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<br />200809097 <br /> <br />RESERVING, however, to the Grantor and its assigns, a perpetual and assignable <br />easement for the operation of the existing Government extraction wells (Well Houses EW -4 and <br />EW-5 located on Load Line 2 and EW-3 located on Load Line 3) and associated extraction water <br />lines (hereinafter "facilities") over, across, in and upon said Property at the location shown in <br />Exhibits "'AI" and "A2", connecting said facilities to the Government Pump and Treatment Plant <br />located in Section Seven (7), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth <br />Principal Meridian, together with access to the facilities for operation, monitoring and/or <br />maintenance purposes. The Grantee, its successors and assigns shall allow ingress and egress <br />across said Property for the purpose of transporting any and all equipment necessary to <br />accomplish the same. <br /> <br />RESERVING, however, to the Grantor, its successors and assigns, ownership and <br />exclusive use of the existing monitoring wells (GOOI9, G0020, G0047, G0066, PZ009, PZOlO, <br />PZOll, PZ012, PZ013 and PZ014 on Load Line 2 and the adjoining portion of Tract 36; and <br />GOOl7, G0045 and G0046 on Load Line 3 and the adjoining portion of Tract 34) located on the <br />Property together with access across the Property for the purpose of monitoring and/or closing <br />the said wells; provided however, Grantor agrees that it will permit the relocation of any or all <br />existing monitoring wells at the reasonable request of and at the sole cost of the Grantee or its <br />successors or assign to a location mutually acceptable to the Grantor and the party making the <br />request. A request is not reasonable if it is determined by the Grantor that the relocation(s) <br />substantially interferes with the Grantor's ability to accurately collect all necessary <br />environmental data. The Grantee, its successors and assigns shall allow ingress and egress of all <br />equipment necessary to accomplish the same. <br /> <br />RESERVING, however, to the Grantor and its assigns a perpetual and assignable right, <br />power, and easement in, upon, over and across the above described Property as follows: no new <br />water wells shall be constructed and maintained on the land for domestic purposes; no existing <br />water wells shall be utilized on the land for domestic purposes; and no ground water shall be <br />used for domestic purposes. Domestic purposes include human consumption, sanitation, <br />bathing, cooking, laundering, and swimming. Domestic purposes do not include crop irrigation, <br />watering of livestock, and fire control. Ground water means that water which occurs in or <br />moves, seeps, filters, or percolates through ground under the surface of the land. Grantor and its <br />assigns also reserve a perpetual right of access to any and all portions of the above described real <br />Property for the purposes of monitoring compliance with and enforcing said easement, including <br />the right, at the sole expense of the Grantee, its successors and assigns, to close and <br />decommission any water wells being constructed, maintained, or utilized on the land for <br />domestic purposes and to disconnect and remove any related pumping equipment, piping and <br />utilities. Grantor and its assigns shall have the right to enforce said easement in any court of <br />competent jurisdiction. In the event that explosive contamination in the groundwater, as <br />identified in the Record of Decision, is attenuated to less than the cleanup levels established in <br />Table 1 of the final revised Operable Unit 1 Record of Decision Amendment signed on <br />28 September 200 I, or any later amendments to this Record of Decision, the underlying fee <br />owner(s) may file a written application with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, <br />Real Estate Division, Omaha, Nebraska, for a written release of said easement. A copy of this <br /> <br />3 <br />