<br />200808804
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<br />4048504390
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<br />If Borrower ahandons the Property, Lender may rile, negotiate and settle any availahle insunmce claim and related
<br />mallt'rs. If Borrower docs not respond within :10 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a
<br />clainL then Lender may negotiate and settle the daim. The :lO-day period will hegin when the notice is given, In either event,
<br />or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to
<br />any insurance proceeds in an anlOunt not to e:\Ceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instnlluent, and (h) any
<br />other of Borrower's rights (other than the right to any rctimd of unearned premiums paid hy Borrower) under all insurance
<br />policil.:s covering thl.: Property, insofar as SUdl rights arl.: applicahll.: to the coverugl.: of till.: Property. Lender may USl.: the
<br />insurmll.:e I)fOl.:l.:eds either to rl.:pair or restorl.: thl.: Propert\' or to puy amounts unpaid undl.:r the Note or this Security Instrument,
<br />whether or not thl.:n due.
<br />6, Occupancy. Borrower shall Ol.:cupy, estahlish. uml use thc Propl.:rtv as Borrower's prinl.:ipal residl.:nl.:e within 60
<br />days after thl.: l.:~l.:l.:ution of this Sl.:curity [nstnlml.:nt und shall continul.: to occupy thl.: Property us BOlTower's principal residence
<br />ror ut kust one vear uncI' lhe date of occupancy, unkss Lt'nder otherwisl.: agrees in writing, which consent shall not hl.:
<br />unrcusonublv withheld. or unless e~tl.:nuuting circumstances exist which ure beyond Borrower's controL
<br />7. Preservation, Maintenance llUd Protection of the Property; Inspections. 13oITower shall not destroy, damage or
<br />impair thl.: Property, allow the Proper tv to ddl.:riorate or commit waste on thl.: Property. Whdher or not Bonower is n:siding in
<br />thl.: Property, l3orn.lwl.:r shall maintain the Property in tlrtler to prevt'lll the Property rrom deteriorating or dl.:creasing in value
<br />due to its condition. {lnkss it is determinl.:d pursuant to Scction 5 that rl.:pair or restoration is not economically feasible,
<br />Borrower shall promptly repair thc Propl.:rty if damagl.:d to uvoid furthl.:r deterioration or damagl.:, If insufanl.:l.: or condemnation
<br />procel.:ds aft' paid in connl.:dion with dallHlgl.: to. or the taking of, the Propl.:rt\', BO!Towl.:r shall he rl.:sponsible for repairing or
<br />rl.:storing the Propl.:rty only if I,cmkr has released procl.:l.:ds for such purposes. Lcmler may dishurse procccds for the repairs
<br />and rl.:storation ill a single payment or in a series of progrl.:ss payml.:nls as the work is completed. If the insurance or
<br />condemnation proccl.:ds are not sufficicnt to repair or rl.:store the Propl.:rty, Bonowl.:r is not relil.:vl.:d of Borrowcr's obligation t<Jr
<br />lhl.: completion of such rl.:pair or restoration,
<br />Lemkr or ils agent may make reasonahk l.:ntries upon and inspections or the Propl.:rty. If it has reasonabk cause,
<br />Ll.:mkr mav inspect till.: interior of thc iIl1provements on thl.:Propertv. Ll.:mkr shall gi\'l.: Borrowcr notice at thl.: time of or prior
<br />to such an interior inspection spl.:cifying such rt'(ISOTHtb1e causl.:,
<br />8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrowl.:r shall be in tldault if, during the Loan application process, Borrowl.:r or
<br />any persons or entitil.:s ucting at thl.: dirl.:ction of BOtTOWl.:r or with Borrower's knowkdge or consent gave materially false,
<br />misleading. or inaccuratc inrormation or statl.:Il1l.:nts to Ll.:mkr (or /i.tiled to provide Lemkr with matl.:rial information) in
<br />connection with tht: Loan. Mall.:rial represenlations ine1ude, but art' not Iimill.:d to, represl.:ntations concerning Borrower's
<br />OCl.:upll!ley or the Propl.:rty as Borrowl.:r's principal residl.:ncl.:.
<br />9,Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property llnd Rights Under this Security Instrument. If (a) Borrower
<br />rails to pl.:rfonn the covcnants and agrecIl1l.:nts contained in this Sccurilv Instrument, (b) there is a kgal proceeding that might
<br />significantl\' affect Ll.:ndcr's interest in the Property amI/or rights umkr this Security Instnuul.:nt (such as a proceeding in
<br />bankruptcy. probate, for comkmnation or forfl.:iture, I'or enforcl.:ment of a Iil.:n which may attain priority over this Security
<br />Instrunll.:nt or to enforl.:l.: laws or regulations), or (c) Born\\\l.:r has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for
<br />whatever is rl.:asonable or appropriate to protl.:ct Ll.:ndcr's interl.:st in the Propl.:rty uIld rights under this Security Instrument,
<br />including protecting and/or assessing thl.: \'aht(; of the Propl.:rty. and securing and/or repairing the Property. Lendds actions can
<br />include, but arl.: not limited to: ((I) paving any stLlns secured by a lil.:n which has priorily over this Sl.:curity Instrument; (b)
<br />appt:aring in court. and (c) paying rl.:as<mable attoml.:Ys' fces to pwWct its interest in the Propl.:rty and/or rights under this
<br />Security Instrument, including its securl.:d position in a bankruptcy procl.:l.:tling. Securing the Property includes, but is not
<br />limitl.:d to. entering the Property to makl.: rl.:pairs, changl.: locks, replace or hoard up doors and windows, drain waWr from pipl.:s,
<br />eliminate huilding or othl.:r code violations or thmgerous conditions, and hayl.: utilities tUfI1l.:d on or off. Although Ll.:nder may
<br />!lIke action umkr this Section 9, Ll.:ndl.:r does not havl.: to do so and is not under any duty or ohligation to do so, Il is agrel.:d that
<br />I ,emkr incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authoril,ed undl.:r this Section 9,
<br />An\' amounts disbursl.:d by Lender umkr this Section 9 :;hull become additional dl.:ht of Borrowl.:r secured by this
<br />Sl.:curity InslnnnenL Thl.:se amounts shall bear interest at till.: Note rate from the date of dishurseml.:nt and shall hl.: payable, with
<br />such inlerest. upon notice from L,l.:nder to BOITo\\'l.:r requesting puvmenL
<br />If this Security Inslnunent is on u leasehold, Bommer shall comply with all the provisions of the kase. Borrower
<br />shall not surrl.:nder the leasehold estate and inll.:resb herein con\'l.:yed or lenninate or cancd the ground kase. Borrower shall
<br />
<br />NEBRASKA--Singk Family--Fa""il'1\be/Freddil' !\l;,l'IINIFORM INSTR\T1\'1ENT
<br />I\!odifil'd ror V..\
<br />~ :QX.2 Page (, or 12
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<br />Form J028 I/Ot
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