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<br />Inst 2002... 1 0 11 9
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<br />200a00184
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<br />200808223
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<br />ElChibit A
<br />L~I.l DlISC!rllltian
<br />F-196814
<br />
<br />N01;'tA hall at t.h.e SbLltbsBGt Qu.llrt8iC' CH1/28El/4) af tactian Ttro C2}
<br />Tow;hip TGa Cl0) MDJ:'th. la.l\!1! !'walv~ CJ.Z) Velt f:21 tM 5th.. P.M.. t 1a.1,1
<br />CO,un!;,.. Nebt'4'o I atl.d NOJ!'thweft qUL%'ter a: ~. Sou,the.ll.lt Qlmrt~r
<br />Cmll/UE.l!4) <<nd l.ol:. One (1) Iud be (2) Hc.iAland., a.U z.,ot Onlt (1) Or\.
<br />It.1.Bht :B&ftk of lfortb. Ob.&ftI.\d af Flatt. R.1'trar. &11 in SSa::t..1.OIl Th.trt,...:wo
<br />C32.>. town.hip 1'en (1.0) ,N'Os:'l:.h, Ran,e Eleven (1l) Wast. of tb.e 15th. P.M.,
<br />H&l1 co~nt~1 Hthr.ak1.
<br />
<br />1.IOU Ho. 1, 2, 6 pc!. 7. in section 4. to\msh:!.? ~ north, lltagoS 111, goegt-Of
<br />t.b.. Sixth :P.Ii., lIuttda Count,., Heb:t'&lIkllt an' 14ll.llll' aC:CJO'eted. therua,
<br />E:lX:l!lpUa.g Thueftom These Ll!I.ndlrz A t:c'ACt of land lclc&tnd. in I&U Len... Ii
<br />And 7, c~nh.fl:llng 2.3.81S a.cres. morlt Ot'lll:lll, and alaD at,J;l\I,C:I1:. 0: tabd
<br />4Clcreud to sd.cl lollt' G and. 7. c:ontAtn1nl:' 62..:1.4 IlQteli I lIlOra or lor;;, , vh10h
<br />11/'" eluded 1:11 tht: 1I:ud. J'Qhn e. Kilty and Ma~tl.. Ii. lU.Ltr a.ll KZ;&ntD~1: t.o
<br />th. StatA of M.br.$ka. .~ &rantee, by . d..ad cQut&ining th. d8s~~~ptiDn of
<br />t.he lAftd .in _ta~ And. bounds, whioh 'Wu d.acelli ~:t'eh nth, UGz, anc1
<br />~.r:o~Q.ed "pon. Ma.:t'ch ~O~h, UU P'-ft tho Duel ~ecDdlt of tha aQt1~t'r of
<br />>>oadt of .aLd Count,. in B~ok J.74, at Page S89, incl~dlaa 158 &~rel. mb~c
<br />or leSE.
<br />
<br />AND the fallo~~s Qo1l:Qribec1 :1!I&1 propert, located 1D ~Q COqn~ of
<br />Shum4Sl., Sta ta of Nebrll.tk:L: Tb~ iOU.l:b,llut q13rt.er (SEll 4) af Sl!l.!::t,;i.on
<br />S'wmt:1 (2.0) ami. the Rorthe&ct ql.1&:c't.cr (NJ:1f4) of Saad.oD. 8Ii1v8'&L'teau (17) I
<br />l!:=ept t.hG trAot Qonveyad to the. St&t.e of xabZ;OASI!:&. by dead racot:d.ed. iJ.'l.
<br />Book lei, Pt!.$C 2.74 Cl~ X1..c3 hCQ;Us af ShGr::man CDCty. Nebraska, and. UCllpt;
<br />t:I:'ACt:, cctlveyed. ;0 the Sta.te of Vllbruka by VUl:ant:.r "IelS ncoL"'4.cl Augu.1t
<br />:l.6. 1972, .in look "', PaIS S52' af De.ed -1lecOrdt of Iud CCllmt:". ul ;in
<br />';l:WIl.lIh.i.p Thir:efln (13) S,,:n:b., lLI.II.I4 Pourt.ee>>. ~14 J 'W1!I&t, of. tb,e 6th. J .K, ,
<br />5ba~n OQun~. N.hra8k~.
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />I r"'l~'-
<br />