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<br />.. [k1YL/6~ ~J. ~iYf:7'.l'9 1,].:.G ~l~[~&~'+.~..3d.'~ ~3S1I-'~1., W '~ ~ , ~ ~~.~ e~ ..'~~ ~z
<br />., dL ~Li~~1~ Y.1 .~'.i ~ ? ~ : r ~/ " o~ . sa ~ ~l~'Sv i'~ ~~.' t, y'~I.~ , a~~',~.i~``~'~'iS."e ~ ~C`~ ~#~[~[a '"1.~+..4 t~+f v r~-i~ ~
<br />~._
<br />7~~~~~, t~''l~~ ~ a '~ ; ~~~~ ,~~ ', 'a~ ~~ r ~ ~ t +,~~~ ~_, ? . i" ~~r`~I~ r 1i~ ~T 1"~~ ~7 ~~,' 1.:~ti`€v zz <~~)~~~v ~`Il''~~~"~!~II~FtT I~'~i~~
<br />~ ~, r i" g1 ~ ~r a~J ~` '( ,'t,l 1:,7 pd j " ~rl"r ~' z'.t i i''(~~~~f5i 1 ~~~
<br />wtie~~;l~r rune az° x~:fre ~~x~k~i~ ~^~.1.1~:sd ~:~rt:'~a~~r~~;~ ea:~' ...._.,._.~1~~.1 ~1.
<br />~at~7Et;~ ~r~ ~t~te a~' ~vr~~~~>~x~~~~~.a ira s.,~uis~.r~er~.#ac~r~ ~t3~ ~:h ~~ ~' "~r~
<br />~. ~~
<br />..
<br />~9~ ~ a .~~_~~~~ _ ~~ ~ ~~~~ 6~~~a~~c;~1'tv~~ `~"ti~~~~uo~~~~~Ya~ a.t~~.~~ ~V~_~i ~ (a~~~.W.~._ ~_~_.,_.W,.~_._~...~..v_,~...,...~ w..,_.~,,..~~. __ }L.~tr~t3S
<br />irit~id p~~.d, c.1t~ her+~°hy `~"'., ~ ~~l'J'~'E"Y' tra 1`1~~. t)t'~~'~~~~1;~?) '~i;~'~'~'~~)'~F~f I~~~: ~:~~' _
<br />(~1~~'1TM~~:3 ~~i.:"~i'~), ~..~~°~~x~ti "~~:~;l~~:r~t~~~, ~~~~~,~~a<,.y~~ (~~~er~~.x~ t~~11~s~ M~jx~t~~~e~ of l~~ri~.l
<br />~t'Ya ~r~ t~~.te a~ ~e~rr~a.~tc:~~, tie ~c~~%a~va.n; c~r~a~~~~ ~a~~:~r#3.,~ ~3~~ua~t~~^d i~r
<br />Fi~::a7.:~, ~~~~, ~t~ Stake {~f ~aa~hr~~c;~, ~~.
<br />- :'~ `tr'at~~i~; ~,ty ?~~~~-c:~ o•E~r~~~~.~-,~,;~.r~° ~~ a~~~.t: ~°a ~~~e ~~r't..iit~r{,~~,~
<br />i.~:f~t"~t'r`?~"° tS~~ ~~C' ~errtl''4:;~1~~1~-:,c;.1`. (~il~_tl'""~'.+'" ~~4'.?r~~~1'?~ "~, ~"~~' ~~`^aE~C'~~.C
<br />T: ~~t~z° { ~+ ~ , ~~'c$~v~~~~, ~ k:~ ~~: ~~•ar~x~ (1.~: ~ S~~:r`t~.~., due ~~:r~e (~~
<br />"~' ~,~'3$et7~.~.~i .';~ Q ~~v~~ here~,};y' ~ i:~'t "~." 1,~ .~'eQ ~~le ~~~lt~l~,g
<br />a;ll. ~'~i~~ai.~s cad ~~~e~te~.d ~r~d ita r~t~.t~~, ~ ~~, to vua~re ~ extic~~s
<br />tc~ v+~~~.t~~~ l~k~rt~a~c.~r;~ ray ~ ~'he~c er~t~.t~ed under ~~ haw ar ~"e~~~~ b~i~i.
