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<br />'-" <br /> <br />N <br />C$l __ <br />C$l <br />()) <br />C$l <br />()) <br />~ <br />~ <br />..... <br /> <br />:$ rI! f/4J 1 $ @ @ , :13, r HIM.. It f @ rI! <br />fJJff1JpffIlU,({j <br /> <br />LEGEND <br /> <br />.-Indlcolos 112" Iron Pip. Found Olherwls. Nol.d <br />o-Indlcal" 1/2" Iron Pip. wi Survey Cop Placed Unless Olherwlse Nol.d <br />A -Indica I.. ACTUAL OI.lonc. <br />R-Indlcol.. RECOROce O/slonc. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />'J:..509",Jtsth. <br /> <br />226.J4' A s 88'41'40' { <br /> <br />7>o~.iofhir~o~:b. <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br /><; <br />'" <br />"" <br />8 <br />~ <br /> <br />'" <br />PI <br />~~ <br />"';; <br />'" <br /> <br />Lot 1 <br />(/.2S0 Ae.) <br /> <br />" <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />08dical8 40' To County Rood Right Of W(lY <br />~;:';'.,rofh}Jls:b. ~f~.50~hi';St sth. <br /> <br />'" <br />.. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> Mil r. ~ NEtjI <br /> ,,~ , <br />:B r~ .~/ ! t <br />'" <br />'Ii ~y ~ <br /> / ;; -~~ <br /> <br />Loca/lon <br /> <br />il>If <br />Skatch <br /> <br />ilm Des c r I f,l.11Qn. <br />A Irocl of land comprising all of Lol One (I) Pow.II Third <br />Subdivision ond 0 pari of Ih. Soulheosl QUOrl8r of Ih. Soulhwesl <br />Quorler (sn14SW1j4), all In Seel/on Thlrly Three (33), Township Cleven <br />(II) Norlh, Range Ton (to) Wesl of Ih8 61h. P.M" in Hall Counly, <br />Nebraska, more parlicularly d8serlbed os follows: <br />Beginning 01 Ihe soulhwesl eorn8r of Ihe Soulhwesl Quarler (sWI14); <br />Ihenc8 running eosl8rly along Ihe soulh line of Ih8 Soulh wesl Ouarler <br />(sWI14), on an Assumed Bearing of SOO'39'SI''[, a dlslanc8 of One <br />Thousand Three Hundrod F orly and Slxly One Hundredlhs (/340.6 t) <br />foel, 10 Ihe ACTUAL polnl of beginning; Ihence running NOI'19'32"E, a <br />dlslance of Two Hundred [lghly One and Nlnely Four Hundf8dlhs <br />(201.94) feel; Ihonco running SOO'41'40"[, a dlslance of Two Hundr8d <br />Twonly Six and Thlrly Four Hundredlhs (226.34) foel, 10 Ihe norlheasl <br />corner of sold Lol OM (/), Powell Third Subdivision; Ihence running <br />SO 1"/ 7'20"W along Ihe easl line of sold Lol One (/), Powell Third <br />Subdivision, a dlslanee of Two Hundred forly Two and Six Hundredlhs <br />(242.06) feel, 10 Ihe soulhoasl corner of said Lol One (/), Powell <br />Third Subdivision; Ihonee running NOO"39'22"W, along Ihe soulh line of <br />said Lol One (I), Powell Third Subdivision, a dlslanc. of On. Hundr.d <br />Sev.nly Nine and Nlnely Six Hundredlhs (/79.96) f.el, 10 Ihe soulhwesl <br />corner of said Lol One (I), Powell Third Subdivision; Ihenc. running <br />SOl '36 '07"W, a dlslanee of Farly and Three Hundredlhs (40.03) feel, <br />10 Ihe soulhwesl corner of Pow.11 Third Subdivision, and 10 a polnl on <br />Ihe soulh llno ()f sold Soulheasl Quarler of Ihe Soulhwesl Ouarler <br />(SCI/4SWI/4); Ihence running NOO'39'SI"W, along Ih. soulh line of <br />sold Soulheasl Quarler of Ihe Soulhwesl Ouorler (SCI/4SWI/4). a <br />dlslanc. of forly Six and Thlrly Three Hundredlhs (46.33) feel, 10 Ihe <br />ACTUAL polnl of beginning and conlalnlng 1,300 acres more or less. <br /> <br />~..w. Cor. SWI/4 S.C. JJ, :< <br />r II N - R 10 W. fouM 48. 119.98 A 180.0 R N IV I ~ <br />Orc.. Cop S ~ <br /> <br /> <br />I cll'-?G~1-dl~fn3f:a'j~' ~ -\ S~-Uo~:r:;~~Q.o~)~~~~i:;;i~~61in::~~O;::5rRF.7tII-- <br /> <br />I ACTUAl,. Point 01 eflf}inn"lI~ :"\,w.oJ' A (40,00' R) S O,'J6'Or W <br />48.JJ' A N ss'Jnr w -S.11 Cor. Poweil S.t;. C~r. Pcw.iI S.E. Cor. SWI/4 S.C. JJ, <br />A k I d Third Suo. Thud ~'uo. r II N - RIO W. found <br />C now e_gement I"Pip. <br />Sial. Of Nebraska ss <br />C()unly 01 Hall <br />On Ihe.f!1!lday of~'I-----, 2000 , befor9 mc.f)~L)4-f2-5'e'''''M/;'!'L._. <br />a N()lary Public wllhln and lor said Counly, porsonally appaarad VIRGILftPOWF:LL, <br />an unremarried widowor, and CONNIE KA Y VOSS and CLiFFORD L. GANNON, wife and <br />husband. 