~~ 1 ~~~~~ w, ._; ~: ,~<~~ ~~~~r~ ;gym _ ., a.: ~c.:~~~ ~ hereby give ~~iVINIERC' IAL i"i;7ERAl_
<br />....~._,._..._._..W.wS ~~~ ~`aJ'.~~~~~~~~~ (~t~l11f't"'sE'C"+~3c"3~~ r3 PTi{}t"tc~c"iC„~e C; 1"1 t~"le ~"t~i#C?Wiflt,~ ~1r4'~~iE't"ty:
<br />~~~~`i~iGS ~~~~
<br />~.4.3a ..1~'~:i ~:,: .Ta ~~~r°:~„i~ ~~..~,,.{1'°" ~~,'s ltd .~ ..;~~ :~~~~:a 1~1~~ ~~~eC~~9ir'~~`.ti4 ~.i3 ~.a"~~=' t7~.;~ t~'~t~~""~t1d~ ~~~~"IG
<br />Ef rn~re t!'~a~n cane.. person signs this- r~~c+rt~ac~e, the v~~+rd aloe me~r~s :p,,{,u~,u
<br />~`i~:is ~~r~:~;ag se~ur~s a io~an ~rr~tle by ~cammer~ial. A ncate ~1a~ed the same clue
<br />tl~~i mcar•tgag~ +e~r~t~in~ thy- terms f+~r re~aymer~t: caf that i~~~. If that ncata is ewer hinged
<br />~r• re~i<~ceci by, t~ neav r~€at~:, it viii sti'ii be se~s~red icy this r~c~rtgege.
<br />~1"'C~~"S"ii.~r~' ~h~ ~"~"J~i~lNi9"3 .~~'14!"'i:
<br />'t < iii iayments can any r~~ate car c~the~r° cl bt secured icy ~:h~ r~~~artga~ge a~iil be ~aaicf
<br />when clue.
<br />,~,r7 ihsc~r~~r,c pca9y ft~r ~ir~e ncl etencled c~aver°ege ~iil ~e i~e~t ir7 farce en the
<br />pr~per~y in ~r~ r~~~a~at et least eq~t4 tea t:he debts se~a~recl by this ,art.gage Arius
<br />~*~~- c~the~^ mr~r•tgae~es listed in ~raragrah ~~he ir~saarartce carn~rany rr~ust e
<br />at~~fi~~ctcar to ~as~~smercial, ar°~d z~.crr~merc:iai ~~ll de r~arned insured can tk~
<br />Gael i c.~r ,
<br />:. ail t:~~a~es ar~d aser~~rents can the rca~erty viii de laid i~efcare they be~~r~e;
<br />c4elir~gue~tt.
<br />4. Nca uvaste enri l l be ~:~rr~ao~titted crn ~:he ~r°~apert:y , and i t v~ai 6 i ire Dept i n +:carad reps r• .
<br />The ~rcaaert'y ~~ill r~c~t be acrid ~ i~rciuain«~ dry lanc# ~:~r~tr~t)y leased, and nc-
<br />ir~~ter~est ire it ~;~iil be asigr~ecl in ~~rw~y ~~~ay.
<br />~a'. (lam a~~~wyyv~ayy the ~arc~~er•Cy free ~~r~c~ ~6er c~~ ~y c~her r~~+~r~:~e r e~rurt~brr~ce~
<br />e~~ ^{i~ 4~ ~r A,n iW ry ru '~.I~ 1 M `°i.pwW, r* Y n '~ x.ai.tl xle. IW. ;,.° x
<br />#a ~ati~er rncsrtgag err lien err the ~+rea~rerty Dili erre~r e a,llca~«~ea~ to be i~~~ de~auit
<br />r~r~ be t"ere~iesecl.
<br />- ~, ~ ~" ~ 6 carp declare ~~il ~' the detat
<br />if ~ cafi these rcam~es ire ~~~. e ~~ ~:.hera c~cra~~ierc~a
<br />rr~r?~ecf~t~eiy d~.~e arrd ~ryable ~wi,~hcr~.tt ad~ar~c~e r~tir~e, "~`l~e interest rate wru~ill i~ac~°eae to
<br />~c~,.i~~~ crr any greater rate ilcaw~abie day 1a° at that timc~F r~c~ this mertgage carp be
<br />~'~ureclc~.~c$, !'~ the debt + acc.eer~tecl~ the~~ i ais~ assign ar~y rent ar c~ther° it'1~Cr~T'le i„`rrar
<br />~~'~e l.~r°r~~~rty tc~ :~amrecii,
<br />~r~~~in ar~caurr~:s car-r lie aicl by ~~r~~.lercia! ~-~~r cue t~ ~:he c:lebt ~ecc~red y t:i~ai
<br />r~r'~.~J9'~e~r.~~~Ea. by ~wr ~"~'~ .`fie: ~r ar'~~~~•ar~~~~ce k ~~~+~`~~' agreed 4~ ~C~~/ 6~S~L ~~1 4~+p
<br />att~rr~~~~~ ~~es car t~:c~~.;r*'"t ea~ense ~~~~~ercai ys i~' iC ~ racle ~aa~"ty ~.a ar'ry legal ati~n
<br />~.:~~r'~L.I~~"~~_ ~lYr i:r;t'l~+t~w' ~i~." 4`;n~»~`'rnl~"i ~.i"1~' ~"C~ ~"tyr min ~'1y s~tlv~a~`"r8y i~"~ r C,~t~L~~`t
<br />t~agg •• +. ;, {" ~~; ~`l Y; l"~ C'. ~ _; 1~ 1 ~. ci l ~rVA~ C ~~ ~,,. ~' Cpl fl i r t;~ ~ l ~"~"~ ~ $;:r ~ ~t.C~ 7 t J ~'"..~; ~3 r c"3 6 I`~ .t ~~"1~ C? ~t~l l E' c t
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<br />~.4~~3~t ,4`,~~1 ~a~.:~;b~~.-0~ ~tteres. ~: the case rake the rest ~.,,i" the dent ar~cl ~°~rus ae paid
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