<br />NI CCU p T t.~ A +~ le .., ~. ~ ~ ~ ,r , ~~
<br />f~ ~..5~f~~..~6.~;~..s~.:~..... ~~~~. - ~ , h r e b y d i v e C:. C:~ Ni {V~ E~ C I A 1~ f~ [~ f A f..
<br />:~A,V1f~lGS A,~lC) L~E~~J ~:~SC3~IA"3"It~d {C;ornr~ueria6 a mortgage on the following property:
<br />if mt~r~ ~.f1r~n Line p~rsr~n siC~n tears I"fiortgage, 'the Word ~~ l -' means °'we'" .
<br />~"~tis mcr~t,~age secures loan made by C:ommerclal. A note dated the same date ~
<br />~.?'pis ra-asartc~ar~~ r~ontains the terms far• repayment of that ioan. If that note is ever changed-
<br />car replace+~ ~'y ~ n+w note, it wili still be secured by this rnor~tgage.
<br />1' preamis~>. the following things.
<br />1 , All payments on any note or other debt ser~„tred by this rreortg ge will be pasd
<br />when due.
<br />~'. An insurance policy for fire and extended coverage wiil be kept in farce on the
<br />prola~'r•ty in an amount at Feast equal to the debts secured by this mortgage-plus
<br />any other mortgages }fisted in paragraph ~a. The insurance company must be
<br />sati;sfactary to ~ammercial, and Commercial will be a named. insured on the
<br />policy
<br />. All taxes and. assessments on the property will be paid before they become
<br />delin~~unt.
<br />4, lVo waste wvill be committed on the prcoperty, and it will be kept in good repair.
<br />5. The property w11J riot be sold including by land contract), leased, anti no<
<br />interest in it will be assigned in any way.
<br />~.. I o~vru tkae property free and clear of any other rraortg~ges or encumbrances
<br />exc€~~rt: ~ ~i 1 ~ ~i r '~ "~~1 n "C
<br />7. No ocher mortgage or lien on the r ert ill be allowed to be in, ' a,~+l,f
<br />or be foreclosed, ~~ c. .t -f~('ll~/ t.o ~>v:cure the gum cat ~ , ,~t~r?.C
<br />if any of these premises are riot kept, then Commercial can declare all of the debt
<br />iinnrraediately due crud payable without advance notice.. The interest rate will increase tea
<br />19.~C} r~r en'Y greater rate allowable by !aw at ti~at time, grad this mortgage can be
<br />f~areclt~sed, if 'the debt is acc-elerated, tf~uen 1 also assigr~u any rent or other income frorsl
<br />the property Etta Coe~urr-ercial ,
<br />Gert~:in amounts can be paid ley Cor~amer°cial .and ~~udded to the. debt secured by this
<br />~~~or°tgage. "3"`l~uey are. any taxes car insurance 1 have agreed to lay but fail trap arty
<br />;~ttorr~ey fees: c!r court expe~uses Corrrrr-ercial pays i'F it is made a party 'to any legal ~~ctisar~u
<br />'~>r°ou~hC by someone else concerning the pr~taperty, and gray a'ltorney fees or court
<br />~~xpen 7e:~ ~nrhfc:l~u the law might alleaw if Commercial has to go to court against me to ccallect
<br />the csf>bt gar f~arec:l'~se this rnc~rt~ae. !f any cafi these things happen, then the additicana#
<br />~~Eebt will accrue interest at the earns rate as the rest caf the debt and mast be maid
<br />i~nmediat~ly.
<br />i t' ~M~7is prcaperty is ever ceanderraned ur~uder the p~awer of errulnerrt dcrmair7 or° any similar
<br />~et~~ac~ cat taking property for ~aubiic ~as~:, any prraceeds of the taking will be paid tta
<br />C~fnmer~cial ~.~p tca tt~e full aru~uc~unt of the debt secured.
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