<br />~.~.~ ~r~. t~i~ x~es~ t tee
<br />~i~'~ e'er `~ ~ t~~e r~~~ c~er'; ti.th X11 th+~ ~ppurten~'!-ce~~ there--
<br />ur~tt~ ~e:~t:xngi.n~ w~tc+ t~ze ~~~~tr~ ~~ t~ ~~ar ~d ~~~s, ~c~~vr
<br />~ravi.dc~ci. &~.~v~Y~.~ d t~~e pre~r~~ ~ span 'the e,~es~ d~.ti~n that i~
<br />- . ~+.'i: i4.11[3I'? 2'l.~ 1''~~~t~Tl~-~ , i ti{~' . C~~' ~~~ars ~ thea.x' ~ ~~5 «
<br />}i~r ~;-r ,~ ~~bir~, g~ersan~.~. ~t:~~~r~~~°e~~t~t~.ve ~~xc~s~r:~ ar sue: shl~. p~~
<br />~r 4;'c~.`.i~.' ~~ ~~ ~~.~ ~~ ~r~(':~;~;~'e ~d Ga '~ °+'~1,.~~~~.~~""~"`a ~'1!~°" ~.~`i~~,~ ~Mh' ,~,7"15~4~ ~.1:
<br />~.~~s :~-r l ~o~~i. ~: ~aresently
<br />°u ,
<br />,wa.....~..,._... - aw..T ~
<br />v~~E ~ anc3 Lhe~ ~.'~ ~ lure ~van~ tc~ ~ ~i~n~'x°;~ ral~ ~°"~r~ry~ . ~ nc~
<br />...~.~,~..,...r.,.-~.-. ~°f„'.~i~~'~~~If'wi~ ~~..A, 1r~~~'h 4`t:~. ~~i~r4~ to r~'6.1 i~~~ m~ iY'~„li.~ja'r
<br />~€~t ~'e~:c~~.v.~.~ ~h ~s~t~~3~ w~~i~~t~ ta~~~tr~t~r ~t~ the rt ~~~t~.y adv~nc~~d
<br />'~"~~.~~. t'191:, k:7C ` ~: t~~41.~ 3t,tE;i t~31~ 1 ;4~"'} '° t. ~ ~ l t :~11 "1 :'~~ ~ ~'I ~y"1~:'t;rE'"~~ f.~'~"1~)l~«'~-'a~T"iC~ t3.1"`C'~
<br />.;~t>~iC3ti--~,_~_q...,~. ._~__. ~i].~4,t+~yl~t a~~y ~~r~~~) ~:{i..~z~~ ca~:1~r~~~~a3:~^- ~~:~t~t~-~w,~iyu~~{~t/~+~1.tW~q,~,~~~ (~~c,ra(yl~ay~/~ty'-~-q+~
<br />d~~+-~, ix ~. ]u F! .6.~~~~~f. ~ a~4L,~4+1°l~.k A~~~~j ~.~.~ ~,~A~a i..L:'.'.~~i.-7 '~w+~L. 4.~~1u ~,fe i..40#,~.w:74.70.J~n &AL/Sr ~~ '4wv.i.Liell.W ~$.fi.
