~.,xe insrrr«ant~e, it xrny.:al( was reastaraaEaly esCiaraateti iraiti~zgly anc;l frtatra <br />tame tCr tirtae lay l:.~erader taz~a thy, has%, cat" «a4sesramcnts «aa7d hills Marad rc.~ascan;;atalc estina«ates tFa~z•x%c`zt`'.. <br />"~l~he I~iaands shhall kae ~aelcl iaa era rastittatican the cleptar;its tar Fzec;cacrzat:~; taf wkaic;l~a tart. insurz°d car° f;"u<arr:rntcecl ksy a fr~etieral tar <br />state a,ency (irat:l~rld~ira 1,~+:°rader i:f l_.c,rad~c'r is st:at~h ;cat instittatitaaz). !_erytler shaall «agapl}~ the l•^aantgs tta pay s«artl taxes, asstwsr~rtetats, <br />irasuraa~ce ~remitarras «aaad rrtaand rcrats. g..e.nder raaay z~cat eka«ar~e tear sea latalclira~ «rzati «agrply°iraft the t~"urtd5, rrz«r[yriaa s{sic! rat<ctararrt, <br />r~r verit'yin~ arad tA.~ra~pilia~~ sair~ assessments anti hiiis, t_zaal~ss t.,etarc~er pGr!ys i'~carrc7+~vcr aatrFrc,st ten tare ~^taratis zracl raf3pli~ah~e 1«tw <br />perrraits 1.e~nder t+~ matte such a carl;e. l3t~ra'tawer° rand l._,crader raa,•ry <:rl*a•cc ira writirz f~ «at the titaae of exc:carr.icara taf' thi.~9 <br />Mortgage that interest rata the iF'uncls stare!! he psaid t.c? l3tarrcywer, :and. careless w~t:zc.h «ar;reerraent is raarrdc ~7r «applitaalale law <br />retltait'e~s sutrh inte're;,t tta he gaaid, Lender sh«all ntat hew recguirecl tc~+ p«ry l~carrtrower .any interest tar t;,arnitagns tart the I"rands: !..ender <br />sha:gl ,give to ~3tarrt`s~rer, without chtarge, an arrnaz«rt ae:cczuntin~ c7f the l°'trracts skatawiraf; cr•eclits «arad d+~'laits.tca tl°tie l~r.rnds <and the <br />paarpca~e fcr wlaicla eaeh d~lait tra the .l'~azradra w4r.s rnac:te. 'l~'he l~uncls arc plcdgecl .cs ,ae.ldrticaraz+l ~;c*t;urit}= f'rar the sums :~ecttrr;°.ci <br />by ihis, .ilr~ort$age. <br />~1~` tJ~e atraou~rat; taf the ~Ftands held fay l.,entier, tt~~etkaer with th+e•e rxar;at'ttla ~y+ inr;tallmcnts caf ~'urar3s gaayabie pr•icaa• tea <br />t}ae du+tw bates caf taxes, «r4scssrrrent;a, instar'«ancz;: prerraiura-rs «ar-rtl ~;rr~r.rrrcl a°erits, sta«zll e~xc~ccd tht~ ara~acarr-nt re.gttirtati tea ga.«r~v :+tttt! t«rxes„ <br />asses~rnents, irasara,utce preiutxas anti grcaund rents «as they' fall erase:, saac:ga c~c:css shaall kae. «at. l3tarvtawer's c>ptitarr, e;ithee <br />prtamptly .repaid ?to g3carrcawer car credited t.ta Eat>rrower tan ~rxac~ntlaiy irastalirneratra c',i' I~r.ands. if rhea ;artacaunt eaf the lhtands <br />head by .L.ender sihall cater kae suf~tcietat to pay t«a.xc.s, assa:sr;rtae,nts, irzstarance lar-emiurns :."zricl s;r°taurad a~er7ts «ts they t'a11 dtac~, <br />Borrraaver shall gaay to l„eaadea' «an}y anlcaunt raecc:sraary tra raa;ai;.e tzp the cttti,rerac~ wit:hira ;tfD <:Iray:S frtana tkae d«zte aatatice is naailetl <br />lay l~eaader to l~tarrtawcr retguestirag payment treater:+f. <br />glpon payaaaerat ira feel! caf all