<br />;~r,.~ ~:,., . ,
<br />T`~1 D~1v1~ C3 TRI~~~T, a~aade and entered iaatca this, ~_s`:t.~,_da~v ~~+{ _~~.~..*~~ , 1
<br />A» L
<br />I,;..P hw arad ~ietaveeaa __ ~Z L R~ ~»~;z_ ~'~ tor, aaad'g' a r-~ ~ ~`~~~;r~,~~~ ~~~~,~~a .~ ~~~ rr~ ~~,
<br />and F°`ostal Fia~aancWe ~;caiFnpaa~kR a "~ebraslca t`°crr~Eoraticara, Seaaet''ictar~.
<br />`~'1TN~,lw'I'hT. That the. Trc~stor do t~~ these presents ,rant, '~ar~aira and sell, c:on~eyR and c:canfirna with Power of dale
<br />~aaAto flee Traastct: the t'~91',towiaz dest:rhed 12.ea:k estate aaclaadiazg all ha.:zldirt~s, axaprcaveanents, and ~`ixtures of ever~v kind-now or
<br />hereal`ter erected crr placed tan the real estate, sittaated in ~__kta~ ~ Craunty, ire the Mate cif Nebraska:
<br />rtap<~rtt ka~c~wvrk gas: Lc9t ;~i~ ~b~ , end t:h ~aa.at~k ~a~nt~~ igh~h ~?~ 1'~eC c9f Lt:9t ~'v~ (5
<br />block. 'Nita ~~ s.'n tl~+~ "1?hrd (3rd ~dt~:!«t~.oaa to the fawn t3f giro
<br />l~~ll C~un+t~, e~la~a;~kn
<br />failed fear €2ecord_._. ....__ at . .vt.
<br />irk Bt~9eak of
<br />P°a~e
<br />and posstys:sicart aal° ~}aid preanises nta~ deliuered cantca said Trustee;
<br />"T 1-i~-~'~s ;N[~ `~`t~ ll.WT? the saaxae, with Kill ri,~l'ats, pri~rilees, aatd atppa~rtenances theretc9 belc~nng unto the: Trustee;:
<br />his c:~xec:9at.ors, s~t'~a`ninstrators, heirs, and assiaas t°~9rever..•~xad the "lwri.asacar heretayRR expres:~l~ waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />aantta she °I'rtastee fall rilaa, title, c:laian, aaaterest, kaenef'it, seed estate u~taaae~=e.r, iaa seed tca the alacave-~+descri€aed preanises and eaett
<br />and every part tlteret~t`, ~=hic}a i~r liven lro~ r',r' re~~~kltw 1`rc~rrk itli la~~~ ckf` d.he ~.at:e cal` ~ebrasl~a ertanin~ to the exemption: cif'
<br />hotxaested. #~ttd. the '1`rustrar c:caveraaaats ~~ itla ¢::he ..l~a~ctstee that h ~~ill 1'~are~~c r ~ua.rrant art c~cfesad the title tca the settee against the
<br />lau~faal clairras cat' E;all persons whc~arnstaerfier.
<br />1N TRLP~w~° 1-lC~~v`.tl~, t`car the t'callca~airkt~ clesc:a•it'etl paarpc~sc~s: ~~'13E:~.~~a, the 'Ta°ttstcar did pan this clefs eacecute a.
<br />1'resa~ai5sory lcatt e~+idencaa~t a ltaara i''ckc the pria7~ipal £ta'xX+atant ckl"'~~~.....:;~.._m_M..__...._..__...~...._....._~....~....~.~..~.~..__~w. arkd itaterest tl~ert~~ta
<br />;~ccr.~rclin tca the terrrts t:t" said F'a°cart~ai;~star~ dote; said l~rcaaa~isscary' P°~cate taeia`k pay'atalc: irp. naoa7tltty instttllrttents at saach place as
<br />the l~~enei~k»rq >;aa~ desiatate Irt ti~ritirx t'rcaark asrtae 8c:a bane. sd'~t.wai.la.sta.ndira~! azzy ;arc-visican ccartt:~ined htwrein car in said..
