l~, e~~tstee~a~nt rx~ l~ertt~v ~~g,~rdt~;terie~t n~''l~~~v~r ~~esr~r trt -'~oas~statx: ~~s ~trtditic:rtta.f wca~tarity h+~t°eundwr.
<br />{~t~r~`#lS~t:r ~erE~l~.~, ~,;,'%t~215 ~xc~ tv~rsc~~.. the rrsts caf th~'Prrag~~rt~°, prcavicit;d ttlat ~3orrow~~r stY~tfl, prcar tra a:cC~tratiun,ttnd~~r
<br />~,::ra~;r~iph i , fsc::r~~~~1k ter s~i~;~s~dx~~srlatd~t ~~t'the iPt°c7p~rtw°, h.~a,~ chi rilst zct calf+r ~:nt# r~taiin ~uc.h rents asth~y l~~com+~ d~a~
<br />~nci par able.
<br />~ ~}rat-; ;sccel~ratian si racier t~aracr:~trh E" her•ed#" sir .tba~~c~~nr~nr r-t <~f tl~~ JE~r{ap+e~ty. L:~nder. sn p~r~can. ~Sy ~x3t t~~r b
<br />t,sdics;iliv <sppo[tsrwyci reccs~•c.r shall tic: r_•n'PStled trs canter ft~aan, ts~ke pct:~;~~essiran sit ~avrd rnanag~ thy: ~'roperty and ttt ~plt~ct
<br />~:he rent's ~t'th~ Pr~al~rtti~ inc3tscitt~~ tl~cas~ p~,tst ~~te. AIE rctats ~~c}fl~~ted tay C.,~nd~r or the rs?c~iv~r'shJ1 Fie applied tryst tt
<br />~ss.ti•rt~er~t at`the cc~lyt5~ c~t'rnarsa~ernt~nt cafthe loo ~rtv arse cnll~c:tican rat"r~es~t~ irt~lud~ bttc'nt~t la~t~c~ tc~. ~rec~iver's fees
<br />~, }~
<br />prerniui~ss can reee;itier's 3~~ands and r~~csna.te ~rg.orr-ey" ~~~;' anc! tta~tt try ttte scs:rrts se~ut°ed f~ay this Deed. ~f 7(°rust.
<br />t..ertder and the ree.~;iiver str,~Ef iye isatrNe tct aceaunt tsrzly for thra~ rents ~cttx~tll~ re~ei~ecl.
<br />~~. ~AC+~nvey~nccc. Upon p~tiecit tit' aft 5urns s~rurec3 by this ;mod of 'l°rt~st. l:~~aer shall regtxext T"rus~Cee tp
<br />re~csnve~• the l'rnp~t•t~ aaad shaii stsrressd~.r this C.7~;e~d gat' "Cratst ~,ndt ail rtc~t~s +~vic~r~ra~^i!tM;ittdetr~ss se~ur~d by this
<br />!l~e~;c3 c~P' ~'rtsst tt~ "Cs°~stee. "f"rASSt~e sisal! re~c~7n~ru the l~rolaet°ty a~ith~ut •acr:~trty~ and rithr~ut har~+~'tea tPse person ur
<br />~ergcarss legally entitiec€ t~l+~TGtC7• ~~ch laeror~ car p~.rticsns sh~l~ laay'af l cs~s t~f rersrr;tatittrt. l' any:
<br />21. ~ub~ti~le "Te~rtta~te. C.etZSfer. t` Lender`s; c~ptican:-ttaay Ercarn titre tra tzat~ t~r`!trtc°swa~ `~"rustee slid appoint a sc€cc:es;~c~r
<br />:rurtc~e to t~e>!y "l"rttstee apainted hereander by an irs4trr.rrnent re~ordl+ed in ttae cnr,-crty in ~•I'tich this Ceded cat' Vl'ruxt is
<br />t'~crasded. ~~iehc,ut rr>nce~vartc ~-~' the f''r~erty, the stasce~seac tr•useee shah sucec:ed tss ill the true. poo~rtr and dutzes
<br />e~snterrE~~ ttpcsrs tts~: ;Cs•ust~,e 3ter+~an aztd:tty applic~tsle 1~~.
