<br />20 0 8 0. 8 9 0.8
<br />
<br />(C) "Lender,j is _l'i,.erOne Bank
<br />
<br />. Lender i~ a Savipgs B~nk" . ....: : : '.:. ..:.' . .
<br />orgfuuzed and '~x1StiDg \lrl.d;er ~he la~s. of ~r~~ 'sxi,lTB;~-. ~1r. ~R!CA'
<br />-'Lender's address is 'i23S ij $T~l!::rL:i:NCOLN.m: .l;iaSoB- ,
<br />. .' . ~. . ~ . : \ '. . ;. :.
<br />
<br />_.,1' .
<br />
<br />4ndeds ~be b~ne~piary. ~cler ritis ~Urjty 4is.tJ'1i:cijeot. .
<br />(D~n~~~i~~'.~s:. ~ _ ....~~e~ii~..~k: . . .- ..: _< .....:.. \.- _ . .". ... '" '.
<br />(E). "NQte" Ineans the p;rO:nllssoi'y J:!ote.~lgned'by Boi't~.wer aJ.1d dared Oc1<o~e;- -17, '.,.2QQ6": ._
<br />Tb.~' Not~.states.'.that -~Qrto.\l,Ief"{)\yes"l..e1'ldei '- ;s~~'t - Et':iHT : tt'HOP:SAN1;l - FIv;e: H~wiuliD _ ..
<br />
<br />,,~S~~€~%~~.~~:;~~~~J7i~~i~~~!~~M:f~~H ',' ','" "
<br />. -(I!)' .."~~p~rty" .~~s .f:he .pr~PeI'ty. tliahs a~scnQeq. J;i~I.Qw-.:~dei" '~f!. ~e&dWg '.?T;r~~rer ~(Ri$'btS-:ui. -the'. .... .
<br />."- -:l!joperJy::'. '.:.::- :." -'."::',.:':'. ....:.. .'. :......:: .:....:....;::.:-'.:. ;'. ..:' ...:." ........:.;..:" ':,:. .: ': ....: .....:.--, :....,'....
<br />. .. (G)'. !I~!l~" '~ei.ms 'th~ liept ~0deIiQCd .Qy)he Nbte/tiJ\!s-"i~ter~t,:-~ny 'p~ep~yWeri:t. 9hWg~$"~ri.1at~ c~a~ge.s' '. '. : _ _ _'
<br />~ ..~1Je.u#~~(tM.N~~~',:~.q.~hu~.'d~~:~ll~~tt~~.S~i1o/.~'~P~_tr:ll~~P~i.p~~fijlfei'.e~~-" .-"" ..;."....... '.:':'-:. ;'. :...:.... ". ":,' -_'<> ..___...:.
<br />. (U) '!liidei'all.-mel!os ill! R,ideis .tp this S~un.W.-'lijStilitne~t. fuitr.ate. exccu.ted l;lY.', Bot,row.er: tM f9UQwip'g... . .: . " -
<br />~.d~i~.'a~e.ti) ~~ exe~~~ed ,by :~brJO~~~""~91J~~.~~~: ~~\~pi~~a~l~):: _:' ., .~:.."c". ....... -.' . -" ..:.; ..... :. . .. '. .
<br />".: ":"0 Adj~s~bi~ 'R~~~'Rider '.0 ~~~d~D;\i~~~~:m~t:::' .":. ,', -....- -. :-:,t=fs~~ri~.i~oti1~ ~i.d~~ '.'_ - ...,'.
<br />.' D Balloon ~d.~r " '.' 0 Pl~eji Uni.t Peve~opmeX;t"Rid~r [i] 14 FlpXlily lUqer _
<br />.O'VkRidet .... 0 Biweekly Payment Rider:. .D Other(s) fsjJ.ecify]' .
<br />
<br />. . ..., , '. . . ,- -" '.' -.' - ". -- . - ...... , -. . '..
<br />
<br />, '.