<br />1'rc~axaas~;nryr ~>,€ate to tt'ae contrary, il` at~9t socaa~ker paid, all skaaa~«~ due I:artc9 cav~in~ uaader the tt~rara^ c>t"said 1='rorraissor;:~ Neste shall: kae
<br />paid c>n ear hei''care ..M...~ .:.....;"Y.~,,..~..~..We.., . .... ,,.,., ..°.._w._..~..w_
<br />!t is art~et~ b~ axed taetw-eea~i the parties hc;retea that taa~t:il 1'ilira cat' ~ati~~• i:9f 1`~t:t`attdt, tl'ie "1"rkzstor shall: (1) laaY all pa•esetat
<br />and t`uture t.aates tend assessanetats~ eaaeral atrtct special, aaiat;~t ~tkiei prkaptMrty' fat>l'carc^ tl~e saute taea:eaattes det.iayeltac}rat car at:t.irataable~
<br />€;~) keep a,ll ia~a~pirc~~erraerits e°rc~ctetl fate this latkd $riscki°ed as stay t`9 reel~i4:red t'a°c>rta tk°ne tc,a tirrte her teens@'iet«ary a~~tttst tcass by fire
<br />anei ear r:~~ tta~ards, ~;~siaalties arad t°tantksa~,enc:ac sP try sk.~~°t:k atcatxttr:ats ~~rt~t #t>r ~~uc~.la pea°ic~a~ts tts are reas~a~aia:~e tad tyatt~ ksc~ retlttixecl.
<br />tw9~° li~Iar•~'i;:b~xk ~', aetd tca keeg.~ all ,~r€alicies cat" ~k,ic;l7 irts7.aranc:e aa, t`ear~~t;~ $.ar k::t`t'e~t 9.kpt»~i°a the preaerty+ lttreirt descrilaed tunstantly
<br />i~~s~ric-cl :a~s~. 3twti~'t»rect t t,~~y,~.,~~~~~~r~,, ~3~ p<:~4` .~r~i~ ~:c9at~a~al~r ~~+tth ~etl cat' flee tc~rk~tas tack c'.tanditxaark:~ c:9t aat;yR lists, s~taiatt tar
<br />!;'__(#~'31;:t:lt't_"~ ~ li~l a"?cfl~' ~?C' tii'Tl3k?r tC? ;'r ka4lat°, =.,rt'::t~~i~.'lt+ws; tC) k~'kl°~ ~~`k°kffiSt 1,~~*Pw', a~4 'ro~aKA~ ~„@~ w~l~t~ "sLk4:l'] ~7~a~tX1'~Cl~ C7a1 ~aiL:ll lak'al~ C:lt""~a3"~ 6lt'
<br />i.ziilct}t~~#i~.~~,, sE7~3flt P~ec:,anic~ t3ki~~> arad septets t"ailua~~: ~9; i'rcts€or tea keep ari;~~ :>~a.id a,reetraerats, keens!"iciary ataxy 1'aY saz,c:h tax,. aY !'car
<br />~i.1i~1 ~ It`~,S, iia"3W~ t):' j`i4+i S,7$ i '.x~'~'~ laea~~ e:~r c.laaans d:1i' i;~~t~takatedraess ~3s tl'a:~' 7»'a~+W;: I"n"sly" 1)~", aald tltcw° tra('I~Ik'~? Sao e}KpG'radeC~ te3~t.t?~~:r, C~I~Cf ()a"d
<br />:e.~ ~' •i°i~st5a ~`T iii ,i;e a`'r ~ "''<%aav`M1a".a~ii;'xtiii e~ar'Yi ~,i .•R"""`v "•s~..., $#4,.•.~, .~. ti~m s. SY &. .,~ .... ~.....1 t:... at .,, '"1"'..... ,a 'S'1,;.:....Y ... .,. ..2 .t. .. T......a..«
