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<br />200808988 <br /> <br />E. It will not alter, extend, or modify the terms of the leases or give any consent or <br />exercise any renewal or option required or pennitted by the tenns of the leases without the prior, <br />express, and written consent of Assignee, which will not be unreasonably withheld by Assignee. <br /> <br />F. It will not tenninate, cancel, or accept a surrender of the leases, or transfer, <br />convey, or permit a transfer or conveyance oft he premises if it will cause a tennination or <br />changing of the obligations of lessee. <br /> <br />G. It will not agree or consent to any assignment of or subletting under the leases, <br />whether or not in accordance with its tenus, without the prior, express, and written consent of <br />Assignee. <br /> <br />H. In the event Assignee so requests, it will assign to Assignee any lease upon any <br />part of the premises described in these leases made subsequent to the effective date of this <br />assignment, and to execute and deliver to Assignee such further assurances and assignments in <br />the premises as Assignee shall from time to time require. <br /> <br />I. Assignee may proceed against Assignor directly and independently of lessee, and <br />the cessation of lessee's liability for any reason other than full payment shall not in any way <br />affect the liability of Assignor under this assignment, nor shall any extension, forbearance of <br />acceptance, release, or substitution of security, nor any impainnent or suspension of Assignee's <br />remedies or rights against lessee in any way affect the liability of Assignor under this <br />assignment. <br /> <br />SECTION FIVE <br />COLLECTION OF PAYMENTS AND RENTS <br /> <br />Until such time as Assignor may default in payment of the principal, interest, or other <br />indebtedness secured by the Note, Trust Deed or in perfonnance of any other obligation under <br />this assignment, Assignor may collect and retain all rents, income and profits arising under the <br />leases or from the premises, when such rents, income and profits are due and payable. <br /> <br />SECTION SIX <br />ASSIGNEE'S OPTION TO TAKE POSSESSION <br />AND MANAGE PREMISES <br /> <br />In the event of Assignor's default under and pursuant to this Agreement including the <br />requirement of timely payment on the Note, in addition to any other remedy as set forth in Neb. <br />Rev. S tat. ~ 52-1705, as the same m ay from time tot ime b e a mended, As signee may, a tit s <br />option, without notice or regard to the adequacy of the security and in addition to any rights <br />contained in the Trust Deed allowing Assignee rights to assignment of leases and rents, <br />personally or by its agents take possession of the above-described premises and hold, lease, and <br />manage such premises on such terms and for such period of time as Assignee deems proper and, <br />with or without taking possession of the premises, make demand and sue for all rents, income <br />and profits of the premises, with power to make from time to time such alterations, repairs, and <br /> <br />3 <br />