<br />~. l~t~ngare~st Cyr I otice~r~ Borraa~wer reque°st~ that ~~lae;~ cats the notice rat tle~auit «~and notice raft s~:lc: sae writ to
<br />~3csrrrawa~r's address ~~~trach is the ~'t°o4~et~y Acldres;t"
<br />~D IrQCt~;~JC~US~I[itii~ ~~~~ ~L.'FECt1~J
<br />~c~rrcaw:,~r stud Lends' requoest the holcCerr caf any-tr-ort~a~e. d~etl ot'ta°ust tat° cathr encurn'bt•ar~e itlt ~ lie^d r~•hidlt has
<br />~priarity caper this C:)~~;i of"'l"r^tsst to dive ~c~tice to C.~:nder. at 1 ndet'°s ads :yet !"sort otx pale c>n~ sat'thxs t~+eed cif' "T'rss~t,
<br />oaf any ~lefatuit stnd~r the 4ta~-es~ictr en~untbrastce ~.nct ~-t"a.ny sale car ~th~~ t'are~iu~r s:ton,
<br />i~ Wt°rti~~~s 1+V~t~s~J~~~, ~rrrawer has e,~e+~rated this Cec! t+t'~"rust,
<br />t~
<br />r.r~~~~t~ fY ~e « ~w'~i'f" p ~ ° ~atraw4lr
<br />l~ps~ .~ . ~:'t~~9. -9~:rrrawer
<br />T~~'~()t=!~t=i3R~~Kr~ ,,,......,~~,,,,.,.. ................... c>'ssntypss:
<br />~n this . , . „ ~i,,rt~... , .. , .... d~~ ~t°. t,l,~;~,b~ .... , f ~ ;~... ~t'c>re w~ne, ttae ttrs~i~rsict. Notat°y f~hir:
<br />t~ufy costirr-ission~ct rind gstalitic~ t°or xatid county, ~a~rsattatily ~.. , 'Ca~~ ~,, .ty,„ .d,. tsxa~ .43~~ar. ,T.*. ,lt~ra
<br />Ills ~t~~r,d. ~~,~ .r~~ . ............. . t >atc~ krsr~un tra lac ttse idc~ntic~a! ~rsrands> ~.~hrase• rstts~s~~is~ :sre stsbs~ribed trt the
<br />S`iaregoiri~ instrarsrsRts~t a~ncl c°f~ttra~~icr~,~~r~ the ex~cutfcsn the^rrt~tra ~u . st.~c~.~,,:~ . . .. . . ..... . . ~°raltptar~r~r act ~nct c1~~.
<br />'~'~.)..h~~~ Try hand anr~ nral~ari~f s~~zl ~t ..Cr, ,T:,;,~;~;z~e~, . frJ'~~. ... . . ... . .......... . . in s~tict sastnt~~. the
<br />clat~.~ at€rresai~i, "~~~
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<br />IfIMM4gM! NcsdacY y ....... " ......... .
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<br />~"T"C} T~~t L"i ~~° ~ ~'
<br />'l'he~ ranciersi~r~eri is tt~e hcsidsrr• ~~t lase ntsBe t~t° r+cates ~zccarect ha this t~c~ of"Trust. std rr~t~ fir zac~res. z~~s:c~th~r ~~ith
<br />sil other ins~~btedne5~ sess.rred he this T?~c~ri c,t T'r°ust. ~r<s~:c' t,eesr ~~aicl int~~ail.'t"`~su ~arw°here6~~ dirt°~:ted t~cac~~n~•4 ~aclnote
<br />,~,r t~~c~te°s r~ss~# tfsis ~-~~ c,t ~°~'crast. ~~trseh nre z-ie.;~ere~ ~~re~~. ~-fr4~ eo;r~c~amv~~y: ~itcatti ~-rz°;~rsc~-_ asi! tF;~• estate n~~xs ~:~t~
<br />~~. ~escs ut2r~er this ~~s'ei ca 'i"rtast t~~ tl3r {~+~radtt :~r prrscuts 1t;~;ail~ c:rttstl+e~el theretra.
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