<br />5r1 [~qy 4&d !P PPR T' R
<br />r: z,, `" . ;cwt: y tvc.Pat., waY~uaet Rrr~ ~t.~,Masc:u tai &asY~a 4, t ctat a...a~;vu, u°ki1+1.9 t1HC f t .~^rac13. wic~ti
<br />,~r r~t'9a~ tr~~:~ :,;ar7l~ ~.ka~t:~en cic.t'rl~aru..3iE:~i ks~:tora t~.;d.tic~ tP; eP_7 sca flee ta~ilarlce cat~ tkac° att~leltecl slots shalt kaeecarate ia7atxa~=:iictt~?}P ~cae sled
<br />j~?~S~'iysr° <Si t itf,' s;~,[~i,7;:)k'i %;1~ `},:.` t?~'ks+,.i P~;'t~ir~'~ ~,~ pt`C~f E~27.i}i.' t.~>T~ter Cal7d~a'y Lhe Tr'Castet:.' t:t'ae ~a4;:1'W~r ~.'9t~ 4ale ais tarc:9a'adet~ tii ~P~'~7f ~~S~tiA Pal~~`i
<br />,,
<br />(:;~ s+:'f.:aP'? e't.y~R:,~•,it~;l 3~ Rye " ',':7?'i~"5 ~iR`1:1 ~;'j,'t~t:s`t ;}'eke r~~at4, aatd 2"e~enLaes there:t•reat~tr„
<br />t,~~c==. 4 ,~Y~'.:'i:l ,r., .~P4 tl~z' ',~~~~~~ ~.~`~.~~~~.~ t?~ tP,~~ `l'raa4t Deed, th~~ l~enel`iciar;aP slit!.!! re~~°st tPae '1"riast~e t:ta rectara~ey the
<br />~'=~jJe'3t1' ii?€,i .~:F'itif's SAfI°~i7~1~T' +~"il5 T'tfi~ '~~ei;'~ s:z"1t~ .s e CieatG'~ eft"t~1Li"ieri 1a'ke~~CtS7k",~a~ "~~Gk1a"G'C~ ~9~' 1~tdS fS'rtatit eet~ td~ tl"~'~ ~~~`N.l~tr,
<br />i'£DtiEtM` ~~~~,t T:l:{7;~"ty€`s, 3.'C~t_' i=Ia-~S~.7t'y °:~+rEs;:?;.It ~3 td°'et?';ik' €~::9 .trt' F?¢~'t"SC>lk 47X tN"a"~~Y1f~S tY:s'~1~'~' ~8a~.atlt,~ Q.~kf,'Tt:'tS.)~, 9.9;$ }~ C~~"t~a`.~l~lt l?~`" CY1i$t~G* ril
<br />I~~ `?~S'ii~'Y`td (~s '•~Pi,~ 3'+t?it: s:?r +:4 i7~; ~7IiIt. ii'?t:tf:C>. .; xk3Tt' '?y o.irt (iijE"C~~it the'recara tPir'he~a dale car tt7 tt'te; t"at~llttil 1'a~."rttal`t'riaahr`~" C>~%iT94' Ctt'
<br />,;ari~;r ~„' :w~k~~., P~~,fo.,c°fak~:sa~} a~ £t~q,r~'~,t:~.x, .'~;t, ~a~:~ =:a !scale aAl ~aAV:P a~trre r`Pi°a~P6„ylaecort~ae dtkc arat~ be ta~tid as laet°tw:rtat~ter la.taa~ ~:iecf, ~.jy~~P
<br />`.'~i*. t<f?~4~ s,l2~i{. z''t`Ste~~r1 E'. ,'.?+ti:, :~',t` , cs~;lM;` +?( t°kl:~s a.tk'`a*?"ke''V alt:4 S'ii1,L'?'S.8 tfA sell tlk~. pa"e~ptw'"r't,~'' era at:~ ti~&3tad"t,"~.' {3r ;l~ g7~sx"t.L°°l°! eat ~A~f'.
<br />C~j3YI~<3 i's~ S~4°IC' ~,'IJ:^P,.;~ f?~.~C'73as~i, [it'zt' iit .,,y'fi~`7~.t~ kXi Ri~?Llt: ,'~ zfl F~~ 4„ ~+ +~, Rut
<br />,~ ~~c:?Xi= , i 17c~,,t 'ksidder, t'or cash. l~lcarve~c,a, the laS~ti~er cat` stile
<br />,. .
