11 13~rrrr,wer pays 'ttrads ~~.« ;~~~«.ter. th~~ 'i,.tri~3 s sla~a.#~ I}e he#~~ in ten irt~trttttiorr ,Kke t::#t~~~c)~~w~ cror ~~c~aN.ara~^~ c~~' w#xc~ are
<br />si~~i:tr~t°a~ ~~r ~~uiat-;aait.~ed icy a I~'kp~i~a-:a.f c-r st~~tt ,:tN;t: +'PC.`~ tia)t~#attiat~l> C>Rtder if' l.nder is sac°h trrt irastitttticart). C~:nder sl>-tall apply
<br />t~~ €;~~taci~ t~5 ~".iti\~ s;~id tas,r•~s„ assrasrt'flents, irt~uritrta~e ~~zr~tiuat><s artd rratand rents, ldc;nder sassy rant c~har~;e icar so holding
<br />ar,t1 .af)~iv;n~ '~~~~ #=aatrads, ;anatlg,.~irr~ tiar<d acartant or verifying axad cc-rralailirtg said tixsses~srrrents and twills, unless t,,ender
<br />~~,a4 ~car-rga~~~r ir)ter~st rar she ~~arrds and: aplali:~;at-le l;aw ~rrrtits fender ~~ make sac^h 6a charg;e. 13+urrower and L.errder
<br />rTiay a~r'ee in v~ri,tiar~ rr ttYe tirraty taf c:~;e~crtican ot~his deed ~~""~`rt,a:~t that #nit~res't crn ri~tM ~~rnds a*h~'~Il be ~d t~ T~Qrt`t~r,
<br /><czaci Braless ~:ucta ~~re+~aaatrrtt is a~at~tr car rpplic.lale law recltiites sash interest eta tae paid, C.errdc:r shall rrgt lae;required
<br />tcY fa<ar l3carrowuea~ tk.aay interest <.ar t~arraings can the i"ua~nds. l..~nder shall dive tz~ 13rarrrrwer, withorat charge, an annuaal
<br />aee,~uaa~iaa~ aaf cf'ae I'~crn.ds ~hcaa>in~ t:•r°t:rf#ts sand dlaits to the .l~~rnds end the purpose ttrr which each dralait Co the ponds was:
<br />sxtacirr. Ttae IF).t ~~is %tr~ ple~~r:d as addrtioraal security fdr the ;~txms secured tay this Ind gaff "I"rut.
<br />It the arrziaianr cat the l,^'utai#~ held by Y..end~'r, tergether with the: fttttare tncatzthly installments otl+undx payable pt~aor tai
<br />she due date s tat tars. assr~ertis, insatrance prerniurr,<s ar-d ;~rattnd rents, shall'exceed thew amount required to pay saaid
<br />*axt~s, asse.s~me:rt5, insurance pre~tiuxx^ts and stand rents as they l~a}I due, surrh excess shall e, at 13crrrower"s caption,
<br />~itdaer #zrrana~tly repaid to ld~nwer or er~lited era lcarrrrwcr ore ra~rarrthiy itast~allments rat ~`und~. if the arrteaunt o~ the
<br />l='carads lased by L.t~ndtnr ~,hati i"xrat be saai~icrMtat eta ~ t~;xes, assessments, incurane pretniurns and rraund rents s they fall
<br />due, 13rarrca~w•er° ~k~~al3 pay tca 1»,t.ndcc any annratgnt rreces~s~n~y to remake ~- the dellciency itx one rar more payments as t.,encler
<br />n-a,v r'egtzir~;,
<br />CSlrora ~Yafrlrtlent in tirli ai all surrms secured tay this ,deed ~'I~ "t"rust, lMender shall :promptly retund t+a l3orrca~rer an,y
<br />purtcls held h~,v L,r:nder. lt`rxnder paragraph l'~ hearecaf the f°sa:rty is sold, car the t~roperty is: otherwise acquired lay
<br />ln,der, l.r:)ade~r shall apply, nca later than isnntrxllately prior to the sale of the I'rcaperty or its acquisition tmy I..ender. any.
<br />Ftari~~is #~eltl lay C.Gncie)• at the tirrre of aplslicatiorr as a credit against the stems secured by tPtis Deed ot""t"rust.
<br />. Ifca~t:~a-rao ~:~~ l~rK~~r unless ,applicablrr larv prawides catimerwise, all payments received tyy :Ceder tender
<br />the Ncmte and.pa,ragr~pt;s l and hereot shall tae applied by fender t~trst in laayrrterxt cat amounts ayalale to l.~ender y
<br />Bvrrra~vex under para~~raph harr"ra~', thenera interest payable ran the fete, and then tca the principal ofthe. f~trate.
