<br />200808988
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<br />as 'TRACT NO. 24" on a survey dated July 24,2001, by Lee D. Wagner, L.S. No. 557; thence
<br />deflecting left 900 23' 55" and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said
<br />'TRACT NO. 24", a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Seventeen and Sixty Three
<br />Hundredths (2,617.63) feet to a point on the east line of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of said
<br />Section Twelve (12); thence deflecting right 000 00' 12" and running westerly, along and
<br />upon the south line of said "TRACT NO. 24", a distance of Three Thousand Sixty Four and
<br />One Hundredths (3,064.01) feet to the southwest comer of said 'TRACT NO. 24", said point
<br />also being on the east line of a parcel referred to as "TRACT NO. 22" on a survey dated
<br />August 28, 2001, by Lee D. Wagner, L.S. No. 557; thence deflecting left 890 59' 20" and
<br />running southerly, along and upon the southerly prolongation of the west line of said
<br />"TRACT NO. 24", and also being along and upon the east line of said "TRACT NO. 22", a
<br />distance of Six Hundred Eighty Nine and Eighty Four Hundredths (689.84) feet to the
<br />southeast comer of said "TRACT NO. 22", said point also being on the south line of the
<br />Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of said Section Twelve (12); thence deflecting left 890 33' 17"
<br />and running easterly, along and upon the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of said
<br />Section Twelve (12), a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Nine and Sixty Five Hundredths
<br />(439.65) feet to the southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of said Section Twelve
<br />(12); thence deflecting right 000 00' 00" and running easterly, along and upon the south
<br />line of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of said Section (12), a distance of Two Thousand Six
<br />Hundred Twenty Four and Eighty Three Hundredths (2,624.83) feet to the southwest comer of
<br />the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of said Section Seven (7); thence deflecting left 00020' 43" and
<br />running easterly, along and upon the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of said
<br />Section Seven (7), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Four and Nineteen Hundredths
<br />(2,604.19) feet to the point of beginning
<br />
<br />AND
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4), a part of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (NWl/4), a part 0 f the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4), a nd a part oft he Southeast
<br />Quarter (SEl/4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: First
<br />to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEI/4); thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEl/4), a distance of Four and Ninety One Hundredths (4.91) feet to the ACTUAL point of
<br />beginning, said point also being on the a pproximate center of the right of way of AIda
<br />Road and the southwest comer of a parcel referred to as "TRACT NO. 37D" on a survey dated
<br />January 30, 2007, by Lee D. Wagner, L.S. No. 557; thence deflecting right 890 38' 52" and
<br />running northerly, a long and upon s aid approximate center of the Aida Road right of way,
<br />which is also a west line of said "TRACT NO. 37D", a distance of One Thousand Three
<br />Hundred Thirty One and Five Tenths (1,331.50) feet to a point of curvature; thence running
<br />northwesterly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 722.17 feet; said
<br />curve also being the approximate center of the Aida Road right of way; which is also a west
<br />line of said "TRACT NO. 37D", a distance of Five Hundred Sixty Two and Seventy Nine
<br />Hundredths (562.79) feet (long-chord = 548.66', long chord deflecting left 220 19' 31.5" from the
<br />previously described course) to a point of tangency; thence deflecting left 220 19' 31.5" from the
<br />chord of the previously described curve, and running northwesterly along and upon said
<br />
<br />12
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