scams sa;%aaretl icy flair; ~'ltart~,agc. l.c:r-atltr° rshall garcaraapdy rt:funcl tea lttarrcawer {gray Funds <br />held lay Ir,ertdc:.r. lif tender paragraph l2~ kaercut flee l'ri:aperty~ s<~ :~caltl car the I'rcaptartr1 rs cat.harwise «actga,rired fay I:erader, l:~erzcler <br />shah a~,pply rata later th;~n immediately laritar tta flare ~,«ale caf tgata. I'rcalat;rt~,~ e:ar its aacatga.aisititaaa lay !...tender, any 1~'tands held by <br />bender at flee time taf application «rs Ra twreclit ar~aiaatat the suraas r;tc;trretl la~~ thi4> ~Irartg«ag7c. <br />~~ .~ppl%at~stieatt! of ~'"ayrtaent~. (_lrale:!;s «agaplieahkc;. I«awr garc~vicles cathc:r•u+iwe. «ali la:ayrcat~:nts rc.c:eiwed ta~+ 1.eratier cat~rder• tt~te <br />Naate and pararaph.s I a:nd Z hereeaf sh«atl lac, applied by l...c.ratts:r first ira pt.r}'rncrat eaf ,:aaa~a3atrrats payralale tt.z f~caacler by H~oa`t`tawer <br />t.tnder paragrapka ? ;hereof, then to iratcrest l:aayakalc Cara flat. Note, thcra tc, tkat; princ:igaal tzf flee Naate., «araci theta tc~z intt~r•est. Eared <br />principal tare ;-az~ry l+aature ~dvataecs. <br />4, Chaearges, l~ieaas. l3carrtawer steal! pay «a)I t<aaees, .a*;sesbraants «and c>thc:r c:h~ar-s~rrs. tints .zracl irrzgarasitic~ras «a;ttrikaaattakale tea <br />the (Property whic:la may attain «a pritarity raver tlaiw l~lcart;~age„ «itaci lc;aselataltt gaayrntants tar grrtatrnd rents, if «any, in the ratanrter <br />provided under pax;agrapl'a ~ hereof or, if a'scat l:a«aicl ira saackt rxa«anr~c.r, lay l~tar'rtaaver t•r~r«akrrag payment, whet:t due, directly eta tree <br />payee thereof. 13tarro~ver shall garomptly faarraisla tza l.,t;nctcr :;all ra<aticr.s tat` «ataataarrats ducw z.ander this parag~rtagsh, arad ir`t the tavern <br />harrower shall t•aaalte la«ayrrrea-zt directly, l3tarrca^avc:r r;laaall garc-sraaprly= ia.rrnitih tea l..,era«ha~r reccigats~ a~vit3eriaixag;,la la«ryr~r~aea7ts. <br />E~tarrtar,ver steal! laarta~rnptly discharge any litre which. la«as larierrity over- this }1~Ic~rrtg„«a~c; gartavittecl, th«at, l~ltarrtaraer shrall ntzt kac <br />required. eta cliscla<trg~e rang stash liars sic It~ng; r,~; l~tar°rtawc:r seta.«ail «arcc; iaa +~~r-it:irz~„ to tkze ga«avnaerat ol~ tkac okzii«at:itara c~er~arred lsy <br />such.lien in a rnatataer acceptafale tea l.,t,ndt;r, tar r;la«al! in gcac~d f«aith c:carttcMst r;trt; litre laY, car cltWferarl Gtafcart~erncr7k eaf strt"la lien itt, <br />legal. prot.eeciiz~ags which repot«ate tea prevent the c~r`attarc,c:taar:°rat czt tree i3cr7 car i`crr°t~citr.rrcr, e`( tl-t* l'rcagae:rty sir .gray la,art thcrecat'. <br />~. ~-tr.arc~ 1'rrw~orancae, fitarros~=t„r .Shall l~ecla tkte ir`nprcav~°aaaca-rats nia~v a~ai~~tinf, err lat;rc„:afte;r• er'cc:tc:cl rata t.lae I'r'cag3e.rty ittstared <br />again„st Mass layr fare, harards within the tuna "i;,~ter-rr,ic°c:! c:aarre°r:at„c,', arac:l asa,rc:tr cat.lacr Fa«aaart*; ,~s M_.cratlcr' sea{try rt;tlaairc <br />a,nd in sut^Iz <zrntaz;rrats anal t`tar stacks g:aca•irads gar; l..crader a-rary rt.alt.rir~e ; garc~viclecl, tta<at I antler ~,taal! rater reytrire eta«at the «an~ataurat, cif <br />staeh ccaverage exr~,erd that anacatant t4#' c:czver«tle; rcyaaircd t:s:a lxay tkae° tirrtraa strcrrred key tkais tvlcartl=,aac.. <br />"T`he iaasurarace carrier pre>vidirag flee insurataswc; s!a«all lac cnc~ast~.ra lay llczrr•tawer ~;aala,jt*ct tea ;aplarra~at key I_,eratlea°; prcavidt;tl, <br />that scacl`r apprcaval, skeet! neat kae tarare:ascan«alaly witlaht;ld. aF'~ll g,rt;rxraarraas tare ir-asa.zr«rzact: gac7kicies ~;laall he laaitl ira tl~rc; aura«rna7et' <br />provided uttdr:r gaaragrapla w lac;reuf car, if" tae°st paaicl ira ycrc.l~a ra'aaaarac.r, lay l~car~rc.?e,r rnakirag p;tyra°aent, rn~lasen dt;re~, etrreetly eta t;kae <br />irtsurarace carrier. <br />r~~ll instarat:ea garxlicies ~nc:l renr:w«tls thertacai sla«all ht; ira tear`taa~rc.r,•egat.rkalt; to t.,+~ractta ;aratl sh«rl! iaaeltrdc; z st«and~artl raatart~*«rge~ <br />elatrse in favor caf aced it~z form acc:eptak~lc: tc:r I.crzder. g~eaaads4r• r,la«atl h«r~e~. the r-ig;kat to faa~lcl thc~ pealicic.s Karacg rcalewul~; thexca:af, <br />ane'i Bear°rtavwer skeet! prtarraptly ftrrrtish tea I.,cnde.r rzll rtrac:w«zl rzeatie:;s wzncl a16 reec.sgatr: caf taaaid iara~rraitar`zrr„ Iz~a t'lac evcrat caf Ic~SS, <br />l~tara`ta+~=er shill! give gsrcaaaapt rataticc to flat irasur°aaracc c:arric°,r <zraat L_e~.a~acter. l.craciz:r raa;~~v' rrarike~ gar•ca<.af c:?i icasy if rac-rt rrz<acic gvrcarraptly <br />key '~cr rr'ow+tr. . <br />t.lral~ss l~eaader «zrad l;3rrrrc~rwcr catlacrwise a.~rerc; ira ~,~=ritira~, irar;t.zrzarac:c prczrcccl~, :,l"t«alt he «agap.liect eta restcarat:icarz c>r regaair. s•+f <br />the Property ela.maged, raresvided ;~ucta rtvstcar;attcra7 taz° r-ega«air is cecrr7caaaaic:all~r i`c«a:;tlala: <arad the sce:urity of dais l~~tcart.atvtae is <br />~., _, <br />neat tkaea-~:y ira~apaiced. :l:f' saaeh r~easttar«atat:rn t>.r raga«zir• is ra3:at c:ccaaac.aanic;Kaliy fca.rzilaler syr it the sc~cttrity caf this l~kcartg«zg~e ~vcauld <br />tae ittal>aire~tl; the insur«arace praac:eecl:~ :hall t~ac: ~apgalietl eta t.lae ytaa~ras ~t.c,urcd lay tkair; f~ltartg«agte„ with the exc;tss, it ;.tray, pant <br />tCt k~or;s?wcr_ It t:her I''rtaperty is «ahrraaelcarat.d l;>y l~car~t°cavs=cr, car it l:~tarrcawcr t«aals to respc'arad tea 1..t':radt;r wrtkaira :It;) clays ircaraa the <br />date rrc~tic:~ ~ , k:a;~iled hyl,.=eaacter eta B+~a~rtawc~t' ta~ta~t the rnsta~r'«arac:a:~ c~«rrris,°r c~atg'ers eta str~ttlc «.a ~l,airaa fear ir~ssraranca: hera€~~tits, 1..~ncler° <br />i~ ~rutlaclE'il.c;L# ;sr c,+llec;t end <agaply the irast.arza~at<c gx t:at;eeds at l.