<br />4 l~rtnr CV[oart,+~- ~arAtd a~ "l~`ruar~ l~~:rt ,lea~s~ l~orrcawer shall pr~rtorrrm all of l3orrosw+er's obligations
<br />antler aet}~ ixmart;gtt,ge, deed. of trust ea'r rather securtity aeent with a lien which has priority aver this t~e+eci taf Trust,
<br />including ~edrx~aa~rer's crav+~rrants to make pa.yrnents when due. I~orrower slmall pay tar wause to tae imaid tall taxes,
<br />asss~ssment~ a:nd! other trha~rgex, Ines seed impeitions attributable era the p'xeap+~r.~ whia.h may attain. a lariority ewer this
<br />raf"I"ratst,, r~z~ leasehold payments or rranrrd rents, if` a:n~.
<br />. l~~ t~tuur~r+~e. l~rarrawer shall leeep the imlaa~eawerrtents aat~wv existing or hereafter erected c.an the l~ropcrty
<br />insured against loss bey ire. Ima~ards itmcluded withirm the terra "`extended ce)veraga~'», sand such rather haz«mrds <ts lL,ener
<br />taws require am~ad in sash amounts and f`or streh laerirads as I.~rmd~:r m:ay require.
<br />die insurance carrier prtrwidit~g the insurance shall kae chosen fay narrower subject to atataroval lay C<ender, provided.
<br />that surrh app,raval shall not he ureasona:lmly vwithheld, rill insurance laolic.ies anal renewvals therrwot slmtmll e in tt i°orrrm
<br />acceptalale tca Lender ~tnd shall include a standard rmmortgage e:lause in i'avor of and irx tt lrarrxt accF:ptrtlale to l.nder,
<br />Lendex shall ltra~~e the right to hcald the r~lices and renewals thrareol` subja:t tca the terrrts of ttnv rxtcartl;a,ge° deed of"trust
<br />or other security aRnrtent with a lien which has priority raver this ll~c::ed rraf"1"rarst.
<br />lta the ewttn;~t of bass, l~orro~r shall give prrampt notice to the insurttncc carrier {mrtsl l.~:nder. l..rrder rutty tnalr`e laroot
<br />o~"l~ ifncat n~ram3e proxnptfy by &3~arrower>
<br />if ~13e p'rcyp~~rty isr abande7n+ed fay Borrower. tar il" Lloirrr:>ww~er tails to resCsrand tca l.~eracler ww'tltita ;t() days trram the da:t:e
<br />tmotice is rmmailed by L~zmder trw l~rarrower that the ixtsurance carrier otc~rs tca settle a clairmt li.>r instrratmce tat~~rtr:iits, Under is
<br />autiacar-ixed to collec.°t and: apply the insurance proceeds at txtder,s celatiran tither tt~a a°r~storatiran r.ar a~elaair of the
<br />Prc~perty,or era the earns etured. fay timis of "Trust.
<br />+[-~ rrrrr~at~n d 1~~~ a~ ~; lrhe-ids ~;crirxrtinrrra~iralusw l~'1nne+d L~ratli evela>'~rrrnet~ts),, l~or-
<br />~awer ~hitt3 ~e~:t) the l~r~xperty in gcaod repair sand shaall arse ctarrarmmit w•asrrw car larwrrYtt irnlatairrr~aerat car tie~terioratican cat the
<br />l~i°~pcrt~,' and ~~htr.lf tr'ratr)~iv wiFtm the prcawisions «$' arty lease it this 7eecl rat ~ tenet is can ire, leasehold, ll` chic 17rwd tai" ~°rusC is
<br />carx rt ).gait i~ rr ~°tartd~rr~i~sik~raa tar z~ t~ittnraea3 rennin. rfevelrvrrzerat. l~aareowwer sha#] Baerrar a.ll c)f ~3<arrca`~~r~r"s cataHiat€aras taaader
<br />the dct,i;~r~aiat~ra E?s cc~v~T~;a.nt~ c~st~iing car :aY'eTutng the conclorrtira'ium car planned rarait dew~elraprxterat, the: t«y-la:ws and
<br />r~e~;.riatit3ras cat`th,e~ r~caracicanai~iaaa~i car pla~aned aitrr~ rleveloprtme'nt, and c»«n;rtituent clocutnettts.