<br />,EE:u~~"zrx C:`~;!t'E~:."F~9~ ~1~Itz3 ti, _` C~''FS~-i+.: :` ~.s_ti, :'173 ~~"' r:'~R,.;kt~~;t:'~~ ;wife 9~ `s ~ t?lt> o s,~~ ;+.>, ~w~'Ri~1P ~FI'~i4, ~~l.t~* tt.)~ I`L"fe~"';, kal t~'k'~' t$~`~#G;~' .tt' t~'l#*
<br />~ ~ds,?4, ,{~,sa' ter eA~i4:'"t :'5~+1.iEt~ ~'-'!'6s.t~;lf'6 83'. '?"l~1_!, 1~:°~}7t'd'#ti L+, °.S?ir'1 ,_?1.'t.FI 1~+~ ~?r~:~°l fk~'r~`fi'~ s r~~IN~iYe'C~y #~ ,R"~~~d~t ?a' ,,;i.'f,SIJ~i~,
<br />~_ „
<br />3 ,~ q j
<br />.:o
<br />~.., r. , ~ ~ _ ~'i. j' ~~+ t` ~ {.b t~ta'~ t1~4,'',. ~" ~ 1 4"~ d.~ eP} xr~7 l;~?S' £,
<br />.,_C~iCs;a ax'~9 'c~At. ~,tJtit. d~„' ~~~~.k=}k; F~7~' .@7~7E; r;°, ?y'~SI.i s~7'If.6 ~'7~#~k't~ ~~'s~` cj e T'~ ~ r~ ~DL; i?.$lt a ~ g~;t ','~<fi. ,. k'~y
<br />F~,.>~fkt~~~}, ~ +.~~,`+I;31~°I:t.tf'a "~~ I,,~IY' tip ~lgt7~k~:;~~1, ;.S'3Y.li ~.t:RZ3ic4Y3:?St £r ~ "i.,3...:{iSt'3i sa~3a <%4 q4" ; y ' # ! ,,~ 4 I
<br />t eac:la ti$t' :d~~ i'i~.i4.,i~,.at;Y! i~..~l '3: t~iSk
<br />,.
<br />r
<br />.?a~"€ t d ~ '_~;¢9.+ ,.+~tR` t v,:5~ t<~ 'RC':'tl 9f b" +.:i :. a.'ti°€3+ ~ .,ts, :~~t.7r -tif~! iyt~: ' E-'d .~< `C+P. fl~krllt_ .1: ..>k;f~ lar`4~alc~lt ickta E i';~ ~i,, t ki::l:k1.Y3s .i_i .`3'< +:?f .;3k1'•L:'
<br />°
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<br />~~ ~ _ x ~ v..5°.,a _ `L C,,., e~,ed~. ~r;y" 5:•+~~°vS; .'; Is+;if _~~ that, 6A1~ ,4",,>',£it. ;?f; ~1'ti;ltti .~9~34~
<br />, p:.1' .
<br />E?,.ate f '~'~
<br />i ;f
<br />r- .,. , '.r'~ '~ k,7, 9 ~.., .. 1 ~, ~1 ~~9+. xt ~3. d'~c'_ a ~ ~., ._ :.a ,. tP - ~i:[ _~ ~l !?'y .''i'•. ,~„7 k; ;:'.&, S;i6?S }!; ~;-; e. ~ f'i.'~`>it_L '41717 ,~fr.
<br />', ',a¢42.xi 31 "3a,~7.3r.sr - k.7i~~' 1i~73ty ??~tbk f ~y~t-:- , rstu--~.8d'rS.,~(..3ctFeO~ Lf,zc.".k+tirS~}'.f~tt' ,~i73Y3~C ''t> ° '{d..~ ~'<< ;iSf'1}~.:dl,°fT f'+f ~~ ~a o
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<br />. .:
<br />~~ ~, r x1 ,sp.'s .>: +h P'- `' f~.:~PS ,Ti.'£._ ,~ ~;,.,. .. L_-" i?bs~. .:i'.S:;S{. z .>`"•r~ !+~ ~ ~E c;r ",'i~?C r Ii! 'j
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