_., ~~ '~~, ~TA"~~~I ~.nd v~4 e7~TS~H, ]husband and t'i'e, ~~heth+~r one ~-~r rrx:~x~~,
<br />h:r~isa ~~.~1~ t.h~~ ~S<:,,t't~ai~;Qr, anc1~~ Thy ~rlanc~I~t~,ti.c~n~1 Bank ~~f rrE~cS I;~~.<~.n~i, rr~tnt~
<br />il.~1~~1, ~lz'31 ~,C>T.~Y11;~', r,fe`~raC«9a~Rx t'li"~7.n 4t'.~.,~Lf~ 'CYI>~! ~'~71"~;~T,~~F~E', ~1E?3'"P'~J~? ~3,~.~'Pa=' c3..S $~)~..]C?4V:~:
<br />3. x~rt~a~cr e~ecu.t~d and. del:z~ered tc~ ~~rt;.ee a rea.1 estate mort~a~e
<br />'d~,#;4 ~.Sar~h. 2~3, I.~33Z, and. recorded can ~Sarch Z~:, 1:98Z„ as ~c~nt No. ~?--~c~11~~ ~.nd
<br />~~ ~~~c~utr»nt ?~Tc~. £~~-x'31149 ~.n ~h~ ~rfce cry the Re~~tr ref Tie<~~, Ha~~ Cr~~znt;y,
<br />~'~~.~.:~~~. , z n nsidera i.c~n jai a certa~,n r~krtga~e note der `275 , (~, i}Cl , dated ~~.rch
<br />Z~ ~ I~~~Z, ~; slid subsisting c~ali~atie~n cif the ~,rt~'~r, and payment cif the
<br />r.iricler c P th>~ prnci:pa:l and accx~xed interest thereon shall ~~ due accc~rdi:ng 'Go
<br />the tc~~,s c~ the ~~rr tinned real estate cmrt~a;~e, mr~di'iEd axed payable in the
<br />f c l ~uc~f i n~; manner
<br />A mi~x~.g~e note d~.ted ~ S~a~ch Z~ , 19~3Z , en c~i.ch ~. prine ipal balance
<br />~' $Z'~~a7.~ rema.i.~t„s ~zr~pa%d, w.l.l ~ r+pai.d as c~ll.rws: '1~he :first
<br />~~,mk~pt vta.l ~ ~ i.n t;h~= arr~ ~~tr, t. cif` :~Z~: , h9, h?, <z~~~pi i s-~ci i'i ~`st ~:c> t~ tc~r~~;t:
<br />~:st.a I ~stc'e to pr. incipa:l , d~~z , < -~a Jane Ea < 193:3 , Th~+ rcznai.nin~ payr~nt~;
<br />will be in the nn~ rat" ~.~. , 5f35. ~2, applied :S'irst icy interest-, balance
<br />pr. i.ncipn l dive cx~ C~ctc~~tr 1.9~Z , ~`ruarg~ ~ , 1.~~4 , ~~-y 31, 1.~3fi~4 ,
<br />ter Z~ , 19 .Tant~~. ~ Z~ m 1.9~5~ , and all rema i.n ink principal. plus
<br />accx~taed :interest evil I See tul ly due and pa~rdl e can ~~aV 2~ , 195 .
<br />Z. A7.1 +t~3er tee and. ~~andtir~ns ntai~ned in the uri.,inal real. estate
<br />m~~~:~~ d~.ted ~'#ar+h ZZ, 1.982, shall x°i.in the s and. this A~rxx3ificatc~n
<br />an€~ ~c~n~ci.{an A`e~rnent i.s ma,+ ~~ part tai the c~ri~inal real. ~=~sta~e mt~r~ae y
<br />rc~i`er~~1nc~ca and sha1:1. inure tc~ al ~ecessors and ~.ssi~ns ~.nd their heirs.
<br />fat this 8th day= of c~ntr, ~.~$~ , ~,. ~_
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