<br />~
<br />
<br />200808565
<br />
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />Legal Description
<br />
<br />A tract of land In the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) 01 Section Five (5), ToWMhlp Nine (9) North,
<br />Range NIne (9) West1;lf the 6- P.M., Hall COlJnty. Nebraska, and desctlbed as follows: Beginning
<br />'at a point on the north right otway of U.S. Highway No. 281,llllid point being 56.9 leet north of
<br />the southeast comer of the Southeast Quarter (Se1/4) of SecUon FIVe (5); thence westerly along
<br />said north right of way line a distance of 1,307 felltlo a point on said north right of way line and
<br />being 49.2 feet north of the south One of said Southeast Q!Ja~er (Se1/4); thence I\.Inolng northerly
<br />and parallel 10 a line through tho center of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of 33.8 feet; .
<br />thence westerly and paraUelto the sOl.!lh Roll of said Southeast Quarter (Se1/4) IS distance 0125
<br />leet lei a point on a IIne,through the center of tha Southeast Quarter (SE1I4), also being on the
<br />corporate IInl!l 01 the Village of Donlphan; thence n~erly al9nq the corpol1lte dne 01 the Village
<br />of Donlphan. al60 6elog on a line through the center of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a distance
<br />of 691 feet; thence Westerly along the corporat& line 01 the Village of Donlphan and palllllello the
<br />sou!\lljne of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a dlstanca 01761,5 feet: thenca north~r1y along the
<br />corporate line of the Village 01 Doniphan and parallel 10 Ih, east right ofVf3.Y line of tho Union
<br />Padflc Railroad iI d1stenr;e of 407 feat; thence westerly along \he corporate llna of the VlUag., of
<br />Donlphan ana parallel to the south line of said Southeast Quartsr (SE1/4) a distance of 461.0 feat
<br />10 a point on \he eGlIl right of way llna of \he Union Paclfic Railroad: thence northerly along the
<br />east right of way line 01 the Union Pacific Railroad a distance of 4,59.4 foe~thenc;e easterly and
<br />paraUel to \he f!orth Una of s'sld Soulheast duarter (Se1/4) a dlslanca of 610 feet; Ihlln~
<br />northerly alld parallel to \ha east right of':IRI nne of the Union Pacific Railroad a cflstance of 265.5
<br />feot; !henea easterly and parallel 10 the north line of saId Southeast Quarter (SE/1/4) a dlstanca 01
<br />350 leet; thence northerly and parallel to the easl right of way line of the Union Pacific RaUroad a
<br />distanca of 700.0 !'eet to e polnl on the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4); Ihence
<br />easterly along the north Jlne of said Southeast QuartClr (SE1/4) 8 clistanca of 1,583.1 feel to the
<br />East Quar1er c::pmer of said SecUon Five; 1hanc;e Southerly along the East line of said Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE1I4) a-distance of 2,588.5 feet to the point of beginning,
<br />
<br />AND
<br />
<br />Commen!?'ng at tho Southwesl c;omer o{ Lol "Twenty Nina (29) In Scudder's Second Addition to
<br />. tho Village of Donlphan, Hall County, Nebraska, \hence no~erly along the west boUnd~ry fine of
<br />said lot "'('wentv' Nine (29) and continuing In III straight northerty line, extended, from the northWest
<br />c;alfler of said Lot through and across the street abutting the north side of said Scudder'S Second
<br />AddlUon 10 the nOM boundary line of said strllet, being Cedar Street; thence at right angles In an
<br />easterly direction and along !hi! north boundary line of said street. being also 11111 north corporale
<br />boundary line of the limits of the VIlIagll of Doniphan at this poInt. lind, continuing 10 the northeast
<br />comer of the corpora!e limits of said Village, being the Northeasl comer of the Inlarsectlon ,of sald
<br />street with South Street; thenr;a in a southarly dlrecUon along and upon the east bOun,dary line 01
<br />South Street, being also the corporate bounda/)' line of said Village to a point dIrectly east of the
<br />south fine of Lots Eighteen (18) \0 Twenty Nine (29) extended, thenca west, across and through
<br />South SlJ'eet and c;Onlinulng a10na and upon the south IIna of said Lots Eighteen (18) to Twen~'
<br />Nine (29) of Scur:!der's Second Addition, and baing the north nne of tha alley abuWng this
<br />addition. to the point of beginning. 3S1d lois In said Scudder's second Addllion noW vacllled, and
<br />said lalld beln.9 II part a.' the Southeast Querter (SE1/4) of SacUOn 5, ,Township ,9 NorUt, Rallge 9
<br />Wesf of Ihll (t" P.M., Hall COUII/Y" Nebraska
<br />
<br />'EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Kansas-Nebraska Nat~ral Gas Company, Inc. In Deed 105,
<br />Page 240, described as: A small tract of land In the e..st half of the South....st Quarter 01 Section
<br />5, Townshlp g North, Range 9 West of the 5111 P.M., descrlbad as foDows: Beginning at the
<br />Southwest comer of said Easl half of southeast Quarter. thence North 83 feet; thence East 25
<br />feet: thence South 83 feet; thence West 25 feet 10 lhe place 01 beginning, subJacl 10 Highway
<br />right of way of tha south 33 feet, and exCEPT. trIlIct of land comprising a part of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE 1/4) 01 Section five (5), TownshIp Nina (9) North, Range Nine (II) West of th~ ft'
<br />P.M., In Hall County, Nebraska, more partlc;ularfy descn'bed as f9DoWs: Beginning at the
<br />Northwest comer of Block One (1), Madelln Fry's Addition to Donlphan, Hall County. Nebraska;
<br />thence running northerly along !he easterly right 01 way line of the now abandoned Sl Joe and
<br />Grand Island Railroad, on an assumed bearing of N 01 "04'10-W, a distance of 467.00 leel. 10 a
<br />point on the east line of Lot One (1). Block Two (2), Donlphan Railroad SubdivisIon, al1d'lo tha
<br />ACTUAL point of beginning; thence Nnnlng N01001'50-W, along the eastllna of Lol One (1),
<br />Block TWO (2). Oonlphlln Rllnrosd Subdivision and Us extension, a dIstance 01475,28 feet; Ihence
<br />runnIng N89016'2B"e, a distance of 466.89 feel; thence running S01002'42"e. a distance of
<br />413.19 reet; thence llJllnlng sag"01'o7W. a distance of 467.00 leet. to the ACTUAL point of
<br />beginning. nOW known as Lot 1, Hayes FamDy Subdivision, HaD County, Nebraska
<br />