<br />7, 1'rotcrtfran of l..eneiter"s ~nrlty. if` l~r:_arrower`tils ts~ pe•ri'iarrra thtR c'«avenants atrtid aree;rmaertts aVt*aaat~:tirred iai this
<br />~'lt'e~d caf' "~"ra~st_ tar i~' :situ ~~ctiE~t) t7r r?rre~#3ia,~> eti ctrbraa)aaerrc:ed ~vlrtclm rrratriafl:~r atfr~r:ts C.eraclt"rr"~ tnte*rt*st to tlrr~ Property,
<br />thtA)a l,caadt~r. ,at t.ertst~~r's ratatitan, ttlrraax t~satit~t'. eta #~<,rT•t:a~.ver, may rraaalsc~ ~aa~~#~ .i~r~peararace»s, rli:~bursc stteh sins, including
<br />re:ttst~ta~tble ~#:t~~r•rae~' t'~ar~,. a~ns~ tak:r: 1avaLfa ~trti~~raa ta.s i~ tat-c~~=;;~rv to 1.>r~7i~a:t t.::~~iier°s ia'rtetest. lf'' iW.~;radt~r' rctl.airet€ riat~srt~;~~e
<br />irasnr~nc:c: gas ~ z~,~r)diti~~n t«l'rTa{~wciTa~ thi. lca~aa s~~r,:tarct~ 'r.,~ etc ~1t,{:~i cit. _)..~ta~[., t3<ae~c~erslm all la*~ti' the tarert'taaas rt~tr=.r~'cl rrs
<br />)'a3i3a13t:d~rk StBCili I'I?~11fa4:E'34".t^, eq~ N:f~C;i:t 1,x3~t;l °*GGra 'il)'Ylt: i~~ CCac '~`~i.alY"k°r11'..iSt, ter 4G)4'4i IXt;attt"anr:tM terrrttrrates ram tacr~rardanct: +ltt'c
<br />~carr•aawer"'4 ,sad l~radr~r'~ v~'rittcAra ~f~reen)trat gar ~ct~lliSt'a!a{f' i<sw,
<br />=~rYV ~c•sa~s'tts c.`:,lact)^~ed key l_~tad,rr {:araa~~aiaT)t t,-~~ ~}ai~ I~i).3'~.~rss+:r~) ~` ~ait;~ tYterest thereon, at the "eat+~ tae's, siml
<br />f
<br />taerr~rr~c ttdciigioratsl it7,ele'tstedraes~ rao. llt~rbcaw~r c;r'•<~~ared ~~L, Haab i:?i:r;°ci c1i .t"i•)_i1r. t'7lless lt~rr~;uesr tared I.,eMndt~r tmgree to
<br />ta4hex terrrYS irl i~aayr~ri~~t, ~ucla ~rta~a)srat5 :~:faz~t 4ac} raa~';ltali~ ;s t:<at) rrestas~~ f'rcam l_,~:~aic9~i° tea t~r}rrr:,~~'~=r rc>~u<~:tttt frrn~'t
<br />t~tr~~#Bi, '4c~ika)rj~, a: t:)lkk,'tr,'it".~t~ )Sa tr`aa5 ~c31'~,1~ra~~"i ~ ~i`a~~~l i't;'t,'~tl?.i'f` ~.~F)i8{'.C TE? 1I1C:)1' ~1T7~ k'?t~:lr`11St ?T' €ia~,"2: ~:t)V ~~ i)(?e) ~'~'T'eraracler.
<br />~. ~~~'°~1~13a ~.~`~;~SC~ld;i' :2~%~1+ it?~~~if~ t1a' s;:i~d~+~t'` eC.'r ;'iN;. i"l~ld .t.iS~f1%~~?~k,', r;~';~Ct'tt'4 1.9[?!)1] <SFIf~ lt1S~"}'C4'C1G1E15 i1i 1'~Yf. X~)'i~~1~'F'S~r°
<br />tar~~cletf ttat~t a~,:raa~ea- ~;lattll ia~e t:ar±•cawer aatati~r:, f?F'a~ar tc~s <an4- '~ta~^#t i.riti~xc~i:~ar; ,prn''~i~'#r:~; f•+~ta~,araata9i~ t~,~u~;z~ ;darnel:+r
<br />~'~`~i'-i~r tt"~ Ad"a)i~~.,t~'~'~~ i~Y'i+f"rt7~~ i~ `tli~` I•nf'r~~7~-T'~.y:
<br />itSS, 6.1rf!{~R~Il~~1~D~a14 ~~~ f7r,:)a'r";'{2ti C)~ +afS~' GfA4r~t'Q1 ar G;~c3ala: `£'7r ~flit:tlnat~~"`i. (~Srw'CC >.t% t:sy);~,t~~iat'Tatt:a?. ~:> t:arYa)~ct)«ra-a ~«')T~
<br />iiT?'+< i'caracfr~ra4Ta,at'Ettra '.}~' +`;<lz~i' K~Ir.RI!1s~ ~_';` @~it'. ~e"ra~t',S'~L', E.lr ;'~%+`l'S. ti;~~r~ti#, ifr~ ;i7r i:t~rYYCt'<3{)L:L' ;3] 'if'.Li t~~ ,,'~F?i{i?'T)",(?.;;)83Ti„ ir"
<br />f~t')'Ca ~` ~°i''sl~'a#:~~ a~$"td~ s:~'&3~l t3t.' Y7d~t@~.~ C1 ~:C'i~dt"Y, w,i~i~7}t_'~:'t ~y !ti?i' i~:?S'i`, ~?~ ;Ir". `;' F~acari~:~~;-. l~t:`."sj ti";'3"t]~i ikrK~Irkitii',t'tliC'ii1'x'ti:i`C~"~
<br />T~°sc.cat ,war:}: ~~, lik^r) ~°tair~~a ?a,t~ l'sxttsragF; a}a,'~r rk.zs I`)F>~;o t.at` .e`r:~s,.