<br />
<br />. (I) 1;~PP.i~Jjl~'- -L:~ll';'. ~~~~" ail. ~o~t~oi~ng. -'~~P~~l~ ':'feae~; . ~tii~e. -'~.d. l~c~i 'jia~~~, .:'fegUl~tionsl ._.. - '.
<br />. ordinanCes' and ~t~ativ~ tules ljn~ brders (tli.~t.ha~e t~~..effeCt QI law) as..w:eA ~. all appHcable.fm;rl, _. .
<br />-rion~appeaiable jUdici.aJ-opiniOtl$.' . . .' '. ...... . . . . : . , .
<br />(J) IlComimjriity 'Asso~~ation Du~. Fees, and ASs~$lneil1S'" me~ ail d~es, fees, aisesimients and Ql"h~r
<br />chl!fges ~at. aie 'inlp:oseq -on. ~OJ;tower or' thi J!'roperiy 1;Iy a .clindoftJipium . asl>oci~tio~i. ~or,ueQwners
<br />assocll1ltion or siJnilar orgamtatioIi. _ '.' _' : .' ..... . . . '. - . . . ..' .'_ ". .
<br />(K) "ElectrOn~c FUnds Triuisf~r" mean~ ilny' ~s~er .(i funds. a~her thaI{ a -:r):aUsac[i~:)Ji - Qriiin.a~ed . by
<br />check, 'd!aft;. or.' si,rn,ilar' pap~r insrru.n1ent, w:hi~h is initiate4 thi'Q~gh ai;1 ~le.c.ti6njc .ter~~J ,. feleph.anic
<br />in~~nt, ~mput~i:, or. 'magnetic ~ape. so. ~ to .or_4er, . iDstiuC~, or .~HtJ1ori~e -a ~~lIftciaJ. mstilu'tj.OP. ta '~e.bit
<br />. or cr~H an aCCOunt: Such.tenp includes, but is not limited .to; p'oirit-of-sale transfets; - automated -teller
<br />madAine ;:traj1i;a~tioris. transfers initi~~eq by .telephoni("wire transfers," ana autoin!lt.ed "blearin~olise
<br />tr8nsfers: .':. . .' : ": . ..... ~.. . ..... '..: ':'. ... '.. ..... .
<br />(1,,) "E~Cf~iwltems" fueans those. items that are de~Cri~ed in Section 3;' -. . .'. , ,"
<br />. (l,\1). ~IMisceUaneO~ 'Pr:oc~'i niean~ any taD11lensatio'i!, se.tt1~lIj.ent,. aw~td'(lf aljmages,'Qr prqcee.ds paid .
<br />. by any. 'third p~ly- .(~ttier t)J,an insUrance proeeedspald. Up,der the ~overages -desCribed iiJ' Section 5) .far: (i)
<br />4amage. to, or d~truCtiOD of, .the Pioperty;'(ii} 'condetniJation or other. ta~ing' .of 'all.ot any pait -of the
<br />Properly; -(ii~) cOllveyance in'lieu of COildj;lIIl,lation: 9f' (iv) misrepresenta~iolis of; or .orriis:iipllS 'as to, the . .
<br />~a1ue ani;l/o!'CoI).dition of the PrQpeny. .'. - ..' ',.'. '. . .. ." . . '.
<br />(N) . "Mortg~g~ In~Qrancc'" meanS .ins\)ianee prot~~rig .Le!1der against the nonpayme:nt ~f, or defil:ult on,
<br />.tp.e Loan.' ... . ..-' '. '.
<br />
<br />. .. .. --. . .. -
<br />. . .
<br />
<br />-. ~. _. - 'n_. _ ~
<br />
<br />\_L.
<br />
<br />, -. - . n' ,.~
<br />
<br />e"6INEIIOJl071.02
<br />CiI
<br />
<br />'P.o. 21li 15
<br />
<br />'In;ll~ls;' q.lr:'i .
<br />-~
<br />
<br />0110283173 .
<br />
<br />'form 3~28 -',io,
<br />