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<br />Afl.lilLQ.wledgement 200800383 <br />SIal8 01 N8braska <br />Counly 01 Ho,lI ss. I 'f: <br />On Ih8~day 01 NdvtM.Jt:r , 2008, bslors ms,_Wdtk J. J]'(t :s- <br />o Nolary Public wllhln and lor said Counly, psrsonally appsarsd DOUGLAS D. <br />FARGO, C.F.O./Exscul/vs Vlcs Pf8sld8nl of GLOBAL INDUSTRIES INC., 0 N8braska <br />Corporal/on, and 10 ms psrsonally known 10 bs Ih8 idonl/cal psrson whoss <br />slgnalurs Is afffxsd hsrslo, and Ihal h8 dId acknowlsdgs Ihs sxsculion Ihor80f <br />10 bs hIs volunlary acl and d88d, and Ihs volunlary acl and d8sd of sold <br />Corporallon and Ihal hs was ompowor8d 10 makB Ih8 abovs dsdlcal/on for <br />ond In bshalf of sold Corporalion. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOf, I havs hsr8unlo subscrfbsd my noms and affix8d my <br />officIal soal 01 Grand Island, Nobraska, on Ihs dais lasl abovs wrfllsn. <br />My commission 8xpl"s ..::rIM</. If ,;Jr;j/n <br /> <br /> <br />~' d~' <br />...."ld... u,;/;p' <br />-- ary Public <br /> <br />(S8al) <br /> <br />Acknowledgement <br />Slals Of Nsbraska <br />Counly Of Hall ss . 4 <br />On Ihs_Liiday O,-"M,~tJl>~, 2008, b8fors mstJ!}!::u...,,-u,i! a"'............ <br />o Nolary PubJ!.c wllhln a!J.d for sold Counly, psrsonally appsaf8d~ <br />.J:il[d..:&s.-'~""'\'I .......,A . and 10 mil pllrsonally known 10 <br />bs Iho Idonl/cal psrson whoss slgnalurs Is affix8d hllrlllo, and Ihal he dId <br />acknowlsdgs Ihs sxscullon Ihsr80f 10 b8 hIs volunlary acl and d88d, and Ihs <br />volunlary acl and delld of sold Counly and Ihal hs was smpow8f8d 10 makll <br />Ihs abov8 dlldlcation for and In behalf of sold Counly. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOf, I havs hsrsunlo subscrfblld my name and afffxsd my <br />offfclal ssal 01 Grand IslancfJ Nsbraska, on Ihll dale lasl abovlI wrlllsn. <br />My commIssIon sxpfrSS....;L~~. <br /> <br /> <br />.SJJ..l..'a X 0 , , 8 C 8 f tI fI c B..U <br />I h8r8by cllrllfy Ihal on Oclobllr 28, 2008, I complslsd on accurals survsy <br />of 'CONNELL INDUSTRIAL PARK FOURTH SUBDIVISION', In Ihs Cily of Grand <br />Island, Nsbraska, as shown on Ihs accompanying pial Ihereof; Ihal Ihs lois, <br />blocks, slrs8ls, avsnU8S, alleys, parks, commons and olhsr grounds as <br />conlain8d in sold subdivIsion as shown on Ihs accompanyIng pial Ihsr8af a" <br />wsll and accuralsly staksd off and markBd; Ihal Iron markBrs W8re placsd at <br />all 101 cornsrs; Ihat Ihs dim8nsions of 8ach 101 ore os shown on Ihll pIal; <br />Ihal sach 101 bsars ils own numbsr; and Ihal said survey was mods wilh <br />reforenc8 to "known and rllcorded monumsnls. <br /> <br /> <br />75irrfD:~rLtdsurveyor No. 578 <br /> <br />tlllofoval yt..... <br />Appravsd and accspl8d by Ihs Cily of Grand Island, Nebraska, Ihls...i~ <br />day oL6l...-\"(, 2008. <br /> <br />~WDr::~{W <br /> <br />1..1gal Oe~_illJ2..l..i.J2..I1 <br />A Iracl of land comprfslng a pari of Lois One {t} and Two (2), Conn811 <br />Induslrial Park ThIrd SubdivIsion, In Ihs Clly of Grand Island, Hall Counly. <br />Nebraska, mor8 particularfy descrfbsd as follOWS; <br />Beginning 01 ths norlh8asl cornor of sold Lot Two (2), said point also b81ng <br />Ihe norlhsasl cornsr of Iho Wosl Half of Ihs Soulhsasl Quarlsr (WI/2SfI/4) <br />of Soctlon fleven (11), Township [/8v8n (11) Norlh, Rangs Nins (9) W8s1 01 <br />Ihe 61h. P.m., in Hall Counly, Nebraska; Ihsncs running soulhsdy along Ih8 <br />sasl line of sold Lot Two (2), on on Assumsd Bsarfng of SOO'40'00"W, 0 <br />dIstance of Thrss Hundr8d Farly Four and Nlnsly Nins Hundr8dlhs (344.99) <br />f88I, 10 