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<br /> <br />EXf{tBIT ;A" <br /> <br />:\1: <br />I'" <br /> <br />PARC~L 1~ Part 0' the $outh$Bst Qu~rt~r of't~a Southeact Quarter (SEll.' <br />5El/4) of ~ectlon Tw~nty (20), Township Eleven (11) NQith)' Ranoa ~ins (9) <br />Wast of the 6th P.M.', in the city of Gl'and Island.. Hall county, Nebraska, <br />mOTe pBrticul~rly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south <br />line o-f said s'9ction rwenty (20), said point beine onlllHundred Seventy Five <br />(175.0) feet We'!lt of the southeilst eorner of sa-ld section TWenty (20),; thence <br />Westerly along the South lIne of said Section Twenty (20), a Di$tance of. One <br />liundred Eighty (180.0'- feet; thence Norther.J.y parellel to the East line of <br />add Section Twenty (20), a distance of Three Hundred ThIrty 'I'hree (333'.0) <br />feel:.; thence Es'ster!y parallel to the South line of said Section Twenty (20). <br />s distance of One Hundred Eigt)t,y (laD .0) feet I to the Wast line of Arthur' <br />Street,i' thence southerly along the west Une of said Arthl,lr Street, a <br />distance of Thr99 Hundred Thirty Three (333.0) feet to the place of <br />beginning. ' <br /> <br />'PARCEL 2: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the' Quarter (SE1/4 <br />SE1/4) of Section Twenty,(20), Township Eleven (U)"North,. Range Nina (9) <br />West. of the 6thP.M.. in the city of ,Grand Isltlnd, Hall County, Nebr..ka. <br />mOTe part.icuial"ly~ellJcribed BS follows: BeginnIng at the SouthWEle,t corner of <br />add ,Sol.lthust Ou'arter of the, Southeast. Cuarter (SEi/4 $E1/4) i thence <br />northerly along the west 'lIne of seid Southeast QUarter of the southeast <br />Quarter (SE1/4 SE1/-4). a distance 'of One Hundred Forty Sev.en and Four <br />Hundredths (147.04;) feet. j t.hence def laci:.inlJ right 90 degrees 00' and running <br />eal'lterly along a line'One Hundred Six (10'6.0) feflt, south of and pa'r'allel to <br />t.he South line of D.sI Manta Avenu.e. a distanc€l of Two Hundred Forty and ' <br />Savanty Five Hundredths (240.75) f~,tJ thence deflectIng left 45 degrees 06~ <br />and runn! n61 northEl..ster ly, along a Hne One Hundred Twenty six (-126.0) feat <br />5outhel'lsterl)' from a nd parallel to I~he southeaster! y '11 ne of Del Monte <br />Avenue, a dist.ance of Seven Hundred Twenty Seven and s1xl:.)' F'lv.e Hundredth,s <br />727.~5 ,feet; -thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00' and running northwesterly, <br />a dit!l~anCe of six (6.0).feet-, to the Southwesterly corrwr of Lot One (i), <br />BlOCK Five (5), Bel Air Addition~ thence northe~ate~ly along the <br />goutheasterly line ofs81d Lot One(l),e distance of Sixty and Seven <br />Hundredths (60.07) feet, 'to tha Nort.hwesterly corner of Lot -Twenty (20), <br />Block Flve (5), Bel. Air Addition; thence Southeasterly a10-ng the <br />Southwesterly line of sald Lot Twenty (20) and its prolongatIon. a diet8n~e <br />of One Hundred Fifty (150.0) fe~t, to a point. on the sa~th line of Delmar <br />Avenue; thene-e easterly along the south line of sald Delmar Avenue, a , <br />distance of Eighty (80.0). feet;. thence running Southwester ly along the arc of <br />a curve whO$e, radJus, is'90' I an arc di5t~nce of Seventy and Sixty Eight <br />Hundredths (70.-66) feet; thence southwesterly parallel to the 50utheasterly <br />line of said Del Monte AVe~ue~ e distance ~f Fifty (50.0) 1est; thence <br />deflsc.ting left 90 degrees 00' and rtinning s6uthsasterly a distanc~ of One <br />Hundred Fifty (150.0) feet; thence deflect.(ng left 90 degrees 00' and running <br />northeast.erly, a distance of Forty sill end nfty Eight Hundredths'(46.58) <br />feet; thence running southerly along iii line Three Hundred Five (305.0) feet <br />we~t of and parallel to the east lina of said Section Twenty (20). a d!gta~ce' <br />of One Hundre-d Pifty Four and Thr'ee Hundredths (154.03} feel:.; thence west,arly <br />parallel to .the south line of, said Section Twenty (20), a,distance of Fifty <br />(50.0) feet; thence southerly parallel to theeest line'of l!ll!lid section <br />Twenty (20), a distance of Three HlIndred Thirty Three (333.0) feet. 'to t.h", <br />south line of said Section Twenty (20); thwnce Westerly along the SouLh I1ne <br />of said Section Twenty (20)". a distance of Nine Hundred Seventy and Seve-n <br />Tenths (970.7) feet to the place of besinning. EXCEPTING therefrom tracts of <br />land convey~d to the City of Grand Island, Nebr~6ka by Warranty D6eds <br />recorded in the Reg-.i,ster of Deeds' Office as Document NO. 83-0021Q2, 63-002104 <br />and e3~004705. ' <br />( CONTINUED) <br /> <br /> <br />',. <br />. <br /> <br />200808606 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />ii'..: <br />...~' <br />;~- " <br />~I'~ <br />~:-f;;. <br />~...-. <br />~~J;." <br /> <br />. "'~l. "I 'I . <br />