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<br />. . <br />1.i' \ ~ <br /> <br />. <br />. . <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />September 4, 2008 <br /> <br />200808140 <br /> <br />'pAltCSl:-1: i~tOn. (1i:-Blo~ o~-;c,ji st;;ii~~ 'E~tates S~-bdi;I;I~I1..lhth6 eltY-biG;~d ISland, Hall'County, <br />Nebraska; <br /> <br />Lots Ora. (i), TWO (.2), Tate. (3), "Pour, (4)~ Fiv. (5)~,~.x (6), Seven (7), Elflht (8)~ NIne (9) and Ten (10), Block' <br />Two (2), Sbt'itihg Elitatds Subdl91slont Ih me CRyfif.Grarid lii"la~d, 'Hall county, Nebraska; , _ <br /> <br />Lots Onll (~), Two" (2), Three (3),' FdUr. (4), Five, (5), Six (IS), Seven (1) and E'laht, (a), BloCk Th..... (3), Sl&rUng <br />Estates Subd.\tl.lon. In thia 'Cltyot Gl1ind lil.erid, ~"I'ecSul'lty,. "N8bra.~; "' , '- <br />" <br /> <br />::'~'~. ; <br /> <br />Lots Ono (i), 1\Yo (2) and 'rh.... (3),. SIOGk Fout (4), Sterling E.taf~ SutKIlvl.lon;il'1"the City of Grand Islahd, <br />Hall Count)', Nobraaft8; , <br /> <br />Lots Oh. (1) and 'TWo (2), I{(acl( Flw (5), 'Si~~in'g EStatci. $Ubdi'lI$I~n,'ln the clty of Gil'8nd islAnd, flli.lI <br />COUhly, Neb,.sk8; <br /> <br />Lota On8, (i), Two (2),'Three (3)., Four (4), FlW (~_.rid SIx'(U), $IOck'Slx (6), sterling e_tat_ SUbdfvlslon, In <br />the City of Bf'Bnd Island, Hall Coum" Nebraska; <br />f <br />Lots O~e (i), T\vo (2), Th.... (3), Four (4), Five (6), Sit (6), Sev1iln (7) liIrid Eight (8), Block Seten (7), Sterling <br />eatahlaSubdlvl.lon,ln tho Clty'Of'Oranct Island, Hall COQnly,'Nebraska; <br /> <br />Lota One (1), Two (2), n..... (3), Four (4)," "~ve (6),' Slk (8), ('t) and EIght (8), Blo~kElght (8), Sterling <br />E.~.s SubdlvlslCfn, In ~ Clttof Oi'llnd Island, HaII"Countj-, N'eb.....k..; <br /> <br />Lots One (i), TWo (2), Three (3). ~u... (4), ,Five' (5), Six (8), S8YOn (7) arid Sight' (a), Block Nln. (0), Stllrllng <br />Estat.... SubdiviSion, In the- CIty of G.....d "Ialand, "-II 'COIl'l1f,-, Nllbl'tib " <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: The Northwest Quarti!r (NW1/4)In Section 'rWeh1e,(1:l),'In Township Elwen (11) Nortlt, Rimge <br />Tlln (10) We.' 01 the 6th P.II." Hall County, ~ebra'ska ' <br /> <br />" . <br />EXCePTING: The -"'orttlw...'t Subdivision" b'liigln. .t th~ NorthWest vomer;I Northwe.t au.iter <br />(NW1/4),theJu;:arunnlnp lIuterl~ along the North ilne" of said NOrtl1'\lVest Quarte.. (Nw1/4) a distance of One <br />Thousand One Hundred TWenty TtlniD (1,123.0) Wt, ttitnce runl1rnQ' $outh'erly .n'd parallel with the'WotllnD <br />of said NorthWest Quarter (NW1/4) III cn*t'llIncil of ' Two Hliild,..d S.v.l\ty Four" (274.0) hI.t,' thenCII miming, <br />west-.rlY and parallel to. the North /lne of. .ald Norttiwe.t Quartor (NW1/4) Onll .Thou.....d Ono Hund....d <br />Twenty Three (1,123.0) teet to a poInt On 'the Weat'lI"e of ..Id Not'thw~t Qu..u.r (NW1/4): thence rurinlng <br />nortHerly R di."nco of 1Wo Hundred s.wnty" PoUr (274.0) feet to the point rjf tieginnlh"g' <br />" . <br /> <br />eXCEPTING: Beginning at ttie SouthWeat comer of the NoJ"tllwQI Qul(tter (NW"4) of Section '1'wetve (12). In <br />TownshlpElaveh(11) North, Range TenJ10) West-of the 8tn P.M., In Hall Counl)', Nebraska, thence running <br />northerly along the Welllt lihe of .eld Northw"st Quatblr (NW1'4) Ii'dl.o.nae of EIght Hundl'lWd Twenty FIve <br />(820.'0) filet; tnerice rtJnnlngaa.tBrI, end pandlel to the "sou'th line, of liiald Notth..;.;-i. ciu"""" (NW1/4). , <br />distance 'Of' Three Hun'dred "(300.0) reet:' th:ePe9 running southerfy "llJ'Id" parallel to th.. Vlieat 'UC'hI of ~d' " <br />NorihwlISt Quarter (NW1/4) .. ell.tance of Elgllt Hundred l\Yerfty FIve (82$.0) ,.., to'. Paint' (in th. South line' . <br />bf ..Id N6rthwesl Quarter (NW1/4) R dl.t.nt.r~ of lhre. Hundred (abO,O) fGiIi to1lte p-olrit ot lxiglnnlng <br /> <br />EX(:J!PTlNG: Boglnnlng'at epOant on. the We.t line of the Northwest QuBl'ter (~1/4) of Section TWelve (12), <br />In TownshIp Eleven (11) NOrth, Riariga Ton (10) ~Q.t ofih. 8th P.M., Hali COUllty, Nebrask8~ .ald ~olntbelng <br />Eight Hundred Sev4inty-FlvliI (818.0) te.atNoi:th of the SOUthWMt c:CJmer of .ald "Northwest Quarter (NW1/4); ,- <br />,thence runnlng'no,rtI'Ierlyalong the We.t IInoof nld NOrthwest Quinter (Nw1/4) a dlstane. of bne Hund....d <br />Forty Flft (14's.n) feetj'thence running eas'tirly al'ld parailel to the SoUth line of said t:!orthwest Qu"tter <br />(NW1/4). distanDe of Th~l:'uni:lted (30It~) teet; thence ~t)Ulh"rlY and'"aralle. to the We.t 1in'8 of <br /> <br />Form sOflWare by: Automat8dReBl Estata8e~0e8. rnJ:!,,"~_Jm'Q.3aO-"j'200_ ..._....,_..... .. _ElIa:_Oa..42A <br /> <br />~ LP;'f{ <br />