10 me parsonally known 10 bo Iho Idenl/cal p.rsons whoso signaluros are <br />affixed horolo, and Ihol each did acknowlodge Ihe execul/on Ih9reol 10 bo his or <br />her volunlory acl and d.ed. <br />IN WITNESS WHERCOf, I havo h9r.unl() subscrlb.d my name and afflx.d my <br />official soal 01 Grand Island, Nebraska, on Ihe dolo lasl above wrlllen. <br />My commission .xplres----.E1:.f,lJJ1J.L'I--/J,-ZOJL. <br /> <br /> <br />~fmTJ~ <br /> <br />~vor's Certificate <br />I c.rllfy Ihol on July 11, 2000, I compleled an aecuralo survoy of <br />'POWF:LL fOURTH SUBDIVISION', Hall Counly, N.braska, as shown on Iho <br />accompanying pial Iheroof; Ihal Ihe lois, blocks, slrools, ovonues, alleys, parks, <br />commons and ()Ihor grounds as conlaln9d In sold subdivision os shown on Iho <br />accompanying plat thoreof are well and accurolely stak.d off and markod; Ihal <br />iron markors wero plac.d 01 all 101 cornors; Ihat tho dimensions of each 101 aro <br />as .hown on Ih. pial; thai each I()t bears lis OWn numb.r; and Ihat sold survey <br />was modo wilh rel.r.nce 10 known and rocordod monumenls. <br /> <br /> <br />'<\) JJT) c= . <br />ery . ~g~~veyor No. S70 <br /> <br />c App{()vod and acc.pled by Ihe Village of Aida, <br />.....ep-1'e.\'(\be.~, 2000, <br /> <br />_ "--u.ll~'_1 <br />....~Of he Board <br /> <br />th <br />Nobraska, of <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Dedication <br />KNOW ALL MCN BY THESE PRESENTS, Ihat VIRGIL H. POWF:LL, an unromarrlod <br />wldow.r, and CONNIE KAY VOSS AND CLiffORD L. CANNON, wlfo and husband, being <br />the owners of Iho land d.scrlbed hereon, hav. caused sam9 10 b. survoy.d, <br />subdlvldod, plal/.d and d.slgnat.d as 'POWF:LL FOURTH SUBOIVISION', Hall Counly, <br />Nebraska, os shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihereof, and do horoby d.dlcale Iho <br />road rlghl of way as shown Ihereon 10 lhe public f()r Use for.ver and tho <br />eos.m."ts, if any, as shown th.reon f()r Ih. local/on, construcl/()n and <br />malnlenanco of publ/c sSfVIe. ullllllos forov.r, logelh.r wilh Iho right 01 <br />and ogross therelo, and hllroby prohlblllng Ihe planl/ng of bushes and <br />shrubs, or placing olhor obslrucl/ons upon, ovor, along or und.rnoolh lhe surtoc. <br />()f such .asemenls; and thai Ih. forllgolng subdivision as more parl/eularly <br />dllscrlbed In Ihe d.scrlpl/on hereon as appears on Ihls pial Is modo wllh Ih8 free <br />consent and In accordance wilh the desires of Ihll undorslgn9d owners and <br />proprlelors. <br />IN WITNESS WHf8fOf, We h vo afflxod our signa lures horolo 01 Grand Island, <br />Nebros;a, thl}l'l!1.d'l1fol ~,2000. <br /> <br />/ ;' <- ...... If--A';...t/1 <br />~r,' ..._-~ .c ..' ~ <br />~ . P 8// ~);Voss <br />.&~~~-- <br />Gi/fford L. Gannon <br /> <br />"':'.1. ~ <br />'~\.~ ~~ <br />~."t ~ <br />~: r ; <br /> <br />U) <br /> <br />~ <br />?}; <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />15. <br /> <br />C') (.II <br />C;;l,. <br />~ '"j <br />_I fTl <br />; ~;: <br />-;1 <br />~ ;~ <br />~~ <br />.. <br />,~ <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />'" <br />0> <br />'" <br />00 <br />..... <br />i-' <br />..... <br /> <br />POWELL <br />HALL <br /> <br />FOURTH SUBDIVISION <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ROCKWELL ANO ASSOC. L L C . ENGINEERING <t SURVErlNG - GRANO ISLA NO, NEURASKA <br /> <br />Sho.1 No. I 01 I <br />