~cnclca's cagatitar'a tither tea resttaratitata tar repair taf t:he: Prtaperty <br />car c3 fiat scaaaz~ ,,~~~arred by this '4~c~rt~;<.a~~ <br />4~a:la:~s L.><tzcii~r ~eracl J~earr°o~,,~1~ r,tlal~twi:~c raf;rec ira ~,w7ritit7~r ;arty r~erc:kt ap,galic:±«ation <;rf larcac:ceds tcz lar•tr'tcip«al sla~tll neat. cxterad <br />c+r Iatrt,Yjac?szc ?leer tirac: r~att` tit t;;cL rr.+.~rirltly it:sirtllta'aeratw r~;t"c^.r•r€~cl ira gaaar°«tg~;r«.afahr; 1 s:rsaci ~ lacreczt' car c.h.rnl;t. t}ec:::an-acaa.ratt czl' <br />~rsLi'3 ;r~~eta.i;rsFS:ar.~.. iI .z,r~le'e ~:r.r,.r,r.,l is t~ laea•etaf' t;hcr. }'rb+.rtvv i~, a~„sgr.ra.r~ccl IaY l:..ecaclc::r', ;rep irk°'t, title szracl ittitert,st c',at pra'srrca~ve.r <br />it ~rFc~ a:? urraY iarse,r,aeauc, ;se3lz~,ixw~; .,ea~f in rand tea the gar•tac:c;es;l.s the ~.:e;f rr~;yaaltirag trtarrz c:l.!.,,~ ~.~+~ tea tl'tc ;l''rtapca°tv l*a•'rcar to tree: r«alt <br />or :~ce;aae~tt3ctu sia:aii g~~rti~ t~.~ l:tr3'+<<i~:: f :> tlat~ ctcrat ct' tkac ~,trz t> ::c.'c:rrir,i.l l:a'y tla:ts °~lc~rrt",t.g;~ rr~alatcclr«att;ly' lar`riar tc' :~ta+,rtkx .aalc: <~r <br />r_ <br />:tt:e:~ta[`~~CtrC7ra. <br />Vin. t'rc:~r~~ssricarr zatact '~Saitrte~rer~aaa'e~ y,l` 'k'ru~~aertty~ I:.acdaMey6xrslc#=: t caretttarrairaesrrr~ d~l!rerrateek In.lnit 14errieat7ar=arrr,t~. l3~°=rre,.,4.~ a. <br />~3lsli J~~~i~p lYat~ ~~e~:?}'rcrt~' t~; ;~Ga>i:l icr'}~;is' 'irrt! sl',all neat t,.~3'7"er1k1~ „-S~:ie tirr g)a;°rra'".at i.+e!^'~rraafi~'r'at dt! t~,ti;;s+ 1.:';~.Yt~ C;t t.l7k. l~`r;:?~tc:9'?g~ <br />~3aEi~ :ti'Caxs,i~ (:Z'7ZYw~~iS' .; Ftl7 ~}~Y.L' !?r~oti~a:.}f,+;,,, ,.a zIi`v` t~':&14L'". fit ylF,'., ~l ~ ";:.;:;~`~' iy e~4aa ifi i:,::9 ,:.;e_ 'i~~, It` "~l'•t`. k'{tz. Es ..t-+' :'Ga'd ~a t~=71. d:a. <br />+: sRr.G~l4:`rBYlar1s3bSri i'r" r4. jiilf'sC`.S:C.r iit7lt. ,St"Ut,tsl'tks5'€!r. ~'ii?;~i' ~:.i ~.:1~,;7t ~)c'r~+vra'a «atl Let ~btf7`}qs+.b'[e~'i '.k~l ,,.1.'i'yt ti14.9-`;~ '.'tj,t' =t t: i~is;;:~ <br />'~ ~ W. i,:,t. .l <br />,.ir' 1,'4%J+.;'?ri113I'. ,,.i:i~atelk 11, ti~,ir/t'r~ra! +;.` 'ir.' ,cli3t:at~i,~~.;,:,€fa +1c .1~.':L'.C 1:. _ sj!S13`...`I- rfti_ t'_i3,:~,w' ,..`its :t,iii(:-.. ~''~ .i'=t <br />-~ f <br />.tFr a - S€EI•oF„rt-Y '3S. Y''a..aFiC.t<1 „I7,i '_~C ~..+.'ptY:it~ir~. ...i~:. ,_.itl ei.~.., ! ., ~Ftl, .1.- ~ ,t}.i~.'... .0~1.4.a.~~ t~? _''{ ~ .~,.. ~.,. "f . <br />' ~E~~L'~ ~ `+.. w•yn ...~.w.} f~l 3,p{?",7l':S'CI .t.s ,., ).~L .e,ft'._~ ~_f,,L ,~e'si it71`'. 1T yy %i.?~ ft~, jc.{ .L.. t, .liV`. ill 1t~`Ii~ '34.:1. <br />~rzts3 ~t. itxs;, es s.r:`faS~.G_° ih1~:~ _;1:. ;i ..Ei .E:.~ f=,. ~.; !-j; _,ttt°s~? .~_ ~,`i ~..t: .~rae.l .. ,+3y~ ,. ~a~ + ,i:9'~i~+. ... ~ _. ~; ,r. <br />~a <br />r. ~'`TV74~t~:~8~1'?d~' 43~' ~.;~[.'&-1~i~: n'~, :~Yk:4,'r~S"it~W. x; ~'~r'i. f~,-,ti. .;;_ ~;.? ~ .. 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