<br />,~ut~1'~, ~~d~r~~r~~e(s~, Via. t~z~. '~ti~;~ynt iC~ta ;~a'tt~ 1~~.~~`n1: -the pie ~;~,~ ~~ trr
<br />to t~~~ sidvax~ees ~~~x'ed ~~ #;~~~.~ ~rc.~~°i:~;~e wild, ~ x°e~.d ~u;tr~rei~a ~ 'the ter#
<br />~f ~:tre ~rrr~r~.s~ ~at~.3(~'~ ~=v~d~°n~~~~~ x.ty~ ~rra aa~d k~+ ar~°~.~e 'r a~ tca
<br />t~ aray, at its t~~?t~a~l- I~~~.ke ~+~ttdTr£=' a~d~.tic~n~:l iv~rnee aid re~r~.nee ~i1d
<br />x~~ew ar extend nate(~~ ~v~denc;irz~; ~~iGst~,r~d.x ,ndekat~'a~~ wh~~a shall be
<br />~~ua:~ed I~reby; prc~vici~~d al=ly t~~t ~ he t~~;~,~, pr~.ncipal grunt caf unpaid .t~--
<br />deB~tE~ei~ s~~~~~ t7y this ~x~r. t~~e s~.li nc~t 5F cane tl exce~,~d the m°a~c-
<br />amcxu~t xbave stated ~i:~.s aeYy adv ~ p~ec:t the securltY"~ i'
<br />~+kirt~~r~ shah PaY ar ~t.~e t~ t~ ~~id, ir~tere~t and rrat~.aclda :~.;r~t~ is
<br />" 8 _ ' 3 .-1a :.-. mw ~e r'\°Y~ •r v-..Y~+t~ r-rrs <°rrro x~, f+f a*~ a4 ,~ ~ ~-~^ s~. ~w,r^~cv sa ren r~ - t+.'~~;^.§R_"~w`b[9f4 #" ~. y [~13f 1 +IP,~1i"'~
<br />Ltl ~.lJ{, [ (3.i.,w_L }.TKi.1 W.iIP Ll~t Ai;J' ~/1 .LLFw~w.~ liiJ.6 C~~?'^~'~.j..r. iLAi'iA A~A.i~~3. Wi~4rP#~".+:? iii.-tld Lb+7~a°~3diiwli 4ru .s.a,rx ,a.,*r..w
<br />~~~ sai.r3 reel eska.te a~ a1 at~Yer taxes and tents levied up~cxa ~,,:~
<br />': ~'~ fJr 'G~e d~~lt W1Y3.Ch '~f1I.:~ ft1C3T'r~y~R~.;E' :tom ~;21F~'Il 1~(? ~U~, ~,~"f)rf'' ~~'2~' ''~JeGC;YT'1~.'.3
<br />tlf.~lqueaca~ ,,~^~acl shs~11 keVep ~ny'}h~ai~.~^y±~~n€~; ansa~ ~-retn(.,~~.t i,~~a,u`~,g ~'~r the ~'~f,~,,.~#~
<br />1+t.~~~1~ ~iLl~ th~ex~oY W2.'~1'I ~USS...p.'~.g~'a.ble [w.M .~. 1~'i~ ~'~Jr L~~~i~.~. 1~ 'y. ~~'. ~1Vri. """'
<br />~~~, a:r bat~a~ tiz€~ .:these p~~ent~~ ill e u~~ et~~erava:~ c~ 3ae r~,;i.n fan
<br />~ttl~. ~~r+~e.
<br />lT IS ~~~ ~ { 1 ~ °~'2~t; ~.f l~rTtgag~rs s,ll fail try Pad h taxes
<br />al~d~ ;~.tch fnte.re~t ~, ar rmaturi~ installments of ~ria~ei ~ ~e Un ~~ rc~a° m~3-'t~-
<br />'e ~ prcx.~ su.~ ir~s~:racat: e , then ~nrt.gagee may ~Y h t~:s aa~d su~ti int
<br />~~~'G anal tc~t~'i.r,~ lns-tall~nts c~Y ~~rit~ci~aa~., die en such pr~.ar ~artga~e and p~-c~--
<br />r+e ~ i°t~nr.~; rind the ~ ~ a.dvun~ed ~ittz interest a.t- +. ~-~. ~~.~a~~ z ~ TfA ? :~~':a ~t.z,~?::
<br />~ .:€ t~ c~a t d~a e~y~.t; ~ ~~rc~~ i a~~~~; ct' ~-:r~x~~,°~-~•t, ~ ~! F,c~:) ~I1, '`~~- per ~~-~t ~°.1 ~ ~~ g~aid ~iy^
<br />~ax~~~~r ~ci ttais ~~~t~ shall stand as se~~u° it Sr far the ~~ , ( ~ ghat ~a
<br />~;.~.~~!~ tc~ p~t~ xin~ fz~c~t~t~dness, eit~~er ~r~.ncipa3 ar i:ateres#. se~:.~ared ~~° t~;is car
<br />a~~~` ~~ricar~ t;~, ~etx the s,~e hers Niue ar a fdi1 ts~ t~l~~ ~~th .;F
<br />#et~~ ~~t~i~ '~~#:s- shall ~~~,~ the wt~3e ~~~ ea f' €~~ney herein ~~~~ ~a
<br />ta~c: due a~ ~llectah:le at c~c~e at tai .~tiar~ ~~ the ~°t~'~-'•
<br />..,3~~
<br />