ths southsosl cornsr of sold Lol Two (2); thsncs running <br />S64'30'25"W, 0 dlstancs 01 SIx Hundred Eight and flghty Ons Hundrsdlhs <br />(608.81) feol, to 0 poinl on Ihs sasl line of sold Lot One (I); Ihsncs <br />running SOO'52'52"E, along Ihll east IIns of sold Lol On8 (I), 0 dlstonc8 of <br />Two Hundrsd and Ninsly Four Hundf8dths (200.94) f881, 10 0 point on Ihe <br />norlhwsslsrly rIght of way line of U.S. HIghway No. 30; IhsnC8 runnIng <br />S64'45'39"W, along Ihs norlhwsslsdy rlghl of way lIne of U.S. Highway No. <br />30, 0 distance of Four Hundrsd Twenly On8 and Flffy Seven Hundf8dlhs <br />(421.57) f88l; Ihsncs running S4I'50'26"W, along ths norlhw8st8rfy right of <br />way fins of U.S. Highway No. 30, 0 dislancs of Ssvsnly S8v8n and Fiffy NIne <br />Hundrlldlhs (77.59) fS8t, to 0 poInt on Ihs w8s18dy IIn8 of sold Lot Two (2); <br />Ihence running N 25'51 '49"W, along Ihs wsslsdy IIns of sold Lol Two (2), a <br />dlslance of Ssvsn Hundrsd Nlnoly Two and Ninsly Thf88 Hundrsdlhs (792.93) <br />f881, 10 Ihe norlhsasl corn8r of Lot Two (2), Connsll Induslrfal Park S8cond <br />SubdIvIsion; Ihencs running NOO'22 '09 "E, along ths wssl /Ins of said Lol Two <br />(2), a dislanc8 of Two Hundrsd Twsnly Thrss and Slxly Thr88 Hundf8dths <br />(223.63) feel, to Ihe norlhwsst comer of sold Lol Two (2); Ihence running <br />N64'OO '46 "E, along Ihs norlhwsslsdy /ln8 of sold Lol Two (2). a distancs of <br />Two Hundf8d Nln81y One and Sevsnly Nlns Hundf8dlhs (291.79) f881, 10 Iho <br />norlh fins of said Lol Two (2); Ihencs runnIng S89'OO' 19 "E, along Ihe norlh <br />IIns of sold Lol Two (2). 0 dlslancs of One Thousond Slxly Five and flghly <br />EIght Hundrlldlhs (1065.88) f881, 10 Ih8 polnl of begInning and containing <br />20.452 aCf8S mors or Isss. <br /> <br />Dedication <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thai GLOBAL INOUSTRIES INC., 0 <br />Nsbraska Corporation bslng Ihs ownsr of Ihs land d8scdbed herllon, THE <br />COUNTY OF HALL, NEBRASKA, b8ing ths Lsss88 of Ihe land dsscrfbsd hsrson, <br />hays caussd sams 10 bs surveyed, subdlvldsd, plallsd and dsslgnalsd as <br />'CONNELL INOUSTRIAL PARK FOURTH SUBDIVISION' in Ihs Clly of Grand Island, <br />N8brosko, os shown on Ihs accompanying pial Ihereof, and do hsreby <br />dedlcots ths sassmsnls, If any, as shown Ihsreon for Ihe local/on, <br />construclfon and malnlenonce of publIc ssrvlce u11ll118s, logslh8r wllh Ihs <br />right of Ingf8ss and egrsss Ihsrsto, and h8r8by prohIbItIng Iho planting of <br />Irees, bushes and shrubs, or placing olhor obstrucllons upon, ovsr, along or <br />undsmsalh Ihs surface of such sassmsnls; and Ihal Ihs lorsgoing <br />subdivision as mor8 parllcularfy dllscrfbsd In ths dsscdplfon hor80n as <br />app8ars an thIs pIal Is mods wllh Ihs trss cons8nl and In accordanco wllh <br />Ihll dllslrlls of ths undsrslgn8d OWn8r, l8$see and proprfetor. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOf, ws hays affixsd our slgnaluf8s hsrelo, at Grand <br />11YIl7}~:... Nsbraska, thls~day oLtio.lJ.a.M-6kA-, 2008, and Ihls_La-day of <br />~ 2008. <br /> <br />Global Industdlls, Inc., a Nsbraska Corporalfon <br /> <br />c... ~ /j(M'I D <br /> <br />argo, C.F.0.7[iiicutiv8 Vlco Prssldsnl <br /> <br /> <br />Th8 Counly Of Hall, Nebraska <br /> <br />U), fJ. "~/" <::111,-~~ <br />ChaIrman Of Ths Hall COiJNt/)trd Of Sup8fvlsors <br /> <br />CONNELL <br /> <br />INDUSTRIAL PARK FOURTH SUBDIVISION <br /> <br />- ~". <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ROCKWELL AND ASSOC. L.U. . ENGINEERING .t SURVEYING. GRANO ISLAND, NEBIlASKA <br /> <br />Sh.., No. 2 Of 2 <br />