<br />.
<br />~~~.. ~r~r>rw:erMer `~~r~ e!1rd; k~'eakri~:aar;k-tre~ its. t.~nder Batt ~ '~'~a«+er; x...;c~?~.iitFro t;t ~~at" rfT),t' ;,~- z':#k'r:itt~i lar
<br />I7)t~'~1F~St;~.kir~sa"k eke il?TY,Tr'1ar:~3tt"?rT t"~ fl~t' .).Y34~y ~,t~F"~q"."d~ 5:~'~ t}?3S ,}CS"i~ 4sF ~ rt, 1i ~:'t"~lL141,''.'. ~»' k_.t r'ktSf°" tc'r .itt~ `s t2: t;i"1ti+?F' ifi 6ta)A;rt'Sd ?ST
<br />•
<br />~$f<S$'~~rbt'i".:' ~Z~,it$~ p)tr{ {P~+4`r'£tt,~" Et;, T'.';€'~4°~ti'.. 99 c~)21; a'Y;~i1Ti~a". t~'~c' ilt.83£~aY°r' ::?t t~,~~ iT %~tr~i)d ~(?~C2'c~wt'~; ~~),i ~;tti~t"e,s~ar.,'. ~ itt~t:t1!~c~E'~, it":,
<br />)~A1d".R's:'+r~. ~.~:itti~~~' ~~)6~~ Sit? ~?k" t"t'd,~?~a3'r«~ ~;.1';;df8Y1F''.T.C:T3t..`~ 3l,rt`X„,':°~tit}; :,,i',<fi.:t)`^:{ ;:*lsf'~ *. s.&?».~S'i9yr 'T" !"s:"ts~4:" ic` ti°Sk~.'~Isj F;tt)~ ~:15" s?kt~'-
<br />'"1'S~:a9€ f.~T' dSK~"ar„?["49'e"±1G 5""?aJ'd3c`r :9'&Ek..3'TF...~~$ld.x- ~,'s •;iti.` ~~it~~'~ ;~~ f?~ :~7)`: ]~ ,tT w .:.« rr• ti ; ii y a s»Z >,
<br />~7SS)trSF&~v ~'~.ga~xai~r'~, sx'ib~ ~~~'~~";S"A:)~~'::~" S °,t,E~~ :"a~,1.'P"s GT 3t}lr,*(~°y,~C °q~j~.: 1 3y`a~~.<„B~ cF?)., , ;~~ <,'a)i~t:°7 i'4 ¢ ~f'Si ?~IY4,: ..14: .'i)71;< <'i' S .'f'Ck`i~F
<br />di~;'d'~''tt~3s~~"~, ~.t~ ~z,'~s$F°$39ki,.~.e. ~~~t:'ttE~~.'~~ B~'v ,~f:rx'tSit.~C'kat''~ i,~,t~. ~:,,;, )`.:i ,, >. ,.~ „iMe''¢' . a ,p' f6...;t+.$t .,lr° _~*...., ;~C •.tif ~,~it ysle~fl r YSiC ;'~'
<br />~~ .~~«.#"~$~ £fd~ ,~,~~~ ??+~-S?yh~f~ ~s~~CI'~d~#R~ `~~"~~"~~~ r. ~~-~d~~a~~'~' ~,tk.yfi~B~~','C'~, iF,d!t~• .. `t;'s'~'~
<br />`iS:1't .z k3'~dFFistii~fi~ .i{it.> Y 8::~~. -,cf F: nP=~t f.Y~'.k31 ~; ,~s~x~~~3 .ir~l. :i. ..i, $i.^r •. °~ s # ti: i.. s_... .. ,.,ti r . aft ~ c. ~,, , e~i c`
<br />f?d:~7 ?"~',~frC t t r°--~G"-s,i i.t, '~y~• Y', #'t~4 r„ -_1=§. Z j.,s v'. ~ "t F'~'i _.^r. -~' .`°`+. .._ ... - , ,. ._i _.,, ... »'.
<br />is .
<br />_'>~, vi '~) rlw=~ ., ~,'! 2s sp. 4:~a?", sr. ~ F,ir.A 4,. ~~`-, i''t ': _ .~.k' _ .~ .der ., _ ., ~ a s ~ ,i~~.
<br />