Warranty Deed, and said aurvivorship Vi'arranty Deed ,,,dth said,
<br />doaumentary stamps thereto affixed and the Abstract of Title
<br />shall be delivered -,,o the Buyer. The charges of the Escrow
<br />Agent shall be paid by Seller. if the Seller exercises
<br />Seller"s option to declare the whole of the indebtedness due
<br />1 ' I
<br />anc. ter ,his contract, together with any advances made by Seller
<br />as her4. ove provided, to become and be immediately due and
<br />palrable by reason of Buyer's failure to pay any amount due
<br />under the terms of this contract, or if Buyer shall aband=
<br />the Real Estate, Seller shal17 within ODA; (30) dan after
<br />rallng such exercise of Seller is option, notify said Eserlow
<br />Agent7 the First National '9,ank. ' . rand island, Nebraska, and
<br />the Buyer in writing, of Seller's exercise of said option,
<br />and said Escrow Agent, the First National E�an-kt (,,rand llsiand,
<br />`,Iebraakza,, shall here Don immediately deliver to Seller the
<br />Abstract of Title and Survivorship Warranty Deed here inabove
<br />referred to, and the Buyer shall return to Geller the Buyer's
<br />Contract for Conditional bale of Real Estate, if Buyer
<br />refuses to consent Q such del iver7 of these documents and the
<br />Buye.rl�?. Contract for Conditional Sale of Real Estate, then the
<br />Seller shall proceed to foreclose his nontract for Conditional
<br />Sale of Real Estate in the manner provided for by law.
<br />atis 2. Duties of ESC 0 Agent %.hor Default )f Buyer. Upon
<br />77-1
<br />sfa,ct�ory pr er default, 1, P erfor ming Buyerls
<br />duties and obligations as provided in this contract, and in
<br />accordance with she provisions of Paragraph (1) above in
<br />,JU,s NLRAGR PF, V11, , said Escrow AFent, the First National,
<br />Bank, ;,",rand Island, Nebraska. shall deliver to Seller
<br />all Of the documents above provided to to held by the Escrow
<br />A4ent emd a further duties �.kipon the of the Escrow
<br />Agent shall thereupon be terminated: and the Buyer shall
<br />likewise deliver to the Aeller the iuyerls Contract for
<br />Conditional Sale of Real Estate.
<br />&K.
<br />1. Seller. it -is zznderstood and, agreed that Ed,na M. Crow,
<br />a Widow, , tie to said Real Estate. it 'Jis flarther under-
<br />stt�-od and agreed that this contract is owned by Edna M. Crow, a.
<br />Widow.
<br />Buyer. It Is understood and agreed that the said
<br />bradle.,ir E and Maj�y A. !Nlorris, Hiusband and Wife, are
<br />acquiring title to said Real Estate as '
<br />Joint tenants witth
<br />riglht <X survivorship.
<br />IX.
<br />1� IT 13 MMALILY AGREED between fkyer arvi the Seller that
<br />t1le liuYer $hall not assign this contract without first obtainin�!
<br />the written consent of tl,*. Seller to s�,tch assirritent rd t1le
<br />Soller agrees not to withhold written consentwithout reasonable
<br />eume aud justification tf*reof.
<br />2. Eh�".r shall not encumber this contraot 1ri a.yVf mannerr
<br />or form without the express written consent o1' the -3eller and
<br />such ergo umbranoes (if this, 00n tract vIuill In xy,- way rep ult ;in,
<br />any im;wirment of the aeourity interest of the Seller in the
<br />property to t* coot yed by this contract.
<br />