<br />~~
<br />~3EF~ ~F RECQNSI~~'A:~IC~,`
<br />This ~.ed, ~ad~. ~h`i.s °~ ~ ~"'x,...:day ~~ , t9_,
<br />beL~een .~c~hn ~,.~ GJalf, '~rus~~+~ dirt Savings Campanyr ~rar~d Is~..and,
<br />I~e~araska, Ben~~z~ia.ry; arad Arhur_ Haselt~~ and: Maxine ri7. i~osel~on
<br />hu slaan~~ anc~ cw~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ch c~th:r a
<br />Tr~.3.s ~~~r(:g ~ .
<br />~u~he:r-eas, `~`ru~ der s } ~ for va~uabl.e ~c~nsa~dra~a.on ;and i:r~ order ~c~
<br />~~u.r~~ ~~~ ~ene`i~:iary the ~~aymn~ ~~ said va~.uak~le cansideratiar~, dial
<br />+~xcc~~~~ z~ '~rus~ de~~c~a which caas died an -5~-$,2 ,
<br />~ecar~:~erl in the e~~f~.c ~~ ~l~e e:~.er~ ~` the cc+v.nty a~ HaI.I. ,
<br />and i+~entr,~.~;:~.d as c~oc~ur;erx~ ~nva~ber ~a~2~5 ~
<br />C~nve'~r t~3 fius~ hip succ~:ssr~rs car assigrass a cer~a:~.n parcel cif real
<br />~~~at~~ d~zscr~.bed %n the sa~.d deed as atlas, ~c~~wa.~.;
<br />Lc~~ :`ire ~:'~} , Slc~~:~ :e 1 ~ , ~3a1~ ~c~h Subdivisi~~:,
<br />~:.~ i~al l +Caun~y ~ ~eb~aka,
<br />anc~ 1t~e said ~~a ~n~~y has been ~~~:~.~.~ laid ~.~ ~ea~e~::ic~:ary~ axed
<br />.~er~;~.~'~jf.citry hay ~`ec~uesed hats the sae c+~~veyed by ~:he said deed:
<br />c~ •,~a.s~ ~~ t~e in the sa~.d PraP~~ry herei~.he~:~ere s~ei,e.d anc
<br />d~s~ar~.be~E be nay rel.eaed ~ s~a.d `~r~,s.+ s~
<br />a~`hex~c.~:ar+~ ~.he ~xr~ders~:.~;nec;~~ "~'~ee, dc~s h.e:rey ~°eea, c~n-~
<br />~~~ ;~~~d ePui.t c~.ai~ u~~c~ said ~'rc.~stars) alb. rights., ~i~le~; in~r~~~.~
<br />claidr~ ancf dernaxad wh.~~scs~arez~ w~'tc~x he had ;ac.e~uatred, ixa and twk~~r~su~h
<br />t?~e a~jave-descri.hed deed ~ trr~~ t~~g~her ~~.~.~~ <~., a~apur~e~~x~cf~:~
<br />anti ~~r.~.vi..:i.e~,es ~hex•ent«~> hel~~ning cr a~~~rtMai~°ez.~:~.
<br />..
<br />.,. ~,, ~
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<br />f . N. ...~ a..-,:.. ......,.. ,
<br />+~MWWWM~iwAMAgWWix.wvww. .•. v~.w wtir Tp~+ww~nvuuwr~".4MgppNMINM.
<br />~a~~S~~t.~_~~~ anr,~ ~~~~n ~:~ ~~~z~c~r~ *~~ ~.h~~4 ,~K~,~. i:~~~r ±;t
<br />ry
<br />w'~: ~1 ~ 7+A , !,' = ...,a~..o6.~..~«,a,il..,.;:.;...,,,.~..~.,~.~w ,~.w~..+nra«n ~.a.iF,.,~...,.~..w,w...~.~«r~~.~r~.«,,:..w.~.,....>»
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